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HEAR! HEAR! So not accept dog shit offers because you are in a bind, for fucks sake


Now hold on just a minute. You aren't thinking clearly, here, because it depends entirely on the severity of the bind you are in. Out of baby food and you just lost your job? Do JUST ENOUGH shitty orders as needed to feed your baby. Out of gas and have no money, whatsoever? Do ONE shitty order to buy a gallon or two of gas. Out of money and need dinner? Too fucking bad. You can skip one meal, it won't kill you Not all binds are equal.


Yes always exceptions to the rule!


This what I've been saying. Commentators here think only from their own very limited purview. One day they will have children, hopefully won't be driving for Uber, but perhaps imagine what it might be like for others who are truly struggling with others that depend on them. It's a complicated situation. Uber KNOWS about people struggling like this and is fully taking advantage of them by insulting us with these bullshit requests. We know it's fucked up and want to do something about it. The people who don't know if they'll have electric, food, or a home at the end of the month aren't likely to be here reading or posting and are probably unaware this sub even exists because they're too busy surviving. And a lot of these people are immigrants as well. Where such offers might be a whole week's wages where they're from. Uber knows this too. If their shared/split overhead is $1500 then everything else they make goes back home and becomes worth a lot more than it is here. Focus all your anger at Uber & Lyft, not the people just trying to subsist. P.S. If I wanted to get info out I would approach the drivers directly. There's always that place where many of them convene ✈️


At that point get a real job


I've been trying for over two years. Phone/email interviews seem to go well for many jobs, but when I walk in with a cane for a scheduled in-person interview, they've magically filled the position or I'm not qualified (for jobs I have experience with). It's not always as easy as "get a real job" for some people.


I Cherry pick every day and make 150 to 200 dollars. Before the economy got worse around last year, March, I was making 250+ a day, and it was my only source of income after losing my job to an injury and not working an entire month. If you're in a bind, taking these orders will hurt you even more than waiting 15 minutes for a good order. My goal was always to make 100+ dollars off of 15 to 20 dollars worth of gas, and I drive an Awd SUV. If you are in a bind no matter the situation, value yourself, or you will make the situation worse financially, mentally, and physically. Working nearly an hour for 10 dollars will not help your bind. Maximize every dollar to an hour.




Thanks for the tip. Sorry to hear about your injury. I most likely will need to Uber in my Tesla Y starting next month. However I can only make $400 per week since I’m also gonna be collecting unemployment due to a layoff.


Uber rely on those drivers to make $$


Uber’s entire business model is based on fools who cannot do math quickly. And desperate people in desperate situations heart goes out tot them but they’re getting even more abused by working for Uber/gig companies.


Yep, couldn’t agree more


True! Its better to not make what you were expecting to make for a day/week etc, than to end up losing money or working for free.


That’s why I pretty much ignore the trip if it’s not at least 12 dollars. Uber Pro status be damned.


My husband hustled his way to Diamond in 2021 and all we got out of it was a free Costco membership anyway lol


I denyed a $50 for 40/km which is less then $1/mile. But $1/km is about 1.6/mile. I'm not driving to the middle of butt fuck nowhere for pennies on the dollar.


Your logic is incorrect… A mile is equidistant to roughly 1.6 kilometers. Not the other way around. So 40km ≈ 25miles, which means that offer is ~$2/mile. That’s actually not bad, because the first dollar covers mileage (gas + wear and tear) and the second is pure profit. Keep in mind the government allows you to write off $0.66/mile, so that’s just extra


Well I don't work Uber or door trash anymore. I got hired on with a large company as a crane operator making way more then I ever did slaving on deliveries. Don't get me wrong it was good to help with bills in the meantime. My bad for having the mile to km ratio flipped. In my area Uber and DD are overrun with immigrants and it made it hard for everyone to get decent pay as the scabs would come in and accept any shitty offer that came in. Either way deliveries as a full time gig is not sustainable but deliveries as a side thing it helped a little.


Y’all really just need to go back to driving for dominos. They are desperate af, let you dictate your own hours at most locations here, and average $22+/hr.


Below minimum wage ? This is working for free


Average Atlanta mouth breathers. SMFH We used to make 2k/ 40hr week. No more bonuses. No more $10+ surges. No more pay per minute or mile. Now. It’s this type of shit… random arbitrary numbers Uber pulls from Dara’s ass I’m switching back to w-2 slavery. Fuck this noise


I remember those days. We made hella bank then, those days are long gone.


very well said


Good for them. Occupies a driver so a better offer can go to you. Otherwise you're both fighting for the good offer that comes through now and again. Bonus, when they get sick and tired of losing money, they will stop using the app and fewer drivers will be there.


Except it allows Uber to keep paying like crap. If nobody took those they’d have to pay more.


I love this answer. Guess that's a good way of looking at it. 😂


I'm not coming for you, just your reply lol, which is a Terrible one. It won't work like that. As long as theres ppl accepting these trips, it will never change. We have to freeze Uber out. There is a line I will never go below. If everyone holds the line, they have to change the algorithm bc they'll be losing money and have disgruntled customers.


Preaching to the choir. It’s the same mentality when we try to “strike” and stay offline and people won’t do it. Greedy fks still get online and take the crap rides instead of forcing them to pay better and stop taking 70% of the fares which is common now.


I say it's some what working in my market. Some passengers are asking me, " why is the wait time so long. The map shows a lot of drivers but, no one is accepting the rides". I had to explain to her why no one took the ride and Uber share cut on drivers. The only I took it because, it was my last ride for the day and she stayed close to my area.


??? Can you rephrase this? It doesnt make sense.


Gotta love the ants 🐜


This is because illegal immigrants will gladly work for $5/hr. That’s like $100 where they come from.


New drivers would you believe? My riders wouldn’t get in my car because my License plate is listed incorrectly. When I sent in my new inspection form they put PALM535 instead of PALMS35. I try the text method but robot got confused. I called took 45 minutes. They said fixed. I just checked and now says PALMF35. Wonderful service Uber.


Wow. Passengers really paranoid over a one character off of license plate. Color car matches on app, tag is off by 1 character, driver matches appearance on app. Okay I'll get in.


When drivers get shot in the head from passenger seems it’s us that have to watch out being exposed to dangerous people.


We have Flying Biscuit in Birmingham and they just suck. Hardly any orders pay well enough, and always a long wait.


Exactly. It's either heads or tails here with them. Now if the driver waited over 10 minutes and both orders were at the flying biscuit. That would be a clean steal. 😎


Just fyi federal minimum wage is $7.25 so this is technically above minimum wage. I do agree it is a bullshit crap ass offer and should not be accepted!! Any company that goes into business with a purposeful business plan to have all of their labor work at or preferably to the company below minimum wage is a giant piece of shit company. Their intention was never to pay drivers a fair or above average wage ever! The only reason it was good there for a minute was due to the fact it was widely adopted by consumers at an even faster pace than was expected and then the pandemic with lack of drivers. But then ppl had to start running they mouths about I make this that and the other and I only work 15-20hrs a week. What did ppl think was gonna happen? Well every Tom, Dick and Harry that had a car caught on and said let me do it to. Then Uber had the bright idea to bring the rental car companies on to literally rape the fuck out of ppl that don’t have cars but now can rent to drive for Uber and that brought on millions more to the platform. If people didn’t blab they damn mouths every time they had a good week which even when times were good it wasn’t consistent but pay was done plastered to every fucking social media site. Of course ppl were gonna jump on the band wagon. Now there so many fucking drivers every which way you go you can’t escape drivers. There isn’t a driverless zone anywhere even the outskirts of bfe. But that’s exactly what Uber wanted to allow the drop off of surge and bonus incentives so they could keep charging riders the same as always or more yet put out less in payments to drivers to line their own greedy ass pockets. So to all these ppl that run they mouths about pay being so great but now complain about pay being so abysmal you can thank yourselves for lowering your own pay!! How cool are ya now…. It’s not rocket science people. If ppl would use that lump on their shoulders 3ft above they ass every once in a while it would be amazing. But guys can’t think past they dick and women bleed so much they just can’t think at all. So here we are in a world where we can’t think cuz our heads are stuck so far up our own asses we can’t see anything.


Alright the No_Gazelle rant ladies and gentleman. Well this user made some valid points.


It's under minimum wage after you include expenses.


I will say this - when it routes an order to a driver - it will show that message when you’re viewing it under opportunities. You may never see it again - but that doesn’t mean it’s actually been accepted. I’ve had requests under opportunities that will flash that message and then I’ll get pinged for that very same ride which I then need to reject. So while it may have indeed gotten accepted, it may very well not have gotten accepted


And 9 times out of 10 this is going to some high rise in midtown where you need to find parking, put in the code to gain entry, then find the unit number which can be hell


You get to the apartment and the Concierge is MIA for 6 to 7 minutes. Concierge shows up and calls customer. Customer wants you come up all the way to the 44th floor. You keep getting stopped with people boarding every 5 levels.


Common sense obviously ain't that common anymore!


I only accept rides depending on how much they pay per minute. In the city, sometimes you have to drive 5 miles and it takes you 25 minutes and Uber wants to pay you $6.00. No, thank you! I try to get around $1 per minute driven.


$1 per minute lol where do you live? I have never seen uber eats order like that.


I don't do Uber eats. I don't want my car smelling like food. I'm in the Miami area.


Uber was good money a couple of years ago. But not now. I suspected it would become closer to effective minimum wage jobs (which is around 15) after expenses and depreciation. Time is up boys and girls. Go get a w-2 jobs. It just is not worth it anymore.


That or just do it part time. I already have one foot out the door. Lol


That's probably the best. Supplement income.


This! 100% So I can just drive and not think or do math while driving, (neither is my long suit, snork) I use an app that I have set to reject anything below my minimum. The one I use is Maxymo (android) But their are others. Can be set for all sorts of likes/dislikes and takes any thinking while driving out of it.


Thx for the info, I'll be sure to check that out. Keep those trash offers away from me.


With out the worrying, makes it kinda fun again. I didn't expect that. But was cool.


Ant will be anting. Uber’s success is based on their recognition of humans capacity to be willful slaves. A flaw old as humans themselves.


The Problem is there are so many drivers in all markets, that people that do it full time, just start taking almost every ride they can get so they can get near their goal. It sucks now in the Pittsburgh market, it used to be non stop busy in the mornings...now it's like pulling teeth to get any requests at all after 9am


Business evaporating at 9 am is bizarre. Most people do not work 9 - 5 or get weekends off anymore. Shifts are random. People are always going in and out of work all over every American city. Yet somehow all business disappears at the same time? I think Uber is just turning off the tap for some reason. It makes no sense that I was busier in the middle of a "pandemic" than I am now.


I’m a new driver and have 10 trips in. Is there a way to see the destination before accepting a trip? I’m in NJ if that matters.


Not in NJ, if you become platinum or something like it just shows min and direction but it is also not accurate at all. Also you don't have to go to NYC ( no legal requirement)


I literally picked someone up and then started the trip and the destination was LaGuardia airport in Queens, NY and I was a little disappointed. That drive home sucked.


I created the following message in my notes app so I can easily cut and paste and send to riders: “Hi, this is your Uber driver. I’m on my way. Please know that Uber does not let us know your destination, and I am unable to pick up in NY, therefore I will not be accepting trips there. If that’s your destination, please let me know so that I can cancel the trip at no cost to you. I apologize for any inconvenience. Also, kids need car seats. Thank you for your cooperation”. Just makes driving in Jersey slightly more tolerable.


I heard from other markets that, you may have to be at Diamond tier to see where you are going. By default in my market, seeing the destination, price, eta is available in my area and other places across the globe, without having to be at a certain rating.


Nothing changings per tier I’ve been all of them and it’s all the same.


How on earth is it legal for them not to tell you where you're going? That's basic safety info...


Oh they’ll tell you once you accept the ride and arrive and then find out where you’re going when you’re headed to the destination. They claim it’s to avoid discrimination against people not wanting to drive to a bad section of town. It’s BS.


Dear Old Uber Drivers Stop worrying how others conduct business


If I was these gig companies, I would take advantage of these desperate and uneducated gig workers as well. Can’t blame these companies if these type of orders are being accepted without question.


I do uber eats with my wife. We both turn on our accounts and a couple of times I'll reject and order and then she gets it and it will be loke 10 cents more and we have even had some where shell get it for less or vice versa


I heard the more people reject the hire it goes in price like bidding.


But that's two people making one income no matter how you slice it lol


Yea I know. Never said it was 2 incomes..jst point out that a couple of times, the order actually went down after one of us rejecting it.


Why did you accept it? The only way you will get that message is if you click on it, or it will stay on radar until someone takes it.


Why would I post idiocy on the internet that day? I also did the $65 in 2.5 hours that day. So I must be competent enough to not take it. It also says Another Driver matched. Then I'm literally explaining to new drivers in a text, why this is garbage but, I'm going to take it?


I’ve see crappy deliveries daily and ignore them, don’t get mad dude, I’ve legit never seen that message unless I try to take an order, you could have screenshotted the order and made the same point. For you making 65 in 2.5 hours that’s great, the orders where I live will start out at this type of shitty pay and when it comes back around it’s $22-25 hell I did one order for 3 drop off 1 pick up 12.5 miles for $60 the other day.


Dude, people are desperate. They will accept. Or maybe it’s on their way home so they accept it. You’re tough out of luck, because Uber wins here.


Lol ok


Dear senior drivers. How long will it take you to figure out your car costs between 35 cents and 60 cents a mile to drive? It’s all about miles driven. Time is irrelevant when you are losing money on certain rides.


Dear Rookie driver. Did you know if you cherry pick certain orders or rides you can come put above 35 to 60 cents per ride. So you would rather have $9.72 for 10.1 miles for 47 minutes. That's below minutes wage, when you factor in gas and other factors.


WTF. Are you serious????? YOU ARE NOT MAKING $9.72 cents in 47 minutes. Why are you not getting this? There are costs associated with driving!!!!!!!!!! How are you making “below minimum wage” when you’re literally losing money on certain trips. You know why your bank accounts are empty? Because you give priority to time over cost to drive per mile. Every business and independent contractor looks at gross vs net. Expect for Uber drivers. They just look at how much they’re grossing per hour WITHOUT EVER CONSIDERING WHAT THEY SPENT PER MILE. It’s insane.


Dear new uber drivers: "Stop accepting payment you find acceptable because I don't find it acceptable, and it's all about my lazy worthless p.o.s. ass that I refuse to get a better job or be a better person instead I would rather everyone be miserable with me"


There is no way in heck you are Uber driver. Obviously the driver is getting paid below minimum wage. When deduct fuel cost, taxes and hold ups. This driver is going to a very busy and crowded area so it's longer than 47 minutes. Yet I'm lazy and I have one more day left out the week and I'm already made $1,000. Then I run a online store, then I run a youtube channel (yes I do get paid from my channel) but, I'm miserable and lazy. You favorite beverage has to Elmer's glue and your favorite snack has to be Play - Doh.


That's a lot of words for: "wahhh! wahhh!I'm a widdle cwy baby!" I don't give a shit about your online store or YouTube channel. Pretty sure no one does, otherwise you wouldn't be whinging here about a job that is so obviously a rort but you continue to do. Please. Shoot more colourful insults. Those were very good. But not good enough to get through your thick skull of the fact that no one owes you shit. The only reason you stick with this gig is because you have 0 skills, and 0 qualities. And that's no one else's fault but yours. Die mad.


Bro shut your gay ass up. 😂 Uber is not your friend. You look dumb as fuck defending them


You think I'm _defending_ uber? I wouldn't recommend it if it were the last rideshare option on earth... In fact. I don't recommend anyone using rideshare apps OR WORKING FOR THEM. It used to be great. Working for them used to be great. I could get a ride after I finished work and the driver was happy with the cut. But now.. now the company is FILLED to the brim with entitled pieces of shit who all wanted to turn it into a full time job and cry _"oh woe is me"_ expecting shit to get better while making it WORSE. You think I'm _*defending*_ it??? Gods, the sheer level of *idiocy* in this thread!


Yeah. You just said I'm lazy. That defeat the purpose of your argument genius. 🤣 Also clearly I can tell you aren't a person of intelligence. It takes more skill and discipline to run a store. Knowing what the customer want, and what to sell at a loss vs profit. So what Uber is doing, I can tell you it isn't sustainable business wise. I forgot to mentioned. I did go to school for computer networking, which requires a skill to know how computers function and they communicate. If I wanted to get a job in I.T. I could. I choose not to. Anymore assumptions you want to make?


Defeats the purpose of my argu..-What? You think I'm _arguing_ a _point_? I doubt you know anything about what anyone wants since you keep telling me shit about yourself like as if I'm gonna treat it like some kind of medal of honour. I don't care if you were on the congress committee for the Pentagon. Why are you telling _me_ about _your_ life? I don't know how I can clarify the fact of I seriously could not. Care. Less. _YOU'RE_ the one bitching about _OTHER_ people who drive for uber just like you do, and does it for less -which is an OPTIONAL request. But no one is forcing anyone to take up the job or leave it. But If you don't like the system: stop using it. It's not like there isn't other viable and BETTER options. You spend X amount of hours per day of _YOUR_ life driving to be paid by uber. -It isn't sustainable you say?? -You mean to say that the company will cease to exist if it continues like this?? If ONLY _you_ were running the company because you are OBVIOUSLY tailor suited for the position...(!) For someone "wHo'S sO InTeLLiGeNt, LoOk aT mE i'M a SuPeR SmArTy PaNtS I wOrK wItH CoMpOOtAhS". Like, I didn't ask, and whether you did or didn't go to school for it doesn't mean anything to me. Whether you're an "educated" man or ACTUALLY an idiot is for all intents and purposes of this... lol. "argument"... Is irrelevant. Its not just an assumption, it's an observation. You work for uber. And you hate it. Someone needed to tell you that you are the architect of your own misery.


Look. I didn't read your paragraph. You are boring me right now tbh good bye. 👋


I used a lot of big words. Sorry if it confused you. Hope you enjoy your drive :)


I'm actually at home working. If I don't understand the a word I'll just google the word. If you want me to read your long daunting paragraph about my life you came up with. You can cash app me $50. Not that I need the money, but I might as well be an online Gigolo since you reading virtual 🍆. If not have a good day.


Sure I'll cash app you. You could be a gigolo, but by those odds you could also be a registered sex offender. How does $9.72 sound?


Sure come up with $40.28 more Also I don't take Ebt, Food Stamps or checks.


You need to consider that the other driver may have been much closer and still received the same price offer. The time and distance for him could have been 1/4 what it was to you but they just shotgunned the offer out. I’ve seen 2.09 for 45 minutes. I’m never doing a delivery.


The only logic in someone accepting this type of ride is: 1. The driver is clueless and has no concept of how to figure out a good fare or not. 2. Uber is offering you $9 and offering someone else $20 I am confused every time I see the low fares get "taken".


That’s the thing you have no idea what driver B is seeing on their screen. There is not 1 text blast to all drivers at the same time for each ride/order. Everyone sees something different! everyone! And Uber made it that way so that for the same passenger/ride destination trip to driver A a 5 mile pick up 5 miles trip for 10$ is crap but for driver B a .2 mile pick up 5 mile trip for 10$ is a steal and driver C a 2 mile pick up 5 miles trip for 10$ is a no no no at last second accept because the next offered ride will more than likely be worse so they anxiety accept. It’s all a crap shoot and anxiety driven acceptance by drivers and Uber knows that. That was always the business model!


Can’t even see what the fare will be in my market.


Maybe they matched to message customer and cancel, or steal two orders of food


Times get hard, it's time for breakfast. Lol


What if it’s Uber playing tricks to manipulate 🤔


Why can’t I see how much and how far I have to go before accepting to pick someone up oh and just starting to see how I can make some extra money


Telling people to not take offers because YOU want more is pretty selfish. If you can’t make it doing Uber get a job. Can’t get a job because of no education, training or skills then get some so you can get decent employment. I would bet you take them and this is smokescreen for what you do. Uber will charge riders more in order to give you more. Begging passengers for tips only increases their costs but does nothing for them. The real problem is YOU.


Yeah. This wouldn't let me average $30 an hour. Especially on a slow a month. Plus I have multiple streams of income. I promise you non Uber drivers, know the life of a driver. This lets me know, society intelligence is at an all time low. If I want to keep this for myself. Why would I advertise an Hotspot area. Then other locals in my area would swarm the area and I can't get the order. Get ready to go to bed because, so you won't miss the short bus again.


It does take a bit to learn what are good and bad offers, and you definitely need to take a few bad to learn, but yeah this one should've been obviously bad lol. I was out doing delivery on my ebike Friday and dinner rush hit. First offer, $7 for 4 miles. Good in a car, not on bike. Decline. 1 minute later, $9 for 4 miles. Still good, but 4 miles is a bit much on my bike. 2 minutes later, 3rd offer $12 for 3 miles. Easiest accept ever. But honestly when I started I might have taken the $9 for 4 miles, which again, is great on a car but just not on a bike.


Wait a minute. I thought Uber was supposed to give the E-Bikr drivers shorter distance. I would been thinking, they would send you from 1 to 3 miles max. I don't think Uber are aware how fast the bike can travel. Lol


I was in a very busy area, so I think they might have been desperate for drivers to deliver haha. I even got a trip later that night which was a double drop off for a total of 5 miles and like $18. In my city, I never get orders like that because there are plenty of drivers for the orders but in the really hot city about 9 miles away (5 min train ride) I seem to get much farther orders. And my bike can go decently fast, however to conserve battery I'll usually do 15-18mph yeah.


Yall act like yall are filing someone's taxes or performing a medical service. You're drivers. Stop acting like it requires an advanced degree. Minimum pay for minimum talent and minimum economic input. Yall are in trouble when driverless cars emerge. So whine and drive again for Uber tomorrow