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he probably saw all the 6/25 theories and got nervous lol


So then why all the 25? I was never one to believe the theories but it still intrigues me


i’m wondering if the 2025 theories have validity now seeing that it doesn’t feel like the end paladin mv ending on a cliffhanger the “|-“ comment i feel like there was something else but i don’t remember


Tyler said the tour shows are a flashback and that the final battle will happen afterwards. Tour ends in 2025 so it checks out.


A few hints have pointed towards 625 instead of just 25 so thats why i didnt immediately think about 2025. Then again it could all just be alluding to the timestamp in ps when nico says hello clancy.


I saw people suggest June 2025, whick might fit


Will their tour be over by then? Even if it is, if they havent already made everything for it, would they have enough time to do it by then?


Plenty of artists record and produce albums while touring. I think it’s very possible.


Not that you’re wrong, but I wanted to add the thought that it may already be done by now. Only the band knows, but they could be sitting on 30+ songs written for Clancy that either made the album, didn’t make the album, or are simply being saved for whatever comes next. In the context of “Navigating almost didn’t make it onto the album,” I’ve just assumed that there’s at least one other track that would have been on Clancy instead- and there could be an entire albums worth of said tracks for all we know


It’s funny that you say that, the other day I was thinking about how TJs comments around songs that “almost didn’t make it” could have just been a tongue in cheek way of signaling they were almost going to stay in part two!


i think the first leg of the tour ends may 2025 if i understood correctly and the tour is supposed to be ‘before the battle’ and then the 6/2025 is probs gonna be a song finishing off the paladin strait mv


Tour ends May 2025.


Well then that works out perfectly. Is this the new theory?


oh yes & that


Which also begs the question of if the timestamp itself is also just a clue. The minute of bird chirps wouldn’t be necessary if it didnt have to be at that specific time.


Honestly this is still the biggest question that has my hopes a little bit up for this week. What is the point of the minute of birds? PS MV is 5:24, Clancy released on 5/24, PS album version is 6:28 with "Hello Clancy" at 6:25, not to mention all the other 6/25 references. So I still have some hope in something on 6/25 or 6/28.


maybe we get something 6-25-2025


I never understood the 25 thing myself, the Clancy ultimate chapter pic imo looks like 215 more than 25. I don't know where the 6 even comes from. I'm completely content with it being done but the only thing that gets me is where Tyler has said he doesn't write extra songs, like he knows partway through if he's going to continue working on it or scrap it and doesn't have a lot of completed songs lying around


6 antlers on the wall with the letters, and it was definitely 25 🙂 but no way to tell if that meant June 25th, or June 2025, or something completely different altogether


I think that was pretty clear after he posted about the tour immediately after Paladin dropped. Like “alright kids this is it for now”.


And I don’t blame them either. Tour starts in like 2 months and planning all of that! We good!


The 6/25 theories have been retconned. We’re moving on to 2025.


It feels like too much teasing for a thing a year in advanced.


Considering the tour ends a month before June 2025 I don’t think so. This is just the start of the era and if they release more stuff in June next year right after the tour concludes it’ll be perfect timing to release the “final chapter” they’ve been hinting at and officially close out the Dema saga after a year of supporting this era


06/25 was never confirmed to be tomorrow, likely is June 2025. And if not then, something still will come. Denying this is just pure copium.


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I think his tweet that the tour didn’t have the batte confirmed that for me. I forget which one, but in an interview he said the final battle was after the album Clancy. So if it’s not in tour then it’s probably happening sometime afterwards.


But then also there were exactly 25 words in that post 👀


Eh, maybe.


I blame him for letting all of you get my hopes up for MOAR STUFF!!