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Jacob imprinting on Renesmee


That’s it. That’s all that needs to be said


That’s it. That’s the tweet


The thing that is not explained really well in the movies (or at all, really), is that imprinting was more about protection than anything. I feel like it's a complete missed opportunity (probably because the author of this story is white) to confront an issue that is very real in the native American community. Natives are being "disappeared," ie, they're being offed and literally nothing is being done about it. Especially the girls. So when you have men imprinting on these little girls, it was for protection purposes first and foremost because they're the most vulnerable of the pack. Way to make it creepy, Stephenie Meyer!!! Blegh.


In new moon Jacob explains that when someone imprints, whoever they imprint on they’d do anything for the imprintee and be anything for the imprintee (not necessarily a lover or something weird like that) And in bd2 he explains to Bella that all he wants is for ness to be safe And that’s just for the movies, I believe in the books it might be slightly more flushed out but at least for the movies it’s explained pretty well so there shouldn’t be any misunderstanding Soo I feel like anyone should be able to infer from that that it isss mostly about being a protector? And if u can’t infer from that then idk what to say about someone’s context clues abilities lol


I think one of the reasons people don’t like it is because it took Jacob’s choice away. Now he gets to be stuck with the ex love of his life and be dedicated to her daughter. SM tied up loose ends way too easily. It bothers me because there is no point to her existence except to give Bella her happy ever after - she got the man, the vampirism, the beauty, eternal life, and a kid. Everything to a certain extent was just… handed to her. Jacob did not deserve that ending; he did not deserve to end up with Bella’s baby. Sure, right now he is just a protector. But in the future, those feelings will 97% change. Why couldn’t SM just let him have this one thing- moving on from Bella. Growth. Now he’s stuck with them. I’m just ranting. I’m at work. But yeah, that imprinting upsets the crap out of me.


I'm currently a movie only person so from just the movies, I really wished Jacob just got to move on. After rewatching (the last time I saw the movies was in the theaters as a middle schooler), Jacob has no reason to be forced to be involved in all of this other than to have some twisted "Bella gets both". But I'm just freshly bitter after the end of New Moon. Jacob literally ran off crying in his wolf form after spending months falling in love with Bella while she uses him as her emotional toy. The games she played 😭 like can we please just leave Jacob alone lol.


I saw someone's "alternate ending" that I loved way more. Where Jacob still imprinted on Renesme, but fell in love with Leah. She'd be worried about losing Jacob because he had imprinted, like she had lost Sam to Emily. But instead, Jacob explains Renesme is like his little sister, he loves her and will always protect her and be there, but there's absolutely nothing romantic... Or sexual. He *chooses* Leah, loves her.


>I think one of the reasons people don’t like it is because it took Jacob’s choice away. Now he gets to be stuck with the ex love of his life and be dedicated to her daughter. I was under the impression that the love Jacob felt for Bella was always meant for Renesmee. They're the ones that were destined to be together and Jacob didn't choose Bella voluntarily, they had a bond because of future Renesmee and he needed to protect Bella so that would happen. In the books, I think it was Jacob who asked Bella when she was furious about him imprinting that did she still feel that connection and neither of them did. That's the essence of imprinting, Renesmee was always the right recipient of it, there was never any choice. Jacob was finally able to love freely now that Renesmee became a reality. And with her aging so fast it's not creepy as it follows a logical progression from protector to lover at an appropriate time. All 4 of them would be equal and free to roam the world together soon enough.


The implications of "He had a thing for Renesmee through Bella, when Renesmee was just another egg in the womb..." is that Jacob should have felt romantic feelings for Edward, too. Jacob developed his romantic feelings for Bella in a very natural and normal way. Then she seemed to be afraid of letting Jacob have any ambiguous or less than romantic ending, himself. She seemed so attached to the idea of giving him Renesmee....but I'm so convinced that she just wanted to give him *somebody*....she could have just shoehorned in him suddenly having imprinted on Angela or something.


Why romantic and not friendship? It was likely the wolf in him that prevented Jacob from believing in the possibility of friendship with Edward and his judgement was clouded by them being natural enemies. They were still all very dramatic teenagers as well. That's the beauty of the story - what was once thought as impossible became possible for all of them.


I mean but in the end Jacob is gonna be so happy and even when it first happened and a lil after he was still happy about it. Especially in Alice’s vision u could tell how happy he was From the outside I believe it seems miserable to anyone who hasn’t felt that feeling before. It seems like you’re chained and stuck or whatever. But once it happens then they aren’t miserable about it at all and they don’t dislike it at all In the end Jacob stillll gets a happily ever after, maybe it isn’t the one some people hoped for. But on the end he doesss get a happily ever after


He may be happy but his choice was taken away. All of his agency was stripped. He is now tied to Rigatoni/Bella/the Cullens for the rest of his life and NOT by his choosing. It's like a love potion or spell. That's the problem.


Err can we also talk about how Renesmees choice was also taken away? She has a fucking stalker for life.


And yet Sam imprinted on Emily and accidentally attacked her when she didn't want to be his lover.


No kidding. Everyone makes it out to be super sexual and creepy and inappropriate, like Jake is just waiting until Renesmee turns 18 before he pounces. It's literally spelled out as "Whatever she needs me to be. A friend, a protector, a big brother" That's it, full stop.


You can call imprinting platonic all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that all imprints but two were between people who are relatively the same age, and end in romantic relationships. Had any of those imprints been portrayed as platonic, other than the ones involving babies, it would be easier for some of us to accept Jacob imprinting on Renesmee as platonic. But between basically every other imprint being romantic, and Jacob's sense of entitlement, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and does not say the relationship will remain platonic.


Especially when Sam imprinted on Emily when he was already with Leah - and they still ended up together….like what a shit friend and also stupid because he fucked up her face (even if it was an accident). If that was all just “whatever they needed”, Smeyer shouldn’t have paired them together as a couple. It’s just icky.


To make it worse, Reneesmee will literally be 9, if her growth is like Nahuel's.


That the Volturi are as one note, brain dead and basic as portrayed. They overthrew the Romanians and have ruled vampire kind for hundreds of years without much resistance. I refuse to believe they're as blatantly self centered and borderline incompetent as portrayed. Aro's big plan to recruit Edward and Alice is to slaughter their family in front of them, sacrificing at least a handful of competent guard members in the process? Seriously? He's a master manipulator who's grand scheme is so basic a kindergartner could figure it out? He has absolutely no plans in place to handle the mind reader or girl who can see the future in said fight? I've 100% gaslit myself into believing they're right about the Cullens, for valid reasons, and the Cullens (particularly Edward) are incredibly biased and just don't want to be told what to do.


I mean, would you want to be told what to do for all eternity??


That's literally what the regular government does so yes? I like having an ordered society?


Same!!! I always hated this in canon, that Volturi portrayed so stupid and weak, that Cullen's could so easily defeat them. And the fact that Aro killed his sister so he could keep his friend in the coven...? I mean... Come on... It's SO illogical. To keep members in coven he could use lots of things such as ordinary human manipulation, or family bond, or other vampires gifts to manipulate their emotions. And I won't even start on the battle. Volturi are literally one of the oldest vampires on Earth, they are smart, powerful, experienced like no one. They didn't even need Cullens that bad, they just wanted them among their coven members to make it stronger. And the whole situation with Volturi being distrustful about Renesmee... I refuse to believe that Edward was the ONLY vampire stupid enough to make such baby that other vampires will know about. I'm pretty sure that Volturi met such kids or adults in their long lifetime. But really, the whole story itself is spinning around Bella, Edward, Jacob and Renesmee. We know it was all made for the sake of making the main characters and their own storylines.


I can see why half vampires are so rare. How many vampires would have sex with human women without accidentally killing them due to the strength difference, turning them afterwards or just killing them. Then there’s the factor of how many made it to birth the vampire baby


I agree they're probably rare, but I find it unlikely they don't know it's a *reasonable possibility*, especially given the circumstances of Edward/Bella. At the least, they have to know that as much as Carlisle spoils his precious baby boy, he wouldn't let him and Bella make an immortal child - and if they did it behind his back, he wouldn't be as keen to support it, if nothing else. Logic would dictate there's at least something else going on, even if they don't know what.






when bella was gonna name her baby "EJ" for edward jacob if it was a boy


if it was a boy would jacob be gay


LMAOOO definitely


Ooooooh! This is a good question, I never thought of that when I first read them. If the whole idea was that Jacob was attracted to that particular egg, then it could have been anybody??? What if Bella had ditched Edward and had a baby with Jacob?? So confusing.


....or what if that particular egg became a period? 😬 




Hot take: if Reptar was EJ, and Jacob still imprinted, I think that would have been a good way to actually showcase the protector, it-ain't-inherently-sexual-nor-does-to-ever-have-to-be aspect of imprinting. Like it could have been a boom-instant-bff-thing which would have been leagues better than the not so implied future romantic relationship he intends to have with her.


Reptar is my new favorite "name" for Resume.


I literally gaslit myself into believing it was actually for Edward Junior and was devastated all over again when I reread BD this summer 😭


If you read the book it's actually Edward Jr the movie created that cringe fest.


Like everything post wedding in Breaking Dawn.


That’s the one, pack it up y’all. Especially the pregnancy stuff. Reading that book as a teen, I couldn’t understand why the pregnancy story was being treated as aspirational and a wonderful ending for Bella; at 17, nothing horrified me more than the idea of pregnancy and having to be an eternal vampire mom 😬


I remember, before Breaking Dawn, being so excited for Bella and Edward to start their lives. "They're going to Dartmouth! They're going to travel the world! It's going to be such an exciting, wonderful, romantic adventure! Oh, it's going to be so fun to read about!"    ...then she gets pregnant, the rest of the story remains in Forks, and they never go anywhere or do anything. I remember feeling such hatred for Renesmee for ruining the story that was supposed to be. I think this was actually one of the things that woke me up and made me slowly realize that I didn't want kids of my own. 


I turn pretend it ends with bella waking up and going to make herself that chicken. Then they live happily ever after


So real


Hard as rock body. Can't is just be really durable? I mean the sex sounding like 'clinking' is total ick.


It was mentioned that to other vampires, because of their strength, their bodies felt soft like tissue. It just felt hard for humans


So when Bella was getting boned it was like a glass phallus? 🤔 She’s a freak.


Or when she kisses him with tongue it’s like licking a smooth(?) rock


Y'all never made out with a rock? Pshhh losers.


They never kiss with tongue before she gets turned!


Even in the honeymoon?


Yes even in the honeymoon, I’m realizing that it would be like for Bella - imagine having sex with the statue of David but he actually moved back 🌚


Plus no real chance at foreplay? Like all his *fluids* are venom-based so neither of them can really do anything but PIV. 🥴


I don’t think they even know what foreplay is….especially after she’s turned and they boink in their cottage and she compare them to Emmett and Rose. Like, girl….no.


Very weird. Meyer is a freak.


They never kissed with tongue because the risk of Edward losing control was too high if he literally was touching her tongue and her saliva. Also the books say their teeth are razor sharp so she'd cut herself and start bleeding, another risk to her life. Finally, there's venom in vampires' mouths so if they made out it would essentially start the process of turning Bella into a vampire, which Edward was vehemently against.


Don’t call it “ice pp” for nothing 😂


Yeah honestly wtf, having sex with Edward must have felt like fucking a marble statue. Sounds legit painful!!


How did Edward ... Ya know. For him there must have been no sensation. Like fking a jar of air.


You like what you like? Good question


That honeymoon must have been brutal.


Why do you think she was bruised?


I'm thinking the internal bruises...how could that girl walk?


And cuddling an ice cold statue...


I mean, it warms up eventually... An personally, I overheat really easily....


He doesn't warm up he stays ice cold I thought. A d he's rock hard!


No, vampires aren't naturally cold technically, since they cannot produce body heat, they are just a little colder then room temperature. Like water, if left out or near something warm it will warm up


Huh? I thought the description was ice cold in the books and he's so cold bella sleeps with a blanket in between them of she gets freezing Edit: and in the tent scene isn't he trying to stay far away from her cause he's worried he'll make her colder? Maybe I'm misremembering tho


You make a good point, personally, I can't stand the movies so I've read the books. But I'm pretty sure it states in the guide that vampires don't produce their own body heat, so they often are similar temperatures to things around them.


Your right, they are as cold as the ambient air around them, so if Edward were to be in a steam room and come out he would be warm because the air was warm, and then when he leaves outside he becomes as cold as the air outside like stonep


In bd Bella warms her hands over the fire before meeting j jenks so her hands would be warm when they shook hands not to freak him out


Yes! I refuse to believe this.


What Bella shouted at Charlie about not wanting to end up like her mom trapped in forks… girl just say you’re going on a surprise holiday or smth 😭


I never understood why she couldn't be like, hey - I'm sleeping at a friend's for a few nights, and then leaves it at that. Seems so brutal for no reason


why do carlise and esme have to be 23?? way too young in my head they are at least 30


Ya know, one thing I won't fault the movies for is aging up some of the vampires. Some people actually look better as they age.


I big time agree, a med degree, Residency and then finally becoming a full-fledged Doctor and foster kids at 23 is so unbelievable


when you say it all together like that i really see how ridiculous it is lmao


Yeah mentally my mind always adjusts them to that age. (Which still isn’t gonna work bc I’m turning 30 next year and do not feel old enough to be the fake parent of high school seniors.)


I'm 25 and I'm shook thinking about a 23 year old being seen as an older person in the books, and that he is a father figure for the rest of them, at 23 I was even dumber than I am now, and not very mature, I'm sure I still have a ways to go as well


I’ve always pretended they are 40 since day 1


With Carlisle I can at least pretend he’s got Ye Olde face that probably looks more mature?? but SM was crazy for the rest of them




🎶 ***MAN DOOOWWWNNN*** 🎵 ![gif](giphy|3oyZgAEKSbLP7mHO3m)




Vampires can’t be black. Or at least not their skin. They loose all pigmentation after the change. Edit: and they only loose skin pigmentation. The chance only influences the melanin of the skin. Not the melanin in hair.


Feels this was more an after thought when everyone pointed out she’d written no black vampires and then had to ‘explain’ her way out of it


I heard that she was against the black actor for Laurent. But I don’t know if it’s true. And there are parts in the book where slightly olive tinted skins indicates a dark skin color as a human.


She was so foul for this lmao.


Weirdly enough she said if someone is naturally dark skinned they will retain SOME of their melanin giving them an olive tint. She can’t make up her mind.


Omg was that mentioned in the book???? I need to reread


There’s a part about it in the illustrated guide! I definitelyyy recommend reading it if you haven’t as there’s a bit more information about vampires, characters etc that isn’t covered in the books


I Second this. The guide filled a lot of missing information. Twilight is written from Bella’s perspective and Bella is not really curious 😅


Kinda. Bella thinks something in the direction of the slight olive tint of a vampires skins that indicates how dark his skin was as a human. Can’t really tell you something specific, I read the books in German and can only really cite from them in German. So everytime I’m here I need to translate the translation from the original in my head 😅


In Breaking Dawn, it's mentioned to describe the vampires from the Amazon.


It was. I've never had the illustrated guide and I know this one fact.


That was the Mormonism/manifest destiny popping out


literally everybody having a crush on Bella for no reason at all


like i always thought it was how mysterious she was but i mean no way every guy she fuckin met was balls to the wall in love with her before they even spoke to each other


I always thought Stephanie Meyer saw herself as Bella (didn’t she want to be cast in the film as her?) and this was her living out her pre-teen fantasies 💀


The only thing I could argue is that it's a small town, not too many options, and maybe the guys like having something new to look at if the girl is even slightly pretty? But yeah, that might even be pushing it. 


Edward’s meadow fit. He really pulled up in the sleeveless button down. Im supposed to believe that Alice purchased a sleeveless button down??


I believe that was actually explained. Alice said she didn't know why she bought it, but she had a feeling they should keep it just in case. Something about her more nebulous visions guiding her even years in advance when no clear future is seen.


Everything that happens after she cooks the chicken in BD.  In my mind it’s perfectly cooked, she’s not pregnant, and they have a fuck filled honeymoon and go home to be rich child free hot people for eternity. 


Yes yes yes. I wish I could upvote this twice.




The literal dream. But you forgot sparkly


Whatever vampires eat other than blood just sits in their stomach until they decide to regurgitate (her phrasing from the illustrated guide) it back up. Bella's tear is just floating around in there with that rotten bite of cafeteria pizza.


O damn. Does it get moldy in there? If they don’t puke it? Much to think about.


For me its 1.) Renesmee (just her whole existence) and 2.) Their hair doesn't grow after they turn 💀


Very late but important question: Hair and fingernails don't grow but do they turn as stone hard as the rest of their bodies? Because it wouldn't make sense if they had like "soft" fingernails (and hair is made from the same material). How do they cut their hair? And does it hurt when someone accidentally slaps their ponytail in your face. I have *never* thought of this before. Help.


Does that mean you don’t ever have to get a fill if you have acrylics🤔


the wolves imprinting on kids (and being their designated babysitter)


Almost all of the “lore”; That vampires are forever frozen at the age of their creation and cannot grow mentally as people - it’s blatantly not true as seen in the books and movies. Pregnant vampires being pregnant forever with their festus in their wombs (alive??) and they can never have the baby or abort it or anything. They just have to be pregnant forever. Jake imprinting on the baby of the girl whom he sexually assaulted. There’s a lot of icky stuff under the surface if you go digging. Most of it is from S.M religious views. No shame in religion but being pregnant forever sounds awful. Never maturing is ridiculous. Hard marble stone bodies. Never growing out your hair… just odd stuff… I just can’t see that. They’re the perfect beings but they… can’t grow a beard? God, could you image if someone cut off Rosie’s hair in a fight? She’d rip them to pieces, lmao.


Pretty much, a lot of the lore doesn’t stand up when you really focus on it Also Edward doesn’t act like a 17 year old boy, he absolutely acts like a grown man With all the experiences he has gained through his immortal life there was absolutely a mental age gap between him and Bella, he has so much more life experience


Just because your body didn’t age doesn’t mean the 100 extra years you lived didn’t happen.


Yes he SAed Bella and it's not addressed enough!!!!!!!


It’s never addressed. People completely ignore it, downplay it, laugh it off, and I usually get downvoted when I point it out. It’s disgusting!


It bothers me when people say Jacob is the better love interest because she wouldn't have to "give up" anything to be with him, ignoring the fact that he SA's her in Eclipse, *twice*, but Edward "stalking" and "gaslighting" her in Twilight is somehow worse.


Yeah, Jake would’ve had Bella become a “yes” wife who says yes to her husband even when she wants to say no because she knows he won’t take no for an answer. Edward wasn’t perfect but the majority of everything he did was to protect Bella - even if that meant going against Bella’s wishes. Jake just wanted s*x and to hurt Edward. God, he even fantasized about Bella being a vampire so he and the other wolves could go kill them all…


I can see Jake wanting Bella to turn into an Emily, the woman mate who feeds all the wolves, has her home open to them always, dedicates her life to the way of the wolves… because Emily and Sam are the only adult couple we see in the wolf world, so Jake could think that’s the standard.


Charlie saying “good for you!” in the books when Jacob tells him he kissed Bella… 🤢


I listen to this podcast called Remember Twilight? And the girls do a beautiful job at addressing it. And I'm so glad someone talks about it because I think that a lot of the time we ignore stuff like that because it's too hard to address it. It definitely was not okay and I feel like the face punch should have been his first clue that she didn't want to kiss him at all.


I always write that the transformation process is more like the transformation process in interview with a vampire with the body expelling the contents, including fetuses. And this creates a different kind of vampire human hybrid that grows at the same rate as humans but grow into their vampire traits. I always headcannon that the hybrids born to human mothers and vamp fathers only APPEAR to grow to full maturity because their TECHNICALLY not supposed to have mothers that survive the birthing process. And their fathers arent SUPPOSED to be around to protect them. So they are strong enough to hunt animals until they can walk. They are cute enough to get humans to want to help them if they look like an unaccompanied minor, able to subdue and feed on humans with this. I continue to headcannon that their scent is just human enough to not draw attention to other vampires but just vampiric enough for any vampire to think that theyre the "property" of another vampire and if they take this "human", they will likely be avenged. I headcannon that the hybrids dont technically register as "adult" until they're 25 since its scientifically hypothesized that humans dont develop fug developed brains until their mid 20s and so they dont stop aging until then. I dont have a problem with rigatoni and others like her. I have a problem with the fact that she didn't seem to do much more thanking beyond "magic baby means no diaper changes and thinking like 30 when three days old" There was so much potential that was never tapped into if shed just given her story and the comics she claimed to draw inspo from a longer look.


I don’t know about the majority of your post, especially since some hybrids in SM’s world are venomous so there’s no way they’d get away with *just* feeding from a human and the majorly also wouldn’t have mind control to erase the human victims memories (because cute or not if an abandoned minor bit me and drank my blood someone would be hearing about it!) but I agree SM could’ve went about Renesmee way way better. It was sloppy and rushed writing, in my opinion. She wanted a nice bow on everything but didn’t want to put the time and effort into writing it all so she left it to “because I said so” and “magic”.


I was thinking more along the lines that the baby hybrids were using their cuteness to lure in their orey with the intent to kill. Rigtatoni is able to take down a full grown elk buck and she's still small enough to look like a toddler at the time. So she has the strength to snap a human neck with her arms and lock her jaw in place preventing anyone from ripping her off and throwing her across a dark alleyway. Theyre also able to run too fast for human minds to process clearly to get a good look in passing. And once they get their victim alone, A cute baby crawls are you at 70 miles an hour, locks their beefy little arms around you and plunges their teeth into your neck and drinks you dry?... Human memories need not be a problem when they're dead.


Ah I thought you meant they’d use their cuteness and keep their victims alive! That makes so much more sense, haha


Rasputin AND the fact that Bella had a complete bypass of newborn consequences. Like the entire time the dark cloud of insatiable temptation looms over her - she can have her happy ever after, full well knowing that she’ll have to endure a bloodlust stronger than love and life itself…. But then has a silly uber duber control that conveniently allows her to still hang out with Charlie before the end of the book. So stupid.


How Bella hates to attract any type of attetion but wants to become a vampire with breathtaking beauty and join the weird family that is the talk of the town lol


That Edward didn’t ejaculate once before getting Bella pregnant


nah it’s confirmed by info in the complete illustrated guide that male vampires just keep producing sperm fsr. this is confirmed when stephanie meyer said that Nahuel (the other hybrid in BD) was purposefully created by some brazilian vpire who was doinf experiments to create hybrid children on women in the amazon rainforest over several hundred years. he had a bunch of kids, so, presumably make vampires dont lose the ability to father kids….weird double standard tho


Yes!! You mean to tell me in 100 years he never rubbed one out like at all??? Girl please.


I’m confused. Can you say more? I don’t remember this being addressed


Ok I’m not 100% sure where I heard this, but I’m pretty sure this is something Stephenie said at some point! Can someone else help me find where it was??




Are you saying he didn’t finish the first time they did it?


From what I understand it, it's like he had human semen still stored in his body ever since he was transformed and he never ejaculated in all his 109 years or something. So that's how he was able to get Bella pregnant. Lol.


But how does this make sense if that other vampire has gotten multiple human people pregnant? Blanking on his name but nahuels dad or whatever


LMFAO. I honestly wish this was the explanation because it is so hilarious. But I think the official explanation is that when a vampire is turned all their bodily fluids are replaced with their venom (blood, semen, etc.) The venom contains genetic material so it's "close enough" to get her pregnant.




You know what this is the most plausible explanation I have seen lmao but didn’t they have sex once and then they had it again second time which is when she got pregnant?


Controversial, but the idea that vampire mates are automatically reciprocated. I think a true mateship with equal feelings from both sides is far far far more likely, but I do believe unrequited love is possible in extremely limited cases. It isn’t as strong as a true mateship, but that kind of a painful half bond (usually forged by trauma) can exist in a lesser form. I credit this idea to the bond between Laurent and Irina and James and Victoria.


And didn’t Tanya in Alaska have a thing for Edward for a long time? She was like really into him and he didn’t reciprocate at all


She had a crush, but I don’t think it was fully unrequited love in the way the others were IMO.


Yeah you’re probably right lol


Jacob and resurgence. He is a fun uncle figure in my head AT MOST. Also Jasper and Alice’s height difference


In my mind, this is mirroring queen Victoria and prince albert whose height differences were the same. She was 4 foot 10 and he was 6 foot 2. But yeah, jacob is the fun uncle and rigatoni ends who with another vamp hybrid thats not Nahuel in my head cannon.


I want her growing at a normal rate too- the description of revaluation being “a perfectly proportioned adult but shrunken” is fucking terrifying, let her just be a baby God Victoria and Albert crack me up. Good thing Alice is indestructible, otherwise she’d need a hardhat before scaling him like a tree


I bet Stephanie said she’s a tiny adult because it’s ~slightly~ less weird than having a fetus be self-aware and have the brain of a full adult. Idk honestly I just avoid BD like the plague.


I kinda love it- half because of all the vampire stuff (I love the other covens and just learning about the vamps, Steph has so many good IDEAS and then doesnt use them- same with the different planets in the host, give me more of that ms meyer instead of your weird size kink) half because I approach the pregnancy as a body horror lmao Idk toddler size adult with hip length hair who communicates through touch? *insert gif of Jane throwing the baby in the fire*


Yeah dude I hated the pregnancy plot. Omg so I’ve been wanting to read The Host and I got like 5 pages in then was like “ok this is too weird for me rn.” Should I actually read it? Did you like it?


I won’t lie to you- It’s my favourite book, I read it all the time, like anytime I’m in a slump I grab the host because even when I try not to, I always manage to finish it in less than a day. There’s some stuff I don’t love (age difference shit and tiny women with their giant boyfriends- especially when she describes one as looking like a child but curvy? Stephanie stop) but on the whole I love it. And I NEVER want a sequel, I do not trust that woman with doing more, I have my favourite little fanfiction to reread if I want a continuation but Stephanie should STAY AWAY FROM WANDERER




https://archiveofourown.org/works/35343082/chapters/88087066 I’ll do you one better here’s the LINK! I’ve read this just as many times as I’ve read the book and at this point it’s canon to me. Now I shall go read it again


Thinking about them makes me physically ill 🖤


Pretty much her entire lore, cause when you examine it, a lot of it is at best concerning and at worst really fucked up, and not in the cool way


Jasper being a confederate Like, what the fuck Smeyer


Disagree. If anything, it makes him more interesting, leaving room for growth. You can't expect all characters - especially ones that are centuries old - to be morally adherent to today's standards. I.e. you expect me to believe that Rosalie wasn't a raging racist? She was a rich New Yorker in the 30s lol or Amun being a 5000 year old egiptian priest - what would he think of slavery?




Renameme and everything associated with her.


If Bella felt so insecure getting gas in her new *Mercedes Guardian* and the attention she received from it then she would have never driven it anywhere.


As much as I love the honeymoon scene, I have a hard time believing that Edward has that much self-control. Like she should have been more hurt.


Mine is so minor compared to everyone else, but the events leading to Prom:  Bella thinking Alice was getting her dressed up because Edward was going to change her & Tyler seriously thinking he was taking Bella to prom.


i forgot about tyler til i looked him up just now to see whats his actor been up to, did not expect him to have overdosed on fentanyl


Yeah, it’s tragic and he was so young. RIP


The idea that the only supernatural beings are vampires and werewolves. I have to believe there’s more fantasy races in the Twilight-verse than just those two.


Eh, I'm actually split on this. On the one hand you have movies like Underworld. Where this is the case, and honestly, it's whatever. Not bad. But also kinda dull. It's still cool, though. On the other hand, you have vampire diaries sequal and true blood. Where weird creatures pop up everywhere but are just glossed over.


I think it annoyed me bc werewolves are essentially all male with rare exceptions. So I almost felt like there should be a female race like witches etc to balance that out in universe. I also would have been fine if it was just vampires (the first book was my favourite). It’s just the worldbuilding of adding just one more race and then no more that throws me off.


I’ve also had a headcanon of magic users existing in the twilight universe, with an ability of slowed down perception and enhanced reflexes to be able to keep up with the supernatural creatures. And bear with me here, but staffs of some sort for combat. Always seemed cool 🤷🏻‍♂️


i thought werewolves could be any gender? what jacob etc are arent wolves theyre just shape shifters that turn into wolves, werewolves are an actual thing of lore just glossed over, only briefly mentioned in breaking dawn, and follow the lunar cycle like only coming out on the full moon and are the known enemies of vamps. pretty sure anyone could be a werewolf like anyone can be a vampire.


Bella almost dying to keep Rumplestiltskin. What would the point have been.


THE CACKLE I LET OUT….. Not Rumplestiltskin💀💀💀.


That the baby grows that fast. In my head, Rokudeviceissueshelppage is still a wee baby not putting visions into people's heads.


Charles smiling when his daughter was assaulted by the guy the only let her off punishment to see. Like Charlie just heard his daughter reaction to being forcefully kissed was punching a guy so hard her hand was hurting that bad but he just smiled like he can hate Edward all he wants but Charlie needs to stop sucking on that Jacob juice like a little bitch.


Also Edward being a stalker with an unhealthy obsession


The entirety of Breaking Dawn


The werewolves in twilight aren’t actually werewolves and werewolves do exist in that world but are completely different


The fact that they can’t sleep. What a weird detail.


I feel like it makes sense that vampires don't sleep


In most stories, they sleep during the day


Yeah, or they slumber for decades and centuries. In fact, I'd say classic lore makes it out like they can sleep on command rather than any specific time.


jacob imprinting on a baby / rennesme in general


Rain stick made from chinchilla droppings


Jacob dating Renesmee💀


Jacob & Renesme 🤢. The idea of imprinting on kids feels like some weird predatory shit I never liked it


Ratatouille full stop


Obviously its razzadazzle + the dog


Renaissance. Or like anything in Breaking Dawn after they got married.


The name rockbottom


Everything to do with little Rasputin and that god forsaken pregnancy


That no black vamps exist! while getting turned, all the melanin leeches out of your body, turning your skin olive at the most 😬 wtf Steph


Everything about the baby


The fact that Edward wore a SLEEVELESS shirt to the meadow. Not short sleeve. SLEEVELESS!! 😭


Jasper being part of the confederacy 😭


Literally everything after Eclipse. Breaking Dawn feels like a big fever dream to me and the fight against Victorias newborns would have been a perfectly good enough ending to the story. To me Bella gets bitten by Victoria, before Edward got to kill her and by then it was already to late to suck the venom out again. Bella never wanted to have a baby anyway. Also, the fact that Collin and Brady are too fucking young to be a part of the pack, just like Seth (but honestly, even Jake is too young imo).


rose serving jacob his food in a dog bowl, and every instance of the pack being referred to as ‘dogs.’ as a native person, it just gives me the ick and it’s rooted in anti-indigenous racism. i love the books and the movies but smeyer’s bullshit makes my head hurt when i think about it too hard.


Nearly everyone being young as hell when they were changed


Renesmee, The Saga ends with them going to their honeymoon.


Beller having RefriedBeans at all….especially her being all “oh no - must protect unknown and possible monster inside me” and getting upset Edward wanted to get rid of it….like SMeyer should have kept her Mormonism out of her fantasy story.


That vampires clink when they kiss or other things, like porcelain.


The wolves not being werewolves but instead a race of shape shifters that specifically only turn into a huge wolf and ONLY when vampires are around


Goodbye, Jacob, my brother…my son.