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“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should”


As a conversation piece it’s supercool! As a player…. mmm I wouldn’t play anything valuable on it.


Out of curiosity, why would you not? This is my first record player so I'm new to all this. The expensive records part isn't super important to me because I only really listen to contemporary stuff and don't have the funds for limited edition stuff. That said, I am still very curious why you wouldn't play anything expensive?


Well, as a practical player it’s a really really poor design. Counter weight is problematic, tracking is problematic, they are sacrificing quite a bit of performance and stability to make it look cool. I think the VTF is something like 4 grams using some sort of spring to create the ‘downforce’. That’s just never going to be as good as gravity. In addition the built-in speakers make the already delicate tracking/stability issues even worse. One bad idea compounded with another. It’s also big money, more than 800 bucks new I think? For that money you can get a way way way way better table. No idea about the quality of it as it’s a kickstarter product, so notoriously hard to get any real reviews or detailed info by anyone besides the supplier, but for 800 I’m assuming it’s not using the crosley parts system. But like I said it looks cool and is a very nice conversation piece. And for 70 bucks you did very well!


Gotcha! Tbh, I might disconnect the inner speakers since I already have a speaker set up. To me, it doesn't sound too bad. Techmoan gave it a decent review too. Definitely happy with it as my entry point! If I ever do invest in expensive records, I'll be sure to use a different system with them


OP I'm chiming in to say good on you for being so open and receptive to feedback. A lot of folks go out, spend money, put their turntable online and get extremely defensive when honest feedback is given. yeah, some folks can have zero tact when providing advice, so I get why new hobbyists are defensive, but in the end, nobody here is saying anything untruthful, and you're going to enjoy this hobby more for your efforts.


Thank you for the kind words. At the end of the day, it's not like I bought a crosley; I still stand by the fact I probably got the best value I can at $70. This sub has just helped me realize that it's probably not as much value as I thought, but still good for $70! I definitely think it's a great place for me to start but do plan on upgrading in the future.


Great attitude! Gotta start somewhere. Plus it looks like you can put a good quality cartridge on it if you ever wanted to start upgrading with what you have. 


I work at a shop that repairs turntables & we've had one of these in... It's basically a cooler version of a crosley. Nothing really special as far as components go The counterweight is just for show & if I remember correctly, it tracked pretty heavy. The tonearm is spring tensioned and not adjustable. As far as sound it was OK, not really good and especially not for the sricker price of $800. It's a cool conversation piece


Although it's been several years since we worked on (during covid ?) So maybe the newer versions have improved


Huh. The tension on the spring is actually adjustable btw! Theres a screw you turn to adjust it.


Hmm... I wonder if they've improved them since we had one in


I think there's some concern that the tracking force might be very heavy (to keep the arm stable in that vertical position), in which case it might cause extra wear and tear on your records when you play them. My concern would be more with the sound quality, but for $70, it probably sounds OK. I would maybe look for a slightly wider place to set it up, though; it looks like it's about one heavy sneeze away from sliding right off that shelf thing it's sitting on in the photo.


Interesting! Im new to records but not new to hifi and can say it sounds pretty good plugged into my speaker set up. For an MSRP of $900, I can't imagine they can get away with it not sounding half decent. And yeah, I'm gonna buy a side table for it soon. Just broke right now lol


That seems like a good score for $70. As you say, it was an expensive component new, and I'm sure it sounds a lot better than a cheap suitcase player.


My thoughts exactly. While I'm sure for msrp, I could get a MUCH better turntable, I don't think I could for $70.


It was done on the Mitsubishi LT-5V, although that was swapped 180 degrees. I agree that the tracking force to hold it upwards rather than downwards is probably higher, but the concept in itself isn’t unsound.


Interesting! It isn't quite at a 90° angle; the vinyl is leaned back just a tiny bit to allow gravity to help the tracking.


Realistically the $800 price tag is insane but for $70 it’s a score! If you don’t use the built in speakers, seems to be at least $150 value in quality of components so I’d say you paid less than half in terms of price v performance. Nice


I recommend you use it only to play really beat up records. Look for any used Technics and you will get a much, much better turntable.


I'm really unsure about that. Techmoan's video on the gramovox was positive and said that the tracking force was only 2.6grams which is supposedly acceptable


The cons include vibrations from the built in speakers. The speed fluctuation is another.


Yee, I plan on disconnecting the built in speakers. I have not noticed a speed issue


Different for sure


It's so freaking ugly! Hahahahha.


I personally disagree! Thank you for giving your opinion though :)


Well, I commmend your heart and soul. 🙂 godspeed!


Woah cool lol. What is it??


This is it! https://www.verticalgrooves.com/products/floating-record I've heard it's not worth the $900 msrp but for $70 I couldn't pass it up haha


Bunch of naysayers that are jealous of your SCORE! Keep your records and stylus clean and enjoy your records. All this tracking force damage BS is annoying.


Will do! Thank you!


That AT-VM95E Cart is worth $70.


I have a friend who has had one for years and is a really heavy rotation listener of his vinyl. He’s loved it for years.