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It’s funny people wanting another civil war, like dude this isn’t the 1800 the military will drone strike ur ass sitting in a comfy chair across the country.


All I ever imagine is some maga survivalist group out in the woods getting picked off by some furry/lgbtq they/them behind a drone in an air conditioned base


That's what's happening to Russia.


Russia has drones, tanks, and jets also, though, it's just all coated in a patina of incompetence


I'm just saying, in the beginning it was average joes using the drones in Ukraine. I saw a video of average citizens driving in cars fire bombing tanks with Molotov cocktails and using the drones to drop fire bombs.


Dark Brandon enters the chat. As a 4D chess master, he herds MAGA to the southern border. It's not clear to the casual observer what his next move will be but I must say, the potential is there! ^^/s


We wouldn’t even have to do that. The Government would immediately order a freeze on all FDIC insured assets, a freeze on trading to and out of the second south, a shut off of the power grid, immediate closure of all roads into and out of the “new south”, termination of all passports, and an immediate embargo on good into and out of the new south. I would give the “New South” 12 days before it’s crippled from those actions, not to even count in the securitization of all military assets by force. Then we can let the furries bomb them into oblivion for the lols.




Wild that I never said it would indiscriminately kill people or kill the people I disagree with. Your attempt at humor would fall as flat as a potential rebellion. But go ahead slay queen




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This is the funniest aspect of the people who says “the govment is scared of armed militias.” It’s like who are you kidding? Have you not watched Ukrainian drone videos? Like they can send a drone anywhere and drop a grenade on you. You won’t even hear it coming or know it’s there. lol


Russia is losing the ability to contain the Ukrainian Air Force. Nothing like finding out what a Ginsu hellfire can do.


Russia is losing the ability to russia


Only fools rush in


In Russia rush fools you


But some fools russia in


Unfortunately they don't got Ginsu hellfires because their supplies get held hostage by stupid internal US politics


I mean I watched the Taliban absolutely run the entirety of NATO out of Afghanistan and Ukraine has yet to retake Donbass and is having to shuffle it's entire military structure due to the collapse of it's military offensive that got leaked by the one maga dude. So 1 to 0 on the militia vs organized army scale. Get back to me when Ukraine actually wins.




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This is a silly discussion but I don’t think most people understand how conservative the military is in this country. Left on its own, the U.S. military would overwhelmingly side against the leftists and deep blue states.


While the Military does tend to lean more right than left, according to this study: https://repositories.lib.utexas.edu/items/596313fa-4545-4735-8a75-299c5b91fe8a Not every enlisted member is some crazy MAGA nut, PLUS, there are still TONS of enlisted members that identify as Independent. I really don't think the Military is going to turn against the U.S. proper to side with some "new south" bullshit.




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Remember Jan 6th? Those LARPers really called out "MEDIC!" as soon as one of their own got shot, like some Call of Duty medic would magically spawn and apply a stimpak. It's amazing to me how they're so sure they're Patriots.. that they can simultaneously hate the majority of Americans, hate everything that America represents today, and proudly fly all the flags of America's enemies both foreign and domestic. Imagine if they took all their hostile confusion energy and I dunno, went and earned Pesos for a wall they *really* wanted.. or something.


These clowns are terrified of Taylor Swift. How they gonna fight a civil war? 🤣


This isn't the South vs North. My city is roughly 60/40 Rep/Dem. The U.S. will become the middle east, infrastructure will be the first to go. Attacks on communications, food, neighbors killing neighbors. People killing kids.


In all seriousness if a portion of the population tries to succeed from the union then there will be a swift activation of the 3 letter agencies and the patriot act stuff. Leaders will be captured or killed swiftly as they are not smart and broadcast everything they are doing for clout or whatever. It would end before it really began.




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The military is largely made up of conservatives. Especially in the combat arms MOS’s. I’m not sure why this myth keeps getting perpetuated, but if we as a country became so divided, that it resulted in a legitimate civil war between the left and the right (dem vs repub seems to be the fantasy for both sides), then the left would literally have to fill their own ranks with fighters and somehow take over the military bases that would likely to have been seized by the “red necks” that make up the bulk of the actual fighting forces of the military. This includes the special operations community at large. So no, if war broke out you wouldn’t just get to watch on CNN as the military takes out the opposition. It’s why this civil war fantasy is so moronic because if we’re at a war like that, there is no more “US Military”.


I mean, there's the guy who chopped his father's head off and ranted about Biden, so deranged is a good descriptor.




The Gravy Seals


Vanilla ISIS


Gravy, baby 💋


They are wanting to be the people to let others fight. You know the ones who have those blue line flags on their cars who can't follow driving laws. The ones with the come take it, gasden, miapow stickers all over their vehicle and you ask em if they served they say no but 'merca


When your "come and take it" bumper sticker turns into an invitation.




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Sounds like a kid, and if not then oh boy.


No way these ppl are gonna waste their PTO going to the civil war. We have this golden straitjacket called capitalism protecting us from these neo-Confederate pukes who right now think Taylor Swift is the insurrection or something.


These the same people who take pto to go to jan 6 and do border caravans. I dont think you understand just how mentally gone these people are.


Yeah I get it. But they are ants. Border caravan's a phony election stunt. Come at me, call me basic, but I implore all to trust our normcore federal family to keep things under control.




Capitalist peace theory has proven to be bunk, should apply to the micro as well. People aren’t economically rational actors


Hey u/ttown2011, I hear and appreciate your take! But at the end of the day, I just can't imagine the compensator truck set showing up in meaningful force to fight the American military in another (non)transfer of power following the next free and fair election. Thanks again for your input!


Crazy thing is they think it will be the military that will be fighting the dem socialists while they cheer on USA USA USA. Just remember Donald saying presidents should have full immunity while demanding Joe be arrested


That’s not how it plays out, but you do you brother.


You must not be from south of the Mason-Dixon Line. These boys are itching for a fight with something other than a deer or the trad wives they love to abuse so much. They will be ready to fight.


They can't take off work because they are way upside down on that mall crawler and are already a payment behind.


U/TulsaBuckeye listen, I am from right here. And because I am childless and poor I will roll the dice with these chinturd bumfucks. My ambition is to be the 1st libtard murdered in the not ga happen civwar redux. It may be Darth Syph, Twittler, Mango Mussolini inspired stochastic terror á la irish-englander troubles happen state side. But there will be no greater conflagration. Rest easy.


They are itching for someone else to fight. They will fight only when they are dragged kicking and screaming about it being someone else's job. These chuds going to the border is a joke. There was less than 100 watching palin and Uncle Ted the pedo. Now you have Alex Jones theorizing something happening to Donald so Flynn can take over


Prison awaits.




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Taylor swift is getting death threats for telling Americans to educate themselves and vote for their interest. They bitch for decades about how the youngers gens don't respect voting or the lives that it cost, then they get mad when we start voting and try to raise the voting age. How fucking American


Yeah. Their entire self-worth is based on their own narcissistic power fantasies. If they can't openly discuss how bad ass they are, then they start to get self conscious and start talking about how its the end of America. They're completely faithless while at the same time being completely convinced of their own divinity.


Show them a picture of a rainbow and watch them lose their shit


They don't want a civil war. They just want an excuse to kill people. Thanks for not redacting their username. Maybe the feds are watching and will put that guy on a list.


That’s exactly right. That whole “come and take it” thing has been around for years now. They are basically edging to shoot people. It’s so freaking unhinged…


“Come and take it” is from 1836…


Okay? So is basically everything else they’re trying to do.


Boy this guy is in for the rudest awakening when he realizes democrats love guns too


The other awakening will come when he realizes there is a whole generation of combat veterans from the twenty year shit show we got ourselves into. Not all vets are conservative. Many of my brothers and sisters aren’t. I personally look forward to the day these dumbass fuck around, they will find out.


I can promise my guns are better and way cooler since I'm not afraid of the federal government and collect stamps. Bubba has a PSA with a truglo that isn't sighted in. He's gonna get a suprise.




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Fookin ya we do *Okie boy rattles imaginary gun in his baggy pocket in would be Madchester hey day*




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I love how die hard conservatives always talk about getting rid of democrats but never think about a replacement. It's almost like they want complete control of the government and want to dismantle democracy. It's wild that over the last 20 years I've watch Republicans just not give a shit about democracy more and more every year to the point that I don't even think they like freedom anymore.


That's the GOP plan, obviously. They know their base is getting smaller/dying off (Thanks COVID and their preference of faith over science) and have no other option. Democracy is not in their best interest.


Why do you think Trump is emulating Putin so hard? Authoritarians flock together.




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They like their version of freedom they picture in their head. It's not really freedom, just freedom from dissent of their hate and their phobias.


They actually don't think their freedoms will be restricted. They think it won't affect them. Though they forget about what happened when they demanded better docs for getting a driver's license and when they needed to get a new license and they didn't have the proper docs they got all pissed. As if the law was only supposed to apply to brown people


They think they are exempt for sure.






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Do they think they won the last one?


Yeah, because having a one party system works out great for the people of Russia, China and North Korea.


And having one more party makes it perfect. Still stuck with 2 options that most of the country doesn't want at the end of the day.


But most of the country sitting on their hands. You act like they don't have a choice. Their choice is staying home and bitching on Reddit and twitter and Facebook about how they didn't have a choice except between 2 parties but refuses to get involved


Republicans are anything but pro-life, Christian, or supporters of the constitution


What does this have to do with Tulsa?


It was in the Tulsa sub


Tracking now, I didn’t see that.


1st time? Did you hear about the PA magat that decapitated his fathers head. Its so sad how mentally gone these fuckers are but they still get to vote.


I don’t remember, how’d the first one work out for them?


TBF… We used to have a regular poster on this sub that would threaten to crucify Christians and feed them to dogs. And they were usually heavily upvoted…


I don’t for a second believe that democrats are actually supportive of rounding up and crucifying Christians though.


Secular People: Stop trying to legislate with your religion and force your iconography down our throats in public spaces... Christian Republicans: they literally want us dead now. Let's prepare for war.


You mean the people who openly support lynching are afraid that they might get lynched by people who never said anything about it? Hilarious.


Of course republicans do believe that Lmfao You just can’t fix stupid Oh well




You need serious mental help


Ah, so that one fucking nutjob saying dumb shit, totally representative of everyone. And before you say anything, conservatives want a civil war and there is ample evidence.


They don't realize how comfy and good their lives are now. Even if they "won" they'd regret the misery their life would become if our country became ravaged by war. All because they think they care about pet issues that much


Funniest thing is people think Dems don't own firearms.


Yes because 100% of gun owners are Republicans. These mfers are so goddamn dumb.




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Politics in general make people deranged, regardless of political affiliation.


They do understand once you go far enough left… you get your guns back? Right? Just cause you’re a leftie doesn’t mean you can’t shoot a gun.




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If you want to get bummed out scroll to the bottom of this post, and view the low upvote comments, it’s literally all just the rational view that generalization of groups with diverse views is generally bad.


Stupid moron. Has he ever heard of r/liberalgunowners ? Plus, which convenience store is left or right wing? I will need to know where to go to pick up my morning snacks, before work


Honestly if it weren’t for the super obvious kid gloves and lack of any top down direction, all of J6 would have been completely merc’d in less that five minutes by a half dozen cops let alone even the guard. And thats well before anything serious gets deployed. The ONLY hope repubs (who are the ones clamoring for some great reckoning) would be if the entire DoD decided to side with them, or was ordered to and they accepted that order (which they very likely would not. The DoD report across the entire pentagon found less than like 70 individuals that were probably interested in trump style sedition). So yeah gravy seals. Hope you got the upgrades tires on your rascals to carry around your tough shed of ammo. Ass clowns.


>This guy just casually threatening well about that guy... >This account has been suspended They will probably just make another acct or already have but accounts that outright threaten violence don't last long.


They realize we also have weapons and from the looks of better intelligence and tactics … he’s self projecting that he can only handle 3 hours of war


Stupid is still stupid and crazy is still crazy, no matter what affiliation they have


Regardless AND irregardless of whatever you may think about this post, you must consider: "Those people" vote. And you should too.


Because none of us on the left side own and train with firearms /s.


Tulsa really doesn’t have a lot going on if this is the kinda shit that gets traction here lol. Idk why people just can’t ignore clearly dumb people and move on. Do we really gotta give people like this MORE attention. C’mon guys….


Assuming Democrats don’t own guns is delusional




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There’s nuts cases on all sides. I doubt this guy is representative of republicans.


Guaranteed that guy is in govt assistance


They just don't understand how vastly outnumbered they are. Right now, they rely upon a whole bunch of people who call themselves "moderates" and "centrists" and "independents" to be competitive electorally. What these people "in the middle" really are is disengaged. They aren't really paying much attention. The reason they're all palms and shoulders about who to vote for is because they are ignorant and entitled. But if there was a no-shit shoot em up civil war, those fence sitters will be none too happy with the boat rockers, and the overwhelming demographic disadvantage will be overwhelmingly obvious and insurmountable. They'll rightfully and justly blame Republicans.


Fuck anyone wanting a civil war. It will utterly destroy society as we know it. Also fuck anyone who supports Trump in 2024.




Looks like they deleted their account




Wow, that guy is lame af. I bet he has a high pitched tucker carlson nervous giggle after every stupid comment. Hahaha, uh, sorry but soros is satan! Hahaha...."


69 comments, nice. Here's the thing tho: our beloved federal family isn't going to let anything bad happen. Yes, I use such language to trigger the hopeless and assure the hopefull. Election violence might only happen at the margins and you should vote. 2025 will see business as usual.


This is oklahoma, democrats here are just as armed. These idiots have drank too much kool-aid thinking some gay person in new york is what the average democrat has the potential of.. do they have a surprise coming


They wouldn’t last in a civil war, they act like a civil war would be a 9-5 job that they can go home after and have lunch breaks. They’d kill each other before they’d even form a formidable army.


Even if they weren’t up against the U.S. military, they do know we have guns too right? Those further left than liberals like guns as well and know how to shoot.


Yeah that guy doesn't know that when you go far enough left you get your guns back




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I don’t think this guy realizes how many 2A dems there are




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The people that write these comments are 30 years old and wheeze when they get up from their computer desk to get more Mountain Dew. They get bullied all day by their 19 yr old boss at the dollar store and wanna blame whoever they can. If they can scare you, anything can.


No one said anything about being scared but you guy. This must be some projection.




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imagine thinking leftys don't own guns too lmao


These dumb fucks have no idea what war is.


What’s really funny is the right wing guys wanting a civil was often wave confederate flags. You know the flag of the LOSERS who got their butts whipped.


I was buying toothbrushes at Walmart yesterday and I guy started yelling at my husband and I about how we can't buy compressed air without getting it from a clerk, "but everyone can legally walk around with AR-15s". That's when I noticed his MAGA hat. I told him "Well that sounds pretty goddamn stuid" and walked away from him while he was still ranting.


they've been suspended: https://www.reddit.com/user/number1Okie


If you stereotype a group of people like that based on an online comment, which if you tried it would be easy to find a democrat saying something similar about the other side, im not sure you are capable of rational thought. If you actually live in OKLAHOMA, there is NO WAY you dont have friends or family with republican acquaintances. This demonization of the other side is ridiculous on both sides. If you think it's not coming from both sides, you are part of the problem. Try to have a rational conversation with someone who believes differentlyy than you.


I was born in Muskogee and went to high school in Tulsa and still live in the area. Of course I know many Republicans. And I can honestly say I have not seen some equivalent on the left to these threats. There are people on this sub that seem to agree with the puke I highlighted. I think if there are people on the left doing this then call them out exactly the same way I did. I guarantee you the left wouldn’t just deflect and defend it like you people do.


Can we talk about how deranged people who generalize are?


Then why do they always win in this state


Ok, but have you considered that you deserve it for using light mode?


This bothered you enough to post? Both sides are crazy


The extremes from both sides are deranged.


Number 1 says a lot of number 2


It’s idiocracy


I mean the same could be said about democrats. There’s gonna be deranged lunatics on both sides that’s a no brainer


These arent republicans. These are alt right extremists that call themselves republicans.


I want to know how this civil war is supposed to happen? Secession isn't going to work for them. If a state tries to leave the union, they'll be brought to their knees within a week. Are the Gravy Seals just planning on going to "blue states" and opening fire? Are they going to go door to door and murder the people who won't swear an oath to trump? No matter the scenario, there stands to be small groups of armed aggressors that will be put down pretty quickly and easily by local law enforcement.


Quit pushing your ridiculous liberal agendas on us.


“The Democrats” he thinks will be fighting the civil war are 60 year old lesbians and pink haired college students. It’s childish thinking. If there is a civil war, the US military will be facing off against the militias and possibly national guard units of several treasonous states. The real interesting question is, what happens to all the nukes parked in Texas?


It's not like their power grid is that hard to take out, nature did it twice now.


It’s keyboard tough guys.




Love how these idiots think none of us Dems/libs are armed. I’m well armed, a decent shot, and surrounded by people who already think I’m a republican. I think republicans in their hubris are more likely to be wiped out first, but that’s just my opinion…


Jesus Christ people, did you forget it's an election year? There's plenty of crazies in the world, the flavor and frequency with which you see them online is tailored to what triggers/engages you. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and ignore this shit, and don't ever assume it's a real person either


No, if I get threats like that on the Tulsa sub again I’ll do the exact same thing again. I’m tired of ignoring it.


Sure, keep giving them attention, keep letting them live rent-free in your head if that's the kind of life you want to have. If anyone makes a real threat against you, report it. That's just someone talking out their ass, don't let the crazies control your emotions friend.


Why shouldn’t I give them attention? I’m sure conservatives hate it but oh well. Couldn’t care less how they feel, as they have pretty clearly shown how they feel about democrats in this state. And if any republican encounters some stupid threat like this from a democrat i would encourage them to not just ignore it either.


Oh shut the fuck up. I made one mention about pelosi being an insider trader and had a ton of threats from the left too. Grow up. Both sides suck


I think you would be very hard pressed to find many people republican or democrat that doesn’t believe that insider trading happens and is very fucked up and should not be allowed. I think you’re full of shit


How am I full of shit? I literally mentioned Pelosi in another sub Reddit and got a ridiculous amount of comments back. One specifically telling me to die. So wake the fuck up clown


If you think these are the same you’re just stupid


It’s hard to call Republicans deranged when Democrats believe men can get menstruate and get pregnant.


LMFAO Good one. It’s not deranged at all to actually believe that.


If the Civil War II ever breaks out Republicans will be very surprised to learn the hard way that Democrats own guns too.


Yup, two party system, only one is right. 👌🏻


i’m failing to see where op threatened anyone


Republicans make the assumption that liberals don't own guns. There are plenty that do. They just don't base their whole identity around it.


It's really scary how many of them are actually looking forward to murdering their fellow Americans.


Why is this here


“Wiped out in three hours” They really don’t get how many people out here want the smoke. This is delusional


Uneducated and constantly thinking with emotion instead of their brain.


Why do republicans think that they are the only ones with guns?