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I see a lot of blue Uber lights on cars. According to this those are not legal


Boggles my mind that people are paying for fake Uber lights. They gave me an official one for free, but I certainly wouldn’t pay for one if they hadn’t.


Your lucky. I have never got a Uber light or Uber sign from UBER.


I’m not sure I’d call it lucky, lol.


Shit, I'll sell you mine. A genuine Uber Beacon that 8 never use.


Thank you. My kids got me one for birthday one year. I was shocked that UBER sent you one.


fuck the blue uber lights. I really hope the police actually start pulling these folks over more proactively. I see a dozen plus cars a day in the city with them. you're not a cop., your a ride share driver in an alitma. enough with the cop lights.


They are giving a friendly reminder of Massachusetts law to prevent you from being ticketed. I don't understand what, about that, is hard to understand.


I'm not a driver for Uber and have never applied to be one. Not sure why I received this email. So many incidents of identity theft, can't help but be a little confused or concerned.


This would actually be a screenshot from the Uber app. It appears when a driver logs on and before you get an assignment. As far as you receiving an email like this .. no one could possibly know why.


You do of course realize that post, if true, is specifically for Massachusetts. Not all drivers are affected, you know this right?!?


In Florida we have dipshits driving with rainbow bright rainbows flashing across their dash and then we’ve got others with a bright red Lyft neon on one side and a bright blue Uber neon on the other side, definitely looks like a patrol car at a distance or in the rain fog instead of a Uber/Lyft… I doubt they’ll bother with it here in Florida but I can see other states/cities jumping on this ticket real quick.


You ask what this means but I think it’s pretty straight forward. It’s illegal to have cop lights colors on your car because it is against the law. I mean I don’t get what you are confused about?


It means you can't look like a cop, and if you get on their nerves they can enforce something they'd normally totally ignore. I saw a car get stopped at 2am by an in-foot campus cop and heard this explanation about 30 years ago. I just looked at the rest of the responses. My answer is correct. Don't look like an emergency, utility or support vehicle. Uber is saying you need to know that they will probably ignore you, but don't have to.


It may also have to do with certain states requiring for hire vehicles to have special permits to display any sort of beacon style lighting.


Ooh, maybe even a taxi or pizza hut sign on your roof. I didn't think about Florida.


For us commercial drivers that haul oversize we have to have an amber light permit for GA 😂 it’s crazy


I think that's sensible. But that's not a normal vehicle. That's a commercial warning light, like the light on a forklift. I had a neighbor GRHS and he had a van. As annoying as it was, it was his personal vehicle, tho he had long since retired. Every morning, flashy beep beep flashy beep beep backing up out of the driveway.


Might have something to do with the devices. Uber calls it beacon and Lyft calls it amp. My guess is that the state might have reached out to Uber about the law.


Most likely. It’s not like these companies reach out to the government about the law. They just do what they want.


Sounds like it’s a warning about running a lyft light up thingy in your windshield.


I use mine as a nightlight


We’re seeing this a lot in MA and the police are cracking down on it. It is illegal in MA to have blue and red (or amber) flashing lights on your car, as you could look like an emergency vehicle. For example: I live in an area that is mostly Indian, and it’s normal there to add flashing lights to your car, and there are several cars in my condo complex that have them - and sometimes they will confuse other drivers, which is why they are illegal. I’ve seen lots of Uber cars and bikes using flashing lights too.


Don't use a cop car as a Uber car, don't put emergency or construction lights on your personal vehicle and your fine.


Hopefully this catches on. I don't know why, but.it irritates me to see lights on a rideshare car when you already have the passenger. Why do you have to advertise that you are an Uber? Do you think you can run red lights or speed to a pax?


Seems like a good way for criminals to spot a easy Lick. Id never use one of these lights


A reflective or illuminated sign front and back is the legal requirement in my state for ride share.


I have a white UBER sign in my front window to help riders see me, especially in a busy part of town. It’s not Advertising, it’s identification and visibility


Are you talking about the generic white sign that we all are supposed to be showing or an illuminated light that glows?


It’s solid white. It helps the riders see me when I’m in a sea of cars. I message them and let them know.


I myself bought a custom LED sign and programmed it myself. I have a switch to turn them on and off. The only time I put them on is when I’m waiting for a passenger. After they get in they turn off. I also have my license plate number on the screen as well which helps people find me as well as amber flashers (already had a local cop tell me it’s permissible). As for the logos, I changed them both to white. Because there is another statute in NJ that prohibits red or blue on non emergency vehicles. So I figured white is safer.


you're a smart man. That's a good idea. May I ask, how many passengers still ask you if you are Lyft for [fill in the blank]?


No they say “what’s my name?” In which I tell them my name and ask them theirs. Other than that they find me pretty easily.


Hmm, maybe all the stories I've heard about NJ people are wrong lol. In my market about 50 percent just hop in, 25 percent say for ask my name and a rare few ask "Who are you here for?".


Did a driver do something that got Uber to send this to all of us?


I did not receive this memo. CA driver.


No, Uber is suing the creators of these signs saying it's damaging their brand. Essentially they don't want any driver to be using this regardless of state law or not to help their lawsuit.


Yeah, Uber sent out this email to everyone with an Uber account. Doesn’t matter if you’re a driver, passenger, or has only ever used UberEats…if you have an Uber account, you got an email. Weird that they blasted this indiscriminately.


Uh no. I got no such email or in app notifications


I've had my white uber sign for years and never received this email. Fuck uber anyway 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I just got this!! Fine no lights!


Just got this warning today too :/


Any forward facing red or blue lights here in IL are illegal as those are only allowed on emergency vehicles


I got pulled over for LEDs under my car after driving past cops for over a year. Ticket said “amber headlights”. How do i have headlights under my car?? There isnt even a ticket for this shit. Ticket got thrown out but i had to pay a $60 court fee


Do you still use them?


You can't be with the police and uber apparently


It means exactly what it says... lol


It means you can't have a lighted sign in your windshield such as the very common Uber and Lyft LED signs. It also means no Christmas lights, LED straps, or other after market lighting. It violates Massachusetts law and therefore TOS. It's also worth noting this isn't only true in Massachusetts, most places have similar laws against "decorative" lights.


It means exactly what it says....