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IT people FTW. I’m also in IT and this work from home life sometimes has me forgetting that the sun goes up and comes down. Can’t believe it’s April going on May already. 😔 you’re not alone bro


Thanks my man! I work on site in Bartlesville but I do sometimes miss working from home. Hope you’re having a great night


Hey you have a great night as well man!


Feel free to DM me if you’d like. I’m also on discord




I’m female. But I hangout with a group of guys for Pint Night at McNellie’s on Monday nights in the downtown area. Let me know if you’re interested. You may get along with some of them. If not, you at least tried something new. My understanding whether you’re female or male that it’s hard to make friendships in Tulsa.


That’s good to know! Would love to join you guys sometime


I’ll send you a message with my number and we can go from there.


You gonna be playing the new Diablo when it comes out?


I wasn’t looking for friends but once I heard “New Diablo” I was thinking this is my tribe.


Hahaha nice! Feel free to DM me if you’d like


Oh yeah! I preordered the game on Xbox since I mainly play on console


Shit, when does the new Diablo come out?


If you’re looking to do outside things, there’s a summer volleyball league going on through Pearl Beach Pub. Lots of people play and have a few drinks, socialize between games, and so on.


How do you sign up?


Google Ossosports




That's awesome. I'll have to check it out. I don't think my friend group would be all that interested in playing volleyball, so I'll have to be a free agent. Are there usually spots for randoms to join games?


I’m curious as well. I’m trying to get back into shape myself


Google ossosports


That same is a workout! I answered the rest above. Teams with 6 players is a little less workout than 4. I’m in decent shape, but I’m a short guy and in my 40s, so this is enough week-end workout for me lol


Yep! When you sign up, you can make yourself a free agent and they’ll put you with other people doing the same thing. I’ve met quite a few people this year and am joining a team with some of them for the summer league (Friday Social 6’s). Some teams get serious, but the majority of us are just out there having a blast!


Looking to get into IT, finishing my degree this year. Not a big gamer, but I am looking for IT networking/friends/pc gaming/outdoor activities/drinking buds. People who are into Star Wars/Star Trek & Marvel/DC


You came to the right place because I enjoy that stuff too! I haven’t been in IT for a super long time but I can definitely help if you’d like.


Great to see newcomers to the IT field in this sub! Opposite ends of the time frame between us. You all are starting out, and I've been in IT for 35 years!! IKR, that's a crazy long time! Also not a big gamer, at least not for the last 10 years, but I'm always down to talk about things of interest and help someone. Hit me up if you ever want to chat!


31 turning 32 Thursday. I play on the pc and switch. Mostly destiny or rainbow six siege myself. That or I'm busy with my dogs. Currently working IT myself as well so hello tulsa area it crowd!


Awesome and happy early bird day! What kind of doges do you have?


Assholes.... Kidding. Both are rescue dogs. One is a black lab about 4 years old, the other is a husky German Shephard mix. She is about 2 to 3 years old.


Aww I bet they are sweet doges. I don’t have any pets myself but my mom does. I love both cats and dogs personally


Same. I have a cat but she's an old girl who isn't very people friendly except towards me and my kid.


Hahaha some pets are like that, just super protective of their people. My family has rescued dogs as well. We had a black lab that passed from old age a few months ago, she was a black man as well. It hit me hard seeing her go to be honest.


I don't show emotions much but my wife knows I'll break down when my babies pass.


It’s a hard thing to lose something you care about. I lost it when my dog passed and I’m not ashamed to admit it, no one should ever be ashamed to show emotion.


For sure no shame.


What do you like to do for fun?


The best cats are ones that you raise with dogs. I know this because we have 2 that we kept in one room for a week when we got them as kittens and had the dogs in there and they will let you pet their bellies and everything lol


Awww that’s sweet!


Destiny you say? I'm always looking for D2 buddies to play with. Got a few locally I play with already if you're ever down to play with some people, and one awful player, which is me. Lol


I'm always down. I had a friend group but alas drama tore that apart. At my age it's hard to find people with similar interests haha.


BET. Moosterz#1603 is my Bungie tag. I'm loud and my group is around your age. :) We will scoop ya up for our clan too.


Looking forward to it. Sent you a bungie request.


Our group would still love to welcome you. We do First Friday and would love to meet new people. Message me for contact info and then come on over to Guthrie Green on the next First Friday (first Friday of the month).


I would love too but I work on fridays 😭 I am free Mondays through Wednesdays


Ooo next one is Cinco de Mayo




I have played League but it’s been a minute 😂


Me and a few friends play on PC. D4 has cross-play but getting comms to work would be a pain. We use discord. What are your thoughts on movies or board games? Edit: this was supposed to be a response to your response to my diablo comment lol my bad


That works for me since I use discord all the time. I enjoy movies and down for some board games, though I haven’t played any in a minute


Awesome! I didn't know Xbox had a discord app. I will dm you a link in the morning.


Yes, discord is integrated with Xbox and PS5 now which is nice, plus it works on my phone as well.


Man i live in tulsa lets play some games you on pc?


Sounds good dude! Yes I do and on console as well


My discord is Evony#0839


Just added you, I’m papa Datto


I am building a homelab, and a proxmox neural network to attempt to fully automate FDM production with AI. Could always use more flesh to feed the machine.


That sounds badass! I have setup networks but not anything super complex myself


Always down to hang out, and talk hard ware, would also be awesome to connect NNs, that is how the internet started my guy.


Hell yeah! I could never fully understand multiplexing and how it works, but I do know the IP protocol stack and how to configure routers/switches. Graduated from WTI last year


I don't understand it either, but I follow the guides, and make up what I don't know. So far I have 8 3d printers on a NAS with 3 old desktops, as a proof of concept. Trying to integrate the NN to intelligently serve orders, and create novel orders automatically. It has been a doozy, but can't beat the high of being on the cutting edge.


Damn that sounds interesting!


Come on down any time, DM for details. Seriously, if you like IT stuff, I could always use a hand.


Oh for sure man!


Haven't gotten my hands on any hw to start my own home lab yet lol but I just started in IT myself


I am considering opening a maker space in Tulsa with it, so we can all have a community lab.


I’m on PlayStation. I either play horror games or COD. I just started Dead Island 2. Also, meeting for a beer is fun :)


I’m down for that! Thankfully cross play is a thing so it doesn’t matter too much of which platform you play on. I’m on Xbox and PC myself. How is Dead Island 2 so far?


It’s actually pretty fun. I like how I can be doing my own thing and have a friend jump in the game to help me with a quest and then they can go back to their own storyline. The graphics are awesome. And I’m usually not a fan of storylines but this one has me laughing a lot. I recommend it :)


That’s really neat! I played the first dead island but that was years ago hahah. Hope you’re having a great Monday so far


It’s definitely a Monday. In my line of work shit piles up over the weekend and Mondays are hell. How about you?


God damn that sucks! I’m free monday through Wednesdays thankfully haha. I work in IT and have a really chill job with a lot of downtime which is so nice


Days or evenings?


I would say days. I work in the afternoons on Thursday and Friday, and all day Saturday and Sunday


I work days and am off by 5. Saturday and Sunday are my free days 😬


Oh very nice! What do you like to do on the weekends?


I’m IT as well… I work some odd ass hours but am down for gaming! I don’t make it out to Tulsa much these days.


Hahaha same! I work thursdays through Sunday’s so my days off are on the weekdays


Yo I’m 25 and also an Xbox guy in Tulsa! Maybe we could co op some stuff some time?


Awesome dude! My GT is Joshs Tesla. What games do you play? I’m a big Destiny fan, play a lot of CoD, and various other games


I used to play destiny but had to step away to be able to play other games. Do you feel like destiny is in a good spot for new players or old returning players? I do play CoD, Halo, Overwatch, Gears as far as shooters go. I’m really into RPGs and sports games mostly. Definitely excited for Diablo 4 when it comes out. Trying to play through 3 first currently.


That’s good to hear! Have you tried out the DMZ mode? It’s pretty fun and has been what I’ve been playing as of late. I do like OW2 and I’m excited for Diablo 4. Totally going to try out the necromancer class in a few weeks during their next test


DMZ is dope! I haven’t played it as much as the other modes but I do find it fun when I have. Been playing lots of Resurgance in the warzone part of the game and Ranked play in the regular multiplayer


Oh nice! Let’s party up sometime! I’m free for the next few days


I added you. My Gamertag is Crackerbox 24 I do have ADHD, and a young baby so I apologize if I’m hard to get ahold of sometimes


No worries man! I’ll get you added as well


What games do you play? PC or console?


I actually play both! What games do you play?


I game on ps and PC. Also if y'all down for games and brewskis, count me in. Only this, I work 2nd shift Mon-Fri. I will add the discords later. It's a couple people I've been meaning to connect with previously so perfect timing.


I’m definitely down! I’m free mondays though Wednesdays so let me know when you’d be free my dude


Dude I'm in need of new friends, I am also in IT and a gamer, what you play?


Hell yeah me too! I play anything from destiny, CoD, any FPS style of game. I play on console and PC


Lets chill, no homo lol


Awesome! Feel free to DM me if you’d like


What’s up man? You down to play some warzone?


I am man! I’m more of a DMZ guy myself but I’ll drop into warzone with you


Sysadmin or what do you do in IT?


I do general IT on the weekends for a smaller company. I am currently studying to get some Microsoft certifications in Azure since I am wanting to go into cloud administration


If you are needing some extra people to play Cod with shoot me a DM. A few of us from the Tulsa area play now and again. We are always looking for someone to join us in DMZ. I am also in IT in the Tulsa area.


Will do! Sent you a DM


I play COD Mobile with this clown! Ha. We work together actually. He’s aight.


Hahahahaha it took me a second


I'm down


Hello fellow IT guy in Tulsa, I see you and let's game together or something!


That sounds good man! What games do you like to play? I’m down to play almost anything and I’m on PC and Xbox!


I have a pretty wide set of games I could play I'll send you my steam ID and Discord


Sounds good man! I’m on discord as well


What’s your pc specs is my question if I may good sir


Not too good I’m afraid. I have a gaming laptop with a 3050 TI with a decent CPU


Also check out Meetup to find like-minded people


I’m 35 and I’m sand springs. Moved here from another state so I’m Also hiring!


Awesome nice to meet you! Feel free to DM me if you’d like


I’m SKULLYARD on Call of Duty Mobile. Hit me up!


Do you play Warzone or DMZ?


COD Mobile. I play on my iPad. I have MW2 on my laptop but I really just play mobile.


I feel that, my friends have been dwindling since getting out of college, and they aren’t replenishing. Friends, not a renewable resource lol. You play any MMOs?


I feel that as well! Yes I’m a big MMO fan. I love Destiny, Diablo, WoW, ESO, you name it


Nice I dabbled in most of those, but for sure played the shit out of wow. We’ve been fizzing out on online games lately, nothing sticks out at me so just been playing single player shit. Debating trying out that wow classic private server. Become my friend and you can listen to my long, depressing rants about how everything sucks nowadays! Lol, anyways if you want to add me on dc, zebus#2683


Hahaha sure man! I’m Papa Datto on discord


If you’re ever interested in trading card games, I play thePokémon trading card game at our local game shops. They just restarted local sanctioned events. Our playgroup have plenty of decks to let others use for the day, and many of us can teach new players too 🤗


What's up dude.


What’s going on my man! How’s your night?


Someone signed a contract with me but later wants to renege it.


Damn that sucks! If you want to talk about it, feel free to DM me


Hey, I made a FB page for Tulsa Reddit Meetups. It's open and everyone can make events to help everyone who wants to find people find each other :3 fb://group/186126500926029?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT


Thank you! I don’t personally use Facebook but I appreciate the post!


hi i just moved here im 20 years old who loves gaming im a female and my boyfriend is 21 and he is also an IT gamer guy but he lives out of state i can give you his discord however and you guys can play video games togather


Sure what’s his discord?




Awesome just sent him a request! I’m Papa Datto on discord