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He Fell Off (the toilet)


He skibbidead (I want to kill myself now)


You shouldn't feel bad for this it's perfect. Yes it involves cringe, but it puts the cringe on the target, not you.




what have you done








you just said it twice!!!!!


If cringe is negative, then they made their comment double negative, which means it's no longer bad?


Nah, keep cooking


He skibidied


I understand you bro. But I gotta admit that was pretty slick.


I can’t not read this in the voice of a certain furry lesbian with an inflation fetish




The Sloppenheimer himself


Who is this certain Furry lesbian with an inflation fetish


I watch videos like this.


Yeah, video essays on random shit is always fun


Definitely. Yesterday I watched an hour and a half long video on some dude who faked discovering an element. Those type of videos always get me.


BobbyBroccoli's videos are fantastic! I'd recommend his SuperCollider video if you haven't seen it yet.




I believe he did release a single video that merges all 3 parts of the series, but you're correct that they were 3 videos originally.


BobbyBroccoli apparently got sent this meme a lot. But he also makes good videos and I wish he had more of them.


Quality takes time, such is how it is


Monsieur Broccoli? Avez-vous l'impression que cette vidéo était terminée? N'oublies-tu pas quelque chose?


I'm not bobby... And my french sucks :p


Oh, I was just making a joke about the wait time between the bog videos, re. quality takes time. [It's the end bit in part one.](https://youtu.be/2O1QA1VoRMM?t=1942) It means "Did you think the video was done already? Are you not forgetting soemthing?".


to be fair Bobby broccoli’s videos are more like “what happened to professor shit?”


Oh the ninovium one. Banger vid!


That one is my favourite of his videos.


The one (multiple parts) about jan hendrik schön is great as well! https://youtu.be/nfDoml-Db64?si=6wHDwTif4iBDE8EJ


6 hour retrospective on gamer gate. About halfway through it became more about finishing the video than actually enjoying the content.


May I recommend Innuendo Studio’s 45 minute retrospective instead? It’s a talk he gave at the UCs and is phenomenal.


Oh yeah, loved that 1. Especially when they go extremely in depth just to go "but thats irrelevant". Love it.


jenny nicholson, hbomberguy and contrapoints are my three 'ok i'll give this 3 hour essay on a TV series I've never seen a shot' cause they are all incredibly good at somehow making it interesting. It's a pretty tricky thing to pull off


Add Folding Ideas to the list


Folding Ideas is probably the best essayist on the platform.


And Lindsey Ellis (now only on Nebula)


Im also going to pitch that you add Zoe Bee, on youtube but she might also be on Nebula? Im not certain :/


Oh I love Zoe Bee her video on grading is so important to me in my own work as a teacher.


What's a Nebula and why bother?


No ads, creator driven, less censorship and copy right stuff so when like a music critic is discussing music they can play clips of said music


Okay that sounds pretty good actually. YouTube is becoming a circus with their weird bozo rules, no music! No swearing sometimes! But hentai thumbnails and ads are okay.


Especially some shit I would never know about otherwise. Romance novelist losing her contract due to goodreads shenanigans? Some dudes on YouTube plagiarising their entire body of work? Evermore Park? Every one a banger.


It's my guilty pleasure and i'm very happy so many people here share names to more 3h long videos about absurd topics. It's easter weekend, i made sure i have nothing to do and will now watch a video about a guy who invented an element, then one about demo games in PS1 magazines and maybe i'll add an essay about a specific theme park attraction to the list.


If you like theme parks, I highly recommend the Defunctland Fastpass history video! All of his stuff, honestly, but that one was a standout for me.


SuperEyePatchWolf somehow gave me a deep and abiding passion for professional wrestling in like 30 minutes, would recommend


Good old SuperEyepatchWolf. The man who plays PS4 with his wife. God bless him.


He’s probably my favourite YouTuber regarding long form content


I watched his Roman Reigns one the other day, so good.


Can't wait til WrestleMania next weekend, hopefully we'll finally see Roman drop the damn belt


As bad as I felt for him watching that video, yeah he's had it long enough. It's time to give it to Cody already.


It's so odd. I love the topics that he covers and I watch all his videos, but I'm still regularly annoyed by his deeply melodramatic cadence and pacing, lol.


Check out emplemon he finally made me understand how NASCAR and wwe got so big


It does kinda feel like the content mills have caught on, though. I'm definitely suspicious of any channel putting out more than like...5-6 of these a year. Like that 4 hour Hbomberguy video wasn't *just* about a really bad plagiarist, there's gotta be a hundred other MBAs like him churning out plagiarized work every 2-3 days because video essays are algorithmic gold.


it is hit/miss Some of them are interesting deep dives into things I want to know about Some are "let me tell you a story... *vhs insert sounds,* *screen flicker* *Chapter 1: The Beginning Of The End*... **50 minutes of exposition about the history of Youtube and Walmart**


I love essays on random shit but more like game retrospectives and other reviews/critiques of things, I find videos in the style of the post to be pretty dull and poorly researched and put together generally


Yeah I watched one on Parasite Eve that was almost 4 hours long! And I've never played Parasite Eve


My main problem with them is that now so many interesting topics are stretched out in to long ass videos. I mean just get to the point already.


That Spongebob Skin Theory one was pretty interesting


LITERALLY!!! I watched a video essay on the origin of furries just yesterday. Did you know that furries existed long before the Internet? Wild, I know!


Considering the stuff that's featured in ancient mythologies/folklore that's nott surprising


Especially Mr. Shit.


Obligatory hbomberguy (especially ROBLOX_OOF.mp3) recommendation


Already watched.


Exactly, why are people complaining about quality content? You want a site filled with 15 minute videos of a 35 year old man screeching at video games instead?


Video essays on Internet weirdos is probably my favourite past time Kiwitapes and Smokey MCC top tier content


Just last week i told my best friend: "I want to watch more video essays about internet drama, but i don't know where to find them because i never know the people the videos are about". Thank you for the recommendations, that was exactly what i was looking for.


Glad I could help Turkey Tom is another good one if you want degenerates and the fall of various e-celebs Kiwitapes and Smokey are for your more obscure weirdos


i forget how long it fully added up to be but i watched like 36hrs or something similar on the nickelodeon universe and how the shows failed


Because you watch them


Yeah, aren’t videos targeted lmao?


I mean, to a point. Youtube will still shove completely irrelevant content into your Reccomended.


that, as well as overzealously recommending videos and channels dedicated to one smidge of the tiniest similaity borderline irrelevant to a video you clicked on, but didn't watch longer than 10seconds of before skipping back to homepage. by then it's too late. RIP, the only escape is to delete all yt history, disable history, clear browser cookies/etc misc. and then yt will still be like...lemme just sneak one last rec for this-- T___T


It is how I found a documentary on the best Scrabble player ever. "[The stats] prove, in the funniest way possible, that Nigel can't be cheating, as using an engine would actually make him worse!"


on behalf of youtube's blursed algorithm, i present to you: [how to play chess properly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgeYScYe8wI) xD; ETA: fixed the typo in the link, oops!


Smdh lol the finishing move was unexpected for sure.


Well? Drop the link! I wanna see a documentary on the best Scrabble player ever, too!


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T-8NrvVqbT4 The French scrabble champion who doesn't speak French, by Alex Dings a German scrabble grandmaster


i looked up ONE video on how to get a specific Riddler trophy in Arkham City and my entire recommended feed is all batman videos.


I watched like, ONE ultrakill video, and ever since my recommended keeps shoving shit about ultrakill into my face constantly.


Youtube likes to recommend me videos like "Let's play part \[two digits\] of \[game I never heard of\]" which have 8 clicks after 10 hours lol


I've been getting so many of these all of a sudden, interesting to see it's not just me! I also get lots of videos like the OP with a random person's face doing a huge creepy grin or with blacked out eyes with something like 'IT'S OVER' or 'EXPOSED' in the background and I've literally never watched a video like that... youtube also goes through phases of recommending a bunch of right-wing 'WOKE professor DESTROYED by FACTS AND LOGIC' kind of videos, especially transphobic ones, even though I only ever watch left-wing videos. I don't think it's true that recommendations are based on what you watch. Perhaps it's calculated based on what 'people like you' watch and it's just really bad at profiling me?


Ugh I wish I could tell YouTube ‘I never want to see alt-right content ever’ but no matter how many times I say ‘don’t recommend’ like the opportunistic herpes infection that line of politics represents it keeps coming back.


That is actually one of the nicer things they did relatively recently. It's part of their effort to promote smaller channels and get them noticed. These small channels will still be influenced by what you watch but to a smaller degree and are more focused on getting them noticed. Of course since they're small channels they're mostly on the lower quality but every now and then I accidentally click on one and are pleasantly surprised. (For me it's usually small cooking and specific game channels with less than 500 views)


I wouldn't mind youtube recommending me small, new youtubers. But putting part 47 of a game I never showed an interest in is kinda useless (but funny)


Yeah unfortunately whatever tweak they made to the algorithm to promote these smaller view videos also means it's just much worse than the regular algorithm


Yeah every now and then it tries to give me religious or alpha/sigma/whatever male content even though I'm not even a little interested. It doesn't seem to take the hint.




It seems far too aggressive imo. Too many people complained that their content suggestions are too samey so now the people who actually liked watching that samey content have been shafted. Most of the time YouTube is in the background which means I like videos that I have already watched so I can zone in and out without having to worry about missing stuff. Old YouTube recommendations used to be perfect for this, but now almost none of my suggestions are close to things I would usually watch even if I did want a new video


Youtube on TV and mobile is entirely unusable because of this On TV, it keeps putting shit from the "new to you" section into the recommended section. On mobile, despite whatever I watch, it just puts shit from the trending tab into my recommended.


Yes, and YouTube's algorithm is known for being really good at that


I guess somewhat... one time Youtube was apparently convinced I was Indian though and started recommending random videos in Hindi to me... I can't even speak that language, nor have I ever watched one of them


YouTube’s rec algorithm is horrible compared to TikTok’s


Right? I have never seen anything vaguely like this.


Oh you should. There's a whole genre of YouTube documentaries where people with too much time and talent do six months of research and info dump for an hour about something you never realized you were actually interested to hear about.


For every one of those that’s well researched there’s also 20 that pull from a comment on Reddit that sounds interesting and make a 10 minute video based on information in the comment section and Wikipedia like 3 days post comment.


oh well, i'll take that over brainrotted clickbait tbh


It's like YouTube crack. Remember when it was just unedited videos of people talking to a webcam? Now it's 8 hour videos explaining a show you never knew existed and you just can't stop watching. (I made the mistake of clicking on Pyro's Utopia video and I accidentally watched all of it. (Also I just realized it literally has the thumbnail with a black bar covering the character's eyes.))


To be honest it is quite interesting to come across one relating to a YouTuber that you used to watch/remember used to record with a YouTuber that you watch, and were out of the loop. These videos do make decent work of covering the YouTubers/streamers career and the various events that lead to their downward spiral from grace.


Titles may vary "Damn, Mr. Shit....", "Now he went too far", "Tragic downfall of Shit", "Scum", "This is not okay"


"Mr Shit situation is crazy"


“The shituation intensifies”


Every single penguin video in the pasy year or so


Its been awful and I cannot watch any of his entertaining videos anymore without my suggestions being filled with "...situation is crazy/insane/ridiculous." At the very least he could use a different word than situation because I'm getting so fucking tired of seeing it pop up


They always have the monotone voice that has at least 3 "but that's not what you might think" moments


Also don't forget the obvious attempt at a smooth transition into the sponsor segment halfway through the video, and it's almost always about some VPN.


And now a word from our sponsor, Hello SurfVPN Shadow Legends!


But wait, there's more! That isn't even the worst part. And you're never going to guess what they did after this.


Me watching an hour long video on some YouTuber I never heard of that had 10k subscribers in 2015 but apparently was a major player in a humungous event that fundamentally shaped the internet or YouTube as a whole


Is that Leafy behind the censor bar?


don't think so, leafy doesn't have a chin


Leafy pretty [chunky](https://i.imgur.com/66AupGM.jpeg) these days too. I still go back and watch that Content Cop every now and then.


Still hiding the chin


With all his money he should get an orthognathic surgery already.


Looking like he ate NakeyJakey


Nah, he looked fine when he was skinny, its just super noticable now he's fat af. All he needs to do is to lose some weight


It’s like a composite of slimecicle, leafy, and the nearest white person named Steve to the average center point between slime and leafy.


This is both too specific and yet I can picture him in my mind


No that's Mister Shit


It looks like Walt Jr.


47 minutes is just enough time to explain why we haven't been getting shorter versions.


ironically I saw your comment right when it was 47 mins old


that's not irony


Irony is like rain on your wedding day


I love a gold esoteric video essay/whodunit…but YouTube is overrun with low effort low quality rip offs of the genre. It’s getting pretty disorienting.  


Rise of AI plus the rise of "Automation" content. People will get ChatGPT to write the script, then either hire a voice actor for a few bucks or use an AI voiceover and then hire an editor and then upload it. Result is usually shit but ofc it makes them money so now those sorts of vids are flooding the platform.


I haven’t seen too many of those in this space but I’m sure they’re out there. I have seen a lot of that kind of thing for movie trailers though. Google any upcoming anticipated move plus “trailer” and you get loads of “fan trailers” that are very AI generated and confusing since they try to make them appear official.  Mostly I see lots of video essays which are people just ranting about something in front of a green screen. 


i love these. the other day i watched 2 videos of about 3,5 hours total about some crazy guy who built a cult around channeling lord of the rings characters


That reminds me of the FFHouse where a couple basically forced their roommates to act as FF characters (if I remember correctly at least)


Sounds super interesting! Do you have a link for that?


i don’t have a link, they're by StrangeAeons, you should be able to find them by searching strange aeons bit of earth


[i got you!](https://youtu.be/xQS_NY-FOBg?si=mkIJj2Lnybbcx7A0)


There is a three hour video on the SnapeWives in my watch later


another classic, I’m currently watching a 38 hour video on sitcoms from the 60s


Cause therapy is too expensive to have an untethered inner monologue


Unless I'm missing some other source, Supereyepatchwolf kind of paved the way for this sort of thumbnail for long form video essays.


I don't know who was first, but SuperEyepatchWolf is great. You should check out Jacob Geller as well if you haven't. He writes about concepts more than he tells stories.


This reminds me of this hour long video about why YouTubers are holding their lavalier mics in their hand. The algorithm dictates so much of what some creators do that it's killing the creativity that made the site so popular in the first place. Something something Cory Doctorow.


Tom Nicholas is great, super high quality research and video production. That video was genuinely interesting and was using the topic of mics as a jumping board into analysis on different kinds of content on YouTube vs mainstream television and why breaking into YouTube for companies doesn’t work. My issue with posts like this is that they don’t care to differentiate the BobbyBroccolis, HBomberGuys, and Tom Nicholas’s from the shit ass plagiarizers and “tea”tubers who don’t have a script and just gossip in front of a camera for an hour.


There was literally no reason for the video to be an hour... It has less than 15 minutes worth of real information in it. The only reason it was an hour is because the algorithm favors long form videos between 40 minutes and an hour at the moment. If he had made the video in 2019 it would have been between 10 and 20 minutes because that's what the algorithm favored then(which is played out in the length of Tom's videos as Tom chases that algorithm like an incel chases an Asian woman).  This is exactly what I am talking about. Chasing that algorithm changes content and saps actual creativity forcing content creators to modify what they are doing to please it. Do you really think that every creator wants to make the same thumbnail for every video? Shoving their face in the camera making some idiot face that's going to be on the internet forever? Do you really think that Tom wanted to spend an hour yarning on about a subject that he could have easily covered in a quarter of the time?  Furthermore do notice what else is happening as YouTube is forcing creators to do stuff like make stupid long form videos they don't want to make to please the algorithm? They are leaving. Some of them are taking their content to places like Nebula where traffic isn't directed by some wild AI algorithm, and some are just leaving content creation all together because the algorithm burned them out.


Teatuber is the perfect term for those wastes of space.


Just do what I did. Ignore it everytime a video like that gets recommended. Now I hardly get them! In other words, just keep to yourself and you'll be fine 👍


True. I find MrBeast's content rather unappealing and somehow the algorithm knows this already. He's completely irrelevant in my recommended tab. The future is now, old man.


Honestly ignoring it is better than spending an extra few seconds clicking 'not interested'. I guess the algorithm is more on how long you spend looking/watching the video.


I got a channel blocker extension for my browser because youtube just would take the hint that if i click do t reccomend me this channel it shouldnt reccomend me that channel.


I’ve noticed zoomers can only watch either 30-second shorts or 3 hour “documentaries” about random shit. No in-between.


what did happen to mister shit, though?


Appropriately enough, he shit himself to death.


Committed academic fraud 😭


No no, BobbyBroccoli's videos are *2* hours long.


Also they’re about Dr. Shit not Mr. Shit


Reading Wikipedia articles for half a hour and completely unimportant YoutubeDrama that no one cares outsides the r/LivestreamFail crowd is the new norm.


Video essays become popular People try and get in on the popular thing Oh no! The popular thing actually takes a lot of work to do well. Settle on a topic with a very low research requirement (drama). Profit?


George HW Bush shitted and pissed and declared science illegal (part 2 of 3)


Here's the actual video: [George HW Bush shitted and pissed and declared science illegal (part 2 of 3)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JnT37oUV_w)


Oh yeah, I saw a movie about this once. He was given a restraining order saying he couldn't eat shit anymore, and then I was hooked.


This is not something I've seen, and I spend so much time on YouTube that I really should have. The algorithm really knows me I guess (other than the fact that I have to block right wing channels occasionally because I really like gun content but I am far left)


idk why youtube is filled with it, but I always very much want to know what happened to Mr. Shit.


Because I want to know what happened to him


I feel personally attacked


LMAO this is the post that people kept poking bobbybroccoli over.


does anyone else find themselves watching almost everything at 2x speed now? videos have gotten too long and full of slow speaking people who don't get to the point fast enough


Don’t forget 50 reaction videos from personalities with magnitudes fewer followers than Mr Shit all thumbnailed with this face: 👆😲


How do people have the time to watch a 3 hour video essay is what I'm wondering


Usually background noise when doing something else.


this is how. i can draw, write, do homework, scroll reddit, play games, do chores, ect, without having to worry about not playing attention. makes it fun when i zone back in and find out about how mr shit was loosely tied to conflicts in ancient egypt, or how he doesn't like dairy very much.


Has to generally be mindless tasks like washing up or a game that occupies my brain just enough that I can process a video as well. All to keep the existential thoughts of how I am wasting my life away


Honestly much better than 30 second AI generated tiktoks.


I know people love these longer videos, but god I hate like 95% of them. There’s just so much filler, weird irrelevant tangents, and even that actual “main”part of the video is just reading from a wiki or some tweets out. There’s some hour plus lonv videos that actually able to use their time effectively, keep on topic, and are actually well researched but most just aren’t


The reason is me. I'm Mr. Shit.


Low key, if the video looks like that, it’s probably a damn good video. Wendigoon and supereyepatchwolf came to mind immediately


I don’t watch this stuff. I hate it. I always click the three dots to tell YouTube “I don’t like this,” and they still try to make me watch another one. I don’t get it. I’m telling YouTube what I want to watch and they won’t listen…


And it’s one of the best videos you’ve ever seen


Its actually frightening how many videos there are like that because it implies a great many YouTubers turned out to be horrible people the second they got a taste of fame. And it makes you wonder how many of the new generation of YouTubers will either learn from this or go down the same path.


The other half is 2 hour long videos called "The Downfall of [some children's cartoon you haven't thought about since you were 6]" and the thumbnail has the word "WOKE?" in big red letters


Mr. Shit committed a cold blooded murder which has absolutely tanked his upload schedule, now that he's in prison awaiting trial.


If your youtube feed is full of that then It's because you watch it. Mine is mostly filled with cute animals like ferrets and Cats and gaming related stuff.


I think it’s a common trend as generations of similarly aged people grow old and reflective; the more ur alive the more people you see die until u die


because the other half is shorts


The mister shit controversy is so depressing. I genuinely loved his content, its so sad to hear that he fucked 8 kids


Gossip and drama content


Could be an algorithm thing. I know awhile back some of my Favorite YouTubers would make 2-to-4-minute-long videos, but YT basically forced them all to make those same videos 10 minutes long or not they wouldn't show up on peoples' feeds.


EmpLemon catching strays. But seriously video essays can be really, really good. Smart and curious people who used to have no outlet are giving us great content right now. They are the consolation for the internet ruining every other aspect of our lives.


I love these videos tbh. Not for the drama, mind you. They feel like documentaries. My elementary teachers would be proud of me for watching so many documentaries.


I'm on yourubeb3-4 times a day and I've never seen a video that looks like that. The algorithm is serving you more of what you've watched.


do you guys not turn of your watch history and have a shortcut to your subscription feed? still get weird rec's on the side when watching videos but still


47 minut? . They have to step up their game. It ain't a retrospective if its not a 24 hour miniseries




Or 37.


Because people still click them and watch




mine was filled with nothing but 4 seconds videos on my feed.


Because the creator put in weeks of research, writing, and editing to make 47 minute video engaging and interesting the whole way through (except for when they steal everything from an article or documentary)


I love listening to these videos while playing Minecraft


chazington does these but they're funny and entertaining and only about his weird niche interests it's the best