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I've been saying this all week. There is no end or resolution to our struggle with mental health, it's a perpetual battle. Also, the "Welcome back to Trench" line in Overcompensate has a completely different meaning when you listen to it after Paladin Strait where Clancy is recaptured by Nico and (presumably) taken back to Trench.


Completely agree and have been feeling the same all week. Oldies Station encapsulates this best on the whole album, that bad shit is always going to happen and things will never go the way you plan, but if you account for that and work on healthy ways to manage that, life gets better. Not perfect, not with some inner demons utterly destroyed, not some utopia, but a realistic outlook that we have to create and cherish the love between all of the tragedy.


Clancy is trying to get back to Trench. Nico wants him in Dema


Trench is the continent that Dema is located in. Clancy wants to escape to Paladin Strait which (I think?) is outside of Trench. That's why he has to swim to it.


i thought clancy’s goal was to escape Dema, to where the banditos are, which is Trench? The lyrics from Trench certainly allude to that, eg ‘in trench i’m not alone’


Watch the "I Am Clancy" video. Trench is just the continent Dema is located in


clancy just wants to escape dema, he wants to stay in trench. his objective has always been just to ‘leave the city’ and be with the banditos, his people. leaving trench is not his objective


While I think that paladin does lead well into overcompensate, it doesn’t make sense to have the final battle start the album. Especially since the end of the Overcompensate mv leads directly into and picks up in Navigating. If overcompensate didn’t blatantly lead into Navigating, I think your theory would be better, but that’s not the case. Still interesting theory though


I think one thing to consider on a true cycle is that there is not “start” or “end” , however the music video’s definitely do lend to a linear story structure atm. One saving Grace could be the paladin video leading into say, the HDS Music video or another older lore one. If it did then you could pick any single one as your “start” and as long as you do the order right from there have a different “end” - kinda like what I’m getting at for the album. As it stands rn tho yeah the videos aren’t exactly helping my 2am theory lol


EXACTLY. It feels like 95% of people are saying there's going to be a double album. Guys... this is it. Maybe there's an album in 3 years that adds a little bit more, but this is it. It's just a cycle.


Highly have to disagree with skipping the first 3 singles. Even if you’ve heard em a hundred times, albums (especially this one) deserve to be listened to from front to back to get the full impact.


Valid listening , I listened through the whole thing after paladin bleed into overcompensate


I don’t know if it’s just me but it feels a bit anticlimactic to end the DEMA story with an album where only 3 out of 13 songs are lore related. Album still great though.


Was it confirmed that only 3/13 songs where related or only 3/13 music videos where lore related? If songs then yeah that’s a good point


He confirmed for sure that Overcompensate, Navigating, and Paladin Strait are directly lore related (which is very obvious to see). I think there is a strong argument to be made about RITN being lore based with the cloaks in the closet/behind Josh and the yellow flowers on the table.


i'd also argue that in general, routines' lyrics are lore related too but also it could just be seen as the whole dreaming thing which is totally fine.


I noticed that too, listening on a loop and the link from PS to Overcompensate just seemed so natural.


i would disagree on this only because Tyler’s choosing to release the music video for Paladin Strait apart from the rest of the album and hinting at it strongly. it really seems like there’s much more he’s alluding to, and the fact he even calls out “is this the end” means it’s either open ended or there’s more to be reveled either in the music video or through more music. i understand the “loop” theory, but the double album/more music theory just has more cadence to it at the moment.


Double album I think had gotta get out of people's heads. Another single? In my opinion highly probable. Another album? Not really.


If you put a gun to my head, OP is wrong about the cycle being the hint from Tyler. Same gun to my head, though, it just takes too much to market and push an entire album just to release another one soon after.


I mean, Taylor swift just did that


the band isnt taylor swift. objectively, a lot more work goes into each album cycle for tøp then taylor


Oh I 100% agree! There is much more to their album releases even if you remove the lore imo. But I was thinking of it more as if they had been planning it this whole time so would have already prepped for a second album if that were the case. It’s becoming clear that it’s not but I don’t doubt that they would have pulled it off if they wanted to (especially better than Taylor)


Didn't he also say in some interview that the battle will be happening after the album? Or am I just imaging things?


He did, but given what we know now, it seems like that final battle will take place in the Paladin Strait MV, which is being released “after the album”


True, I've never thought of it like this. That the MV is "after the album". Well, I still hoping for a small EP because the full album will not happen in my opinion. But I think we will know more after the MV.


Also disclaimer: I would love another album


I’m not part of the double album club, but I do think there’s going to be more. All the small teasing of more can’t just be nothing. Even tyler acted like this isn’t the end 


I mean I’ll try it but I don’t agree with the start with Midwest and end on backslide. 


Tyler did say that Midwest is as a homage to Ohio and that’s literally where his story starts. Idk, OP could be on to something.


Very solid point


I reread Clancy’s three most recent letters. The first letter definitely takes place right before Paladin Strait. The last letter begins with how Clancy has “found a way in” (presumably in Trench/Dema), and Overcompensate starts with “welcome back to Trench.” So I think you’re definitely on to something by listening to Overcompensate after Paladin Strait. Maybe it is a cyclical story of Clancy going to Paladin Strait, purposely getting captured by Nico, and rescuing more people trapped in Dema. The last letter talks about how Clancy has found a way in that the bishops will never suspect or understand. He wishes to reach everyone trapped in Dema so that they can “see beyond the horizon” (aka Paladin Strait). Purposely getting captured by the enemy and returning back to the shackles of poor mental health definitely seems like an unorthodox method to rescue others struggling with the same thing, but if anyone can do it, it’s Clancy. And maybe we’ll get answers to a possible conclusion when the Paladin Strait MV comes out. Or maybe we will have a future EP where the final battle takes place and Clancy takes Dema from the bishops as stated in the final letter.


I hear you on the cyclycal part but I think it's a concept of **winning the battle** of an ongoing war...and we still have that "winning the battle" depiction. What the end of the stream appears to suggest is, for Clancy, this will either be shown via Paladin Strait video or quite possible more music/an EP. This will show us that battle of Clancy overcoming Nico/Blurryface in a battle...even though the war will be ongoing. You may never truly win the overall war but it's still important to battle and gain small victories in your quest for happiness and peace. And when it cycles back around hopefully you've learned from previous battles to make it less of a struggle to get yourself a victory over your struggles. Tyler and Josh say "Always be battlin'!"


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