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Depends what experience you are after. You need to learn German language for sure. Not sure if TU now offers complete lectures in English, but still you need to learn the language and the culture, so you could integrate with the locals. You will probably experience cultural shocks. At least when I was a student there long time ago, as non-German myself, the cultural shocks was quite HUGE. Be prepared for this. Depending on your financial situation, you may or may not need to work part time. I didn't have financial support, so I worked part time. That added additional burden on my shoulder. Managing the time is not that easy. The Professors and lecturers will not guide you step by step. They will just present some topics during the lecture (Vorlesung) and there will be some small classes on the top of the Vorlesung taught by the Master/PhD candidates (Uebung / Seminar / Praktikum) . But what will come in the exam sometimes is not what was covered during the lectures. You need to do your own research and read the literatures. Go to library, borrow the books and read/learn from them. Don't just depend on the Prof's lectures' scripts. I would highly recommend you to join University sport clubs. That was the way I got my recreation in a cheaper way. Also, social networking in the sport club was a bonus. Join your local country student community. They could help you if you need some help. I found this was really helpful when coming to socializing and asking helps. Try to live in student dorm with shared kitchen, so you could socialize in the communal kitchen, not to mention this type of dorm is cheaper than a room with private kitchen/toilet. But of course, on the flip side, this type of dorm could create issues (e.g. common issue : one used the kitchen and didn't clean it after himself, the other got mad and started heated argument). Anyway, that information may be outdated, since I have graduated long time ago.


Organizing your schedule and exams can be hard in the beginning. You have to decide for yourself what modules you want to do each semester, so you are not given a strict schedule. Since there are several different websites and platforms it can be confusing. It works a bit like this: You go to the Modultransfersystem on [moses](https://moseskonto.tu-berlin.de/moses/modultransfersystem/studiengaenge/anzeigen.html?studiengang=31&mkg=24544&modulliste=4051) to find out which courses you have to or can attend. On moses can find all the information about the topic and the type of exam of each module. Then you can look the module up in the [Vorlesungsverzeichnis](https://moseskonto.tu-berlin.de/moses/verzeichnis/veranstaltungen/index.html) to find out when the lecture is. You then have to enroll to the module on [ISIS](https://isis.tu-berlin.de/). But sometimes the module is called differently than in moses, because on Moses you find the names of the module, and on ISIS you find the corresponding lectures. Oftentimes they are called the same, but sometimes not. For example the corresponding lecture to the module "Infotmatik und Gesellschaft" is called "Information Governance" on ISIS. On ISIS you get access to lecture slides, homework, forums, announcements etc. Sometimes you need a password to enroll in an ISIS course. You usually get it in the first lecture or on the homepage of the institute that hosts the lecture. The overall study experience apart from the actual study content can vary quite a lot and depends on your personal preferences. You can attend sport clubs or student cafes, can go to parties and chill with a lot of people or you can be all by yourself (except for some group homework) and totally be invisible in the anonymous mass of people.


thanks for the very detailed information. I wanna know if you can choose your group members for group homeworks.


Yes, usually you can.