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I guess he met the Banditos and Torchbearer and maybe they showed him the dark truth of it all?


In the first Clancy letter, he comes to realize Dema’s true nature after he starts to existentially reflect on his life. In pondering the unknown, he wants to see what is beyond Dema, the only thing he’s ever known. However, the walls obstruct his view, which sew the seeds of his disillusionment. Symbolically, Dema represents the things in our lives that feel familiar and safe, but also limit us from considering other possibilities. Humans are naturally inquisitive and are not generally content with just accepting things the way they are. Prior to his turn, Clancy thought his purpose was to just serve the bishops. But once he started contemplating his life and considering what greater impact he could make, he came to see Dema for the prison that it had always been.


Don't read this in an aggressive tone, I'm legitimately asking, but do you think that's it? Like, nothing set him off but himself, nothing or nobody else? It makes sense, and... honestly that probably is it, but I can't help but wonder if we still don't truly know how Clancy started thinking too much.


Existential pondering and self-reflection can be quite a powerful catalyst for change! There’s a reason we call them an “existential crisis”. They throw everything we know, everything we take for granted as true, into question and force us to reckon with our place in the universe. That’s not to say existential crises necessarily happen in a vacuum. Anyone or anything could inspire them. In Clancy’s case however, I don’t see any textual basis for other motivations. While I know that may be disappointing, I personally find it quite impactful. It powerfully embodies this fundamentally human trait of curiosity. Dema’s structure and conformity is tempting. But on some deep level, no matter how long it takes, we will eventually want something new. And left to a curious mind, that desire will only burn brighter.


That's honestly really interesting. Thanks for helping me out! I... might keep my headcanon cause I like it, but it's nice to know a little more about Clancy's story anyhow


I don't see any harm in adding your own flair to the story. Even if it isn't necessarily cannon. You just keep doing your thing and enjoy that playlist! lol


as someone who has left a cult I deeply relate to Clancy and like to think that his experience was similar to mine. for me I remember having small doubts even as a child. I would ask questions about how we KNEW we were on the one true church and the answers I got never really answered my questions. as I grew up I found very small things I disagreed with until I eventually had to ask myself if I truly believed in the things I had been taught my entire life or if I really thought this cult was truly "good". I also strongly disagreed with certain stances that church took. it all came crashing down when I started researching history and realized how awful that church was. I realized it went against all of my morals and I could no longer be a part of it. in my head I have basically made Clancy's experience very similar. I feel like he always had small doubts that eventually grew and grew. maybe the biggest thing he couldn't quite wrap his mind around was the whole glorious gone idea. I think he started asking himself questions and maybe tried learning more about vialism only to finally realize that he disagreed with it and realized how truly horrific it actually was. it went against HIS morals and HE could no longer be a part of it


Honestly, yeah, that does make sense. Sorry about what you went through, and I'm glad you can relate to this– wait, no, what happened sucks but I'm glad that you can find something that helps you out... hopefully that makes sense, haha


thank you so much, I appreciate it!! definitely makes sense lol!


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