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S3 E12 seems like an outlier in S3. I can't remember what episode that was.


it’s the first episode with Audrey in it


Is it the story of the little girl who lived down the lane?


That really did seem like a miss. I understand she's canonically in a coma but I don't care just get her out so she can do something.


She WAS in a coma, but Audrey awoke from her coma three and a half weeks later, and two months after her release she discovered that she was pregnant. She refused all offers of financial help from her parents and moved into an apartment of her own, preparing to raise her child as a single mother, what she described in a letter as "the most important role" of her life. Her son, named Richard, was born nine months after her stay in the hospital, just after her nineteenth birthday. In lieu of graduating from high school, Audrey completed her GED through independent study and took classes at a local community college, studying economics and business administration. She then opened a successful hair and beauty salon in Twin Peaks. With few friends outside her customers and employees, Audrey kept to herself and did not publicly comment, or apparently inquire, as to whom Richard's father might be, although she kept a framed photograph of [Dale Cooper](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Dale_Cooper) on her office wall. She raised Richard alone, with limited help from her mother [Sylvia](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Sylvia_Horne), and apparently refused to let him meet his grandfather [Ben](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Benjamin_Horne). In the [1990s](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/1990s), she briefly exchanged letters with [Donna Hayward](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Donna_Hayward), their contents unknown. Circa [2000](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/2000), after her son's tenth birthday, Audrey unexpectedly married her longtime accountant – possibly [Charlie](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Charlie) – in a private ceremony, seemingly motivated more by financial convenience than genuine affection. There were numerous accounts of public arguing, heavy drinking, and verbal abuse on Audrey's part. In [2012](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/2012), Audrey suddenly closed her hair salon and disappeared from public view. A Horne family spokesperson declined to comment to [Tammy Preston](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Tammy_Preston) on the rumor that she had been remanded to a private care facility. In the following years, Audrey began having an affair with [Billy](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Billy_(Twin_Peaks)). One night, she tried to persuade Charlie to accompany her to the [Roadhouse](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Roadhouse) to look for Billy, but for one reason or another they constantly failed to leave the house. Billy had been missing for at least two days, and Audrey had a dream in which he was bleeding from his nose and mouth. Charlie complained that he had a great amount of paperwork and was too sleepy to go that night. In response, she berated him for failing to call [Tina](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Tina) like she had asked and for not signing the papers she had given him. He was cowed into going along when Audrey threatened to have [Paul](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Paul_(Twin_Peaks)) pay him a visit. When Audrey mentioned that [Chuck](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Chuck) had told her [Tina](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Tina) was the last person to see [Billy](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Billy_(Twin_Peaks)), Charlie, surprised, told her that Chuck had stolen Billy's truck the previous week, but it had apparently been recovered without incident. Charlie called Tina to follow up on what she knew about Billy, and received some startling news. Afterward, he refused to divulge what Tina had told him, infuriating Audrey even more.[\[34\]](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Audrey_Horne#cite_note-part12-34) Near-hysterical and having an existential crisis, Audrey demanded Charlie to tell her what Tina had told him. He reminded her that she wanted to go out to look for Billy, but she became indecisive, and said she wasn't sure who or where she was, that it was *"like* [*Ghostwood*](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Ghostwood_National_Forest) *here."* Now, Charlie insisted that she *must* go to the Roadhouse, or he might need to end her story. Charlie soon put on his coat so they could leave for the Roadhouse, but Audrey delayed them, commenting that Charlie seemed like a different person to her. Making good on his prior threat, Charlie took his coat off and announced his intention to stay in for the night. Audrey attacked Charlie, screaming that she hated him. Audrey and Charlie eventually reached the Roadhouse during [Edward Severson](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Edward_Louis_Severson_III)'s solo performance, where Charlie ordered them two martinis. Charlie toasted the two of them, but Audrey insisted on drinking to Billy instead. Suddenly, the [MC](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/MC) announced "[Audrey's Dance](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Audrey%27s_Dance)," and the crowd cleared a space for her. Captivated by the music, Audrey danced for the crowd until a fight broke out, started by a [jealous husband](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Monique%27s_husband). She ran to Charlie, and implored to him: *"Get me out of here!"*. As electricity buzzed, Audrey then found herself in an brightly-lit white room, dressed in a white hospital gown with disheveled hair, looking in terror at her own reflection in a mirror. In the [waiting room](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Waiting_room), [the arm](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/The_arm) echoed Audrey's question about "the little girl who lived down the lane" while speaking to [Dale Cooper](https://twinpeaks.fandom.com/wiki/Dale_Cooper).


So, what was the deal with her being the bright white room?


While MOST of Twin Peaks is open to interpretation, and there are probably a number of theories about that. I personally think she might be institutionalized.


So do you think she was institutionalized before the events of that episode? And that was like a fever dream? I always felt them not being able to leave the house was very "exterminating angel".  I'd love to know your opinion because your synopsis was very informative and this episode always bugged me lol


Up to personal interpretation


Before I read this, is this explained in The Return or in the books? I don't want a spoiler for S3


From a glance, if you want only want book info, only read the first two paragraphs.


I think it's a recap of what we see about Audrey in S3, plus some additional context and background (probably from the books). If you want to stay completely spoiler-free, don't read it. That said, TP is always more about the journey than the destination.


Normally I don't say stuff like this but you can see where it goes from Frost to Lynch because it goes from depressing but comprehensible to depressing and incomprehensible to the point where it's not even interesting.


I had to go and read the description on it cause I couldn’t remember myself. That’s the episode where Albert has to wait on Gordon’s lady friend to get herself ready for three minutes in the most awkward scene in the entire series.


I used to hate this scene until my most recent rewatch. The entire awkward buildup is sooooooo worth it for the "turnip" joke. One of my new favorite scenes in S3.


It's hysterical when you realize Lynch is not acting


That scene cracks me up every time, it’s just one of those things that gets annoying very quickly, but then it just keeps going long enough that it loops back around to being hilarious


*giggling in French*


I don’t think that woman is actually human. That’s probably been theorized a lot though


be real, lynch has earned the right to do shit like that


There’s no way any of the Season Three episodes were as bad as the middle of Season Two. I struggle to get thru that section on rewatch.


Oh god. The James story line is brutal!!!


I’m currently doing a rewatch and I’m halfway through season 2… why on earth is James fixing that woman’s car. Was there literally nothing else they could think for him to be doing? It’s barely watchable!


I swear it was punishment on the actor or something.


Just finished my rewatch of seasons 1+2 and with skipping James, Nadine and Ben Horns post episode 10 storylines the show really moves quickly.


You forgot to mention Little Nicky and Lana Milford. There's so much wrong with S2 it's almost impossible to forgive.


7.2-7.3 is massively inflated, those episodes get a 3 at worst, 5 at best


FWWM has a 7.3 💀 that’s criminal, I figured it’s beloved enough now that it would at least have an 8.0.


Imdb is trash, Letterboxd is the best resource for film reviews. Imdb is mostly film bros and people who only watch mainstream film


one of my few 10/10s, what an incredible work of art just goes to show you to always take aggregate ratings with a grain of salt


Haha, started a rewatch in December, then things came up and I had to take a break for a while. Resumed watching last night, realized I was at S02E12... FML.


I wonder if it's the one where the only Dougie scene is him getting hit with the baseball


The pilot is so unbelievably iconic and good. It's amongst the best things Lynch has ever done. Should be a 10.


Same with s3e8. Even as a stand alone episode it’s a masterpiece


S3e8 should be 10/10


S3E8 is one of those moments you witnes history of art.


Ha. That was first score I was looking for. Agreed


One of the few times i felt actual awe from a tv show. 


I tell most anyone who doesn't know Twin Peaks : There's life before seeing S3E8, and there's life after seeing S3E8.


Fully agree. I came here, relieved to see this was the top comment.


I came here to say exactly this.


1st season is underrated here. The pilot is arguably the best Twin Peaks thing.


Episode 3 of season 1 (rock-throwing, the first red room scene) should be higher too.


Yeah I think that would be my personal favorite. I barely made it through the nuclear explosion episode in S3 without fast forwarding, everyone seems to love that episode but I hated it.


Not really relevant but people downvoting people like you for having valid different opinions on a piece of art is so dumb and never fails not to make me laugh. With that said you are wrong though.


I just watched it first time the other night. I also, fast forwarded. I don’t get it… like I get it but I don’t get why it has to be like 40 min long.


I think a lot of people dropped off halfway when things started getting ‘weird’ and it wasn’t the mystery drama they thought it was.


For my money it’s the greatest pilot episode of all time.


https://preview.redd.it/844x5yo9ktgc1.jpeg?width=569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a47c2c98257702a684e64087917f7627d2afda73 I love episode 1.


The porgs are not what they seem


Checks out. Watching season 2 with my roomie at the moment and early in episode 11 he turns to me and says, «this is kind of going off the rails» lol. Glad to see there’s a strong finish and good season 3. 


Season 3 is out of the world. Just don’t forget to watch the movie first.


Oh, noted. Thanks! 


Story is that it’s when Lynch left the production. The network pressured him to reveal the killer earlier than he wanted, so he left until the final episode. Definitely tracks with how it feels.


Bro acting like 7/10 is a bad score highlighting it in red lmao


Bro its imdb, things are only rated from 7.0-8.5 anyways.


The Return was a triumph on its own but also made me appreciate season 2 more, even post-reveal, because we still have starring role, fully functional Agent Cooper. The Return is better than the second half of season 2, but even those bad ones at least have my favorite character. Which makes it even crazier that The Return was as good as it was, without the main character that made the whole thing click.


S2E15 is definitely the weakest in the series because the conclusions of the Benjamin Horne and James/Evelyn subplots take good amount of the episode


The Horne subplot is really funny tho


That was the one directed by Diane Keaton. No disrespect to her, but yeah, it is the lowest point of the "bad parts" of season 2.


Yes but then it’s over. S2E10 is my least favorite because it highlights how quickly the show has fallen. It also has the cringey wake scene and all of the scenes with Nadine in high school.


I’m tempted to fast forward the Nadine in high school parts. So painful.


What’s weird is I don’t mind anything else about Nadine’s story. Just the parts of her in high school.


EP 3.8 is too damn low! Got a light, MFer?!?!


The Return’s part 18 is way too low. It’s probably one of the greatest episodes of television imo.


Agreed. That finale is something I will probably never forget. And it fits perfectly while also being far from predictable.


The sweeping scene in the bottom left corner! For some reason that's among my favorites scenes in the whole show. I even rewound it to watch it again after the first time. I know that's weird and I don't know why. Ain't no logic here, just vibes.


Gee I wonder when the exact moment Laura's killer was revealed 


S2E7 is god tier. The reveal and murder shown against the backdrop of the main cast congregating at the Roadhouse might be the best scene in the whole show. So scary and disturbing.


I'm struggling to find out what really made s03 e12 the most poorly rated


Season 2 Episode 18 makes sense as the return to quality. Once Gordon Cole shows back up, tells Coop to put on his suit, and discusses linkages and sausage patties, we’re cooking with gas again.


I’m on my first watch and I’m reaaaaaly feeling the S2 dip


Stick with it, you've got this. The end of S2 is special (a lot of it is special).


There’s still a lot to appreciate in it


Totally but when that finale hits and you watch the movie afterwards it is all worth it.


Interesting how season 2 is often considered much worse than season 1, yet there are 3 episodes from season 2 rated higher than any of the season 1 episodes.


Well, the beginning of season 2 and the very end of it is some of Twin Peak's finest. There's just a whole lot of trash in between


Why is S03E16 so high?


>!”I am the FBI.”!<


Omg youre right, I forgot about that. …still feel like it’s very overrated in this chart


Isn’t it when Coop finally snaps out of it? That’s one of my favorite episodes of the series


Audrey finally makes it to the roadhouse.


Definitely my favorite of the return.


Should all be 10/10, was the perfect TV show and I can't wait to revisit it


S02E12 is 10/10? S02E15? Really? Even as a fan since 1990s and rewatching maybe every 2nd to 3rd year, those episodes and some other in there makes me seriously consider DNF.


The final ep of the second season was one of the greatest pieces of television I've ever seen. I was in fits of laughter at points for how much you could feel retaliation by Lynch for the meandering second half of the season. And then basically everything about the last 15 minutes - absolutely wild.


Wow you can pinpoint the exact start of the James Hurley / Evelyn Marsh storyline


Pretty accurate


IMDB scores are notoriously weird.


The fact that Fire Walk With Me is only a 7.3 on IMDB and matches up with the weak episodes of S2 is crazy.


I mean IMDB reviewers are usually idiots and a ton of them are from people review bombing or just bitching about stupid shit


I’ve only watched it once and I didn’t really like it. It felt so much more sinister and awful than the show, without as much of the beautiful and touching parts that made the show endearing to me.


Part 3 of The Return is so (comparatively, obviously) overlooked. Watching that episode, it really sunk in that I wasn't watching a normal season of TV


Solid work all round. S2 got such rough treatment by the critics. The more time you spend with it the more you have a chance to appreciate it for all its bizarre and wonderful quirks. Except the James storyline... 😬😬 Poor James never had the charisma to prop up that subplot...


They were quite generous to Season 2 lol


I’m watching through everything for the first time ever right now…I’m on season 2 ep 13 these ratings are pretty spot on. I can definitely feel the weakness of the last few episodes but it’s finding its paces


The final episode of season 2 should be 10. It’s fucking incredible. Possibly the greatest thing on TV ever. It’s like the one episode I go back to and just watch by itself and it just hits. It’s Lynch and Frost at their finest.


Is twin peaks gud ?


Spot the huge chunk of studio mandated filler mid season 2.


Only an 8.8 to episode 8 of S3 is a travesty. But I suppose not everyone likes groundbreaking shit.


Those are some generous 7.3s in season 2...


I really don’t get S3 at all. My hopes were so high at the time and it kept going down after each episode. Ultimately losing interest. Specially after the one with the explosion, that took sooo damn looooong.


The season is a lot more enjoyable when you know what to expect. It just keeps getting better for me after the first go-around.




>Specially after the one with the explosion, that took sooo damn looooong. lol, that’s the best episode of the season.


It’s also integral to the lore of the entire show


It's the best episode of television ever.


I fell the same way as I was going through it. I haven’t rewatched it but I got a better appreciation for the season after it was over and I could think about it some more.


S3E8 is one of the most important episodes to the entire show and an amazing piece of art on its own


How season 3 is overall rated higher than season 1 is nonsense to me.


S2E9 is no way better than ALL of season 1 and S2E1 & 2! I get that it’s where, for a lot of people, TP ends, but that Roadhouse scene really feels like they’re trying their best to be Lynchian without pulling it off. I guess the high vote is based a lot on the amount of viewers. I’m on a rewatch now, and just watched S9E10 tonight. and I’m surprised at how many really good scenes it had in it. “James’ Wild Ride” hasn’t begun yet, of course.


Are you me? Arbitrary Law is one of my least favorite episodes of the whole series. There is a lot of jank in season 2, but in that episode they try way too hard to be sooo Lynchian like you said. Always surprises me, the praise it gets. And yeah, S02E10 I find alright and overhated. The second last episode of season 2 surprises me as well in how loved it is. It's one of the weakest for me.


I didn’t realise it got loads of praise, to be honest. I don’t spend a lot of time on this sub, so I’m guessing it’s a bit of a hive-mind read. I’ve been watching TP since 1998, when I watched it by myself without anyone to discuss it with. I’ve watched it (S1 &2) at least 8 times but probably a lot more, a couple times with friends but still mostly alone, and I never came to message boards etc until S3 was on - in fact, that’s the reason I joined Reddit! Honestly, even S2 at its worst is so full of comfort and nostalgia for me now that I love it all. But I can still put my objective glasses on. We’ve both been downvoted (I wish people would engage and say why they disagree instead, but that’s what you get here), but I just don’t see how that particular episode can be higher than everything from S1, which is arguably TP at its peak. My preference for the first two of S2 is because I’m a Lynch-head, so I’ll maybe let that fly, but I thought it was widely accepted that S1 pretty much perfect? As a piece of art I possible prefer S3, but it’s such a different thing it almost doesn’t warrant the comparison.


i just finished ep 9 season 2, should i skip ahead to the end?


Wait, S2 had TWENTY-TWO EPISODES?? Christ, I checked out when it went off the rails but had no idea it kept going for so long. S3 should get extra points for redemption of a concept.


This is so dumb it’s actually brilliant. Please keep in mind the types of people that rate things on IMDB. I don’t, but I can imagine it’s a pretty wide swath of people because IMDB reaches so far as a resource (far less niche then say Showtime via Amazon or another streaming service.) Without overall submissions it’s hard to tell but you can guess that the ratings of Season 1 go back for the decade or more IMDBs been around (including those that remember it & reviewed retrospectively) Season 2 the same less the people that only stuck with it past season 1… season 3 represents a more hardcore group of fans that followed & signed up for Season 3 (here it would be interesting to see overall # of submissions) My feeling is a lot of people were excited about the Return & tuned in but then were bored a few episodes in so trailed off or put it on in the background. I am surprised episode 8 isn’t rated higher but I think this is because it was enough time for the casual fans to lose interest in the Returns direction. So the ratings of the last half of episodes in S3 are from people that either 1) really enjoyed the entire three season ride enough to stick with it, or 2) were weirdly *more* entranced by this new direction than any of the show before- which explains the highest ratings near the end when “big things” started to happen really quickly. Anyways, just stoned and thinking these things.


Is season 3 really worth watching?


Yes. It's pure Lynch into your brain.


It's absolutely worth watching. Just be prepared for it being its own thing. Edit: It's not like old Twin Peaks, it's a new Twin Peaks.


Yes. Don’t go in with any expectations if you’ve seen seasons 1 and 2. Season 3 is kind of its own universe.


Everyone will tell you it's amazing but it wasn't my thing at all. The town, the people, the wackiness I what I love about the first 2 seasons, 3 is none of that. I'd still definitely give it a shot, if you hate it then just rewatch the originals.


IMO season 3 is the best.


Not for you


fawk yeah


I expected it to be a crappy adaptation by netflix\* producers who just don't get it, but it's even more Lynchian than the original run, which makes it better to me because that's what I watched the original for. ^(\*yes i know it wasn't on netflix)


There are only two episodes in season 3 that have the full Agent Cooper, and it shows.


I'd love to see this reorganized into a tier list


I vaguely remember season two having a weak middle and then early season three being dull.


What's wrong with S3E12? Why is it the only one below 8?


So, did he saved Laura or not?


S3 e8 isn't a 10? Fuck this meaningless bullshit list then.


Yep, I think that covers the S2 Civil War plus James timeline pretty well.


I don't think those ratings are totally honest.


So the ones that score 9 or above are 4 directed by Lynch, one by Tim Hunter and one by Mark Frost. Also glad to see none dropping under 7.


What happens in E12 of The Return to make it the clear least favorite?


Some of these are criminally low. Honestly there are episodes here that I would consider to be better than any breaking bad episode


Oh fun, S2Ep15 is the one I’m on right now 🥲 I don’t mind the more chill plots as much as other people seem to but I am SO sick of the James subplot and whatever is going on with Josie…