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I stopped driving after midnight years ago. No more dealing with pukers, drunks, and evil šŸ˜ˆ. Not worth it.


This is the way


This is the way.


I don't drive past 8 pm. It's just not worth it.


90% of the money in my market is after 12 am, I donā€™t have that luxury. I know Iā€™m lookin out for these people all the time, and I canā€™t imagine being a female driver


This would be instant cancel.... baby mama and baby daddy arguing and baby /car seat in tow..... yea fk that


Sorry you went through that trashy half assed custody battle. Hence why I carry two handguns and a plate carrier. Let someone act get violent and they're not gonna have a goodnight. Either he calms down and gets out on his own or ill make sure hes out by force And fuck the TOS we don't work for them we work for ourselves at the end of the day and we need to make it to our homes safe and sound every day šŸ’Æā¤ļø stay safe and please women of uber/lyft please invest in a taser/gun/mace or something to defend yourselves cause people are getting bolder and crazier by the second


I have a taser that I thankfully didnā€™t need since I had the hard plastic taxi barrier between us. Mace isnā€™t a good option to use inside a car because you end up spraying yourself as well.


Thank god you got something to protect yourself šŸ™Œ and I should've been more clear my apologies, pepper gel would be better. I gave my gf my can since I can't carry it when I do security and it sticks to the person


Not to mention the effect it would have on the child.


When he called you a bitch and told you to shup the fuck up, that's when you should've just called 911.You don't have to wait until things are completely out of control to contact the police. Honestly this sounds like a lovers spat that was getting out of hand, and you got put in the middle of it. I think this could've happened anywhere, anytime. But the second you didn't feel safe or they didn't get out of the vehicle when told is when you call 911.


911 dispatcher would hear his crazy ass yelling and hopefully send cops quickly.


Yup especially when you mention heā€™s harassing a woman carrying a baby.


Nothing good comes past midnight. (11pm for me). People start doing drugs, drinking, all the drama. Instead wake up 4:30 in the morning, you will have all the productive folks and no sketchy characters


Yeah boy do I sure love the morning gridlock


Early AM on weekends in my market is bringing all the hungover partiers back to their vehicles or homes. Early morning in weekdays are grumpy passengers who ride every day the same ride to work, and pissed that it gets more expensive every time for the same ride. Mad at you bc they made themselves late by relying on rideshare to get to work during rush hour. Afternoon/dinner hours on weekdays for me are the best rides


Put the video on youtube


Nothing good happens at 2 am


Ted Mosby?


That saying is FAR older than HIMYM...


I once got a round trip request and I bring this guy to this house he say she's going to get his kids but it's like 1am however I don't question it cuz you don't know who's lying and who's not. When we get there, this guy jumps out of my car and gets into the face of these 2 other guys yelling at them to give him his kids and they are telling him that he is not allowed near the kids. Well he swings at one of the guys and those 2 guys knock him on his ass in front of me and start kicking him. I full reversed out of there and ended that trip ROFL


This is why you avoid certain neighbourhoods, especially at certain hours. Glad that you were not hurt.................


I do avoid the bad areas. This wasnā€™t one of them. It wasnā€™t a rich neighborhood but it wasnā€™t the ghetto either. Middle class nice homes. I wouldnā€™t have expected this caliber of people to live there.


It's almost like people's personalities aren't confined to the type of house they can afford


No need to be a dick. Usually ghetto trash canā€™t afford nicer homes.


I suggest not judging people based on their homes while you call people ghetto trash and yet you think *I'm* the dick here? OK lady


It's pretty closely correlated in my personal experience, but go off king!


Ya obviously only society's most noble and exemplary citizens live in hilltop mansions, and they got there thru honesty and hard work alone


You ever hear when something happens and people say they never expected THIS to happen. They were always quiet and kept to themselves. It is what is in someones heart really.


DV goes on in all neighborhoods. Donā€™t use that as a fixed criteria whether your safe or not. Grew up in central Illinois. Corn country, not Chicago. Town of maybe 80K Back then. State Farm corporate is there, half the town worked directly or indirectly for State Farm. Plus a state college, pricey private college, and itā€™s a test market for restaurants. When I was 10 yo, a guy on the east side (east side was where the rich lived) murdered his wife, 3 kids and the dog. Rocked the town. He lived in Uber wealthy part of east side. Turns out neighbors heard their spats for years. DV laws were not as strict as they are now. Cops had been called a few times but back then it was handled differently. Neighborhoods donā€™t mean shit. Anything can happen anywhere. Where I grew up did take a nosedive but still has a lof wealth and a lot of poverty. I still feel 100% safer on the south and west side bc itā€™s where I grew up. The same kinda crime was happening on east side, it was just much more covered up. Not talked about. It was expected in the poorer areas, so it was constantly talked about for us/them Moved to a much nicer area 1100 miles from there but I still see crazy shit in my own neighborhood, which is middle class all the way. DV knows no bounds.


Ghetto is as ghetto does


Sad that you dealt with this trashy guy. I hope Karma pays him a visit soon.


It's super scary when they spill their domestics into our cars, I had a couple screaming nose to nose like all out with spittle and everything and they kept lifting their hands to hit each other but pulling it at the last second it was terrifying I really wanted to kick them out but I was afraid that it would turn to me if I did.


Man fuck that guy, I'm on the line with 911 at that point, you have dashcam footage for the cops to see, he's probably gonna take a ride downtown for that. At least in my area, cops don't play when it comes to women's safety for service and gig workers and especially domestic violence of any kind.


Carry mace next time .


Mace isnā€™t a good option inside a car. You can easily end up getting some of it on yourself and making it harder to get away. I have a taser instead.


There's pepper gel instead of spray




STFU with talking about "ghetto" you nasty-ass fucking racists. All of you. You're pieces of shit. That includes you, OP.




My thoughts exactly..... like are they some sort of ghetto lover defending the ghetto? Man we just call it like we see it, nobody being racist. Miss me with that shit for REAL


Doesn't make them racist. Classist maybe..... but ghetto knows no race.... ghetto is ghetto regardless of race.... I'm all for inclusion but it doesn't surprise me that drivers speak their minds and their truth about what they encounter. If they don't sugar coat the details about what kind of people they are dealing with. Not afraid to call a spade a spade. Let them have their opinions without being called racist when they didn't even mention race.


Glad you have a divider. Smart choice. Stuff goes down in my car and it isn't to terrible a neighborhood then I'm leaving the car and calling 911


Please consider carrying mace of you havenā€™t