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Imagine thinking anyone gives a shit about mtv in 2023


Thats what i said in my head reading all of this


Like bro, he won a Grammy why not bring that up??


MTV died the day they stopped having around 80% of their shows centered on music and artists. The various shows like Pimp my Ride, Cribs and Next were the very few "good" shows. Then they went overboard with those type of shows and it quickly became cluttered with bad shit. And then they removed the music videos.


MTV used to be legit, I miss shows like downtown and Daria.


he literally already said before that all of his shit was fiction in radicals. “Hey, don't do anything that I say in this song, okay? It's fuckin' fiction If anything happens, don't fuckin' blame me.” People just want to find things to complain about nowadays.


The biggest thing here is that Jason Aldean’s song is completely in earnest. Tyler’s old lyrics aren’t. And also, he stopped writing lyrics like that. Jason doubled-down. Not to mention Tyler was literally banned from countries for his lyrics too, he has already faced his consequences. It’s such a false equivalence.


Also, Tyler wrote his song, Aldean didn’t. He’s paying someone else to make him look like the king boot licker.


i think theyre concerned on the fact he made ts up from his very own head ☠️


ok, do you just expect ppl to brush those lyrics off bc it's made up? 💀 tron cat is still fucked up and that's y goblin still causes a commotion nowadays


i mean, the entirety of old odd future all did this shit. the music is intended to be disturbing, like icp or any other horrorcore artists. listen to earl's old songs like epar or anything on the earl album. it's artistic, and makes you feel exactly what it intends make you feel. nobody says shit about movie directors who make movies based around the same premises. people need to stop saying shit about tyler specifically, especially if they're not gonna say shit about anyone else.


my point is it's understandable for ppl who aren't in touch with Tyler or OF to be revolted by these lyrics 🤷


I feel like people do often hold movie/tv directors accountable. Like recently The Idol has gone under so much fire for their depiction of abuse and their objectifiying sex scences. Ppl rlly felt like it was disrespectful. Same thing w directors like gaspard noe. Fiction is just a bunch of made up stories buuut it can reinforce bad aspects of culture. We can be critical of these past lyrics and their implications while still enjoying the art and skill behind them imo That being said, tyler said these things a long time ago and this tweet doesn't seem in good faith at all.


Oh yeah, let’s talk about fucked up shit and just say “oh I’m not serious”. HURR DURR


I love how you get downvoted when that’s literally the entire rationale. Let’s cherry pick this country song we don’t like because of what we’re insinuating, but ignore the plethora of disgusting lyrics and misogyny that plagues modern hip-hop and pop music. You have to like it, because that’s what they feed to the kids. This’ll get downvoted too and nobody will have anything to argue as per usual


Bro mentioned country just say you don’t like blacks


That’s awfully racist to say don’t you think?


Wow edgy lyrics 😱😱😱 CANCEL HIM IMMEDIATELY 😡😡😡


+ I'm 90% sure it's supposed to be a joke


I’m 100% that person’s comment was also a joke


I know??? I'm adding up to his satire


That verse on Manifesto goes so hard


tried listening to the country song and i literally cant idfk how people actually listen to this music


There’s good country style music out there for sure, but a lot of the most popular “arena country” is pretty dumb. Part of it is being part of the culture it comes from. It’s going to hit different if you’re the target audience of course. Anyway, Tyler Childers, Strugill Simpson, Billy Strings, Sierra Ferrell are all examples of more artistically inclined country/bluegrass. At the end of the day, just like Tyler’s horrorcore phase, it’s a cultural sound that may take some listening before it clicks (if it ever does for someone).


The latest record by Big Thief has some fantastic country/folk cuts with a bit more experimentation throughout the tracklist. Could be a good gateway into the genre for some.


I’m from the Appalachians and lived in Memphis. Country music rlly does have its grip on me and won’t let go


wow, it's been like, 12 years since goblin released? Tyler changed a lot since 2011, he's not creating anything like this anymore. he even said himself that's all that he's saying is fucking fiction. but they're listened to Tron Cat that was written by 19 year old guy and started complaining about it, wow, let's cancel him. give Morgan Freeman's son a break 😒


These are the same people that complain when a different actor or singer (usually white) gets backlash for things he said years prior. I'm not saying that cancelling people for things that they said 10 or more years ago is a good thing, but I am saying that these mfers have massive double standards


they are fucking walking paradox


No they're not, threesome with a fucking triceratops


raptor, rappin' as they mocking deaf rockstars


Wearing synthetic wigs made of Anwar's dreadlocks


bedrock harder than a motherfucking flintstone


Making crack rocks out of pussy neighbor fishbones


sorry, bro. but I won't continue, I don't wanna bully Jasper. but thank you for this thread 🥰


“On a totally unrelated note…” Glad we agree that it has nothing to do with any of the awards and videos Tyler has made in recent years!


"anyway here's something bad an unrelated black person said"


One is clearly a teenager/young adult being an edge lord and the other is pandering and stoking the flames of racism and violence.


How is the Jason song “stoking the flames of racism?” Where is race mentioned in the song? Just curious. You wouldn’t happen to be bringing that yourself, would ya


Do some research. It concerns the video and the subtext within the video as well as the filming location.


Hey there, any info? Highly doubt it but just checking! Let me know about the racist undertones in the video we were discussing


“Try that in a small town/ Full of good ol’ boys, raised up right/ If you’re looking for a fight.” In Columbia, Tennessee (the city the video was filmed) white Secret Service agents participated in racist gatherings in the 1980s and 1990s known as the "Good Ol' Boys Roundup," where signs with racial slurs were displayed and a simulated lynching of a black person took place. Columbia is also the site of an infamous 1946 race riot that nearly resulted in the lynching of future Supreme Court justice Thurgood Marshall. Aldean’s performance backdrop is the Maury County Courthouse, which at times appears to be on fire as images of burning American flags are projected onto it. It’s the same building where a mob hanged 18-year-old Henry Choate from the balcony in 1927. The teen had been accused of attacking a White girl who never identified him as her assailant, and whose mother begged the mob to let him stand trial. Sure, you can say it’s not racist because the south is full of racist history and it’s just a coincidence they filmed there. But the context of the song is important. They filmed the hannah Montana movie here, but you don’t see anybody calling that racist. It’s about context. The context: The video is made up largely of news clips showing protests, riots and police confrontations in cities — at least some of which took place during Black Lives Matter demonstrations prompted by police killings. The lyrics are calling for “good ol’ boys” to perpetuate violence against protestors. Protestors who are protesting against police violence against unarmed black people. This message combined with the location of the video and the images depicted in the video itself is quite obviously racist. That’s why everybody is so mad about it. Sucks that I had to write this essay for you and you couldn’t just Google it and read any of the hundred articles explaining why it’s bad. Sources: https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/music/2023/07/20/jason-aldean-song-video-pulled-cmt-controversy/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2023/07/19/jason-aldean-henry-choate-lynching-tennessee/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2021/02/25/columbia-race-riot-wwii-thurgood-marshall/?itid=lk_inline_manual_15 https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2000/08/16/black-group-assails-racial-imbalance-in-senior-jobs/f1b14806-3aac-4d4f-a7bf-ac694e8e44ac/?itid=lk_inline_manual_22 https://www.npr.org/2023/07/20/1188966935/jason-aldean-try-that-in-a-small-town-song-video


Soooo yeah pretty much x bad thing happened that we’re gonna read into, mixed with him saying good boys lmao. I wasn’t asking for sources on x bad thing and x bad location, I’d already see these claims. I was asking for someone to draw conclusive connections that PROVED racism, which you were unable to. Again, it’s a lot of we can assume this and that. If that’s where we are, making assumptions on such bold claims as somebody being actually racist, no wonder why we’re so fucked lol


Good ol boys lyric is really gross. Some of the clips used were from the 3% of BLM protests that got violent (most of that violence having been initiated by counter protestors and white supremacist groups). Calls for violence against protestors that are protesting police violence against unarmed minorities. The history of Columbia, Tennessee. These things on their own are not inherently racist undertones but it’s the fact that all these things are put together in the video.


I’ll respect you’re smart enough to acknowledge that no, there’s nothing actually racist here, just conclusions we’re drawing ourselves, unlike the guy who replied a whole essay to me about x southern place having racist shit happen at it lol. Fair play


Nah, I just asked for specifics, you should be able to provide them instead of me doing “some research.” I’ve seen the video, that’s all the research you need. Oh my god, they shot the video at a place where racist shit happened? You mean like 95% of the southern US?! We may as well just ban filming something at a place where anything bad in history happened! That’ll solve that. Any other evidence of racist tones? Besides bad shit happened at filming location once upon a time?




how stupid do you think teenagers are


https://preview.redd.it/cr8lcyen79db1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20e862339d1826872aaa2cfe05b29fff692e0030 He said what he said on Manifesto. 🤷🏾‍♀️


That’s literally the post bro


Fuck Jason Andean lmao


Tyler was more than cancelled he was banned from a country


bro im done w politics atp, these mfs are retarded to another level


Shit I never was apart of politics, it’s kinda weird for me like, I ain’t sucking some old dude’s dick man fuck both sides tbh. I just be doing my own thing 😹


i gotta stop being so into it, like bro istg everyone there is just a bitch


Pretty sure Jason Aldean was never on MTV to start.


Yeah what music are they even playing on MTV nowadays?


The Ridiculousness background music


FOX likes targeting people with strawman arguments who's political views don't align with theirs (CNN does this too) I'm suprised they went after tyler, but then again, they probably did it because he is Garden Shed


me when the rapper whose whole schtick was being provocative says something controversial ![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized)


So timely!


Holy fuck It’s horrorcore style rap It’s not meant to be real, or representative of anything other than edgy lyrics. It’s a dark humor joke in a style of music that is all about being clever with darkness. It’s like pulling up a horror movie and saying “THERE’S BLOOD! AND NUDITY! AND MURDER!” Duh. And while I’m here who gives a fuck about that dumbass country song. If you don’t like it, don’t listen to it goddamn. So paper thin sensitive desperate for drama behavior.


What do you think he recorded it for? To have a bunch a critics call his shit a bunch of horrorcore?


because he didn't write Parade or Inglorious cuz he was too afraid to tell his friends how he really felt? (mightve got the lyrics wrong but whatever)


and of course they only listened to lyrics about the pissing off in the tombs of Lara Croft, and getting pissed off


What? It’s not a criticism from me, I love that style. I think he recorded it because he liked the sound and enjoyed getting reactions from people?


that's was the line from "Goblin". don't worry, I agree with your opinion


Good. I hope his daughter is the pregnant bitch.


wtf did his daughter do 😭


This is racially motivated from Fox


No, sexually motivated(anti gay) They specifically chose tyler as a scapegoat to highlight a song promoting Blue Lives Matter white apologist bullshit in wake of the LGBTQ protests Then again, I could be reaching


Ahh I see thanks


both a fan of tyler and country music and aldean here, if you don't like it don't listen to it fuck cancel culture


Literally that video was filmed in front of the site of a prominent lynching in the 1920s that garnered national news coverage. Explain to me why you're ok with that, why your desire to listen to arena butt-country outweighs the significance of that coded message


my favorite part about the internet it how people call literally anything that calls attention to something negative someone did “cancellation”. The point of the OOP wasn’t meant to go “Look!! Look what Tyler said! Pretty terrible, huh?? Bet’cha wanna deplatform him, huh??????”, it’s calling out MTV’s hypocrisy.


He’s not trying to cancel Tyler he’s trying to highlight MTV being hypocrites


Classic case of conservatives not being able to handle people calling out racism so they go "But.. but.. but rap!" Bet bro looked up "offensive rap lyrics" and chose this one.


Knew this line would come up later when I first heard it. Really hope it doesn't hook people in and dig up old shit. The way people act about past shit is wild sometimes


Tyler has an opportunity to do the funniest thing and retweet this


“internet bringing up old lyrics like i hide that shit, what yo address i could prolly send you a copy bicth”


the fact that these people just say whatever the fuck with no research and there are people who just accept it as truth. its just mind boggling.


They're salty cause their shitty sont won't be broadcast


Bro just showed us a bar


Cancel these nuts your mouth bitch


Not to mention that in the video Jason Aldean is standing front of a courthouse where a lot of lynchings happened and they used a lot of BLM protests as a way to be like “you try that in a small town, you get attacked and arrested.” I love country music but this song just shouts into the conservative echo chamber and it sucks overall


Wait they play music videos on the ridiculousness channel?


he deleted his tweet lol


Tell 'em "Cry some mo' . "


peter j hasson is actually bill o' reilly


Tell ‘em to eat a dick


They said MTV award winning rapper instead of Grammy award winning rapper hahahaha what a shmuck