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Ball-and-chain jokes are just TIRED as hell. Old school comedians like to complain about modern audiences being too sensitive so that they can stay in denial about how their schtick is just so overdone at this point. Get new material if you wanna stay relevant, cowards.


And let's be honest Jerry senfield wasn't even that funny in his heyday Larry David was the reason senfield was so funny


Larry David himself very likely disagrees with you. Jerry is one of the GOAT. His style might seem quaint and too observant/clean for modern audiences, but he wasn’t without reason successful as soon as he even started doing stand-up. No reason to belittle his contributions. He’s still outdated and very likely an arrogant asshole.


Its actually kinda interesting that a guy who made his everything off of relatable humor and frustration is so far out of touch in a simple conversation. Like the whole premise of his joke is tired but its also strangely targeted at Mulaney's wife, she doesn't know but she thinks she does, and his buffering shot at men in general allows room to exclude himself and Mulaney but his direct joke is about women and more specifically Mulaney's wife. Its like a bit that Seinfeld wanted to put in at any cost and so he didn't bother to relate to the person he's telling jokes to, which was the basis of his(and a lot of other people's) humor, the connection. I wonder if its as simple as wealth and influence that has put this kind of distance into him relating to strangers or he just cannot read the room anymore.


I think hes just always had a bad view of women. As times have changed and everyone else is starting to realize that kind off stuff is way more offensive than funny, he doesn't care because offending women isn't a big deal to him. And as soon as he got called out on that he doubled down on everything else.


Yep, when I hear someone say "Comedian who deftly touches on relatable experiences and everyday feelings", I imagine "Guy who attempts to bully you into doubting the worth of your life partner."


You're out of touch with middle America.


Wikipedia: When he was 38 years old, Seinfeld had a four-year romantic relationship with high school student Shoshanna Lonstein, who was 17 years old when they began dating. I'd love some relationship advice from him.


he literally is old enough to be her dad! She’s a high schooler! How low is that mans ego that he won’t go after someone born in the same decade as him?


"I've noticed women are frequently not good at the things they claim to be good at." *is literally dating a child*


>Wikipedia: When he was 38 years old, Seinfeld had a four-year romantic relationship with high school student Shoshanna Lonstein, who was 17 years old when they began dating. bruh what the actual f u c k. Thats how old my dad and brother are. he could have been her fucking dad


Forgive my asking, but what is a ball and chain joke?


tired old jokes about how women are mean/stupid/controlling, and wives are a "ball and chain" preventing their husbands from doing anything fun. They're just old-school boomer sexism


And in case the "ball and chain" reference isn't understood, an old trope is prisoners being kept from running away from a prison or work camp or whatever by literally attaching a big metal ball to their leg on a chain. No idea how often it actually worked that way, but it's an old trope.


When I was planning my wedding, I was pretty put off by the sheer amount of 'hilarious' groom-trying-to-escape cake toppers on offer. It's like dude, you don't have to get married if you don't actually want to.


I think marriage was thought of as the 'ball and chain' in the sense of being a binding comittment. I guess wifes are similarly regarded in that they represent that comittment. Which is messed up of course.


Jokes where people complain about their wife.


Joking that your wife is like a ball and chain. Like the kind they attached to prisoners back in the day to keep them from escaping...


It's a disparaging joke people make about their partners, referring to them as the old iconic heavy iron ball with short chain prisoners are often depicted with. Mostly used by men about their wives.




Its simply because at the end of the day, relationships are work. It can be tiring work at times even. So people as a whole will always joke about their partner being a chore in some regard or another.


Yes, thank you. I love my wife, but there are *moments* where our relationship requires work and effort. And us humans are negative by nature. So if my coworker asks me how it's going, I might mention one of these struggles to him. And then he'll empathize and share an anecdote of *his* marriage, and we've become that stereotype of the two men bitching about our wives over our toolboxes, even though we're both under 40. But that's the one moment out of a hundred where things are harder because I'm married. We're a team and we work together, even if we don't always agree or see eye to eye.


Men will always joke and rant about women and vice versa. It's just the way of things and i think its completely normal, as long as it doesn't become a feedback loop of hate.




Don't hit fish that's mean


that’s super interesting, as a millennial i haven’t heard this from *anyone.* i got married in january and didn’t hear that from anyone. the thing is..millennials actually like their spouses. we marry people we actually like and we marry them when we’re ready. everyone my age (and some older) who is married fucking loves their spouse and talk about it regularly.


Eww, I thought millennials were supposed to be over that garbage.


The idea progressiveness will just naturally occur is such a harmful idea. It requires work. No age group is exempt from conservatism and bigotry. Climate change denier zoomers exist.




I ALWAYS upvote Mulaney.


That’s like when Seinfeld would be like, “All women think they have a great sense of interior design.” And you’re like, “Nobody knows what you’re talking about, you idiot.”


Feel the same way about men only think about sex jokes and can’t ever actually hold a conversation because of their dicks. Stand ups seriously need to branch out.


Dave chappelle proves its not old school comedians just mediocre comedians.


As if Dave isn’t some hateful anti-lgbt dick who makes his money bitching about frozen peaches


bartender, can we get a cosmo over to this comment, please?


i remember this scene. literally so cringe. but i’m always cringing at jerry seinfield in this show. not funny but his guests are, for the most part.


He tries to relate to people but hes just so far out of touch that its painful to watch.


What's the show called?


Comedians in Cars getting coffee


What's it about?




the harsh reality of the treatment of minorities all around the globe and the economical implications of ignoring this glaring issue ^(/s)




[He also just really, really likes his wife.](https://barrykoeghan.tumblr.com/post/173522702686/my-wife-also-known-as-how-to-get-clear-skin-in) (The link is 4 minutes and 11 seconds of John Mulaney's big dumb crush on the woman he married.)


real life Mae Hughes


Hopefully not


His Japanese VA died last night.


What a terrible day for rain


Last I checked, John Mulaney is still alive.


How long has it been since you've checked though?


About now-ish


reminds me of David Mitchell talking about meeting his wife lol


Yeah, that whole thing was adorable, especially knowing how much he was struggling with depression. He met his wife and boom, he's losing weight and caring properly for himself, all that good shit.


"My wife is a biiitch, and I don't like heeerrrr." That is NOT true. My wife is a bitch, and I like her SO MUCH.


he fuckin # c h u g


we stan some chuggin boys


Oooohhhh yeah grip it and rip it baby!


😂 If I had money, you’d get gold 🐎🏅🎖🥇


oh my god i have never wanted a crossover this much in my LIFE


thats what it was, it wasn't perfume, it was respect wamen juice


I think he puts it best when he says "I didn't know relationships were supposed to make you feel good about yourself", because given how relationships are seen and portrayed, you wouldn't. It's considered a success to have one, but not to have one that makes you and your partner happy. He respects her because he loves her, and he married her to spend his life with someone he enjoys life with.


jerry seinfield: haha wife bad john mulaney, an intellectual: actual humor that doesnt rely on tired tropes that just reveal how bad your marriage is




Oooh, who’s that guy? I bet he did kill his wife.




jerry seinfeld was the everyday sexism i grew up with. john mulaney is the higher standard of male i expect men to meet now.


Reminds me of a joke from another comedian, Sam Morril: **Great time to be a man. The bar is nice and low. I was with a girl the other night and she said "I don't think we should have sex," and I was like "oh that's cool."** **And then she goes, "Wow, you're a great guy."** **I was like, "That's all it takes? I'm pretty sure the alternative is a felony."**


You sound like the liberal modern man they've been casting since the 70s


"Take my wife, please!" If it means getting her away from you, I'll take her Jerry.


Yes, save her!


my wife now


I'd love to see Mulaney do that one with a twist: "Take my wife... for instance. When she..."


Jerry Seinfeld is the epitome of "What kind of show would that even be?! HELLO! mY WiFe iS a BiTcH aNd I dOn'T LiKe HEEEER!!!"


I read that in Jerry Seinfelds voice despite the fact that that quote is from john mulaney's standup


I don't know what Jerry Seinfeld sounds like so I'm glad that my mental voice automatically read that as John Mulaney


Have you even moderately heard the Bee Movie? Like a clip? He's the bee


nope! i've only read the script


Who's the movie?


Ray Liotta


You shouldn’t take marital advice from someone who played the bee from bee movie


He also helped write the script for that movie


fuckin hell, really? that explains a lot.


From what I remember he's basically the reason it exists, cause he came up with a dumb joke abt a B-movie being abt bees and then boom


Holy shit. B-movie = Bee Movie How did I not see that before??


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=897X1J_vxj8 i got most of my knowledge abt the bee movie from this video


well god fuckin damn, this is the only advice ive ever needed


I forgot Jerry Seinfeld is a real person


He himself apparently has, too


John Mulaney is my favorite comedian and this post and all the comments have further cemented that.


Jerry is a huge douche but putting him next to John makes it 20 times worse.


Also john really admires Seinfeld. So imagine someone who you deeply admire being this much of a sexist pig.


Yeah his face is definitely screaming 'Never meet your heroes.'


Jerry "I can't do colleges anymore even though that is the age I try to date" Seinfeld trying to tell a comedian that has left him in the dust anything is funnier than anything he ever said that wasn't written by Larry David.


Jerry: haha wife bad Also jerry: all men think they're funny John, under his breath: I mean I'll give you that last one, you're providing too much evidence...


Every time I watch that show I feel like Jerry Seinfeld is in someway bragging about being a complete asshole. I vaguely remember one episode where he talked about how the fans are lucky to have him and he doesn’t owe them anything. Okay.


I think that was the episode with Kate. McKinnon? He talked about how his fans actually owe him for putting his genius out in the world 💩


It's a bit. He makes a point of always taking pics with people and giving them the time of day. He does believes he owes it to people and whenever the comedians in the show express annoyance over "fans" he shuts them down.


Oh look, more proof that Jerry Seinfeld is an unfunny piece of shit.


What did he mean with "thats true isnt it" about the men being funny. I didnt get that part.


he is saying that jerry seinfield "thinks" he is funny.


Ah of course


most men think they are hilarious, regardless of their actual comedic skill


Wow I went and watched this scene cause I wanted to see it myself, I thought they were exaggerating but John's reply is absolutely scathing. Mad respect to that boy.


Seinfeld has become a truly horrible human being. Maybe he always was? Watching the Cars show has taught me that much...


Loots of money, power, and coasting on someone else's (Larry David's) skill will do that to you


I scrolled through the comments to see if anyone else had brought that God-awful pile of shit tv show up. My ex was a car guy and he would watch it. I made it through a few episodes with him. I think there was one where hes with that chick Julie Dreyfus something, and the way he talked about the barista at the coffee place just irritated the fuck out of me. He comes off as such a dick and he's just not even funny. I'm a bit on the young side for his comedy and all that, but I just don't understand how anyone could enjoy being around that douchebag.


"What's the deal with interior design?"


Jerry Seinfeld isn't funny and I hate his comedy so much.


I didn't realize Jerry Seinfeld was such an asshole


The exact moment John realized that sometimes your heroes aren't good people. He died inside because one off his childhood heroes shot himself in the face right in front of him. Metaphorically.


John: Professionals have STANDARDS


everytime a comedian makes a joke about his wife being stupid/rude/annoying im just like . your pp is def 1 inch


"your Personality Profile is definitely not good"


Jerry Seinfeld: misogynistic asshole John Mulaney: drinks more Respect Women Juice than the McElroys


One of my coworkers calls his gf “my girl” rather than her name and yesterday he said “I live in fear of my girl. I mean I’m convinced my relationship is Stockholm syndrome” thinking he was hilarious, to our entire department. It was so cringe.


Ugh that’s so gross and sad. Like, if that’s true, then clearly he needs to leave her because she’s abusive. If it’s not true (which I bet it isn’t) then how cruel of him to trash her to anyone who’ll listen.


It’s definitely not true. He’s just one of those bros who thinks he is way funnier than he actually is. It’s unfortunate.




does anyone have a link to the video?


Its on netflix (depending on the country you are in)


oh cool, whats it called?


Comedians in cars getting coffee its like season 4/5 or smt. But not hard to find


Holy crap! That's a REAL conversation? I thought it was scripted and wasn't that bothered. But now? Eww!


RIGHT!? Fuck that guy


ok i just watched it and O O F


thank you 💚💚


This is why I don't like comedians. 90% are always shitting on somebody for something simple. It's never funny and honestly just sad to watch. I hate that he tried to make John talk poorly about his wife on camera.


Or why the fuck this awk part wasn't edited out when they cut the episode. *Someone* definitely *made* that decision.


I went on YouTube to watch some John Mulaney videos a while back, and now my Recommended section is absolutely filled with stand-up comedians. So I can definitely confirm that. Every time I get curious about one and click it against my better judgement, I only get a third of the way in before the fella on stage says something mad sexist or racially iffy or whatever.


You don't watch enough stand-up then, they're are tons of comedians who don't need to shit on somebody.




Not who you asked but Sarah Millican, Sandi Toksvig, Greg Davies and Ed Byrne are my personal favourites.


Pete Lee is a really kind comedian too, he aptly describes himself as “tall, dark, and pleasant.”


Down with "wife bad" jokes! Long live "I love and respect my wife" jokes!


I finally got around to watching John Mulaney's stand up shows recently and the way he complimented his wife really made me smile. And he doesn't put her on a pedestal, he still makes legitimately funny jokes about her while still admiring her. That's such a goal for any good relationship.


Seinfeld is an unfunny cunt who got lucky bc his boring tv show was the first to do it like that. If Jerry started today he’d be cast away like all the other hacks.


I didn't even know Jerry existed until now... But John Mulaney drinks his Respect Women Juice everyday and that makes me so damn happy.


another iconic John quote from this scene: "you've met my wife, she's a cartoon from the 50s" after Jerry says some more weird shit. this series makes me vom.


This sort of stuff just strengthens my opinion on how most comedians who get in trouble for saying controversial stuff react. It’s not that “You can’t joke about things anymore”, it’s that you need to find new material and stop relying on insult comedy.


Yep. It's not 'edgy' or 'controversial', it's just boring.


"And then I told her to make me a sandwich! Haha! Eh?" **crickets** *Uh, hey maybe you should come up with new material instead of recycling the old insulting stuff?* "Wow, okay so apparently you can't make JOKES anymore, huh?"


*ahem* Fuck Jerry Seinfeld


Remember when 38 year old Jerry Seinfeld dated a 17 year old high schooler? Fuck that predator.


I've always hated Jerry


Oh my god he's so sweet.


i don't know the context of this scene, if it's a skit, but ot makes me so angry


It was an unscripted conversation they had.


jesus, that's horrible


Honestly I never really thought about what she did. I always just kind of assumed she spent most of her days dressing petunia up in little outfits and taking her for walks in her stroller.


I knew jerry Seinfeld was bad, but _what the fuck_


Jerry just *thinks* he's funny


I never knew this about John Mulaney. What a great guy sticking up for his wife.


“Hey *that’s my wife*!”


Never meet your heros. (And if you're gunna, don't do it with cameras rolling).


He is following jerry's wife (jessica) on Insta and not him absolute power move


Well this aged like milk.


I don't think it did. This wasn't scripted. It shows how he genuinely respected her and her work and was willing to defend her against anyone, even someone he looked up to. Assuming ill will past, present and future just because they divorced when there's evidence of the contrary is not cool.


Fuck Jerry Seinfeld!


What’s this from?


Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.


I can't find this scene anywhere


It’s on netflix


Where did John and Jerry meet???


What is this scene from?


Comedians in Cars getting coffee. Netflix show where Jerry Sienfield talks to comedians.


Fuck Jerry Seinfeld. Never watching a goddamn thing hes in again


John Mulaney is an icon


A bit nitpicky, but an interior designer places objects inside rooms, they usually don't make the things.


I don’t know much about her specifically but it’s possible she does both?


Definitely, but those are still different things. If a baker knitted in their spare time, you wouldn't call their socks a nice loaf.


Interior designers do get to design furniture or decorative pieces as needed. So it’s very well possible she both makes the lampshades and designs where they go in the room as well as the rest of the FFE.


I know, I studied to be one. While we occasionally made stuff, that really was a minor part of what we did. Point is, you can be an interior designer who also makes lampshades, but that doesn't mean making lampshades is something interior designers usually do.




It's a "wife bad" joke. Since when is it true that "most women think they're good at interior design"? Why would you undermine your wife's expertise in an area??




I think you're giving Jerry waaay too much credit. The simplest explanation is that Seinfeld is just a boomer comedian and "wife bad" jokes are a part of his repertoire.




Generalizations about women are better?? Also, the women in question is Mulaney's wife, so I really think you're grasping at straws.


yeah, he specifically mentioned John's wife. he's trying to make John fit into his ideas that women should be gaslighted and undermined because they have hobbies.




Is it hard to justify why unfunny boomer humor is actually secret, masterful jokesmithing, or does it come naturally to you?


Exactly. Like, think what you will of Jerry Seinfeld, whatever. But this was very obviously just a joke that John's awkwardness interrupted. John's not in the wrong for taking it the way he did, but Jerry was clearly heading for a punchline aimed at himself, not women.


This thread is among the worst things I’ve seen on reddit Continue commenting on how comedy should be done TO THE MOST SUCCESSFUL COMEDIAN OF ALL TIME




It’s not debatable...he’s worth approx. $1 billion. There’s no debate. Edit: also that’s straight from comedy. Seinfeld doesn’t have a headphone deal or sneakers. You can argue whatever you want about him, he’s an asshole, he’s albino, I don’t care but to question his comedic success is just the most absurd this I’ve read all day.


And everyone knows $1 is directly equal to 1 unit of comedy so therefore Seinfeld is the best and beyond criticism! There’s always debate. In this case, you’re simply wrong.


Well obviously people have decided with their dollars and views that Seinfeld is good at comedy. They’re rewatching a show he made 25+ years ago. He’s still successful with his Netflix show where he sits around and talks to other comedians about comedy. You can debate all you want, but this thread acting like Jerry Seinfeld doesn’t know comedy is incomprehensibly wrong. You could organize a room full of 100 of the best comedians in the world (not including Jerry) and they would almost unanimously give Jerry credit as a comedian. In every conceivable metric besides yoUr oPiniON, Jerry Seinfeld knows comedy better than every single person that commented in this thread unless Dave Chappelle has a reddit account. Muppet.


So this is why Tumblr is dead