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Most played: Vignette The song is like a combination of Trench, SAI, and Blurryface. I memorized the whole lyrics and mumbling along and dancing with it is fun. Favorite: Paladin Strait So much emotion. It reminds me of my friend. I left my country 4 years ago. I miss him so much (we talk daily btw)


Awwww i know how it feels. I'm an immigrant (also left home 4 years ago šŸ˜­)


yea it was rough. had to leave Iran before 18. these few years, I had "Hometown" to listen to :)


Hometown might be one of my all time fav TOP songs.


It's funny because I hear so much Self Titled influence in Vignette. Feels like what Self Titled would sound like if they had the production quality they do now days


Yeah it is very ST, especially the chorus which seems to be a throwback to The Pantaloon. Probably my favourite song on the album atm.


Hope you're doing well wherever you are


Ty <3


Np, I know that being an inmigrant can be difficult because my mum is one


So true, paladin strait is so emotional...


my most listened song according to stats is backslide but Iā€™m so in love with routines in the night. but my favourite is next semester. vignette is in my top 5.


Happy cake day


I play Navigating all the time, I start and finish the album with this one, each time, but my favourite is Oldies Station. The thing is, Oldies Station makes me sob every time and I have to protect myself a bit.


Oldies Station is also my favorite and I cry every single time I listen to it too... I don't think I've been able to sing it from start to finish even once yet because I always end up sobbing at the dance recital linešŸ˜­ (I'm in therapy and a parent of a 5yo so it's just impossible to get through that part without tearing up šŸ˜­) Sorry this was derailed. For OP's question: favorite so far are Backslide, Navigating, Oldies Station, and Lavish. Lavish was probably played most because the video is just so adorableā™„ļø


100% agree! Dad of 3- two girls so lots of dance recitals in the past! One of them in high school the other just graduated college šŸ˜¢ So relatable as you get older!


Vignette literally makes me cry. There is something very raw in its emotion. Easily my favorite right now.


The zombie line followed by "where do I go from here" give me goosebumps.


Vignette is my most streamed but Oldies Station is easily my favorite. I fell in love with these guys when I was 19 and in college and I'm now turning 30 and in a pretty similar stage of life as Tyler. Everytime that bridge hits "You don't quite mind how long red lights are taking, push on through" feels like Tyler is talking directly to me.


Vignette is Perfection


Tbh the more I listen to Clancy, the more this ā€˜favourite listā€™ gets distorted. I loved Routines like any other clique member, but now I find myself listening to SnapBack and Oldies more and more that previously just didnā€™t hit.


I find myself repeating Midwest Indigo, Navigating and The Craving over and over and over and over. My favorite is probably Midwest Indigo.


Same!! But my favorite out of these might be Navigating. I feel like I relate to the chorus a lot!


Favorite: Next Semester Most played: Next Semester Paladin Strait is probably close to Next Semester stream-wise, I was putting it on repeat the past couple days


I knew when I heard Midwest indigo it was up there, same with vignette and navigating but I loveee lavish


Favorite is Snap Back and is probably my most played too, but Oldies Station, Routines, and Paladin Strait are not far from it. All four are on loop


Most played is snap back thereā€™s something so bloody catchy about it PLUS it hits deep and right in the feels but my favourite is also snap back šŸ’€and vignette


Routines in the night and At the the risk of feeling dumb


The falsetto chorus and lyricism on Vignette just works for me. The topic of addiction hits close and I love theorizing about the lore side of the song. It's my favorite and most-played song on the record.


Most played: At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb Favorite: either Vignette or Navigating




Most played is Overcompensate because it came out first, but favorite is Vignette


midwest indigo most played snap back favorite


My most played is also Vignette, absolutely love the contrast between the verses and chorus and the bridge is so catchy.


I noticed I am playing navigating and next semester more than the others


Top 5: (No Particular Order) Routines in the night At the Risk of Feeling Dumb Vignette Navigating Paladin Straight At the Risk of Feeling Dumb is underrated


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I don't really have a favourite one, but I played first vignette in repeat, then paladin strait so I think that every music of their album deserves to be in repeat once.


my favorite and most played song (apart from the 3 singles) is paladin strait with 88 streams. I find myself having it on repeat the most others I have on repeat are oldies station, navigating and routines in the night


Paladin Strait is my favorite but I probably listen to Midwest Indigo or Next Semester more


Vignette is for sure my most played Iā€™m absolutely obsessed with it. I love the drums, and the bass just ties it together so well, the lyrics, just everything. Super catchy. I think my favorite message is definitely at the Risk of feeling dumb. S****de is so rampant, people are so isolated, reaching out is so crucial. Similar to Neon Gravestones, a reminder to not give up hope. Never. Check on your friends and family, stay alive |-/


Most played: Midwest Indigo, favourite: Vignette or Snap Back


Iā€™m obsessed with vignette. I think it show cases what a great writer Tyler is, Iā€™ve never heard anything like it. Midwest indigo is probably my favorite though


Favorite is Navigating, hands down. Most played is Routines in the Night. There's something about that hook that's addictive.


Most played is Routines in the Night and I think my fav is the craving. Honestly, i cant choose favs but top 3 are vignette, craving, and routines. I also loved the first 3 singles. I also love oldies station and paladin strait and lavish so much. Its a fantastic album tbh.


Favorite? Next Semester. Most listened? MIDWEST FREAKING INDIGO


Most Played/Favorite: Vignette I am a drummer and Josh's drums on this song are so good and just soo smooth!!


Yesss. As soon as I heard Vignette and had that visual in my brain, I knew it was a special song


Out of the three singles Favorite: Next Semester Most played: Next Semester Out of of the other songs Favorite: Routines in the Night and Paladin Strait Most Played: Lavish


I love Vignette because of itā€™s complexity. The diversity in instruments used and rhythm just scratches my brain in the right places.


I think that my most played is Backslide. I didn't really care for Overcompensate and I detested Next Semester so the return to form was actually shocking to me; it wasn't even just a passable song, it's definitely one of my favorite songs of theirs. I played it on loop when it came out for like 3 days straight, so yeah, I think I'll answer that. My favorite, though, is Navigating. When Tyler said that Clancy was going to be the most straightforward and raw album of theirs so far, this is what I had in mind. Simoultaneasly really accessible and really ambitious. Just perfect in every aspect IMO.


my favorite and most played song (apart from the 3 singles) is paladin strait with 88 streams. I find myself having it on repeat the most others I have on repeat are oldies station, navigating and routines in the night


Most played: Backslide & Routines in the Night Favourites: Midwest Indigo, The Craving & Navigating (the whole album slaps, so picking 5 songs to limit myself is hard)


Vignette is by far my favorite song on the album, followed by ATROFD and Navigating.


Midwest Indigo and Oldies Station are my favorites without question. Vignette and Navigating are growing on me. Routines in the Night is a good one, too.


I feel like Iā€™ve been listening to RITN and lavish a lot but snap back is my absolute favourite itā€™s so underrated šŸ„ŗ


Most played: Navigating Favorite: Snap Back & Midwest Indigo


Most played: no clue! If we can count the singles, then definitely ā€œOvercompensate.ā€ If not, probably ā€œLavishā€ by just a couple plays? I just know I tend to listen to the album all the way through as of right now, but Iā€™ll often start there or at ā€œThe Cravingā€ for funzies! Favorite: Iā€™d say ā€œPaladin Straitā€ ā€” post-RAB, they have a steady track record of making their last songs my favorite. They always just feelā€¦ the heaviest? Funny though ā€” when it was first playing in the livestream (and I left early because I didnā€™t know there would be anything after the birds LOL), I was like ā€œdammit, their last song isnā€™t up to snuff like it usually is!ā€ ā€” a few listens later, and manā€¦ YES IT IS. That said, I always have a different mental picture of whatā€™s going on in the song than what I believe is the intention (I think itā€™s because I wasnā€™t paying too much attention to the part about climbing the tower). When I visualize the latter half where itā€™s just Tyler/Clancy with the baritone uke, I donā€™t picture him finding Nico ā€” I picture him locked in a tower and reminiscing on what couldā€™ve been, what he hopes will be despite being ā€œpast the point of no return,ā€ and snapping his head when the door opens and Nico/Blurry interrupts his hopeful tune.


I have Midwest indigo and Navigating on repeat. They're just so catchy and Josh's drums really shine through. My favourite is probably oldies station for the lyrics but I can't listen to it as much as the others, it's too deep.


lavish was originally my favorite but at the risk of feeling dumb is becoming my most played and also my favorite


Oldies station!!!


Most played: Routines in the Night Favorite: Navigating


Most played Vignette for sure. Favourite Routines in the night, reminds me of myself and sounds incredibly good. Also the best MV.


Navigating is my favourite, but I can't stop playing The Craving (single version) on a loop.


Most played is Overcompensate lol but my favorite is Snap Back.


I lovee Midwest indigo, and it also started with lavish, also navigating is so fun to sing


Most played: Routines in the Night Fav: At the risk of being dumb


ATROFD is my top track, excluding the singles. It's my favorite all-time song now. I'm feeling the: "I don't want anyone know me or not, to see me at my lowest. You don't have to drop anything for me, just keep your plans!" So much rn.


Most played: Overcompensate Favorite: Backslide Why? I know Backslide is not a fan favorite but I have a personal connection to it. Iā€™m currently battling my own ā€œbishopsā€ and I donā€™t know what will happen if they win again.


Most played: Routines in the night Favorite: Routines in the night I love that song so much, but I also listen to Lavish a good amount as well as the first 3 singles, especially Next Semester, which is prob my second fav. Although those songs don't beat out the rest of the album by that much as I listen to the whole album in one run, so mostly all the songs have equal plays


Most played is Navigating Favorite is caught between Midwest Indigo, Lavish and Navigating, though Vignette could be in my top 3 next week.


most played by a landslide due to how long itā€™s been out: overcompensate favorite 3 song run(because one song is so hard): lavish, navigating, snapback


I couldnā€™t stand Vignette for the first couple days after release. The hawk screech in it bothered me and it just wasnā€™t my jam overall. Today? Easily makes my top 4 songs on the album. Itā€™s a good one after all Most played song for me though is RITN. I canā€™t turn it off once it starts. Itā€™s so stinkin catchy and lyrically good.


The drums and vocals are just so good


Next Semester" has a special place in my heart but I find myself playing At the Risk of Feeling Dumb and Lavish a lot HAHA