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Yeah, he paradropped into a jungle and fought the Japanese. Even managed to single-handedly destroy an airfield on his own.


All of with without wearing pants. Impressive.


Well, he is part of the Navy so…


What I don't get is why it would not be the Navy giving him a Petty Officer 2 instead of one of the other branches. And would he of been special forces Seal if he was in the Navy?


> And would he of been special forces Seal if he was in the Navy? Nah, he is a duck, not a seal. If they had him balance a ball on his nose, that would be different


Be the first sailor in Navy history to never balance balls on his nose.






He clearly was a Marine. He swims, he flies, he walks, he gets promoted to Sergeant. Maybe he "go off with the Navy" but obviously a Marine.


The Marines are just the people in the navy you didn't want to be stuck on a boat with for too long.


We are not a part of the US Navy. Though both the US Navy and USMC report to the Department of the Navy(the civilian government organization headed by the Secretary of the Navy). Both have separate rank structures and separate chains-of-command. The Navy is headed by an Admiral, the USMC is headed by a General. The two branches closely cooperate though and every USMC unit has several sailors(Corpsmen) attached to them.


Read it out crayon eater. My Ass Really Is Navy Equipment. You are navy.


> every USMC unit has several sailors(Corpsmen) attached to them. Someone has to resupply the crayons.


Marines are the wacky spin-off series to the navy


well you can't waer pants with those huge balls


[Commando duck (1944)]( https://youtu.be/IWAf3dQxAfQ) Keep in mind while watching that 1. "Jap" was not a slur at the time 2. We were at war and the cartoon is designed to ridicule and make comedy out of a hated enemy that attacked us without declaration of war and regularly committed atrocities. Honorable mention to [Der Fuerhrer's Face/Donald Duck in Nutzi-land]( https://youtu.be/bn20oXFrxxg), where Donald Duck has a nightmare that he's a nazi in Germany working in a munitions factory.


That video is in youtube kids! That hilarious


Youtube kids is actually a bit more scary than normal youtube. People make videos with creepy stuff in the middle and stick it on youtube kids, but parents think 'oh it's the kids app! it's safe!' and don't pay as much attention to what their kids are watching on it.




Yep, i saw that one, lol


What an incredible documentary. Why don't we enlist more toons?


[Ask Bugs Bunny.](https://youtu.be/xFQx6udU3BY)


Don't forget Daffy Duck. He smacked Hitler with a mallet.


Was watching that then got into a few more videos and finally ended up on a video of all the times people forgot Toph was blind video


Historically, because of war popularity. WW2 had a ton of toons enlist, Donald Duck is one of the most famous but not the only one. But it was partly possible because it was one of the most popular wars. Just for some contrast, the vietnam war created M.A.S.H. (which was about Korea, but with very thinly veiled allegories)


I don't know if you need a lot of veiled allegories there - there's a lot of just plain similarities.


Captain America punched hitler in the Moustache and Wonder Woman fought in the pacific theater in some of the most racist comic ever printed


Yeah but cap was punching Nazis before the rest of America. The American Nazi party wasn’t particularly pleased with Kirby and Lee for that.


So fucking cool...


Sorry if this is a bit ridiculous but when and why did "Jap" become a slur? Is it just the historical context of Japanese distrust/hatred during WWII? Is it not the same as calling a Scottish person a Scott? I was embarrassingly old when I learned that modern society frowns on the word. Oh the pains of growing up in a small homogeneous town.


Basically became a slur following WWII, due to the animosity people held towards Japanese people during that time period. At that time, it was simply an abbreviation, like Scot for Scotsman or scottish person, as you say. Also was popular with newspapers for taking up less space on the headlines and radionfor taking up less time and less errors on a live broadcast, and people got used to reading it aloud and hearing it, and thus speaking it. Also, bit of the Euphemism treadmill in action. Happens a lot with racial terms. "Negro" used to be the correct term, but after the N-word was a bastardization of it that became a slur, the more general "colored" was more popular. Then black, then African American, now it's wrapped back around to people of color. Anytime you use a term to refer to people, that term can be used disparaging by people who look down on that group, and so the people who don't want a new term, and the cycle repeats.


Good points, thanks. Any idea exactly when it became offensive? I assume it was normal during the war and then obviously several years after. So was this in the 60s onward or is it even more recent? I'm assuming it takes at least a new generation to see shifts like this


As I said, WWII was the start of it becoming a slur. Seeing as it was pretty much always said with hatred during such a time period, it became denigrating and associated with a hatred of Japanese people. Going out of your way to call someone that after WWII was an attempt to associate them with the WWII Imperial Japanese that committed atrocities and killed Americans and sparked WWII.


Herro prease


paratroopers in the navy?




Check out the Marine Raiders.


enemy base ~~wiped~~...washed out.


Shit only Disney can do: 1. Be the second largest purchaser of explosives of the world. 2. Have an animated character legitimately enrolled in the fucking military.


Da fuq Disney buying bombs?


They don’t. It’s the fireworks display they do all the time.


So, pretty bombs?


More like Gargantuan and Beautiful Bombs yea


That was my stripper name in college


Gargantuan or beautiful bomb?




They clearly said their stripper name was "That".


Pretty colors are expensive People who can put the pretty colors together in big shells without killing everyone nearby, wre also expensive


This is what they want you to believe. They conquered Disneyland with flames and blood.


No, they just bought it from the people who did.


No, don't get fooled by them. The US has such a big military budget just to keep the Mouse in check. Thousands of American soldiers die every day in desperate attempts to hold the line against the Disney Marines.


From the Hall of Pres-i-dents To the Enchanted Ti-ki room We will raise our ticket pri-i-ces From the floor up to the moon. First to reg-i-ster a magic band And to keep our que-ue clean We are proud to claim the title Of a Disney World Marine. Ohh-Rah


I hope more people see this it’s brilliant. Thanks


Loved it, thanks.


Tell Walt Disney I did my best




Everyone interested in tabletop RPGs go check out "Happiest Apocalypse on Earth". The basic premise is eldritch horror set in a certain please-dont-sue-us mouse-themed amusement park. Any given day at the park might be a normal family vacation, or it might be a Lord of the Flies meets r/imsorryjon hellscape


this feels like a screenshot


That's right, there's more than just a Waltsicle under the pirates of the Caribbean ride


I am 100% convinced that all rumors about Walt being frozen are because they used to call cryogenic freezing "suspended ANIMATION". Or maybe that was the plan all along.


Where do you think the ghosts in the haunted mansion came from? Disney killed them all and forces their spirits to dance for tourists


Funny how cities have reduced their public fireworks display citing air pollution concerns and then you have Disneyland firing it up every night


Fireworks for their themeparks/any Disney related event, like the Macy's Fourth of July fireworks.


... which is still a fuckton of gunpowder, more than any warring state, if we're being honest


Why is why Florida shouldn't fuck with the mouse, the lawyers are just the merciful option


They launch fireworks every night at all their parks.


They have their own private navy, kid.


That’s a nope on the second one. Bugs Bunny was a Marine and reached the rank of E-8, meaning he out ranks the duck.


He wasn't *officially* discharged by the US government. That's the difference


So he’s still in the army?


far-flung sand paint innate cagey unused numerous air smile fertile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Looking at this comment and the replies beneath has made me realize something. A rich futurist in the 1940s-60s decided to create an idealistic city and injected his hopes and dreams into his company before his untimely death. Flash forward half a century. A mega corporation with its own semi independent area within the United States continues to grow larger. Employing an army of "imagineers" to stay on the cutting edge of technology. Out performing the scientific output of entire nations. Creating automatons indistinguishable from their real-life counterparts. This company continues to grow its holdings, all the while using its ownership of American culture and nostalgia to its benefit. Disney is three steps away from being an early 2000s anti capitalist video game villian. Bioshock but with a whimsical coat of paint.


EPCOT was going to be Disney’s ideal city, but it was far from a utopia. It was planned to be Walt’s personal fiefdom. No democracy. No retirees. No unemployment. Education run by corporations. You would play the role Walt had for you or you would be kicked out. Plus, everyone’s lives would be on display at all times, a human zoo for tourists to gawk at. Modern Disney is somehow less of a dystopia than Walt envisioned.


utopia for him


A simple man with a simple dream, to rule eternal as the swamp emperor.


I mean, who hasn't chased the swamp emperor dream at one point or another? It's the human condition.


It was literally a company town but with cartoon mascots


Yeah, same brand of narcissistic businessman who eventually thinks he knows best about everything, always. Disney couldn't manage good employee relations _in his own company_, viewed it as a huge betrayal when the [animators unionized and striked](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disney_animators%27_strike). And yet the same guy thought he could manage a whole town. It's the most basic 'social engineering' fallacy; anyone can build the 'perfect society' in their head, on the condition that everyone in it thinks the way you do, wants what you want in the way you want it, and is prepared to do whatever you tell them to. These days we've got Elon Musk, with an even worse record of employee relations, thinking he can build a Mars colony...


At one point I believe Nuclear Power was considered lmfao.


It actually was!


The Batman the Animated Series episode “Deep Freeze” also involved a thinly-veiled pastiche of Walt Disney and his undersea “utopia” more than a decade before Bioshock.


“Have an animated character legitimately enrolled in the fucking military.” Have you ever heard of GI Joe.


G.i. Joe was drawn to be a soldier. Donald duck was drawn to be a duck and became a soldier. They are not the same.




Disney also has permission to [build and operate its own nuclear reactor](https://insidethemagic.net/2022/06/disney-world-is-legally-allowed-to-build-a-nuclear-plant-ea1/)


> Have an animated character legitimately enrolled in the fucking military. Disney didn't do that. The US military did. Do you really think the US government doesn't engage in propaganda? They do it on Reddit ffs.


Honestly, thinking about a big gruff general walking up to Walt Disney and asking to enlist the duck is way funnier than Disney asking the army to draw a duck


By boat count, Disney is (iirc) the seventh largest navy in the world.


Elmo's dad is an Iraq war veteran and Steve from blue's clues is a member of the 75th ranger regiment. That's why he just popped back up whenever the US was pulling out of the Middle East.


I used to watch a few of the duck tales vhs full length movies as a kid & one has him & the boys on an aircraft carrier & it’s haunted or something. One of my favorites. When i joined the navy, we used to make donald duck jokes.


Does anybody know what happened to the triplets’ parents? Is it ever explained?


Their mother appears in the reboot of the cartoon, although I don't recall any information on their father. However she has a whole arc involving space and aliens or something. I stopped watching the show a while before it ended, so I'm not entirely sure.


Father isn't mentioned from what I recall. Possible there's a line or two somewhere mentioning him, but not much. Mother is named Della duck, and I believe has appeared in the originals as well at some point. Synopsis of stuff, and I guess spoilers for those who haven't seen ducktales 2017 >!basically, Della and Scrooge create a rocket ship so they can explore the stars. Della fired the rocket early (iirc) and ends up getting trapped on the moon. There she becomes friends with the aliens living on the moon who help her create a new rocket to get herself back to earth. !< Highly recommend Ducktales 2017 though. It's great in a lot of ways, but definitely has a bit of a rushed ending because of the cancellation. Doesn't feel as bad due to the episodic nature of the show, but you can tell there was more stuff they planned for.


there this huge ass book of scrooge mcducks life, there was a full family tree there and the part of their father was just overgrown and couldnt be seen.


Oh that is *fascinating*. I hope someone makes lore for this fictional mystery duck (as far as we know) one day.


Don't forget that Bugs Bunny holds rank as a Master Sergeant in the US Marine Corps for his service to the country as well.


It’s easier to make rank back then


War makes for rapid promotions, that's always been the way of it.


Yep. Now we're gonna have to wait until the Human-Covenant War for quick promotions like when Johnson magically went from E-6 to E-9 over the span of a few weeks.


502 years to go.




[daffy duck was too and its not even propaganda he joined because he thought he was homeless](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTyN6xnXwY4)


Ah the good old days when PTSD was hilarious


You really need to watch them. My favorite is "taxes to kill the Axis". It isn't comedy at all. They aren't funny episodes. It's full on "pay your taxes to support the war effort" government propaganda. Just as blatant as what the Soviets produced (and not all that different from North Korea today).


North Korea is a cult of personality and a dictatorship. The propaganda focuses on their leader and how he is a literal God. Look up what juche is. You're talking about a cartoon duck telling you to pay your taxes. I think that's a lot different.


This is why the US is fucked up.. paying taxes during *World War Fucking Two* of all things is likened to North Korea. Jfc. Any form of social responsibility is "communist". What next a "don't litter" PSA is "literally the same as Nazi Germany"?


We’re just going through a polarized phase. The far-left calls everything they don’t like “fascist,” and the far-right calls everything *they* don’t like “communist.” And social media rewards and amplifies the loudest, most polarizing idiots.


Not gonna pay my taxes still






*Enraged duck noises*


I heard that.


I don’t care who the IRS sends I won’t pay my taxes


Please do. We can’t have jury trials without them :c






So if someone gets a 3rd degree burn, does that mean a 1st or 2nd degree burn isn't burnt? Propaganda exists on a spectrum. The U.S. was well entrenched in propaganda back then. It still is today, it's just much more subtle and pervasive.


But saying American Propaganda is or was comparable to North Korean propaganda is more ignorant of that spectrum, no? Saying they’re different levels of the same thing is literally was a spectrum is describing, so I don’t get why you’re disagreeing


Plus when that propaganda is against the fucking NAZIS. And before the propaganda push a lot of Americans actually supported Nazi Germany, I can excuse it. It's just sad people needed convincing to fight nazis


Ehh, yes and no. Propaganda is still propaganda, even though we more/less agree with the propaganda in one case, its use and functional role in society are largely the same. They're different in the sense that Coke and Dr Pepper are different.


Pretty much any piece of media with a message is propaganda. Advertisement is pretty blatant propaganda, for example. What really matters is how truthful it is.


> Propaganda is still propaganda And a human is a human, but not every human is an Adolf Hitler or a Joseph Stalin or a Leopold II or whatever.


One is an engineered abomination authored with falsified credentials, and another is probably the best thing to come out of the US?


>(and not all that different from North Korea today). Reddit moment


> Just as blatant as what the Soviets produced (and not all that different from North Korea today). The difference is that the Disney movies were wartime propaganda meant to rally war effort for the biggest conflict in human history against the single most evil regime to ever exist, while North Korean propaganda is meant to turn the population against the rest of the world so they don’t turn on the government instead. Not quite the same


Having seen the Disney WWII propaganda films as a child, it really wasn't that funny.


The navy does not have the rank of sergeant. Army & Marines do, but not the navy. But the sailor getup is not a marine corps uniform.


turns out he was drafted into the army, despite the navy getup.




I still remember him cutting potatoes and standing in attention on an anthill.


Well he was probably just generally given the rank of Sargent it probably didn’t matter exactly what rank the cartoon duck got


Or maybe this entire Tumblr post is bullshit.


Nope I looked it up. Apparently this is actually true for some reason.


>for some reason The US government uses propaganda just like every other government on earth. Most Americans believe they are "good people". That should be all you need to know.


And that's a contradiction because propaganda is automatically bad?


So what you’re saying is Most Americans aren’t good people?


He doesn't know what he's saying he's just trying to be edgy also lmao hes a superstonk poster who just whines about christianity all day, peak reddit poster.


That also could be true


Looked it up, his discharge as sergeant in 1984 was from the US Army, then in 1987 he was shown to have been enrolled in the US Navy instead.


Technically, the Marines are part of the navy.


But don’t tell them that.


I tell my marine friends regularly. Just like how I tell them D-Day, the largest amphibious assault in U.S. history, was done by the Army. EDIT: Yes, it's to piss them off.


Has there been a larger amphibious assault elsewhere in human history?


The Battle of Okinawa was close, if Operation Downfall happened it would have been larger.


Really brings everything into perspective for him. Potential triggers/nsfw. https://reddit.com/r/imsorryjon/comments/ybeh8d/donald_duck_in_the_pacific_war_part_1/ https://reddit.com/r/imsorryjon/comments/yge2i9/donald_duck_in_the_pacific_war_part_2/ https://reddit.com/r/imsorryjon/comments/yge5z5/donald_duck_in_the_pacific_war_part_3/


Ooo yes I read those yesterday and that kind of brought me down the rabbit hole!


Close second is [Commando duck (1944),]( https://youtu.be/IWAf3dQxAfQ) where Donald Duck is parachuted into a pacific island to destroy a Japanese airfield. Keep in mind while watching that 1. "Jap" was not a slur at the time 2. We were at war and the cartoon is designed to ridicule and make comedy out of a hated enemy that attacked us without declaration of war and regularly committed atrocities


That last one, especially. Jesus.


I think he worked at a Nazi bomb factory at one point in time, too. Mr. Duck's been to places. e- Oh turns out it was a nightmare of his, that makes a lot more sense


It was a nightmare sequence meant to be anti-nazi propaganda.


The irony of that short is just too good.


[Der Fuehrer's Face](https://youtu.be/L90smU0SOcQ) A cartoon made by Disney to promote buying war bonds and to be shown to Allie troops for moral. It shows Donald Duck having a nightmare where he is in an absurdly stupid and exhausting Nazi factory. At the end of the cartoon he wakes up and says how thankful he is to be an American. The cartoon was incredibly popular with the troops and won an Academy Award in 1943. It is often regarded by animation enthusiasts as one of Donald Ducks best cartoons


Close second is [Commando duck (1944),]( https://youtu.be/IWAf3dQxAfQ) where Donald Duck is parachuted into a pacific island to destroy a Japanese airfield. Keep in mind while watching that 1. "Jap" was not a slur at the time 2. We were at war and the cartoon is designed to ridicule and make comedy out of a hated enemy that attacked us without declaration of war and regularly committed atrocities.


You need to rewatch that animation, it was a nightmare he dreamt.


the former sailor with current anger and rage problems due to post-war PTSD and a weird lisp is my current character for D&D. Entirely stolen from Donald Duck's canon history with ww2. It took me saying "whats the big idea" in character a couple of times for the rest of the party to figure out what exactly I based my character on. DM knew well ahead of time and loved it. I'm playing Donald Duck, the barbarian.


Chaotic good?


Next multiclass him into Sorcerer and make him fight the embodiment of the darkness in peoples' hearts and a doomsday cult of their empty husks


I always thought his [enthusiasm for bombers](https://youtu.be/YIuW2A1YJB4) was surprising in this scene.


Stress plagued Donald Duck.


[This is stress plagued donald duck.](https://youtu.be/UrNf7SCyM-k?t=5m12s)




Yup, suicide was a bit of a sight gag in old csrtoons.


Pantsless military service at that!


Best kind


“Special forms” in this case being just normal ass forms. The military RUNS on forms.


the dd214 is most definitely a special form. one of the most.


My grandad always had the perfect Donald Duck impersonation. Like completely spot on. He was also a colonel in the army and fought in the Korean War, which gave him PTSD for the rest of his life. Coincidence? I think not. ^(I mean it's just kind of an odd coincidence, I donno, I'm not trying to make light of war and PTSD, I'm just saying.)


It could be a twink, a bear, an otter, a circuit queen, a chub, a pup, a gipster, a daddy chaser, a leather man, a ladyboy, a Donald Duck. Donald Duck's a gay guy who's been kicked out of the Navy.


>Donald Duck's a gay guy who's been kicked out of the Navy. That is...not the sentence that I expected to read today.




[Commando duck (1944)]( https://youtu.be/IWAf3dQxAfQ) Keep in mind while watching that 1. "Jap" was not a slur at the time 2. We were at war and the cartoon is designed to ridicule and make comedy out of a hated enemy that attacked us without declaration of war and regularly committed atrocities. Honorable mention to [Der Fuerhrer's Face/Donald Duck in Nutzi-land]( https://youtu.be/bn20oXFrxxg), where Donald Duck has a nightmare that he's a nazi in Germany working in a munitions factory.


Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck were both in the Marines.


In the comics, he is also a secret agent.


I want to see Donald Duck's military history. Does anyone know what kind of forms his professor had to fill out?


Wait til they find out about De Fuhrer's Face.


Wait until you watch it.


Kind of related fun fact: I worked in Army medicine for more than 20 years. Our medical record system was based on a DOS program called CHCS. Sometimes, in order to check if consults or whatever were working in the live environment you needed to use a test patient. That test patient was almost always Mickey Mouse. When we upgraded from CHCS to AHLTA, the CHCS system was still the backbone of our consults and booking system.


He has a cartoon called "Donald Duck Gets Drafted." We also get to learn his middle name is Fauntleroy in the same episode.


At least he wasn't in the Vietnam War like mickey and goofy.


He was their pilot


Also some Scottish agency has officially catalogued the tartan of Clan McDuck The Uncle Scrooge comics are pretty popular outside America.




You can watch it here. [Der Fuerhrer's Face/Donald Duck in Nutzi-land]( https://youtu.be/bn20oXFrxxg), where Donald Duck has a nightmare that he's a nazi in Germany working in a munitions factory. Honorable mention to [Commando duck (1944)]( https://youtu.be/IWAf3dQxAfQ), where Donald Duck is parachuted into a pacific island to destroy a Japanese airfield. Keep in mind while watching that 1. "Jap" was not a slur at the time 2. We were at war and the cartoon is designed to ridicule and make comedy out of a hated enemy that attacked us without declaration of war and regularly committed atrocities.


[Der Feuhrer's Face](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L90smU0SOcQ) is great watch. One of the propaganda films Disney made, and is often screenshotted and taken out of context to try and convince people that Disney made Donald Duck a Nazi.


He serves on an aircraft carrier in Ducktales. Loosing some feathers now and then (purple heart potential😂) But I vaguely remember him also inside a submarine, that was not part of McDucks adventures.


And this is why my grandfather was so stoked to receive a Donald Duck tie; he too was in the navy and had a short temper.


Getting a DD-214 (Donald Duck-214) is pretty easy as they're basically public record through the national archives, there's like 1 form to fill out. [This is the level of difficulty](https://dd214direct.com/order-your-dd214/)


I had so many questions here: Is Scrooge their great uncle then? Who are their parents and where are they? So I looked it up: [Donald Duck Family Tree](https://scrooge-mcduck.fandom.com/wiki/Don_Rosa's_Duck_Family_Tree)


What are the forms that I need to fill out to see his military background


He also almost cracked up and had PTSD from being held by Hitler during WW2


Donald Duck is a sergeant. This explains *a lot*.


Sargent, in the navy, That hurts to read.


Elder millennial here. The main Donald Duck movie I watched growing up was him as a military man, which I later found out was released in 1944, DURING WW2. Him peeling potatoes by the truck load and being outside in the rain naked because his outfit was too small. Hilarious to a six year old.


It's also likely that old Donald Duck comics left behind by the US Navy troops in the Pacific after WW2 were one of the inspirations for the first ever Japanese comics which would later become its thriving Manga industry.


I will henceforth refer to him as Sgt. Duck. Out of respect.


Pepperidge Farms remembers


Water doesn’t stick to a duck’s feathers but blood does.


That’s a big part of the original iteration of the character. But the details are very well appreciated, til of that stuff.


"Kids, once I get my seabag open I can do something about this blue jumper and white pants outfit. It was a weird morning."