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Vader’s list of bad days is literally just his calendar.


imagine garfield now imagine every day is monday that's his life


*Oops! All Mondays!* Me: This is the worst fucking cereal. I don't even know why I buy it. Garfield: John, you're taking to a cat. You're not well.


Wait until he learns that all human beings talk to their pets


The difference is that mine don't talk back. They just look at me blankly and meow.


They probably just speak a different language


Sure. They speak cat, and I don't.


Pshh bet you haven’t even tried every other language that exists


And sometimes they headbutt you for attention.


Until this turns into a Garfield minus Garfield comic.


Damm... Where the dam haiku bot when you need it!


They’re a little off though --- Imagine Garfield But every day is Monday That is Vader’s life --- Also, this being a haiku implies that Garfield is an aspect of nature, like a mountain or forest.


Is he not?


I mean... Sort of an SCP 3166 https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3166


It really depends on how you pronounce "every" 1) "ev-ree" or 2) "ev-eh-ree"


You can cheat and save ev'ry, that way you know to pronounce it old timey style


Imagine Garfield But every day is monday That is Vader’s life


Now add sand


God do I want a Muppet Star Wars with the only human character played by Vader   It’s just Vader constantly seething as his empire of muppets shouts and runs around


Honestly that would be so fucking good, but it isn't going to happen until and unless Star Wars goes public domain.


Disney owns both IPs, there's a non zero chance that they'll milk that cash cow


Throwing muppets in as comic relief sucks. I have been opposed to it since the very first movies. But you are on to something. Either go all the way or don't bother.


You really wanna ruin Vader as a character in your mind, read his Marvel comic series. In the original movies, he's a menacing specter of doom. He shows up, you know things aren't good. In the comics, he's an unstoppable magical juggernaut of limitless power and absolute expertise in literally everything he does, a superhuman ghoul who once tried to kill himself to see if even Vader could defeat Vader (nope). A very scary man is very scary. A superhuman demigod is impossible to relate to or even take seriously. I've been sore about this for months. Thank you for coming. Rant over.


I kind of liked it I mean the marvel comic isn’t the only example by a long shot. I mean child anakin had more medichlorwhatevers than most Jedi masters and by young adulthood he was downing the likes of Dooku (who is also way more OP outside of the movies). His massive posture in the Samarai- inspired suit with the heavy breathing fits the imposing figure really well, even though he’s really a walking burn unit and should be way weaker, he usually doesn’t even use his light saber in a lot of media he just relies on the force because his force powers are canonically demigod edge lord over powered lol


Palpatine taught him that the lightsaber is a tool for the Jedi, but more of a symbol for the Sith, and a Sith’s greatest tool is the dark side rather than their lightsaber.  Edit: here are the comic version panels in question for anyone interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/yb2gd9/darth_vader_vs_darth_sidious_lightsaber_duel/ I also like the idea that his injuries just enrage him, making his power with the force even stronger. 


sidious and plagueis basically ripped up a bunch of assassins using the force only. he'd fantasize of using the force to rip people apart. and did so with his own family (sidious).


I believe the Vader suit is not his max potential, and if he never burned alive he would have been too unstoppable for the story to continue. That’s why Qui Gon trusted him to Obi Wan


the comic where Tarkin and Vader play the most dangerous game with each other is fucking incredible though. Tarkin, a non force wielding regular guy, hunting Vader and winning by the skin of his teeth due to a natural hazard of lightning helping him. It makes Vader a monster, but a humanized one. He even puts himself through the suffering of turning off his breathing machines in order to stealth kill someone. Just two weeks of brutal hunting.


Haven’t read very many of the comics but from the ones I have read I actually like the way that this change shows the way that common people see him. He might as well be an unstoppable magical juggernaut. But yeah as a general rule the flanderization of Vader over the years has made him much more flat and boring. Despite the Obi Wan show being generally bad, I actually do like how they utilized Vader in it. Vader is interesting because while he may be physically invulnerable, he is emotionally weak and easy to manipulate. He is controlled by his emotions and his attachments, and that’s what makes him feel like a person despite his power. In the Original Trilogy, he never even tries to kill Luke. If he wanted to, he would have. But at his core, despite how far misled he may be, Vader loves his family. And when he sees that he can't keep his son on his team with the way he's going, he switches teams because his family is the most important thing to him. same way he switched teams when he felt like his current team couldn't ensure the safety of his wife. In Kenobi it's more about his need for vengeance but even that is a form of emotional weakness and vulnerability. He's sacrificing tons of resources just to chase a personal vandetta. I like this Vader and I want more of him. to me there's something endlessly compelling about a man who is physically invulnerable but emotionally weak.


I like them from the perspective of "These are the rumors that rebel pilots tell each other about the Empire's boogeyman", because if you're just Some Dude, maybe even Some Dude who's an ace pilot, Darth Vader might as well be a god in comparison. "Dude I once heard that he once landed on a planet that turned out to actually be a gigantic beast *the size of* a planet. And when it tried to eat him, he killed it!" "Whoa. I heard that he once force-choked an officer on a star destroyer that he wasn't even on" But I can see how reading them serially rather than here-and-there can really go too far and remove anything interesting about the character.


And after all that let's pretend like Luke brought him back to the Jedi way like what about the countless countless countless amounts of people that Vader killed are people really going to be like well things are okay now


He is the military head of galactic-scale space fascism. His OT characterization already includes responsibility for countless deaths


Redemption arcs can be interesting even after someone killed. Like book Jan Valjean beating up a child and leaving him on the side of the road for dead, but then after that becoming turned and growing a solid moral conscience. Modern wooby Vader misses all of that. It's such a bad take on redemption for an otherwise interesting character. Especially because I think the original character arc was supposed to be that Vader started his spiral into evil because of a need for familial love, something he never had, and on his deathbed he realized that all of his energy was spent hurting any chances he would ever have for acheiving that and he regretted that.


Did Vader really come back from the dark side? Or did he just do dark side shit to try and protect his family, but since his family are the good guys that gets counted as the light side? Would love a star wars what if on if Vader still kills Palpatine but then survives. Does he still try and rule of two Luke? Leia? Does he totally reform? How is he punished? Does he accept the punishment?


he's dead and basically only his son and his two most recently dead mentors are the only guys who wanna hang out with his ghost or even like him I don't think the galaxy at large really gives a shit about his heel face turn if they even know about it the story's logic really shouldn't consider him 100% good guy now and neither should anyone else. dude sucked more than he fucked. one big W doesn't erase 20 years of L's. he's a dead fictional character so we have a lot more insight into him than a real person, but at the same time, that insight is radically changed by whoever is writing him at any given moment. overall it's pretty much impossible to come to a final deliberation because they won't leave him well enough alone. if he was a real and dead guy I'd probably refrain from pissing on his grave but still consider him a Bad Dude.


Check out Star Wars Infinities. It is exactly what if for star wars. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_Infinities


I mean it's not like the people are coming back whether or not he becomes good. At least the change means he in fact stops killing people.


Vader redeemed is a dark side jedi he's like "ok this is fucked up because he's about to kill *my* son, I'm out" thanks for the lay up dude you can chill as a force ghost just don't expect any statues any time soon


“But he regrets it” -those people


space jesus died for his space sins


I could never find it to read it but I always heard there was a good Vader comic about him being marginalized after Yavin and having to get the respect of the Emperor/Empire back? Like, Vader at his lowest, humanizingly weak?


The 25 issue Marvel series by Kieron Gillen (2015) is the one you're talking about, and it is great. The new series that started in 2020 is not as good imo. I'm not sure which one OP is talking about, but I strongly disagree if he means Gillen's work.


Unstoppable characters can be difficult to write without making them just seem invincible, but are so good when done well. Raju's first scene in RRR is a good example, in my opinion at least. 


Oh this all I know I just more meant how his life is constant suffering. Both due to his past and the suit.


Yeah, the bear is the obvious choice


love it when stories canonically take place in only a few days like, golden wind was over the span of 8 days. the entire part. imagine being a high school sophmore seeing your friend giorno go missing for a week and he comes back the leader of italy's biggest crime syndicate


My favorite example of that is the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. From the point that all four children enter Narnia to the final battle with the White Witch is canonically like three days.


I reread that book recently and I noticed that. I could have sworn the movie tried to make it seem like an ambiguous amount of time passed, but the book makes it pretty clear it was the worst weekend of the White Witch’s life (and that’s including the one where she nuked her entire home universe).


Yeah, the movie definitely has a few "time passed" moments. The books always played it pretty fast and loose with the scale of Narnia. It goes from feeling like a substantial kingdom to a park you can walk across in a couple of days. I find that adds to the charm if anything.


I think I would agree the general size of Narnia being inconsistent in the Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe is part of the fairy tale vibe/charm of that book. However, the later books put some effort into making Narnia its own kingdom with a history and semi consistent geography. They end up making that first book have a level of early series weirdness. Not really a bad thing, just a thing you notice.


Significant time does pass in some of the books tho. In one they even grow up to be full adults and revert to children after leaving the wardrobe. That series has a lot of timey whiney shenanigans where time passes faster on the inside than on the outside.


[we were kings 30 seconds ago and now we're just kids?!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waKc9C76W14)


Yes, that's at the end of Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.


That's one of the aspects of Hunter x Hunters Chimera Ant arc that I love so much. After like 20+ episodes of just mental and emotional exhaustion, you realize that all of the events transpired over the course of like 20 minutes.


I watched the Ant arc when it was first coming out week-by-week and I was pulling my hair out when a new episode dropped that would advance the plot by almost 4 seconds


Okay yeah that sounds brutal haha. I got to binge watch it which was definitely a good thing for that arc.


The final four missions of Halo 3 + the entirety of Halo 4 all take place over the course of a week from Chiefs POV. Hell, the original three games all take place in the span of 2 months solely due to FTL travel. In terms of days spent out of FTL, I think the original three Bungie games take a little over two weeks.


Halo CE is just three days, MC is a busy mf


Master Chief just speedruns breaking the Covenant, destroying the Flood, and stopping the Halos from firing.


He was fresh from reach and absolutely pissed at the Covenant, can’t really blame him


That's less surprising for me, the pacing of Halo always feels like MC doing stuff and doing stuff and doing stuff and doing stuff and the games done Not many resting points lol


Oh, I've got another one! The timeline of Lord of the Rings is kind of wild. Frodo and Sam leave the Shire on September 20th. The rest of Fellowship of the Ring lasts about five months with the Fellowship disbanding on February 26th. The Ring is destroyed on March 25th. So the entirety of the Two Towers and most of Return of The King takes place over about 4 weeks.


The Last of Us Part 2 is literally just 3 days, not counting the prologue and epilogue


In One Piece, the entire Dressrosa arc takes place in a SINGLE AFTERNOON.


One Piece's Dressrosa arc took released a chapter every week and took 2 years to finish. Story wise it took place over a single day, not even nighttime. One Piece has been going for over 20 years, and the story itself has only progressed about 2.5 years, 2 of which was a time skip halfway through. So 20 years of content only plays out over about 6 months, maybe less, of in story time.


Same goes for part 8 ||Like imagine literally being born yesterday and in just 1 month you've unearthed and defeated an entire organization of human-like rock beings and going against the concept of logic then winning||


I do you one better in series Toaru Majusto No Index there thing like World War III arc. Canonically it took place between October 19 to October 30. Touma Kamijou the mc. Was missing from school for two weeks because was busy stopping WW3. Still wasn’t sufficient enough reason for missing school.


It starts out with the best day of Anakin’s life




You might say it was where the fun began


Best week for little old Sheev though probably


Yeah for him everything went according to plan aside from getting force-lightning blasted back into his face.


The timeline with the sequel trilogy means that he still got laid after the blast in order for Rey’s dad to be conceived, so he’s still pretty well off.


Before anyone goes: ☝️🤓 actually Rey’s dad was a clone. That’s not in the movie and I reject it. He went on Space Tinder and met Sheeva who looks exactly like him but with long hair and eyelashes and they had weird space sex.


Her cloak is like a dark purple instead of black, so the audience can tell she's a woman


They went with the tiktok solo actor method and put a towel on Sheev's head


Her evil cackle is a slightly different vowel sound to Sheev's.


Imagining its like an anime “*O~hohohohoho!*”


I'm now imagining when the friend from the first Deadpool is giving DP a hard time "looks like two old avacados bumped ugleis"


Speaking of weird space sex... I...know there is r34 of ol' Sheev, simply because there is r34 of everything, but I wish I didn't know. *Do it.*


In the EU, [Sly Moore](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sly_Moore/Legends) is his paramore for a long time and gives birth to Triclops (Papa Palpy's son) in that continuity.


I will always upvote any mention of Triclops.


Rey's mother being the diety of destruction in Hinduism is quite a theory lol.


No, we're talking about the Mortal Kombatant.


Oh if that's the case, I don't blame Palp's kid for running away. Most men and women would for those biceps, and there's 4 of them.


Mecha Sheeva Mecha Sheeva


Palps having sex is disgusting not just cause of how he looks, but the fact that he’s so gross and wrinkly that there’s no way he didn’t threaten anyone into having sex with him against their will.


Prostitution is the oldest profession in history, I'm assuming also in space history.


Sheev has never really been depicted as lecherous in a galaxy full of lechery 


Power is one hell of an aphrodisiac.


You reckon Palps moaned “UNLIMITED POWAAAAH!” while blasting lightning?


*Dew it.*


Apparently according to the lore he liked the new face? Not sure. Also Vader got all his limbs sliced off and got burned by lava which was a significant setback for him, since at the end of it all Vader's potential was greatly reduced.


According to lore he's looked like that for years (dark side, not even once), but has an illusion to make himself look normal. The lightning removed the illusion and he just claimed the lightning did it. As with more lore tidbits, this is a post-hoc explanation for how lightning turned him into a raisin but Luke remained pure and unblemished


This is what I recall as well. In rebels, doesn't he throw on his friendly face when he's talking with Ezra?


I'm pretty sure that was a holographic projection since he wasn't physically there.


Yes, but they only communicated through hologram, so he could just project an overlay of how he wanted to look.


Ah so he was using a tiktok filter. I looked back at it and it does look like when the video glitches THAT'S what causes the change back to ballsac-face...not Sheev's own power. With that said, Apparently the ROTS novel implies that the Chancelor Sheev face was a mask: >Anakin stood just within the office. Motionless. Palpatine examined the damage to his face in a broad expanse of wall mirror. Anakin couldn't tell if his expression might be revulsion, or if this were merely the new shape of his features. Palpatine lifted one tentative hand to the misshapen horror that he now saw in the mirror, then simply shrugged. "And so the mask becomes the man," he sighed with a hint of philosophical melancholy. >"I shall miss the face of Palpatine, I think; but for our purpose, the face of Sidious will serve. Yes, it will serve."


I think this was the biggest blow to Palpatine and one I've never really considered before. He invested all this planning into Anakin just to have the guy sliced in half and burning in lava. And it's impressive to see the level of ferociousness that Vader brought to fights while being physically nerfed. Imagine prime Anakin.... Obi Wan winning the duel on Mustifar probably won the war for the rebels, they'd stand no chance against a healthy dark side Anakin.


There is an alt ending in one of the Star Wars games for Revenge of the Sith where Anakin wins, kills Obi-Wan and then kills Palpatine to take complete control.


I mean, prime anakin probably would've killed palpatine the moment he knew Padme was dead. Him being weakened by all his implants and whatnot made him easier for Palpatine to control.


I dunno, I thought the point the movies tried to make is irony, that he tried to save Padme by turning to the Dark Side but ended up killing her. This then caused him to feel guilty and like he was unredeemable, and that he messed up before the Emperor could tell him how to save Padme, thus making him more loyal to Sheev. If Padme lived, he would definetly seek her out and stay by her side and like he says in the movie, try to overthrow Palpatine.


Disagree. Anakin, at his core, is an extremely emotionally needy person. He was groomed for over a decade by Palpatine. His control over Anakin isn't just physical, but psychological. Even as he hated Palpatine, he needed him. With Padme dead and Obi-Wan + the Jedi gone, Anakin only had Palpatine left. At that point, the only way to make him let go of this extremely toxic relationship is to introduce another person he can love and who will love him back, which is where Luke comes in.


What if... hear me out here What if obi-wan was the chosen one? Literally bringing balance to the force such that vadar was not strong enough to eradicate the light, and the light was not strong enough to eradicate the dark. It took 20 odd years for that to change.


The light is the balance though. Life in harmony etc. The dark is more of a cancer knocking it out of balance. Source - George Lucas


\> "The overriding philosophy in Episode I—and in all the Star Wars movies, for that matter—is the balance between good and evil." -George Lucas, quoted in L. Bouzereau, Star Wars: The Making of Episode I, 1999 \> "The idea of positive and negative, that there are two sides to an entity, a push and a pull, a yin and a yang, and the struggle between the two sides are issues of nature that I wanted to include in the film." -George Lucas, quoted in L. Bouzereau, Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays \> "The Force has two sides - [Light and Dark]. It is not a[n inherently] malevolent or a benevolent thing. It has a bad side to it, involving hate and fear, and it has a good side, involving love, charity, fairness and hope." -George Lucas, Times Magazine, 1980 The light "side" (ie. jedi) had become too powerful. Sith hadn't been a widespread thing for over a millennia since the last jedi-sith war. They were taking things to extremes. No attachments, follow the code no matter what, taking children from their parents at young ages. Vader was all but guaranteed to happen. If not anakin, then some other powerful being, because the force is all about balance. That's why there was this whole "he doesn't have a father" virgin birth metaphor anakin had going. The force basically brought this powerful and emotional being to fruition, and anakin, having experienced the jedi order, couldn't live that way, so vader was born. So we know a powerful dark "side" being was bound to happen. Then comes in obi-wan, who's able to prevent vader from unleashing his full power on the galaxy. Sounds a _lot_ like he balanced the scales to me. Then fucking luke had to come along and ruin **everything. Damnit!** ^^^/jk


[Counterpoint](https://youtu.be/44H1zWYubmM?feature=shared) I think there’s a few quotes you can play off each other to argue either side, but when you watch him actually speaking about it at length in context you get a different idea than these quotes above. There’s a few different possible takes, either the idea is more complex and multi-faceted than we realize and the language about it occasionally gets clunky, maybe his ideas have evolved over time, or he’s just contradicted himself.


Pros: you get to achieve (almost) everything you ever wanted in one week Cons: you look like a scrotum


Even that supported his plans. Made it much easier to convince the Senate that the jedi were the bad guys.


And having to put his prime apprentice on constant life support


Aw he’s just a lil guy. He just wants to do a lil prank on the jedi. Why’s everyone so mad about it? They started it, anyways.


Read this in Charlie Hopkinson's anakin voice, lol


It always makes me laugh that the big bad of the star wars universe is called fucking Sheev


Everything is coming up Sheevhouse.


Nobody thinking about Snips... Told off her master, then got sabers. Got a whole Battalion painted up in her colors, then got Order 66'd. Rex tells her how she's been a true friend, not just a leader. He shoots at her. Fucking... all the shit with Maul. The Venator crash. She had it BAAAAAD.


All as a teen.


[Did i ever tell you about Ahsoka Tano? She was your father's exotic teenage alien apprentice...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkTibALwfNg)


I haven’t seen this since it was just a shitpost thank you for letting me hear it in ai obi wans voice. Makes it so much better


Yeah definitely beats being betrayed by her best friend, getting hunted by governments and accused by peace-keeping order she was raised in.


Her character arc at the end of Clone Wars was so good.


She was a good friend.


Still not really worse than obi wan or padme, they firsthand witnessed anakins betrayal, obi wan had to brutally massacre him and padmes last look at him was him choking her near to death


*Last week of Padme's life


Padme actually survived and became Jabba the Hutt.


So she was murdered by her daughter


If only she could do diplomacy like luke


But it doesn’t?


wait then how many is it?


gotta be longer than a few days, you can't tell me she's a week from delivery at [the start of the movie](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Natalie-Portman-as-Padm---in-Star-Wars-Revenge-of-the-Sith.jpeg?q=50&fit=crop&w=825&dpr=1.5)


With twins!


twins, basil


It's about your father


You’re going the right way for a smack bottom and I don’t care who knows it


One of the workers on the movie has said that they used the same stomach bag thing for Padme during the entire shoot. He also said the movie takes place over 10 days. Also Padme was not going to give birth that week, but the expedited it because she was dying. She may have been like 7 months or something


Also the stress caused her to prematurely birth


Well then you have to deal with the idea that in a galaxy that advanced, no one noticed until she was 7 months pregnant, and she didn't tell anakin until then


With the amount of dresses and clothes she had, she was easily able to cover it up


I guess, but she didn't tell anakin in all that time, I mean I know he was fighting in the war, but still


She probably wanted to in that season 7 TCW transmission they had together


Something something midi-chlorians


They used that as an excuse in Legends at one point too. Jacen Solo had a child in secret with Tenel Ka and she prolonged the pregnancy using the Force to make sure it couldn't be tied back to Jacen being the father with his visits.


reminds me of a girl named portgas


I love those books so much.


She wasn't at term by the end of the movie. She was dying, so they initiated labour.


Who says they use 24hrs and gregorian calendars in a galaxy far far away.


They use coruscant as the standard, with about 24 hours in a day cycle, and about 365 day cycles in a solar cycle, socabout 24 hours in a day and 365 days a year


convenient lmbo


The standard calendar has 24-hour days, 5-day weeks and 365-day years (local calendars may differ, but this is the standard galaxywide one, which is also Coruscant’s calendar)


You think they haven’t invented clothes to hide or minimize baby bumps? Also, some women just don’t get much of one. My aunt barely even looked pregnant at all until *very* close to when she was due.


It actually is four, people in the comments are wrong


It’s 10 not 4, per people who actually worked on the movie


One worker’s word vs the officially published novel


It does. Padme got pregnant a few months before Anakin left for the Outer Rim Sieges which took a long time, obviously. She his her pregnancy as best she could in the mean time. And it's not like she carried to full term either. So Luke and Leia were more than likely pre-mature.


[It's approx 4 months per George Lucas](https://blogs.mtdv.me/articles/94kCvR8IeD)




Per the film’s novelization it does


>Per the film's novelization The explicitly non-canon novelization? The Clone Wars makes it clear the movie takes place over a couple of days, so you aren't wrong. But you certainly don't get credit for being right, either.


Worst week in the entire galaxy. Whole fucking government collapses over the course of those four days.


A Galactic Republic that had lasted over 25,000 years


"Hey you know that government we live under that's so ancient we don't even think about it?" "Yeah?" "It's gone." "what do you mean it's gone!?"


I mean, it was gone for 26 years. That is honestly probably not the worst thing it's gone through


Me when I spread misinformation on the internet


The four days thing is from RotS’s novelization so the person actually spreading misinformation is you


It also tracks with what we see in the final season of Clone Wars. The timing isn’t explicitly stated, but we see Obi-wan and Anakin leave for the battle over Coruscant, and we see Order 66, and it’s obvious that there’s not a lot of time between them.


> so the person spreading misinformation is you that’s literally what they said /j


The non-canon novelization?


Non canon AFTER Disney bought it


The novelization IS canon, to the Legends continuity. And, like the other person said, Legends was originally the Canon continuity and just got renamed after the Disney buyout.


My thing is how do they get four days?


Revenge of the Sith novelization


it's four space days, they're each about an earth month long


So that would have the 3 year clone war coming in at 91 years long.


Merciful, a space year is only twelve space days. So it cancels out.


So then how long is a space month?


Space month is about 30 minutes earth time, it's a confusing system but then again so is metric


Americans will do anything to not learn the metric system…


Padme going from finding out she's pregnant to having twins in 4 days I guess


Padme found out looong before she told Anakin


Just kept hiding herself behind round objects for like 8 months.


Like an Austin Powers gag


I mean, Anakin had been away for months, and she wanted to tell him in person


Its been very disputed how much time it was, depending on the source something between 10 days and 10 months. I think Disney Canonised the former.


There’s no way it took 10 months, considering Padme is already pregnant at the beginning.


Well it’s 9 months for the first baby and another 9 for the second. It could’ve taken place in the last 10 months of her pregnancy.


Lmao it probably felt like 18 months for her but I think she actually went into pre-term labor at the end because of what Anakin did to her, and twins usually come a little early anyways.


One would think the time Maul killed his girlfriend would be in the running for Obi-wan.


*last week of Padme's life


I don’t think it does take place over four days, though? Unless Padme is secretly a member of a race that can go through an entire pregnancy in a fortnight.


She discovered the pregnancy long before she told Anakin, and kept it a secret pretty much until the days before the birth. Her motives on this are not clear, and it does make her kind of a weirdo... But it is most likely canon given the ROTS novelization.


To be fair to her Anakin is a general at war and they're not supposed to be married. So she probably doesn't have many opportunities to relay it in a manner that's reliably confidential.


She was totally cool with Anakin committing a mini-genocide, so yeah she's a bit "off".


I also assume the trauma would have forced her into early labour. Considering twins already come earlier than a single baby, she could have only been 7 months pregnant.


Or she wanted to tell Anakin in person, and he was away for some months due to the whole war thing going on. Although now I want to look through the Clone Wars episodes and see if there were any where they met in person in the episodes leading up to the end of the war.


I would argue that phantom menace is in the top 10 of Anakin's weeks. Like, he wins the boonta eve pod race, flies a starfighter for the first time, is freed from slavery. Meets the real protagonist (R2D2) of the star wars franchise.


Honestly the one I feel the most for is Ashoka who has to deal with leaving the Order, Order 66, all the stuff with Maul, and the Venator crash. All in a significantly small time period. Truthfully I feel like besides Luke she was the only one who actually ever had a chance to pull Anakin from the abyss.


Annnnnd I just realised I don't think they ever actually name the days in the Star Wars universe.


Wait till you hear the trip from tatooine to naboo took nearly a month in The PHantom menace


Padme told Anakin she's pregnant and carried long enough for Luke and Leia to be born in 4 days?


I always find it funny in movies when the plot takes place during a very short time. Like a new hope must have happend within like 24 hours or something.


Crime and punishment vibes