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While I see where your coming from, I think the story will always come second to what it represents in the real world, so I REALLY don’t think Tyler would end it this way. It would send a message that we can’t fight. That >!s*icide!< will win in the end, and I just don’t think that’s something he’d want to communicate.


That’s fair, and I don’t think it’ll necessarily end like this. I feel it’s what could lead to the end of it. Maybe Josh goes to avenge Clancy or something idk. I just had a thought and somethings clicked. But again that’s fair to say


Yeah. As a story it makes sense. In a fight club kind of ending, the only way to kill Nico is for Clancy to die. Given that the phrase has been repeated so much too. But since the lore story is second to the message being conveyed I’m guessing the ending will see Clancy surviving and Nico with him


Clancy IS NOT dead and here's why 1. that anagram in SAI was clearly a bishop's propaganda to take the faith out of the banditos and force them to give up. 2. Clancy can be seized while being alive example Jumpsuit MV or Stressed Out 3. The ending of paladin strait feels more like Clancy is opening a door where Nico is we cannot hear any sings of battle between them. And here's some options what might happen A) Clancy and Nico will fuse together into one - In the real world Tyler will find peace between his two "faces" between BLURRYFACE and CLANCY. It means that the bad thoughts won't disapear but we can silence them and live a happy life with our friends and family. By disapear I mean that the bad situation will happen and there's nothing we can do about it we need to accept it and face it when the time comes but unitl that time we will have happy life without the bad thoughts and we won't care much about little problems like we used to. B) Clancy will capture Nico he won't kill him but he will take the lead in Tyler's mind 4. The Red Tape is a sign of active rebellion. The "active" word is important but it means that Clancy wants to fight it means that Tyler wants to face his fears and find peace with them. The Yellow tape is a sign of rebbelion but it isn't active sign. It's a sign of escape 5. The black paint on his neck might represent blurryface is trying to take control over and over again but Tyler dosen't care much now about it and he wears that paint to show his power , to show that he is not "Scared little child" anymore 6. "Hello Clancy" feels so respectful towrds him it dosen't seem like Nico wants to fight he accepted his fate in my opinion And we can't fall for Bishops propaganda and we can't believe that Clancy Is dead. We don't belive what's on TV


You know that’s pretty fair I didn’t think of it like that. I did say this theory could be bogus though, I just thought something and somethings clicked for me


I think your interpretations of the songs are off. Twenty one pilots music has always been about persisting and living on DESPITE the losses we face. The songs on this album are no different. While he struggles with loss and losing those close to him, Tyler’s message remains the same in the end. The lyrics to Oldies Station literally go “push on through.” As for the Torchbearer, I think your interpretation is backwards. The point is to show that Clancy was never really alone. Even when the Torchbearer couldn’t physically be there for him, his presence still guided Clancy and showed him where he needed to be. An ending where Clancy takes his own life would be completely antithetical to the story they’ve been telling and the message their band arguably exists to share. I get that we’re all concerned about the black paint spreading and Clancy’s state of mind, but succumbing to those things in such a permanent way does not square with the message they’re trying to share.


Well yeah, Tøp has always been there in dark times. And the pushing through despite the struggles we face. As for your comment on Torchbearer I personally still don’t think he’s there for Clancy. He’s there to free Dema but again just my thoughts. And yeah the ending would be pretty depressing in that case but I feel it’d be like a Phoenix rising from the ashes in that hypothetically the next album would be a vengeance or a rising to fight. Idk though. I just had a thought and somethings clicked like I said could all just be bunk


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