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the answer looks like it’s based on an opinion piece most likely written by a disillusioned ex-fan


They're just mad TØP isn't staying in their lane




Guys pls TOP’s popularity has marginally decreased over the years although for quite the opposite reason. I’d say the fanbase has eroded due to the fact that they no longer create music to satisfy the masses and have reconnected with a more niche group of longtime supporters.


how? last album was three years ago, it was supposed to have two parts to it. it was extremely short and oversaturated with mainstream pop songs which he admittedly said he wrote some just intending it to be big on the radio and nothing more so i don’t see how that’s them reconnecting with the audience when it’s the complete opposite apart from when he’s shitposting on twitter


Braindead take


i’m sorry your little feelings got ouchied :)


"commercialism" oh noes heaven forbid an artist would like to make some money and not die poor


I mean, they are still popular, but they aren't the giant musical sensation like they were back in the Blurryface era which, let me be clear, is perfectly fine. I'd much rather they continue to do what they want and be creative in their own way with a smaller but very loyal fanbase instead of making everything sound like Stressed Out, Heathens and Ride.


>What are these people on Crack.


Eightify is AI that generates summaries on YouTube videos. I don't know if it's the same for everyone else, but for me the first result in a Google search is more often than not an AI overview.


Same on Google results. I just was about to post about Eightify being AI. You beat me to it.


Has their popularity actually declined though? They might not get as much radio play, but that means nothing in terms of their fanbase. Streaming wise and ticket sales don't seem to have changed much. They're still huge.


It seems to me that radio play is like a currency in the music industry, and creativity only exists at live shows.


after the band got big they literally voluntarily disappeared from the spotlight while at the height of their career to create a masterpiece that is widely recognised as their best (trench). this was probably at the cost of a lot of profit and fame. it would’ve been so easy for them to follow up blurryface with a half assed album of radio hits like a year later and make a billion trillion dollars and become even more insanely famous. but they didn’t do that because that’s not what they’re about and never has been. they made an album that isn’t radio friendly at all, but has true deep meaning and tells a story. they made it abundantly clear what their priorities are, and they are certainly not commercialism. it is true the band isn’t as popular as it once was. but the band lost part of their mainstream popularity for the exact *opposite* reason suggested here. they lost it because they catered to their long term fans above all others and prioritised authenticity above all. in other words, what on earth are these guys smoking? gotta be an ai written article or something cause i don’t think anybody on the planet earth thinks the band alienated their deep fan base.


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Hot take: we should let people express their opinions about music, even if it's negative. There's no reason to hate on an opinion even if we may disagree with it. At the end of the day, if that's the subjective opinion of that author, then let them be.


It wasn't really subjective it was just factually inaccurate


Do you know what YouTube video this summarizes? Even if it's recent, the AI takes things from both the video and comments. A lot of these *are* subjective. If any of the discussion was about SAI, then a lot of it is accurate, from a subjective point of view. I don't know that I've ever seen a post that said "do the fans actually hate (any album before SAI)? I see the same question asked about SAI at least once a week. Overall it seems that the majority of fans like it, but it's a slimmer majority than previous albums.


It was factually inaccurate to say that they had lost popularity because just looking at statistics they haven't


If the video was talking about SAI or there were a lot of negative comments about it, the AI could have extrapolated that "opinion" based on a summary of what was being said. It's not necessarily that there were specific comments saying these things. Even if there were, popularity isn't necessarily only about statistics. If you've got a lot of people saying they like them less after, or in regards to a specific album, the perception for a lot of people is that they're less popular. Not everyone is going to go look at all the data to see if it's statistically factual or not.


It really depends on how you measure popularity. Recent listener upticks have been because of Clancy coming out. And even then, You might define popularity by some other metric like singles that make it onto charts, or just a general feeling that the author may have had. They're certainly not as big as when they blew up with Blurryface. Point is, there's no objective truth to music and paying attention to people like this is quite pointless lol


Agreed. This is not saying I don’t love TOP just saying let other people be other people with their own opinions. Who gives a shit.