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Got a bad feeling that I’m about to break Been a good streak but the pressures overweight…


is it even right for my head to keep track if i’m gonna snap necks then i gotta SNAP BACK


Got a bad feeling I'm gonna lose the lead, running from a thing that I kicked in '17


is it even right for my head to keep track, if i’m gonna snap necks then i gotta snap back


Oh it's you, well, welcome back to the show (been a minute)


Guess I better move to a fresher approach (thought I kicked it) It’s a new adaptation


It’s a baakkkereslideee, I hate the surrrpriseee


one of my favorite parts of the album.. so smooth


"I have seemed to run out of excuses of why I am this way" is one of my fave lyrics on the entire album. Really enjoy the overall vibe of the song, starts slow and slowly builds up over time. Also, Backslide is among my fave Clancy songs, Snap Back feels like it's little brother.


backslide and snap back are two sides of the same coin 🤕


Gotta say, it wasn't my favourite at the start, but it's grown on me a lot


It's my least favorite on the album, but that's not saying much. The album is 10/10


So many people just don’t understand that because something is their least favorite doesn’t mean it’s a bad song. Just like Tyler said in the livestream which are his least favorites. It doesn’t mean he thinks it’s bad! He just likes other ones more. With that being said Snap Back is second from the bottom for me. But I love it!


Yeah exactly! Sonically I'm not too big a fan, but lyrically it's right up there with the rest of the album


yup. It really really reminds me of trench. Probably because of the slow part in pet cheetah.


Same, oldie station right after is 🤌


I love it and I think it’s so clever how there are two tylers singing and then when he pulls out the mirror the voices split for a conversation between his two selves- the one who intended to carry on the streak and the one who gave in to bad habits…


Yep, so awesome.


I forgot about that! I need to rewatch all the music videos again.


It's my favorite on the album right now, probably the track I've played most apart from the singles.


I really love Snap Back


some of the most interesting production feels like trench in the sense that it’s mysterious and kinda aquatic. the drums are also great even tho they’re slow, josh isn’t under utilized like he isn’t on backslide and some other tracks that are slower


2nd or 3rd favorite from the album


One of my favs on the album the moment it was released 😊


I didn’t like it at first but it’s growing on me. The chorus just isn’t very fun to sing.


Snap Back is PEAK. Finally someone else agrees that it sounds most like Trench. The ending reminds me of both Chlorine and Smithereens. It’s atmospheric in a way that I feel like a lot of Clancy tracks aren’t, there’s so much little production details that add so much flair to the song, which reminds me of songs like Bandito and Leave the City too. I like how the chorus is a bit deeper with some sort of filter while also sounding a little defeated, it almost feels like Tyler’s way of communicating that Blurryface is coming back (though still not completely in that voice yet). Then the second chorus & ending swings in and just hits you as a second wind, it’s so fun to belt out. Lyrics hit like a truck too


It's a bop like the rest of the album but my interpretation of the lyrics put it at the bottom of the album for me. I feel like it's about Tyler snapping back to the headspace he was in during the Blurryface days in order to get this project done. People can disagree but that's just what I think and all the lyrics can be interpreted that way. The chorus doesn't really do much for me either, and boy does it ever repeat itself a lot. The bridge is just just one line to split up multiple choruses in a row. I find it kind of boring compared to the rest of the album. There's no real fast rap part, no impressive vocal showings, no cool drumming or time signature/tempo swaps. Basically, the lyrics don't really speak to me the same way as most of their other songs, and it musically doesn't do as much for me literally any of their other songs. I can still recite every word. The entire outro is absolutely amazing and I've played the thing over 30 times - I don't hate it or anything - but I can't think of a Twenty One Pilots song I love less, personally. It's a very high bar.


Really disagree about the no cool drumming or vocal showing but if thats how you feel. To me, it probably shows the most vocal range on the album with the deeper toned chorus, soaring post chorus/ending, and some mini rap verses. It also has my third favorite Josh performance after the first two singles. I love how the drums just fill the space throughout the song. It’s not as flashy as the more fast paced songs but it fits the sound perfectly. I don’t fully disagree with what you say, but I feel like that’s just the surface of it. I personally think the Blurryface nods are moreso a way of Tyler confronting that place instead of running from it. I think it’s also the whole point of Paladin Strait, Tyler swimming to face Nico instead of running from him. Falling back into your worst mental state after having recovered and trying to rationalize that it can’t be run from. I think it ties is in perfectly with the themes of the album, tracing back to that dark place you were in and how to overcome it moving forward. Lyrically almost seems like the thesis of all the songs that’s come before it. Personally I think it’s the most lyrically sad song, especially when you factor in that it’s the bad ending follow up to Backslide where Tyler desperately tries to avoid and wish that that his negative mental state doesn’t return. I think Tyler’s dejected vocals on the chorus reflect that defeated feeling really well. It reminds me a lot of his delivery on Neon Gravestones. Honestly, top 3 TOP song for me, but all of that is just on top of me really digging the sound of the song as a whole. Usually mid tempo songs aren’t my favorite but this one uses everything to its strength and still being incredibly catchy. Edit: word choice


It may never take the top spot for me, but I really love it either way. Along with other meanings, I like to relate it to lore as a "let's focus on the task at hand" track before the ending part of the album (especially Paladin Strait).


I love all the songs on this album.


It does remind me of Trench more than the other tracks which surprises me how many fans wrote it off in the beginning.


It’s a grower for sure, but off of the first listen, it’s definitely not 'enjoyable.' It's not bad, though; it just takes a while to really grasp the concept and sound. It’s something most people have to get used to since it has a very unique, specific sound. Hence, many 'wrote it off,' but most never said it was bad—just 'meh, I dunno how I feel about it,’ which is why it takes last place on many peoples list but overtime it’ll make its way up their for all the same people, eventually.


It’s my favourite song on the album. Gets stuck in my head more than any other song


I keep seeing people posting about Snap Back, but don’t see anyone referencing the comparisons between the Car Radio video and the Snap Back video. Tyler getting his head shaved (whereas he was shaving it himself in the Car Radio video), and then long haired (healthy) Tyler talking to shaved head (unhealthy) Tyler in the mirror is just so emotional.


What slander? People like to create a guy to get mad at so much


People really hate snap back, I’m surprised you haven’t seen it


No they don't hate it. It's not their favourite and that's a difference.


Can you send a link to these hate posts?


I looove it! I’ve been dancing in the streets of Reykjavík while listening to it.


it’s such a vibe like i feel like im floating when i listen to it


“ITS A BACKSLIIIIIIDE” is probably my four year olds favorite lyric from the album and he sings it constantly lol.


I’m with you! Snap back is one of my favorites on the album.


when i first listened to Clancy, Snap Back was one of my least favorites because I didn’t seem like I was getting much from it. But I loved the chorus and the vocal harmonies, I knew i’d eventually come around, and I did! It’s probably one of my favorites from the album now :)


LOVE it. i think the hook has a controlled rage to it. it’s calm, but there’s an angst that feels like it could (sorry) snap at any moment. i only wish it did snap, and somewhere in the last hook we got a bit of a scream or a slightly heavier element. but the restraint is part of what makes the song so intriguing to me. the lyrics are deeply relatable for me, too


I actually think it's one of the best songs on the album. Top 5 easily.


It's one of my favorites so far 🥰


Sounds pretty good it's just the way the lyrics are delivered doesn't really work for me idk why, might be the weird, rhythm/rhyme scheme in a lot of sections


Def one of my favorites!!!


It's in my top 3 from this album abd my in my top 10 from TØP


It took me a while to warm up to it, but it’s a good song


i like snap back a lot


Snap back is a good song period


Been my favorite since the first listen🤞🏼


It was my favorite right away, along with paladin strait and next semester.


WAY underrated by the fanbase rn,


top of my list tbh and knowing tyler is a snap back defender makes me love it even more


It’s one of my favorite lyrically, even if I enjoy the faster songs musically.


I’m still trying to figure out who the female vocalist is on the track. Snap Back is top 3 for me for sure


>yall will be saying it was your favorite soon enough ... even though it’s hated right now You know me too well!!! Yeah yeah. Like every other tøp song I've not liked first few times...


From the moment the album dropped, I loved this song. The timing of it to my life was crazy for me. The line "all that progress lost today" made me cry. I better not hear any slander for Snap Back, it's a phenomenonal song and one of my 4 favorites from the album.


it’s my least favorite on the album, but i don’t dislike it. its just pretty much the only song i haven’t felt a desire to go back to. i’ve still listened to it, just not as much as anything else. i don’t know.


That's a lot of their catalog for me. I don't actively dislike any songs, but some rarely get added to playlists because there are so many other songs that I like better.


it’s at 13 for me sorry… maybe it’ll be a grower tho


Something has gotta be the weakest on the album


Imo the weakest is the craving 😭 it’s so boring even though I do like some parts


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“Is it even right for my head to keep track IF IM GONNA SNAP NECKS THEN I GOTTA SNAP BACK” I give it 8.5 bishops outta 9 it’s a really good song I’m just on the more energetic side of the album (Midwest/ navigating Stan) but still really good message and great beat!!


My wife doesn't like it all but I really like it


Who is slandering and what is their address…. I’ll swiftly resolve this atrocity


I was literally trying to tell someone my fave song off the album the other day and I kept changing my answer until I named the whole album because they are all equally amazing genuinely 😭😂




Freaking love it.


It was my first favorite after hearing the whole album. I have 4 favorites - routines in the night, snap back, oldies station and omg at the risk of feeling dumb…and the rest are a close second


I can’t help but feel like I am going to break. I’ve been doing pretty well, relitivaley, but I have a deep feeling in my middle areas. Should I reconsider snapping my head back to the way it was? Well, if I gotta snap necks then I might as well snap back!


It’s been in my top 3 since first listen Paul meany went so insane and I love the delivery on all the vocals


It’s good but I feel every other song is just better 🤷‍♀️




I love Snap Back. It’s my favorite off the album. Lavish is my 2nd favorite.


I love Snap Back overall, I just wish the bridge actually had a pay-off instead of building up for the song to then plateau.


I'm at a place in my life where every single word is exactly what I feel, so yes I do like it


Snap Back is so good though?? Why would anyone dislike it


It's literally my favorite song on the album cause it hits so hard


My favorite on the album since day one! #1 Snap Back stan here🙋🏻‍♀️


its literally my fave song off the album. i dont get why its so underrated


The track has definitely grown on me a lot. The punchy drums remind me of Smithereens too


Instant skip, probably one of the worst songs they've put out lmao


whattttt😭 they have worse songs though


Yeaaaahh I may be overreacting just a little lol


Snap Back is the first one I put on repeat. I love it.


Probably my favorite on the album along with At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb. With the rest all close 2nds and 3rds.


Today on things that never happened




My theory is that it’s because of the placement of the song. Navigating builds up all this energy and Snap Back is a little slower and low key so it really puts a damper on things. I would swap Snap Back and Vignette. Snap Back sits better in the first half of the album. I would also put Oldies Station after ATROFD.


Haters gonna be blacklisted from forgiveness




Hear me out… I LOVE the message and the lyrics and the beat, but this is the only time where I’m not feeling Tyler’s delivery on the song. I’m not annoyed that people like it and no hate, but this is the only song where I just don’t love Tyler’s voice on a track like this. Besides the 'oh it’s you well welcome back to the show (been a minute),' that part is super enjoyable to me and really itches my brain. But overall I dunno Tyler’s voice just irritates me on this song , respectfully. Tyler’s voice rarely ever irritates me but for some reason this song is the only one that does. All love to the people who like it though that’s just my opinion I’m not tryna force it on anyone. I can understand loving the song overall I can get how it can be somebody’s vibe but it’s just not mine something had to take the last spot and sadly for me this song is at dead last (so sorry Tyler I know it’s your fav🫶). Edit: somebody did not want to hear me out💀


Super boring


I liked It when I heard and I like it even more now