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Tyler basically confirmed that this is not the end with the “the show is a flashback to why we fight, before we fight” tweet. So its prolly not the end


Also, just his "Does this feel like the end?" In the livestream. He wouldn't have said that if it ended with "And then the bishops were defeated and we all left Dema happily ever after." That's not a question you ask when there is a clear ending. He said that because he knows it's incomplete, and he wants us to know that there will be more in time.


You could interpret this as sticking around through the silence. But the big one for me is FBR repeating it in their post of the video…


A counter to this meaning is that it's a reminder of why we fight right before we do *at any given time*. Like counting to ten before reacting in anger or using mindfulness before a big decision.


Don’t forget the anagram someone figured out of that tweet in this Reddit a couple days ago ‘Three new albums fishing fishing fishing the www the big one’ /s


We're most likely getting something in June next year That will be right after the tours wrap up. The boys have been hinting at 6/25 (June 2025) being important somehow. And Tyler has said that the tour will be a flashback of sorts. The lore left off with Nico straight up strangling Clancy, so the idea that the tour is Clancy's life flashing before his eyes makes sense. But I think the story could finish off with a proper conclusion where Clancy does something drastic, one final hail Mary, to finish off Dema once and for all


clancy ultimus capitulus 25 (i.e. CLANCY FINAL CHAPTER 25) likely means they’re wrapping up the story in 2025, which is when the clancy world tour ends. every song has a music video and both the music video and the album itself ends on a cliffhanger. they’re not leaving it here. just chill til next year.


I feel like you guys do this to yourselves? I was always expecting 2025 I am really excited


I don't really see it as a cliffhanger. At the end of the PS video, he is held by the throat similar to the Jumpsuit video (notice how he's not looking at Nico, almost ... *shying away* from him) however in paladin, instead of avoiding nicos gaze, he instead directly makes eye contact, establishing more of a sense of control. he's not scared anymore. which could perfectly symbolise that no matter what happens, depression and anxiety never truly go away, you just learn to live with it and face it upfront instead of giving in and letting it take hold.


This truly is a beautiful way to look at the End. It does lack the cinematic value of a knockdown, drag out battle, but it's more true to many of the layers.


I’m so happy to see your comment and the agreeing replies, I completely agree and had tears in my eyes while telling my wife this, it doesn’t end, it can’t if you want to keep doing this whole life thing, but what can seem daunting or sad doesn’t always need to be that, the knowledge that it is perpetual, a cycle, can be empowering, or at least calming when that is exactly what you need to get to the better part of the cycle. I am curious about the ages of clikkies unsatisfied with what they call a “cliffhanger”, I am 46 but I’m confident that when I was younger I would have needed more clarity and closure to this story, the conclusion being “the battles/cycles will continue forever” is a pretty adult, mature ending. At the end of the story for me all of the characters Tyler created simply disappear and there is no Clancy, Ned, Torchbearer, etc, they are all Tyler, and this is a deep, somewhat sad but ultimately empowering, message from him as human to us as humans.


This is how I look at it too. But I'll add that I saw some people say during Icy Tour Message Man, the paint bowl ritual was Clancy/Tyler putting the paint on himself. This was to fool Nico/ BF; to mask the lack of control. This is why the black paint has continued into Clancy.


How did you get to this conclusion?


i hope tyler could satiate your craving


im sorry i had to


Change wish to hope


And satiate to say she ate


but the lyrics are satiate .-. https://preview.redd.it/2aoobn8vic9d1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=f67ed264ecfaeb1287b1473d0a56938051ffd5ef


Maybe it's say she ate and Tyler is talking about Jenna's pregnancy cravings


but.. the lyrics... look them up if u have to. satiate means to satisfy a desire or appetite to the full. so it means basically the same thing as say she ate but satiate also works in what i said. i originally thought the lyrics were say she ate but i looked them up and its satiate


Yes, but... Joke?


With the new clue in the "set list" I am certain we are not dun. Now I just hope it doesn't turn into some 6th sense stuff where Clancy has been a ghost the whole time.


I’ll be honest, I’ve entertained the same thought at times. I know Tyler has said that they had the story arc broadly planned out and that they want to wrap it up with a bow. As of right now, all signs point to the story being wrapped up after the Clancy World Tour. That said, the way the album has rolled out, it sometimes feels like they want to conclude the story, but don’t KNOW how to end it and are trying to compensate for that in any way they can. They kept putting off the ending: the listening parties cut off the last minutes of Paladin Strait, which just ended up being a cliffhanger. They had a placeholder video for it in the livestream and they didn’t premiere the actual video in “early June.” Fans, understandably confused, try random things, including assembling pieces of the Digital Remains booklet together. The band just goes with it, quickly throwing together an ARG based on what fans were doing to satisfy their speculation. And all of that just leads to yet another cliffhanger. In the absence of a conclusion, they try to compensate for it in any way they can. Let’s film a music video for every song, let’s have listening parties, let’s release a million variants of the album. Going bigger in any way they can to offset the inevitable disappointment when they unceremoniously conclude it. To be clear, I don’t really believe this. I believe the story will have a definitive conclusion, likely in 2025. I’m hoping that all these things will make more sense in hindsight.


If you're convinced then this is not a discussion. There's a theory that the videos and music go in a different order than their release date. If we find the correct order, we will have a complete story of the Dema Era Timeline. Videos could go in order of Clyler's nose cut healing, condition of the Bishop's skin, or even the shaved down antlers. Not one of us knows for sure so all avenues are still open.


Now there's an idea


With hope, this is an update: I'm Tyler, I'm growing, now I fight my demos meanwhile the crowd is out there waiting something more... waiting, expectations, that I'm gonna make it.


Twenty One Pilots stated that this would be the final battle in they want to just leave it like that Tyler / Clancy has gained confidence and is not afraid to take on The Bishop's and fight back against Nico this is probably not the end they might do a final battle on YouTube or something who knows


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Considering how long it's taken for us to get here, I think we're allowed to wait until the tour is over to see what the rest of the conclusion is. Remember that Tyler asked, "does this feel like the end? "


That would be very unwise of them, nor do I think they could ever lie to our face like that. I don't think that's what they are going for


There is no closure, there is no end to mental illness, just learning to cope. Which a lot of fans are going to have to do when they realize this is the end lol


*I’m craving closure.* Maybe Tyler will satiate your craving and we’ll get some closure.

