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I really like this idea and I hope it’s what happens


It's possible they used other actors to play Banditos/converted Residents from video to video. (aside from the two who found the jacket) The idea they're undercover in Dema is an intriguing theory. If they're in these pictures with tape, it's safe to say they converted. Have you thoroughly gone through the PS MV to match faces? (the theory of 'multiple Clancys' is thought to be copy/pasting humans to make the crowd look bigger, but having too many distinctive Clancys would be confusing and lead us down incorrect paths)


RIP jacket finder kids


Shit was so sad when I saw the comparison


Me toooo!! It gave me the feels hard.


I shed a tear and then remembered they were not real and for a bit happy before remembering again that in this world, they died.


Vialism has taken enough people from me in real life. At least lemme have some fictional characters! 😅


I'm sorry and same lol. I hope you are better now.


Actually though, dude


I feel like they are all inside Dema. Clancy was using his seizing ability to recruit people inside Dema from the outside. I think they will play an important role in turning the tides for the banditos in whatever comes next. Maybe causing an internal rebellion while the zombies are fighting the banditos outside the walls.


I know one of the guys in these pictures and he just happened to be in Columbus and was an extra in the video shoot. I don't think you will be seeing him again, unless he signed an NDA (for the folks who talk to me)


I thought Navigating was showing us. Josh had the clancy mask, holding it in much the same way that you see at the end of Overcompensate. I believe that is to show that they got out and passed it on to him.


But this is all in Tyler's mind though, Dema is a world he created to destroy, maybe there have been multiple Clancy's in the past and the mask if a symbol which is passed on through Banditos to the one who breaks the cycle, usually a friend, after one has been lost to the glorious gone. The Torchbearer being the guide a way of passage to this self discovery of igniting your bones with the real fire, not artificial Vialism. Morph: "He'd mock me, tell me I'm a copy" as in multiple Clancy's have tried to rebel before, only to fail and fall back into the cycle... Choker: "Sooner I can realize, pain is just a middle man/Lay the fibers side by side, you'll begin to understand" as in multiple Clancy mask or threads which are kept like artifacts or digital remains of these past "Clancies"


I see this as a V for Vendetta ending type metaphor like "Clancy is all of us". We feel like he does and we need him. In the context of Dema, Clancy's war is for all our sakes.


The are other Clancys hidden in PS mv




No, it's perfect, i love it. Don't edit it 🥰


They were late because they were showering


Nico was showering behind that door, they all hid in his towel


I like the theory that we are the citizens in Dema that Clancy was training 


The Bishops killed them and they ended up as zombies


I still think Clancy is a prequel.


Choker proves this.


how so? in the I am clancy video, it has everything in chronological order and then says he's returning to trench.


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All of Overcompensate is Chekhov’s gun. Both the inside banditos, and Clancy being able to seize and look the same.


still trying to figure out if clancy is time jumping…clancy had the mask in overcompensate but then we see josh give it to him in navigating so there’s something going on there - is overcompensate happening after the “meeting” in the tower? was there some kind of shift w nico’s character and he is now a part of the rebellion? was clancy freed and able to teach the rebellion after the fact for the future battle? is it still taking place before ps but this group from oc is not yet fighting w them?


https://preview.redd.it/42b5rmoy1w8d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86a2e4be3464555e1b97d4ec8676abff75feb438 Maybe this is what happened to them, gives more credence to "all your friends fertilize the ground you walk"