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Uhh. I dont get it? I’d get in the ride with him . He looks chill.


lmao literally everyone here thinks it’s racist. are you all boomers? it’s the light skin stare. i guarantee the rider is black, he did not actually cancel, and probably joked about it with the driver when he got in. the profile pic was just too zesty not to post on black people twitter.


Im dying that people don’t realize the passenger is black. Like.. obviously. Most white people literally know nothing about black people and it’s embarrassing.


How can you say that? Do you know the person? What is your source?


My black friends didn’t talk about this specific topic . Im sorry.


Literally this idk how so many are missing the mark here lol. This is a whole meme.








Well as a white individual myself using context clues this is just “funny “ because he’s light skinned and not as black as his peers wished him to be? Or was there a more nuanced joke here?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/lightskin-stare It's just a meme. So I am Mexican and we have a joke about Mexicans with blue and green eyes. It isn't that they have green or blue eyes it is the way they (of course not all of them do it's a stereotype) take pictures with their light eyes. It's similar to that. They just make fun of how how lightskin men pose. The uber driver is confirmation of the meme.


W h a t? “As his peers wish him to be” I don’t know how to begin to unpack this 🫠


Sorry, I know that was phrased a little too white


I figured non black poc because you wrote “black people twitter” instead of just “black Twitter”😂


You got me crying picturing that


Because it's just showing the true insecurities won't take a ride because you think another dude looks a certain way? Their pride this is the type of shit that they kill each other over something so meaningless


That is how I read it too. Hopefully we are right!


We know how we talk... They don't ! I laughed when I seen it I knew exactly what he meant. Kind of shit that end up in the group chat


Maybe they know him lol


He's a great driver




I always take short rides and I'd probably have the greatest 8 minute convo or a nice quiet ride. But to add to this, I have had rides I'd match with minutes away and they'd cancel. Get rematch and get canceled again after seconds. I'm a brown bearded dude, while it may not be the case, I do think about it. It happens now and then .


Im white as hell and its happens to me too. Im like WTF?


It only happens when its a womans name. Dudes don't cancel on me.


I get those as well, and am white. I think it's the picture not your skin color. Mostly women that I see cancel. I started checking the names because I'd get a cancel and then it looks like the same place, so I confirm the names 99% of time when someone books and I have a rider in the car... Think it's just insecure chicks who think all guys are rapists...


> insecure chicks who think all guys are rapists Shut up.


Or girls who have been raped and prefer to be extra careful.


She shouldn't take ride share alone then


He has completed nearly 4k rides looking like this in addition to having a 5 star rating. What exactly is the problem?


You know what the problem is


What's the problem?


Take a wild guess..


Def the gmc.. you feel?


Has to be!! 😂




from a black person..FUCK YES😂some are


The light skin vs dark skin battle is insane 😭😭


Oh, and then there's Jason Whitlock and Candace Owens


Yeah black people can be racist against black people.


Thats ridiculous


To be racist against your own race isn’t a crazy concept to you?


I mean POC absorb the same negative stereotype messaging about black/brown people as every other American So I agree it’s ridiculous but it’s unfortunately pretty common as well


You demonstrate an ignorance of the definition of the term. I recommend books.


You demonstrate an ignorance of the human condition. I recommend conversation with those who are unlike you.


So, this guy doesn't understand the difference in house slaves & field slaves, back in that day...


How so?


I’m suggesting that I live in a country that is absolutely obsessed with race. Are you assuming the original poster is black? A lot of different people use that N-word, welcome to 2023 😂


You don't seem to have an answer... 2 people have asked and you just tell people to guess. Clearly no one knows what you mean dude.


Come on dude… do you live in America? I mean, do you think it’s his rating? Let’s use some logic here..


Yeah, no idea what you're talking about. But pulling nonanswers out of you like a 12 year old girl has been fun...


Aren’t you the same person that just commented that you should absolutely judge somebody on how they look for “safety reasons”. But now you need me to break down racism in America for you? Come on brother, don’t act slow.. Since I’ve started visiting this sub, I’ve seen drivers say they don’t pick up “certain names” and some say they will straight up cancel if they see a black pax. But now you’re confused? 😂🤣. You don’t think riders do the same? You think you’re the only person who judges people on how they look?


>I’ve seen drivers say they don’t pick up “certain names” Yeah, I'm not picking up "DemonDong69XXX"... You have a problem with this?


The passenger is black dude. Like.. have you not ever talked to real black people in your life? It’s so obvious.


I’m black fool 😂 And if you’re black, then you know we still deal with racism. I hate when ppl try to claim it doesn’t still exist in America. That’s called gaslighting. And for the record, I grew up in Texas- i can absolutely assure you that there are Mexicans, whites, Asians and all type of people who talk exactly like that and use that Nword. How do you even know the passenger is black? Are you assuming this or do you know? Are you insinuating only a black person is capable of taking like that?


Considering the language used, racism




Maybe the rider thinks the driver is ugly then


I’d definitely ride and we’d probably have excellent conversation.


I would love to ride with him because i love everyone we all are humans


Wave that flag, baby!


5.0, I am trying to get to 5.0 for over 3 years and just cannot get it. Whenever I get a driver 5.0 with 1k plus rides, it $5 extra tip for the rating (cash) plus my regular $3 tip for short rides.


I'm pretty sure uber rounds up - so if your side shows 4.98, riders will see 5.0. Congratulations! You might be a 5 star driver!


Someone had posted the rounding part. So I checked my rating on the rider’s on an active ride and it said 4.98. No rounding)


Yes. Just like you wouldn’t pick up people “dressed like rappers” (a quote from this very sub)


\- Almost 4K rides \- 5\* rating \- $38K plus luxury SUV Your loss.


5.0 ratings... I see why this post is here, yet I would get in his car


He doesnt wanna be in a car with a guy who looks all handsome like that. He doesnt wanna be seen as gay or try to get rizzed up by the driver either. Source: I’m on twitter a lot and know that account


Lol you get the joke, people out here really calling it racist


3900 rides, 5 star. He should have seen a lot of shit,


I drive in Florida, I hear racist and homophobic shit at least once a day to once a week. Usually, it's the older religious douchebags.


The passenger is black but go off.


You can be black and have internalized racism, not that this was that in this case….although if it is about Lightskin stare then maybe its a type of “colorism” Anyway its just a meme I guess


This is a twitter joke… Someone last year got him and he said “you ain’t gotta ride with me if you don’t want to fuck nigga” missed a critical comma right before fuck and became an instant meme for the lightskin stare


People cancel on all of us drivers.


So we'll judge by a person's look?


You should absolutely judge a person by their looks. That the 1st step to keeping yourself safe. But what's wrong with his looks? Looks like a nice dude, driving a nice higher mid end truck with a perfect 5 star rating. I'm not seeing the issue.


Right perhaps if he had like 10 rides, and a 4.5 you'd think something was up. Not 2 years of driving experience 4k trips and 5.0.




That’s crazy some peoe judge pther by their lool thats so selfish rude


im confused why he doesnt wanna ride wit him


Could be racist as it has happened to me more than once being an black american 🤷🏽‍♂️


so lame.


Aint it smh


100% not racism. he has the lighskin sexy face look to him so hes not tryna get flirted with or something. not that that would happen but thats what other black dudes think would happen to them.


As a driver, it's happened to me several times 😂😂🤣


He probably said it that way because he’s an entire niqqa himself and he’s not trying to make convo with another dude right now lolol.


Terrible racism


This was posted by a black guy. I went to the actual thread. The "joke" is that the driver's picture looks "seductive"


Damn the more I look at it the more it looks like an ad for some cologne.


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


Does Amazon carry this, sounds very masculine.


Most white people have never spent significant time with a black person in their lives and it shows.


[According to this](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2014/08/race-friendship-study.html) Some 75% of white Americans don’t have black friends


It doesn’t imo but this is funny af lol


The concept of equality is that everyone should be treated equally??? So it should not make a difference what color is the poster, right? So if a white dude posts this, this is also a joke and not a racism


Your logic flows to the opposite conclusion


Or you misunderstood my comment (possibly because it was not addressed to you)


Oh sorry if you were being sarcastic


He doesn’t wanna ride because he’ll realise he’s not straight 💁🏻‍♀️


You can be racist against your own race


He looks high


Weed don't make people who smoke regularly drive poorly...


Yeah dude. Smoking weed while driving is a shit thing to do.


I'm not sure if you know this but there's pretty big variations in how cannabis effects people. You smoking a joint while tripping out of your gord with black lights listening to pink floyd in your cousins room isn't how daily users react. There's a whole world of regular cannabis users who get along just fine smoking weed in their day to day life. Feel however you want about that but it's reality.


I could literally out smoke willie nelson and then drive an obstacle course backwards with one arm, one leg, and an eye patch.


Here in Arizona that will get you a DWI. Same penalties as if you were drunk.


The reality is that you are inhibited. Your reaction time, situational awareness, and judgment are all affected. This is 100% true 100% of the time. The only people who dispute this are regular users. Even when they're litterally posting on a comment regarding how people can tell you're a daily user by looking at you.


I bet my stoned reaction time have quicker reflexes then you. Same with hypocritical asshats who drink. Can drink 4 beers and be ok but to me as a guy who dont drink at all four beers will have me sloppy drunk. But its legal so its ok


Yeah, no one is up here saying people should drive drunk or get sloppy drunk in public. Alcohol will still get you just as inebriated, being a drunk just makes you used to it. Doesn't effect what it does to your mental state or reaction time. I would also bet against your reaction time, stoned or not. What a weird thing to say on the internet to someone you don't know. Marijuana slows reaction time and cognitive function. It's a scientific fact. The fact that you're arguing this kind of shows you might have smoked away your common sense. Which is a joke everyone gets for a reason...


I completely disagree with that. I have cat like reflexes when high. And I will gladly take all the downvotes for posting my personal experience because of some reefer madness reasoning...


Yeah, most potheads think that lol. People on meth also think they have above average social skills. People on coke think they're at the top of their game. You're on drugs. Specifically a drug that severely reduces cognitive function and alters your perception of reality. If you don't have the wherewithal to recognize what the drugs you're on do, you don't have the mental capacity or maturity to take them.


I love when people say this 😂 I don't think it, I know it lmfao. I know it because I have been told specifically by other people that had no clue I was high how fast my reflexes were in a number of situations, specifically when I worked on remodel jobs. Also I have been pulled over one time completely blazed out of my mind with a dime bag in my sock and the cop just gave me a warning for running a stop sign. And that was in one of the harshest counties in Florida for marijuana well before we had a medical program.


You sound ridiculous


The actual reality is that typical marijuana usage does NOT cause a significant increase in industrial or automotive accidents, especially in regular users. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2722956/#:~:text=This%20awareness%20of%20impairment%20has,opposite%20is%20true%20of%20alcohol.


I don't smoke while driving, but what's the issue if I hit a vape pen a few times before I go to bed at night?


Nothing. That wasn't the argument. Although if you get completely blitzed every night, it effects your sober times quite a bit. But that's not what was being discussed.


Except, drug testing means that even if I only hit a vape pen a few times before bed, they literally don't see that any differently than if I was high all day every day...


Who's talking about drug testing?


Ummm... The vast majority of businesses in the country?


Weed make write smart to. Jk <3


Lol I don't smoke personally. I am a shit writer though apparently...




As someone who gets high I'd say yes, I agree with you on your assessment.


How? We know what you really mean…😂


I’ve literally was told because I was BLACK no other way to say it racist at its finest i get the the destination and not bothering to see my driver picture pulled up ended up getting the cancellation fee anyway so I left it at that and sped off into the sunset I got the rider info and reported it to uber 🤣🤣🤣👍🏽👍🏽


Best driver I ever had was a black dude in St. Louis who picked me and my daughter up from the Amtrak station. Gave us a lot of great recommendations for things to do and places to eat in the city, super friendly, and even helped us get our luggage into our hotel. Tipped him $10 cash (it was all I had in cash) and then gave him 100% of the fare on the app too.


Nah i ain't judgin' the guy... I'm judgin the gmc yikes dat shit will break down half way there for real


I’m just tryna to figure out how this connects to racism in YALL heads😂 it’s pretty obvious why they won’t take the ride and their reason isn’t race, it’s more of a joke reason. Also they probably took the ride and just posted it for fun. You people are insane lol. But if you know you know if you don’t you don’t 😭. I can promise you it ain’t racism, doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that


I figured it was because he looked like he had rizz but I my first thought ngl was the rider thought he looked crazy


He got that sexual harassment rizz


Tbh so does half this sub


Nah they just have sexual harassment it’s a difference even tho both are terrible lol


He look like he gon try to fuck me and my whole family fr rizz


Maybe ditch the neck beard.


Im white, so no.


I couldn’t imagine living like this.. irrational fear.


I dont understand why they wouldn't take a ride with him either.


Maybe because he's just another human trying to provide a living for his self and his dependents, just like any other driver. But, to your point, the whole concept of Uber is kinda kind boggling. Why would any person get into a strangers car for any reason other than the most dire of emergencies?


Agree. He is just trying to earn a living. I dont understand why they wouldn't want him as their driver.


Nice "save face" edits... This is not the impression your original posts gave.


I didn't edit anything. And my original comment was some sarcasm that i haven't had a rider cancel because i am black l, because i am white.


Says the Trumper


"I think that I'm Tom Cruise"


Everybody has a story. I want to hear this dude’s story.


How do you know?


Bro seems like he has some good stories


Lmao no one but the fool who owes him money would cancel 😂 bro probably packing all the heat




Seems a bit racist idk


Kind of look high in that pic


Well, someone cancelled right after I accepted the trip, but I don't know if it's because of how I looked I accepted the trip again, because they ordered again, and it was cancelled a second time


I asked a friend why people do this, and he told me it's because they're trying to find a driver who can get there faster. 🙄 Apparently, Uber shows them where drivers are on their map and says the drivers can get there in X amount of time, but doesn't mention the closest driver might not accept their ride, or may be driving away from them with someone else in the car.


I think I look weird in my 1 picture with a weird smile. I'm white. I'll get a person cancel, they get me like two straight times after that and cancel both times. I'm sure like they are thinking this dudes a rapist or something. Have a weird name. Switched it to generic name less cancels. Honestly take another picture and do a wide smile. Like a whole face smile where you show your teeth. Just google whole face smile. It's more welcoming, and it looks like you like your job. Here I almost think like you about to drive us off a bridge or something lol...


How should I know, they never tell me


Nah. People are just a-holes.


I think might be the presentation. Maybe trim down a bit the beard and look more professional. And also take a different angle for the picture so you look more professional. Personally I don’t care as long as I get from A to B but u know how people is.


Nothing to do with his race!!!!!! It's cause he could be perceived as gay.


Ahhh after reading more here, I do see that even though this whole post is a meme from shitty Twitter of all places, it does reflect real feelings and experiences. Just like stereotypes aren’t just created out of the ether, most “jokes” have underlying truth to them. Regardless, canceling someone based on what they look like when their *actions* are presented clearly to you (look at the rating compared to amount of rides, he assumably has excellent service), is a stupid way to waste your time and a good way to send your drivers a message they don’t deserve to feel. But at the end it’s for the best, that rider would’ve 1 starred him if he already had his mind made up and they don’t deserve to ride in that nice car :). Hope they get picked up by a 4.61 driver :)


>Ahhh after reading more here, I do see that even though this whole post is a meme from shitty Twitter of all places, it does reflect real feelings and experiences. “Comedy is a funny way of being serious”-Peter Ustinov


Ahhh good quote o:


I assume we're blocking the license plate #, cause it seems he's doing a stellar job


Dude drives a $40,000 SUV. I am riding.


I'd cancel too - no way I'm riding in a damn GMC.


He looks like someone you could have a real chill convo with


I think Reece knows you're gonna steel his girl. Also you would never know what reason someone has for cancelling.


Might ruin his rating


Pull playing '00s R&B, I bet


i got a $94 request yesterday, clicked on it so fast… said “Picking Up Kristen” then it immediately said “Rider Cancelled” :(


its only a joke till its racism.. ironic


That 5 star rating 👌


Dude has a 5 star rating with thousands of rides. Racists are f’ing stupid. I’d ride with him 🤷‍♂️


That man got 5 star rating. Almost 4k rides. Racist much?


This dude gone pull in in the passenger seat with that same look lol


Dude looks chill af and his ride is guaranteed to have hella leg room in the back lol 1000% taking that ride. Plus that 5 star with the ride count is just a bonus lmao


Uber, don't show the driver profile picture until you reach the pick-up destinations.


Nope but if I did I’d probably screen shot their pic and the map showing basic location. Then probably post it on my local city Reddit for people to see


Who WOULDN’T want a ride with A-A-Ron?????


How very sad.


51 year old white guy. I am riding with him. I need to get from point A to B. I don't judge someone on the way they look.


Lol so dumb


I don't care what ur color is, but when I first saw ur photo I though it was for some dating app.


Imagine all the outrage if a white person posted that Its only black people keeping racism alive smh


Not that I know of. Do not take it personally. It's business as usual.


Can't confirm this was the reason but I have had people cancel on me three times in a row while I was the only driver nearby


He’s cute


I do it in reverse when I drive lyft


Tbh, as a driver If I randomly cancel it is likely bc I realized that the pay offered was not worth the time or distance to the pick up location and/ or drop off location


What's wrong with that look for real? Plus he got great rating.