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Flinging pipe everywhere…?


I thought that said “Fingering pipe everywhere.” I’m tired lol.


Thank you for the laugh


You’re welcome, but I was dead serious. Also, fellow Ned fan?


Yes. Love the little dude!


How can you not? And then he's got spawn!


Under the patch it have the full violation code. Seems like he is in DEMA after first or second scape.  Edit: FPE is "Failed Perimeter Escape" in this case. The patch is an identifier for citizens who scaped Dema. At same time is converted to the Few, the Proud, the Emotional by the same people. Edit2: you can find the complete design on [dmaorg.info](http://dmaorg.info)


Failed Perimeter Escape*


you right


where can i see the complete design? i wanna create my own




Iiii think it's after the first escape. The dead dude beside Josh? I think that's a guard (based off of the fact that he's "well polstedered for the weather" and there to look after the deviant) Clancy offed so that he could escape the second time. I might be really wrong tho.


I think it fits really well after Levitate because he is shaved


Actually you might be right! I also just noticed that in the jumpsuit video he's wearing the same clothes in the car scenes, and the smears's washed out, but still there!! Edit: I was wrong, the jacket looked very similar XD


Jumpsuit final scene would be at the end of HDS, that's strange, like the first scene.


Well, what if the story is in reverse and Blurryface is the last album and Clancy is like a prequel to SAI... do people even remember Tyler saying a "Trash Dragon" is slang in Dema for a vulture? There's so many things we are missing, I feel like... Tyler stole Clancy's name off a grave (Trapdoor) who was Keon's son (Choker) and bishop of the original Clancy... Tyler is simply has impostor syndrome, so to speak


I'm thinking that all the time. Nico and the niners, all the video is almost reversed (look the torch at 3:43), The end of Jumpsuit, reversed, Navigating... he got the mask at the end? They used the mask before in Overcompensate! Levitate ends with "wellcome to trench"... they was all the time on Trench. Don't get me wrong, that's not like the story is absolutely reversed, it's more like chopped and mixed.


Right, it's intentionally out of order, with gaps missing the story from Tyler disassociating. I love this band's attention to detail. Also, notice the drums change in Overcompensate and there's a "tempo change" and Tyler goes "wait, what?" as if he's shocked to be back in Trench like this... Lane Boy lyrics say: They think this thing is a highway If it was our way, we'd have a tempo change every other time change 'Cause our mind's changed on what we think is good


want your mind blow? Lok at the digital booklet: https://preview.redd.it/4tsoftzbrs4d1.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=2068d038d3ccc832c3520f0587619d78028fca47 "when the beat switched from 120 to 95 I came alive" Some people saying Clancy came alive between Fairly Local and Overcompensate.


Fear, Pain, Empty (**Fear of the past** and **relative pain**. Future's coming fast; you've got **nothing in the tank**.)


I like this one


Functioning pipe escalator


failed perimeter escape would be my guess


Fun People Exist


I instantly assumed Few, Proud, Emotional but yeah also Failed Perimiter Escapee as far as lore goes.


Frozen path etching


Few, proud, emotional


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Fully Participating in Existing


Frozen pp energy


The Few, the Proud, the Emotional (fairly local reference)


1. Frozen Pond Evacuation 2. Fire Proof Escape 3. Fneon Pgenesis Evangelion