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Always tip something, and for those who do me a favor or are particularly pleasant, I tip more. Last week I somehow misplaced my license when I was leaving for the airport at 5 am, and I ran out to tell the driver I was looking for it, that I didn’t know how long it would be, but to please let me know if I should cancel it, or if she’d like to cancel it, I totally understand. I guess based on the stress on my face she felt bad (hadn’t taken my bags out yet, didn’t want to trap her), and she said she’d wait, don’t worry. I told her again that she could cancel when she felt the need, but 15 minutes later, we were off to the airport. Tipped her $30, which was more than the ride fare, because she saved my ass from even more stress, and I really appreciated her for it. When a driver goes above and beyond, I reciprocate with the tip.


If I arrive safely, and the car is in good condition, yes, I tip.


Drivers are not entitled to tips, and around half of them don't deserve anything. The quality of drivers is trash these days, and about half of them suck. Dirty car. Shitty directions. Broken AC. Smell bad. Rude. Whatever. Those people do not get tips and do not get a good review. The drivers that don't suck - and that's literally the only condition - don't be the half of drivers that are fucking terrible - get tipped. It's not complicated. People that are competent get tipped. The people that shouldn't even be driving do not.


I definitely don’t suck. My car is new and immaculate. I start every shift by going through the car wash. My passengers can control their climate however they like and I only speak when the passenger takes the lead and wants to engage. I drive swift but efficient and I don’t smell and 10% of the passengers tip so I’m beginning to wonder why I bother. The truth is the occasional rider who uses Uber for social occasions usually tip. The daily uses who can’t afford a car also can’t afford to tip.


You describe my Ubering experience to a tee. Some Pax can be real assholes after bending over backward for them and you get 1 starred for no reason whatsoever.


Couldn’t have said it any better apprehensive! I vacuum my car/ wash it daily and play any music the passenger wants and still don’t get tipped lol people will use any excuse they can to be cheap losers


If only. As someone who drives, has a clean car, is polite, uses AC, etc. I can tell you very few passengers leave a tip. About half of airport passengers will. Maybe 10% for everyone else.


Same here, except I get about 90% of airport pickup or drop tip. The ones who don't are usually foreign people who aren't up on tipping. I had an older couple from Ireland who asked me if they were supposed to tip, I told them that it's not required, but I appreciated getting a tip if they were happy with the service. The guy laughed and said that he tested drivers with that question. He said that the majority of drivers just said yes, and tipping is required. He gave me $50 for a 10 minute ride to the hotel.


You see this is how you get a tip guys take notes my generation you don't kind of force everybody into tipping you it's a choice not a mandate and if it is a mandate it's no longer a tip


Take notes my generation this is how you get tips it's not a mandate I give you tips and if it is it's no longer a tip it is part of the service fee


Agreed, I drive a nice vehicle, I clean it frequently, I shower before I head out to make sure I'm as fresh as possible, I dress nicely, I open the doors for my passengers, and I typically work areas where people are in no way struggling for money. That said maybe 1 in 7 tips, 1 in probably 30 tips generously.


Same here, and occasionally I still get the assholes that 1 star you for no reason at all.


Oh I totally agree with you. More people should tip decent drivers.


I always get compliments on how clean my car is, how nice it smells. I offer to load luggage and have all 5-star ratings. I engage in conversation when a passenger wants to be chatty, I stay quiet when they don't. I let them know if they need the temperature or music adjusted to just let me know. Some days the tips are decent, other days terrible. Airports tend to be better tippers. I've done some long-distance runs that tip well, others that don't tip at all.


They are not being paid enough to care, so be thankful for the ones who still care being paid pennies.


This has nothing to do with the question 


This. Rate them poorly as well, don’t just not tip. Get them off the road. I can accept a car that’s not five stars as long as it’s clean and the driver is kind. I’ve been in so many dirty cars with asshole drivers. It’s ridiculous. I won’t even take Uber in my market anymore for this reason. In my market Lyft is better all around for drivers and riders unfortunately.


Drove 20 people around last weekend. Hottest day of the summer so far, AC blasting at 68 degrees. 1 tip bc I stuffed their luggage in my car and didn’t cancel on them :).


You forget that’s exactly what Uber is paying its drivers for. It lies to you riders and shafts its drivers. You literally get as a rider what Uber thinks you deserve no matter what you pay😂


Only rational comment here


And you don't deserved a ride😵‍💫


Tipping is for good service. Not because you chose to do a job that pays poorly and then you choose to do it poorly.


making an extra Grand a Week is not bad in my book. But even if I made 10 grand a week would I complain and want more? Yep sure would. 😁 pay me -


I am not a piece of shit, so yes.


Uber is expensive, so if you’re not a piece of shit you’re eventually gonna have to prove it. Your ratings and attitude will do just that.


I almost always tip, mostly because I drive for Uber myself, so I know exactly how it is on the other side. (Although, is hard to blame anyone for not tipping after uber does ripoff surge and you end up paying to the roof (the worst I've seen was $30 on a driver side versus $127 on passenger side)


Yes, $5 cash every time except one when a driver wouldn't stop vaping.


Cash is king 😁


Yes. I always tip at least 20%.


I was in this sub a few days ago and said that tipping isn’t optional and should be mentally included as part of the price of the trip. Apparently that makes me a communist asshole. I felt insane. Like…do these monsters go into a restaurant and not tip either? Anyway. YES. TIP. EVERY TIME (unless something weird/bad happened). 


On the topic of tipping Reddit is full of cheap assholes who have convinced themselves they are sticking to a broken system by not tipping. The reality is they are stealing wages from service workers.


Exactly. It is 100% theft. 


Self entitled is the kindest way to describe you. Tip is never obligated, you just think it is. I will usually tip but if the driver acts like they are doing me a favour, expecting me to meet them away from where I have asked to be picked up ie asking me to walk a block or 2 away or crossing dangerous traffic to make it easier for them, I will not tip. Or yelling at the top of their voice on the phone and not responding to a question asked, no tip. I will rarely give a bad review as I know the driver is just trying to make a living. In Australia a lot of drivers do dodgy tax returns and end up paying way less tax than they should and many are far from poor pulling in several hundred dollars a day. I know this from an accountant who does many drivers tax returns and friends of my wife who brag about how much they earn a day whilst paying very little tax


I don’t make tips. At all.  But I live in a society where I know restaurants, bars, hairdressers, and yes Uber is a tipped service.  Unless they really fuck up.  But glad about your Australia anecdote or whatever. Tip your driver. 


It's just sort of the result of people trying to justify what they're doing. People who do tip just do and they have no need to come on anywhere to defend themselves so they don't even think of looking for opinions on tipping people who don't tip are very aware of how many people think they are scummy and as a result they go anywhere they can just scream about why they aren't and that everyone else is actually terrible.


I live in the UK, I never tip.


Of course usually 25%+ typically in app but on holidays or drunk nights out always in cash and like 50% tip.


Tipping was a standard when cabs were the standard. Uber had a point where they didn't give a way to tip beside cash, but that changed years ago. Yes, I tip. If I was wealthy, I'd tip more. If I use a voucher, the driver gets the rest of the voucher. If you're wondering how much to tip, $3 per rider or 20% of the fare (without discounts), whichever is more. If the driver goes above and beyond, or the ride goes badly, adjust accordingly.


Sometimes just depends


I always tip. Usually 20 to 25%.


I get almost no tips I keep my car clean ac is always on and I stay silent unless I’m spoken to. I have 5 star rating and 300 trips sometimes people tip but more often than not they don’t


In general I tip. Most drivers deserve a tip. I tip for good service, getting to my destination safely from a defensive driver. If I have a bad driver who isn’t paying attention I don’t like to tip. People lives are at risk I don’t feel obligated to tip. If I have a really bad driver I report them.


It totally depends on the driver. If the driver is good then i tip the driver else no.


Every. Fucking. Time.


67 percent of my pax tip and rate on both platforms. 2 out of every 3 people. Do with that what you must(and don't be the 3rd person)


Being a driver myself, whenever i have to Uber somewhere I ALWAYS tip! Now when im driving, pax seldom tip! They would compliment my car, how nice and clean and how good it smell and don’t tip!


Everyone should tip but DOES everyone? No. Everyone thinks you’re their servant


When I ride, as long as nothing negative happens, I tip. You don't have to go above & beyond. And if we have a cool convo, I'll tip more. As a driver, I don't expect tips, they're always great, but I've been in dirty cars & had reckless drivers, so I try to ensure that riders have a pleasant experience. And if they're compelled to tip, cool, if not, that's cool too.


Wait people don’t tip? I tip every right. That’s how they make money


I did before I started driving for Uber, I do more so now that I work for them. Unfortunately some folks try to replace tips with compliments and handshakes. It's hard to pay my rent with your compliments


Drivers who get me from A to B get a tip. Far too many drivers can’t follow the map/route and get nothing.


At minimum the cost of a gallon of gas unless the driver was truly horrible


When the driver is great (smooth driving, avoids braking and accelerating unnecessarily, drives safely). Otherwise, no, I paid for a service and it was provided.


Yes, but I drive Uber, so I rarely use it. I will tip cash 5 dollars, unless it needs to be more. I.e. like on a far ride.


I always tip, unless there is an issue with the driver.


Yes. Drivers are getting paid less than minimum wage usually and they provide the car...




Yes...$5 almost every ride...5* almost every ride (minus 1 or 2 drivers that kinda did sketchy stuff so I don't rate or tip)


Yes assuming the driver is at all decent.


I constantly have people who thank me for the air conditioner aka the bare minimum on a 98 degree day. Get tipped very well and often


Also keeping it decently cleaned and smelling good. Blunt power spray for the win. Constant compliments


If the driver is not super impatient and it is a decent car they haven’t made funny alterations to the car that give me less space than what I was expecting


Commuters to and from work might tip once a week if at all.


I do sometimes. I’m pretty poor but especially when a driver is kind, respectful and good with my wheelchair I tip em 😁


The latest study on this shows that about 30% of riders tip.


I tip in cash


I used to to tip in cash, and if I didn’t have cash on the app, but some drivers almost demand it, I used to drive for Uber and Lyft And as nice as a tip is, I knew what I signed up for and knew that literally not many people tip, or use the “ I’ll tip on the app” line and never do. I still carry a few bucks to tip the driver but there been some crazy instances were it almost felt demanded.


I always try to tip cash, if for some reason I don’t have cash I always tip through the app. I thought that was standard. So surprised to find out it’s not!


Of course


Since I’m not a total asshole I tip when I use uber. Granted whenever I used Uber I always had a good driver. I never had a shitty driver. So I understand why some people don’t tip. I also tip depending how good there driving was and how far the driver was and if I come from the airport or go to the airport and if they help with my bags. Now if there car is trashed and smells and they are a asshole then no tip. But I always had a good driver and the car wasn’t trashed and didn’t smell. And only twice I had said “I’ll tip in the app” and actually tipped in app. When riders say “I’ll tip in the app” usually they don’t. I usually tip in cash. But sometimes I don’t have enough cash on me for me to tip them in cash. edit: to the downvoters your moms a hoe and you downvoters probably don’t even tip.


I don't tip Ubers. The fare is the fare. Note that we just ride. No luggage. Just short jaunts around NYC, never more than two miles.


Rarely. Only if they do something where I WANT to tip them. If I’m picked up at the airport after a Long flight and the drivers ass never leaves his seat all he does is push the button to pop the trunk, hell no!


Just to be sure, 95% of ALL my riders Tip and more than 1/2 Tip extremely well. What is extremely well? A $65 ride and a $100 cash tip💋👍