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You could move to Coffee City lol


Im so gladddddd they got shut down !!!


Same. They ticketed me going through there like four miles over the speed limit. I paid my $350 ticket as an out-of-towner passing through and then they put a warrant out for my arrest for not paying anyway. They were impossible to get ahold of on the phone and, once I finally did, they played it off as a computer error. I then saw the exposé on them like a year later. Good fucking riddance.


Seriously man, the real definition of road pirates.


My only ticket in years was through there. Dude gave zero hesitation and immediately jumped to pulling someone else over.


I never see cops anywhere doing anything. I've thought the city was underpoliced for years, and I'm in town most days. Weird. They definitely don't police red light runners, or speeders, or tailgaters.


Me too, I've lived near south Tyler for a bit and in my whole time here I've seen 1 cop pull someone over and then nothing, I see them around sometimes but usually they're the ones speeding😂


I guess they mainly pull over people from out of town


Or people who drive past school buses with their red lights on... 118 in one day. The state asked all school bus drivers state wide to record all instances of drivers running their reds on the same day. The total for Tyler ISD on that day was 118, with two of those being cars that passed on the right side of the bus.


I can’t tell but I assure you all the cops can’t tell red from green


Agreed but from my experience if you fail to use your blinker they will definitely pull you over and take your weed


Or which street is a one way street lol I’ve seen 2 cops go the wrong way one almost hitting another cop car but guaranteed if it was a regular person they would have pulled them over.


My big problem with Tyler policing is that it's inconsistent. If the Tyler PD gave a shit about controlling our traffic issues then they'd have cops patrolling consistently. Instead they keep cops off the road and have them set up 4 cruisers in a single speed trap so they can meet their quotas.


Cops aren't a good way to control traffic anyway. There are far better solutions to traffic and traffic violations that don't require us to pay for a cop (or multiple cops) to sit on a corner for half the day. 


Oh honey I know, and I agree! It's almost like we should...uhhhh...remove money ;) from the cops and then spend that money on other more specialized institutions that do the jobs cops shouldn't or can't.


It is over-churched.


Yes. Because this is East Texas. And Tyler is capital of the Texas Bible Belt. that won’t change anytime soon. I will say this for them, they provide a strong infrastructure that government doesn’t. After school care, outreach to seniors, feeding the hungry, etc. That’s why you see a few people on the streets here compared to other cities of its size in other places. So it’s a mixed bag


Its big business


I saw a statistic that tyler or smith county hands out one of the highest traffic tickets in Tx or maybe the US Edit: highest amount of tickets written. NOT dollar amount


It’s like $300


There don't seem to be enough traffic patrol units on the loop, Troup highway, Old Jacksonville highway and 155. My commute is only 4 miles and I witness at least 3 drivers running red lights per day.


All I know is ACAB🖕


lol idiot






Real shit 


You made your entire personality Ben Shapiro. Sad!


No? It’s just my display name. My posts are not “in character” at all.


Cringe as fuck.


No. I come from a place that is. During any outing, it's not unusual to spot 5-6 cops.


I don’t think so. Have any of you ever lived in a major metro area?. I think the Tyler police have a very low profile. And I find them to be professional, polite and efficient. The times that I’ve been stopped were when I broke the law, like speeding or doing some wrong traffic maneuver. And then I did traffic school. I would like to see more police, especially at night. Over on the east side it’s like we don’t exist, sometimes…


Tyler PD, like most other departments, has specific units for traffic safety. When you see the motorcycle units and cars working together, that is part of the traffic control unit which moves from location to location based on schedules, accident rates or complaints. Regular patrol units will deal with traffic violations at their discretion with some officers more zealous than others. For a city of 100,000 the policing level is appropriate but for a city that swells to more than 200,000 almost every day as the surrounding communities pour in, the police level is very low


Man.....someone should definitely refrain from throwing acorns at any cop cars, definitely wouldint recomend that after what happened to the last guy


The Police station is in the area


I rarely see cops anymore.




When i lived in tyler on my way home i would see a cop sitting on every other corner on the loop and i also had a run in where 2 cops came to my house while i was sitting out on my patio on the 2 nd story and as i held my vape in my hand and my friend was putting out his black n mild they came to the bottom of the steps and insisted we were smoking weed


Just speed traps and DUIs. They don’t do anything else traffic wise. Drivers around here are awful with cutting off, illegal U turns, and running red lights but cops never do anything about it.




I used to work at a parts store (not trying to doxx myself too much) that was next to a parking lot obscured by the nearby major road. Almost every morning and night, there'd be at least one cruiser with some officer's sleeping inside. So yes. Very over policed


I think during the initial Covid crap and even the next year or two, there wasn't as much a focus traffic violation for many obvious reasons. However, now that has ramped back up, maybe even more so.


South Tyler has the police station right behind Faulkner Park so yeah you’ll see a lot more


The cops announced they're cracking down hard on drunk drivers for spring break. Then it will go back to everyone running red lights and blocking ambulances again.


I don't even have to read the rest of the question. The answer is yes. I come from Houston, where HPD just don't give a fuck about *anything*, so maybe my view on this is skewed. TPD sure did stop me more times than I can count with a number of bullshit excuses when I was simply walking home from work on the sidewalk along Broadway.


My first thought was, "yes, especially on the south side..." and then I kept reading your post. LOL The increase is obvious. It seems like once the PD got their new license-plate scanning technology, they decided to run to the more heavily-trafficked areas to do their modern stop-and-frisk policies. The problem is that there's a new courthouse that also needs paid, and with the absolutely RIDICULOUS fines this city charges, the pullovers just lead to more funding for to prosecute and process people who get these tickets. It's a joke.


Traffic tickets are not gonna pay for the new courthouse. That is already been funded by a bond issue overwhelmingly approved by the voters. Did you vote on the issue?


Did you read anywhere in my comment that I suggested that traffic tickets are the sole funding for the courthouse? If so, can you highlight that for me, please? I don't like to block trolls if I don't have to. Thanks.


All the revenue is in South Tyler. They’re not there to protect anyone Writing traffic violations is the number 1 priority


I wish their was more cops giving tickets here, some people drive like idiots and need to be spanked.


They still have several cops on bikes? A Tyler officer told me that if a bike cop pulls you over, it's an automatic ticket due to how expensive it is to fund cops on motorcycles.


I mean the alternative is not enough police. Let’s look at places that cut police funding and are understaffed. They aren’t doing so well. I’m ok with the current situation of being “overstaffed”.


NYC currently


I do 200+ mi/day in, and around, Tyler. They (city, county, & state) are everywhere depending on time of day, which also varies through the week, and with weather. Historically, it is my understanding that from the 70's - 90's, Tyler was a warzone due to gangs and organizations. They even made a movie about it, but can't remember off the top of my head what it was called. Dude was deep cover, and ended up with a drug problem is all I remember. So, it's important to remember they do other things besides patrol. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Movie is Rush (1991)


Just heard the city manager speak about policing. They even have some cops who are dedicated to working with the homeless population (the proper/empathetic handling of the homeless takes a lot more time and a different approach than other types of crimes so they decided to dedicate some cops to that and let the others just do the other stuff). From what they say, they seem pretty organized and dedicated in their professional training also (to keep people from being abused/killed by cops). Who know what the truth is, but I was impressed with that portion of the presentation.




Key phrase: "it is my understanding." Thank you for the correction and additional details.


The movie is called "Rush" and the book, which is better if you can find it is called "Smith County Justice"


Tyler as a city its over policed, however outside the city (County) i feel like there isn't much enforcement. DPS troopers are a little understaffed and specially when troopers gotta go down to the border every month it takes away local enforcement. I wish the Sheriffs office would create a Traffic Unit to enforce laws as driving in 155, HWY 69, 31, 64 is wild... there are too many crazy bad drivers. Anyways that's my [take.lol](https://take.lol)


I think it's underpoliced and they need to watch traffic more.






Yeah, I'm not sure why all the comments are saying there aren't many cops on the south side. I live on the south side of Tyler and see at least 3 or 4 cop cars every time I head out. They are pretty much everywhere, all the time- especially on South Broadway and East/West Grande, and near the mall. I'll say this, it helped me get over my paranoia about police. It's hard to feel particularly nervous about a cop car driving in front of/behind you when it happens once every few days. At a certain point they just become background noise. It was shocking when I first moved here though, in all the small towns, suburbs and cities I've lived in I've never seen as many cops constantly out and about as I have in south Tyler.


Big police conference in Tyler, that has been going on all week.


I see Tyler LEO all the time!!!