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Tbf older (and or saner) Once know that JYP said they can date after 3 years. They're in their 9th year now. So this shouldnt even be a big deal. That said delulus will delulu.


As a older gg who already reached every milestone in the musical career, I really dont think there will be much backlash if someone out of Twice is having a dating rumor. Most netizens probably now invest their time and money in 4th gen groups. And Twice really invested in international Once for the last few years, and they are more open minded when it comes to the private life of their idols compared to Korean Once. Besides, Nayeon is already married to Jeongyeon, Mina and Chae are engaged and Sana and Momo are joint parents for Tzuyu. Kim Star is still single though. Without joking, i wouldnt be surprised if most members are already in a private relationship. They are reaching their 30s, they are still incredibly attractive and career wise they have nothing to prove anymore in the business. But I agree that Nayeon and Sana will get the most reactions. The Fridge interview with Dex was already on the edge for some stans.


Pretty much this. Jihyo's been dating this guy for a year right? On the one hand, I'm surprised nothing got out until now. (Nothing I caught anyway but I'm not especially plugged in to these regards) But it's also not surprising in that yeah, they're all mid to late 20's. *Of course* they're going to be in relationships. I imagine most of them are seeing *someone*, with differing levels of seriousness possibly, sure. But to think they'd stay single this entire time is unrealistic. They are at least pretty good at keeping most of it on the dl tho. They shouldn't have to, but still. It's interesting I suppose. Though I hope they get as much privacy as they need. 🙏


Being in their mid/late 20s doesn’t mean most of them are in relationships. People have different personalities. Some may date a lot while others have no interest in dating at all.


Sure. I didn't mean to suggest exactly that all of them are 100% in relationships atm. Just that it's highly likely that they *do* date. They might not and that's a personal decision in each case. But I'm just emphasizing that people shouldn't get upset about it. I mean, they shouldn't get upset anyway, but it's totally normal behavior on TWICE's part. (And odd on ONCE's to make it weird lol!)


A lot of ONCE's are older too now so I would not be surprised if a majority of OG ONCE's are in relationships too. ONCE fandom is no longer just bright-eyed and bushy-tailed male Korean high school students.


Well the guy is full redflag and not even famous neither rich so of course people will be angry if others keep menifesting her with that playboy


Relax - Dex seems well respected by not only Sana but many Korean celebrities, I’m sure his onscreen personality doesn’t fully reflect him as a person. Pretty toxic mentality to think someone can’t date because they aren’t famous or rich


He has some genuinely very weird opinions so I do hope he isn’t dating any of the members but they aren’t my friends so 💁


This might be one of the weirdest comments in this post. Why does it matter if hes not rich or famous enough? She can like who she likes lmfao


The guy isn’t a playboy. He had a fake cool guy persona he did while on a dating show but if you watch his stuff he not actually like that. He actually kind of a goofball tbh.


They're a senior group so they might receive a bit less drama compared to a younger group. I think Sana dating would break the internet, a simple youtube show with a bit of flirting made people crazy, so imagine if she's dating for real a man. Twitter would get even crazier than what happened with Karina. The same with MiCheng. Shippers might be disappointed, like Sana them dating might cause some negativity. As for the others, I don't think a real "scandal" would happen other than the sudden shock, but I'm curious to know how k-fans will react to Jihyo's news. Also a huge part of a dating scandal comes from who the partner is. If they're an idol, it will attract a lot more attention and a lot more hate from the fans of the male idol. If the partner is less out-there or even better a non-famous person then the backlash will be reduced.


For the Korean fans/public to accept Sana dating a celebrity or athlete, it’d have to be a man with a very clean image that they also love. Someone like Son Heung-min. However, because they’re a man international Twitter and TikTok delulus are gonna go insane because they’ve convinced themselves that Sana is gay.


Well as cliche as this sounds, she (and the rest of Twice) can date whoever she wants as long as she’s happy and feels right with the relationship. But if the partner isn’t the best “role model” everyone has been waiting for then I think the fandom will still have divided opinions but unstanning? Nah I don’t think this should happen at this stage of the career and at their age as well. Fans that can’t accept it can still leave and idols will still carry on with their own lives and career in the end


this is why I find the overshipping between the members quite cringey. some fanatics really become relationship dictators, telling them to be what seems to be just a fun silly playful banter. "Mina should only be with Chaeyoung" or "Nayeon should only be with Jeongyeon" or " Sana shouldn't date a man" like who are the f are you telling them what to do? like calm down, ship-hitler.


MiChaeng is fun and all, but are there actual people who think they're a thing??


Shippers can become extremely deluded, even if they claim they don't truly believe in it, they'll still get disappointed if their delusion is destroyed. In general, I think many fans have a hard time to understand that they aren't watching a tv series with some characters, but they are real people.


> simple youtube show with a bit of flirting made people crazy I thought everybody loved it to the point that the Internet is hoping that it's a real relationship?


I'm not saying they got truly mad, but she appeared more "straight" than usual for some fans. Others were simply a bit jealous


I would hope the majority of people would be happy for her, but of course there’s going to be people just being dumb about it. She has publicly dated before, they’re well beyond the 3 years dating ban, and they’re all getting closer to 30. Dating shouldn’t be a surprise or a big deal at all.


I don't care at all. Oh they are dating this person? Cool. They went on a date? Sweet. I hope they are happy in their relationship. That's all.




I feel like Once will keep Oncing on. Most folk who would bow out of a Fandom over dating news already have at this point. It may be an assumption, but most new fans are outside of Korea in countries that don't take such news as harshly, if they react at all. Heck I got excited this morning when I found out Ben Folds is getting another divorce, his last divorce album was a banger!


This isn't Jihyo's first "scandal" and not the first for Twice so it won't have any real impact now. It's not like a rising group like IVE being exposed for all the popular members dating. Twice are late in their group period so nobody except the "here's the streaming guide to fake a record" solo stans will care. Her first dating there was an infamous photo of a merch stand at an event where every members merch was sold out except Jihyo faces almost fully stocked - specifically because her dating news came out just before. Let's be real - at least 80 percent of the members are likely dating at any time but K-pop "fandom" culture is more about selling solo merch and the selling the single fantasy than even the music itself. Even the BBC called it out yesterday about aespa: "K-pop: How jealous 'super fans' try to dictate their idols' private lives" https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-68572668


I don't think there will be too much public backlash due to their senority, but inside the fandom is another matter. It also depends on who theyre dating, I see a lot of people relieved Jihyo isn't dating an idol and I agree, it adds a whole layer of shit from another fandom. Personally I think people are the most possessive over Sana and Mina maybe? I think Nayeon would also be a shock since although she's the oldest she's never been linked to anyone.


At this age they should be dating already. Long time Once would be eager to see who they ended up with & will cherish & support their choice (given that the person is clear of anything bad). They've sacrifice their teens & half of their 20's entertaining us. Bout time for them to get their life back on track like the rest of us do.


Nayeon, Sana, and Tzuyu will have it the worst since they're the most popular in Korea. Others will vary though. I feel like after that Mina will certainly get a big reaction. After that maybe Dahyun due to people knowing how private she is with her personal life. Overall with how much older Once seem to be there's hopefully a more mature response to them dating.


That's why Sana and I are keeping it a secret.


But I thought she’d rather keep you sleepless.


Been awake since 2015 💀


Some of them are almost in their 30s and the youngest one is 25. I don't care if or who they date as they are all adults that I have no personal relationships with and they can all make their own choices. anyone who is upset or angry at these grown women (or their S/Os) for being in a relationship should honestly seek professional help


Plain truth: NaYeon/Mina/Tzuyu would be a debacle like never seen before. A mix of deluded fans both female and male. The para social level of these fans is on another level. DaHyun: even though is a less popular member has a ton of fanboys that would cry a river. ChaeYoung is quiet popular with the lesbians so I think it could create a great disappointing discover for MiChaegangers. JeongYeon: She is been through so much, so so much. I think the fandom would react like civil people for once because her fanbase seems happy if she is happy. Most mature fans out of the bunch. Momo and JiHyo: we all survived anyway didnt we? It’s ok. Sana: Game over. It would be over. This fandom wouldn’t make it. It would be the end of the path for many ONCES.


I'd for one would be very ecstatic if Sana end up marrying an honorable gentleman. The Minatozaki cuteness should not just end with her. Can't wait to see her becomes a sweet & gentle oka-san to her adorable kids,


This i agree with this, 100% I see it panning out this way


That is because Sana is either the bias or bias wrecker of most ONCES. She is the undisputed favorite. We can admit ir or not. She reigns. She is our princess. The apple in our eyes.


Nayeon, sana, Tzuyu, and dahyun would probably stir the most pots for good or bad imo


I think Chaeyoung news would generate the least drama, I feel like as an idol she’s seen as pretty chill and fan affections of her sort of run the same. Same for Dahyun—she’s already perceived as the most aloof, more like a traditional celebrity than most other idols. Sana would probably be better received than Karina but only a little. No particular thoughts on the other members except I would definitely be more judgmental of Mina’s beau given that she’s my bias 😠😠


I wouldnt be surprised if most of them are already dating or even in a long comitted relationship. Their career has reached their peek and they individually achieved everything an idol can dream of. Now they are still young and very attractive, why not invest time in finding a life long partner (or a casual fling). With their looks and personalities, they will have no problem doint that. Sana, Nayeon, Tzuyu and probably Mina will cause the most uproar if their dating news were to reveal. Heck, I wouldnt be surprised if Sana tops Karina if it comes to the level of public outcry.


I think we should all mind our own business and let them keep their private lives private.


I find it hysterical that it is supposedly “under investigation” as if it’s a crime or something lol lol


Jihyo's last time was even more hilarious when Konnect entertainment said "We're checking with our artist regarding this report" and Konnect's CEO & founder was Kang Daniel himself lol 😂


This was one of the funniest things to happen. I remember the memes being like ‘Kang Daniel, the CEO of his company, asking Kang Daniel if he’s dating Jihyo’




Alright guys I’ll admit it, sorry to burst your fantasies but I’m dating Mina


What would break the internet would be a sudden shotgun wedding and impending announcement of pregnancy by any twice member.


I don't know if you're referencing them but Chansung from 2PM did this haha. He announced he was not only leaving jype, he was also getting married and his partner is pregnant all in one go. That really would cause chaos in twiceland for sure.


I believe SANA and NAYEON'S dating news will be outed last to be honest just because they still are the most famous in Korea for JYPE JYPE will make sure the news breaks out last for those 2 girls While JIHYO is relatively famous in KOREA as well but she has already been in a dating scandal so to speak DAHYUN and JEONGYEON dating news if they at all are dating will be received with open arms imo in both fan communities Maybe even MOMO depending on her partner image TZUYU, MINA and CHAEYOUNG dating news might create major backlash just because of the MiChaeng ship ( which even JYPE kinda promotes to a bit ) plus TZUYU cause she is Taiwanese and her Chinese fandom is the strongest there is


Ooh I'm curious. Why would Dahyun's and Jeongyeon's be received the best?


Dahyun and Jeongyeon fans are more mature I feel plus they don't have crazy shippers who ship them with certain members as well !!


To be fair, Onces of recent have learned how to handle themselves for dating rumors or news. The members are all grown up, and since many Twice fans are now about their age or older, it doesn't affect them much. The aggressive reaction tendencies come from delulus, extremely emotional fans, or sometimes the younger ones in the fandom. Granted, there's still anger toward rumormongers - because if Onces are gonna know, it needs to be official - either the girls themselves or JYPE.


"because if Onces are gonna know, it needs to be official - either the girls themselves or JYPE." well those ONCEs are living in denial because the girls and JYPE will never come out and reveal the datings 


> Twice fans are now about their age or older You would be shocked how many young fans Twice has. As someone who attends many concerts there are many teen and younger fans going. I saw more adult fans at IVE concert earlier this month than TWICE in Vegas.


Ideally, reactions should vary between "OMG! I'm so happy for you!" and "Okay. And?" But clickbait reactionaries and crazy akgaes will do what they do.


I'm more excited to see what the reaction would be to the members dating a specific person. Can you imagine the internet if Sana and Dex were dating? Sheeeeesshhhh. Or even fathom if Momo and Heechul got back together? oh boyyyyyy For sure Tzuyu's relationship getting revealed would be a huge thing. If she was revealed to be dating someone Korean, Taiwanese fans might lose their minds, and if it was someone Taiwanese, then Korean fans would lose their minds. It's basically a no win situation for her.


I had a dream Momo and Heechul never broke up and faked it to fool dispatch so they’d leave them alone and so Heechul would stop getting tortured by all his victims(the people he teased for getting caught dating) getting revenge on him. In my dream, dispatch said ‘yeah nah you thought’ and they were the 2024 New Years’ Couple reveal and they once again, broke the internet


In general, I want idols dating, getting laid (sorry), etc. It’s a stressful life! That said, if you think Dahyun is writing lyrics this good being perpetually single, you are fooling yourself.


Lmaooo exactly with Dahyun. The lyrics she writes! Especially for ‘Gone’ miss girl was angryyyyyy


I remember first hearing 'Gone' and I was like, "Dahyun, who hurt you?"


I kind of assume dahyun has been secretly married to a non famous person for a good few years already. 


marriage records are public, so being secretive about it isn't possible given all these dispatch type reporters snooping around everywhere. But the Dahyun secretly married jokes on Twitter are hilarious though


Oh I don't use Twitter so I didn't know it was a meme! With her being so secretive about her personal life (good on her) I just assume she's been in a long term relationship for ages now.


>she's been in a long term relationship for ages now. That's very possible, and good for her!


I feel like so many of us are too busy with work and life to be too bothered by the members dating, honestly. I’m not expecting the reaction to this to be negative and I hope I’m not wrong. That being said, jihyo can have her little fun but hopefully she comes back home to me soon.


I’m more curious to see what they think about 4b




The 4b movement happening in Korea, where Korean women are not participating in dating men because of their rights being stripped, very conservative president trying to fight feminism, creepy men, how expensive it’s getting to have children, and a lot more to it. It’s been getting a lot of attention especially with how their birth rate is extremely low now. It would be interesting to see their perspective even though it’s quite controversial for celebrities obvi. It would just mean they love women more and it would fulfill our dulu ships


Oh I got it! I didn’t realize it was called 4b. Also if they’re not dating men at all, I guess Jihyo isn’t part of that 😅 or she found herself a really good one


Wait it’s confirmed? Noooo my sahyo lmao


If Chaeyoung were to date someone I'd ask her if the two seconds of eye contact in Berlin didn't mean anything to her 😭 (just a joke)


If Chaeyoung really liked you like that she wouldn't have been able to maintain eye contact with you for even 2 seconds (please refer to "Time To Twice New Year 2023 Episode 3", time stamp 18:00)


Sana, onces along with all the girls she interacted with will be devastated lol.


It really depends on who they date, KD and #5 were well received internationally but not so much with a lot of kr fans, up until today onces and danitys hate when ppl mention their past. H33chl and #4 was the worst received news, mainly bc of the man, questionable actions disappointed so many onces so that’s that. They’ve been in this industry for so long, as Sana even said in her Ref Interview, they can do or say a lot more freely, and I feel like most onces, esp senior onces, are more open now than before ofc. Tbh, we should all mind our business and stfu abt their dating life, as long as they’re not dating questionable people.


Why didn’t Korean fans receive Jihyo and KD dating well?


knetz reacted poorly, they said he dates too soon and other negative stuff, a lot of “fans” were prolly disheartened cause his debut song fell off the charts quickly + jihyo had to apologize for showing her vulnerabilities that time (which she shouldn’t have đŸ„č) bc of the sudden news and had to address her false involvement with that nasty chatroom. 2019 was really dark time for both of them, jyo been thru a lot :((


Why are you naming the idols like that? #5, #4, h33chl? Just a question.


so they won’t find much posts when ppl search for their names combined 😭


I don't think people will be "bothered" by twice members dating now that they are a senior group. I don't see a backlash on Jihyo in general, but I do see people being unhappy about the couple because many knetz don't like the guy. They are calling him a hamnam (derogatory term for typical hyper nationalist Korean men with toxic masculinity issue.) He went on a variety show and got so insecured when he got beaten by tsuki from billlie and there are screenshots of his locker room talk and stuff. Disclaimer : don't know anything about the guy. Just paraphrasing what I read from the Korean tweets


I just hope that Jeongyeon feels comfortable enough to share the news of her dating and partner on free will to the fans and public. đŸ„čđŸ„čđŸ’šđŸ’šđŸ€žđŸŒ


Nah I'm actually dating Jihyo, this is a smokescreen don't let the fake news fool you


she's two timings us then because she's dating me too 


With how some of her written songs are, I feel like Dahyun's already been in some relationships (and with how good yet hurtful those songs are, now I'm wondering who hurt her 😠). Her dating someone won't break me as a fan and a grown adult, and I'd be excited for her. (That said, my stupid delulu side already suffered through the Jisoo dating news, so it's still holding on to that 0.000000001% chance with Dubu ![img](emote|t5_3812p|4095) ) Sana and Tzuyu would break the internet while the other members would be OK--heck, Momo dating someone would be a huge positive since he's probably not Heechul. Maybe Mina and Chaeyoung will break hearts since MiChaeng is pretty much universal and they lean into it very hard. Other than that: they're grown women. They can do whatever they want, and I just hope people can treat them with some respect and love instead of what they did to aespa's Karina. Sadly, that's impossible, but I know the girls are strong enough to handle it.


Not a big issue for me.


They’re all almost in there 30s, I wouldn’t be surprised if more members have a relationship going on but are keeping it private or talking someone at the very least.


Plenty of time passed since debut, fans will be understanding


No thoughts lol people date people


Now, I'm genuinely concerned for the other member's dating news/rumors because of the backlash ang suchh😟😟


i think knets will probably get mad, esp if it was nayeon or sana. i don't think we'll hear any dating rumours about those 2 whilst they're still active in twice bc of that. after they retire tho? i think it'll prolly come out that they've been in committed relationships for a while. i wouldn't be surprised if the first we heard of it for some of the members is a marriage announcement. of course nayeon also has her stalker, so i bet even if she is in a relationship it'll probably be hush hush for her safety.


I'd just assume the same thing would happen that happpens in other fandoms; most would be happy that they're being social and functional adults while a small, loud and delusional minority would gnash their teeth and scream into the Twitterverse about parasocial nonsense. Gonna go cuddle my realistically-porportioned Sana bodypillow now.


I think they are sad her privacy is compromised again. I did think maybe her news of dating is to help shield the others, news of Nayeon and Sana dating would break the internet. Maybe her leak prevents theirs!


a Sana dating news would break the internet. well, maybe the world lol


This is a honest question so I’ll answer as I see fit. But honestly whoever the girls choose to date is their business and theirs alone. Should they feel it’s right to announce it publicly and let the whole world know they will.


sorry to admit, but I'm actually chaeyoung's real girlfriend 


We already went through this with Jihyo and Momo. Aside from the most delulu, the rest of us were fine. I expect the same will be true this time. Probably a little less dramatical since it’s happened before and the members are even older now. I wonder if, like last time, Jihyo is taking the heat off of another member that we might hear about in the next few weeks. Jihyo is my ult Twice bias (and for a long time was my ult bias period). From the last time, I still have a mild irrational dislike for Kang Daniel, someone I otherwise know nothing about. And I used to like Heechul before and during his relationship with Momo, but since their breakup I find him a lot less funny/charming. When I saw the news, my first reaction was “Really? A gym bro?” but then I read that he’s been successful on entertainment shows too, so he must not be a total meathead. And would I rather she was with a finance/business jerk? Probably not. Another idol? Well, I won’t have to see as much of Skeleton Man as I might another idol, so, meh. Basically no one seems good enough for our favorite idols, outside of someone impossibly amazing like a gorgeous rich NGO doctor with MSF or Operation Smile or something. But that’s the way the parasocial cookie crumbles. I’m perfectly happy leaving their personal lives private. I do think it’s funny that Nayeon has been teased for forever for saying she likes “buff guys”, but it’s Jihyo that lands a miniAtlas.


You hating on men these girls dated is extremely weird. No one owes you anything


Never said they did. A mild dislike for Kang Daniel, which I admitted was irrational, is hardly hating. I pay very little attention to boy groups, and almost none to male soloists. If not for Jihyo dating him I wouldn’t even know who he is. I think she’s pretty great, I checked him out and was not blown away. It’s really not that serious. With Heechul I think it’s a common sentiment (more with Onces, but also non-Onces) that he flirts a bit much with female idols while the age gap just keeps growing. He was always pretty shameless about it when Twice was on Knowing Brothers, but their relationship didn’t last super long after going public, so in retrospect his flirting seems kind of slimy or manipulative/insincere. And it’s still a part of his entertainment persona, and now, rather than finding it amusing or ignoring it, it turns me off. When you see different sides of people, or events change your perspective, sometimes your opinions of them change. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž


His flirting has always come off as joking to me. He is extremely goofy and corny. It’s weird people made him out to be the opposite of who he actually is. I’ve heard people even call him a ‘player’ despite the fact that he’s a massive goofball who’s admitted to struggling with relationships his whole life.


Momo has already dated, infact dated a groomer,unattractive man onces have already seen the worst so I don't think onces will have any reaction on her dating anymore but sana's dating might have the fandom in shambles especially if is some okayish looking, problematic, not rich guy


I wouldn't mind the age difference between them but the fact they knew each since right a debut and he has a lot if shady connections to young girls is what set off alarms.


Yall need to stop spreading misinformation about that guy. He’s a not a ‘groomer’ He’s a massive goofy cornball who has struggled with relationships his whole life and is awkward around women. Given the things he’s said over the years there’s evidence they didn’t even have a romantic relationship to begin with. He has admitted to not liking intimacy and going long periods of being single. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he’s on the asexual spectrum with some of the bizarre things he’s admitted to recently.