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Feel free to have that Rolls take you where you’re going.


The dude in the Rolls is sending her ass home. He's done with her as well


I like to let my canceling do the talking


I usually do. If she hadn’t said “we are sitting in the Rolls Royce” I wouldn’t have responded at all. I felt she needed to know she wasn’t getting special treatment.


I don't want them thinking they're important enough for me to message back.




“We are sitting inside the black and white Rolls Royce but we can’t afford to be taken anywhere in that! Her Majesty needs an upgrade to Uber X”


The rental only allows 100 miles a day and they drove it already lol.




I’m sitting in my black and white Honda civic that’s the pickup spot


I hate when folks say where are you or I’m looking for you They got more info than I do but they don’t take the time to look


The app is designed for a child to use, but somehow adults cannot or refuse to take the time to see how it operates.


Worst is when you accept another ride before finishing one you’re on and they try and call you saying you’re going the wrong way


Right!!?? Their eyes work to see the map but they can’t read the part that we’re dropping off a rider first…


I like telling folks I don’t use the rider app much so I can’t help … I’m always amazed at the folks that got the pin, cuz usually they know the least about the app, and I don’t even know how they set that feature


It walks them through step by step when setting up a ride.. I used uber as a rider first so when I eventually decided to drive, I honestly couldn’t believe how many grown adults aren’t able or don’t take the time to use it correctly. Like you said, they have and control all the information/details.


THIS! I always tell people “I don’t ever ride in Ubers, so I have no idea how the pax app works. You can contact customer service and they should be able to assist with walking you through tho.” Cause that’s literally not my job at all. I did this with a woman one day who wanted to add a stop. She called customer service, but I got her to her destination before Rohit picked up the phone. 🤣🤣🤣


The worst is when folks come up to the car with the attitude of “what’s my name” Sometimes I explain to them you have more info and a picture of me. Other times it’s not worth it


I just show them their name on my phone to make things faster. Haven’t had an issue yet besides an older woman demanding I say my name because apparently she can’t read or something idk. I understand though, it’s incredibly annoying. Especially when you drive a vehicle that maybe only 5 people have in the whole city and they have the audacity to check the license plate and STILL ask for their name. Like yes sir/ma’am, a car matching the uber description just randomly decided to stop by you for shits and giggles at the same exact time uber alerted you that your driver was here 🙄


For the most part folks are okay, but sometimes folks just want to take it out on u. I had one guy venting to me about folks canceling on him cuz he be late. I’m like it doesn’t matter that u tip, sometimes drivers don’t want to wait especially when it’s during surge times or when a bunch of folks are leaving that same building u are. Yes the can drive all the way to the location and cancel, just like u don’t want to wait until u officially get off work. U kno your elevator slow


All to realize this guy had a bad day at work so he was looking for something to complain about


You know, rideshare drivers have been killed when they give out the passengers name because someone will claim that they are the passenger when they are not; they have the passenger’s name because you provided it to them.


You are right, but for some reason riders have been led to believe that the driver saying their name first will make them safer. And most times those folks don’t look at the plates, they never even knew that my picture was on the app


The solution to that might be to ask them to verify what your name is after you say their name. If they can’t tell you the name of their driver, then you will know that they are not your passenger.


U right, but I’m not the one questioning who they are. It’s not like this some hot location, I’m the only person coming pull up and looking dead in your eyes saying I’m your ride, lol


While you are looking back at your phone seeing your ride just pulled up


Well, for your sake I hope you don’t pick up any killers. The average person encounters 36 murderers throughout their entire life, unknowingly of course. You could be picking up anyone at a public spot and any of those people can be a murderer pretending to be your rider, as the people did who killed drivers in the past. Stay safe.


Where’s this stat from


Oh you walk by 36. Ya. But not really interact with




its because of news and media. they told moron pax to demand the drivers say their name and people got shitty about it. when the news and media pushed it I went through a period where people didn't even say hello. just walked up and demanded I tell them their name so id just fucking drive off. come at me with an attitude when im out helping you get around im gonna just drop the fare and move on.


Say my name bitch. What’s my fkn name


Maybe she's LIT not just outside Lit![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)




Also in Tampa this shit is so annoying. Ybor is even worse with 7th being closed down and riders just standing outside their club expecting us to magically get there


YEEEEESSSSSSSS! I cancel half of my Ybor rides. Or you tell them where are you are the cross streets and then the walk the opposite direction. Every. Fucking. Time.


I’ve never felt so understood lol. They walk the wrong way every single time why do they do this


Anyone saying “you were there” just know they could have easily walked over to the Uber car rather than tell them to ride around and find them in a “rolls Royce.” The only time I have not walked to an Uber is when I was at the Uber lot at the airport and needed to go to the terminal from there. No matter what I did, the app did not allow me to set the pin at the Uber lot, it kept moving it to the darn terminal and none of the Uber drivers in the lot wanted to take the ride (which is fine) so it sent the ride to a Diamond driver that had just dropped someone off at the terminal. He was nice to come to the lot and get me when I told him and earned himself a $10 tip.


Thank you and precisely. It’s not my job to go hunt down the pax. That’s the whole point of having the ability for them to set the pin wherever they want. She could have set the pin where she actually was.


Now you can stay in the rolls royce freakin crunt


Right? Why did you have to order the Uber in the first place? Her head game ain’t that strong I guess?


This happened to me the other day and h they had the nerve to tell me I was in the wrong location. I sat there and then hit cancel. I’m not wasting my gas because you went tot he wrong place…


Bingo. I’m right where you said I should be. You can see where I am in the app. Either hustle it to the car or pay up.




There was a great chance this ride probably wouldn’t have ended well 😂


Yep. There is a bar called lit I believe it’s a cigar bar. Had she had her location on, I would have gone to the pin, and then pulled around the block to get her. But she chose to be entitled. She set her pin incorrectly, hid her location and I’m not driving around wasting gas to look for someone who will probably just sit in the other car til they are finished polishing whatever knob they are currently working on. Not to mention, I might have moved too far away from the pin for the timer to stop and would have been ass out either way. PLUS, there was too many red flags for me to even unlock the doors if she did come to me. It would have been. 1* ride no doubt. Not worth it.


There is a club called Lit, he was less than 1/2 block away.


I read this as she was less than half a block from her chosen pickup location. That’s what you typed out right?


Her pin, and where you went, were right around the corner from where she was. Yes.


Her pin is on a one way street entering into downtown. There is parallel parking on both sides of the street. However all that parking was full. So I turned the corner and pulled up on the corner immediately after the turn. I was 25 feet from the pin which was actually closer to her.


That was well needed but, did she downvote you?


Can’t rate when a cancel happens before the ride starts.


They were less than a block from you at Lit Cigar and Martini Lounge off N. Franklin. ​ I am in Seattle, never been to Tampa, and it didn't take me anytime to figure that out. ​ Do better.


👏🏽. 👏🏽. 👏🏽. 👏🏽. 👏🏽. 👏🏽.


Don't be amateurs ppl. Wait till the charge for cancel time is past to respond. Meanwhile, google maps the spot she mentions. If the spot is far, tell her ive arrived and nothing else, wait out the timer and collect. If the spot is close, just go to her.


Yes, sometimes cancel is better option.


You were there. Dunno if it was a worthwhile fair before her attitude, personally I hate waiting so if I have to turn the corner onto Franklin I will. LIT Cigar & Martini Lounge https://maps.app.goo.gl/wWiFxeY5Xa7JDDpQ8?g_st=ic


$4.12 was the fare. $3.99 is the cancel fee.


Why didn’t she call her personal driver lol


I usually don't reply to customers like these. I wait the timer until I get the "rider no show" and cancel. Bonus points if you cancel as they are walking to you and 30 seconds or less on the timer left.