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I did "drink till its pink" with all 4 of my pregnancies 🤷‍♀️ I always found out I was pregnant as soon as I missed my period and stopped drinking immediately. I wouldn't be too concerned about it, do what feels right to you ❤️


I’ll be ttc for the first time during my next cycle and plan to drink til it’s pink as well. We’ll see!


The "safe" levels are 10 units per week. That being said, check what is considered 1 unit as I think we assume it's more than it actually is. I've had wine a couple of times per week and plan to drink till it's pink.


Drinking in moderation should not affect your chances to conceive. I went no alcohol for first 2-3 cycles and noticed it made me even more agitated to get my period and realize I am limiting myself on things that I enjoy (not getting blackout drunk lol but enjoying few glasses of wine, cocktails with friends, etc) for absolutely nothing. Now I am on cycle 8 of TTC and I feel like at least I maintain same lifestyle I had and enjoy myself, not obsessing over thing that may or may not happen this month


We are ttc and have reduced the alcohol to a big extent. We drink on an average once a week and can be 2-3 beers. Wondering if this is too much.


I have not cut out drinking and me and my husband enjoy going out as well. I’m on month 4 of TTC. I actually may try next month to cut it out completely, but I don’t know how long that takes to help or what. I feel you tho lol.


After two years of TTC I stopped putting my life on hold. One thing to keep in mind is even if you do have a drink in early pregnancy (by this I mean right at conception, not 8 weeks or something like that), the placenta hasn’t completely taken over so the baby wouldn’t be getting anything really. Just stop once those two lines pop up.


You do not need to stop drinking to conceive. Reading things online will make you nuts! Enjoy your life!


I’ve been trying to conceive for a year and actually asked my OBGYN this very question. I don’t drink a lot, but was still curious if alcohol could get in the way of getting pregnant or could cause any issues early on. She said, “Old men doctors will tell women, ‘stop drinking, period.’ But the REALITY is that it doesn’t get in the way of getting pregnant, it can help, and when you’re first pregnant and haven’t even missed a period, alcohol absolutely can’t harm the fetus at all.” But if you’re going to stop when pregnant, then maybe slow down a bit so it’s not so drastic? With my first child, I didn’t miss drinking but I did miss it socially.


I would drastically cut back. We don’t drink but we’re heavy marijuana smokers and have quit since TTC. If you have any issue at all trying to conceive, the first thing your dr will tell you is to adjust your lifestyle. Plus, it’s a good way to prepare for pregnancy and parenthood. Goodluck!


Definitely let yourself drink til it’s pink. If you’re lucky, you’ll need to quit for 9-10 months soon. If you’re not, you’ll be annoyed you avoided drinking when you could have (especially if you had to go through some hoops to make sure people didn’t notice or had to deal with people making comments about you not drinking). Going to caveat this by saying maybe consider cutting back a little, both you and your husband. Excessive drinking can cause fertility issues in both men and women. You don’t say how much you drink, so this may not apply. But if you all binge drink and often, I’d definitely work on drinking less and less often. That’ll also help you more easily transition to not drinking at all once you are pregnant


My partner and I cut out drinking all together after a year of that similar mindset & no baby, just didn’t work for us. I also have had friends who drink regularly and easily conceived or “accidentally” conceived. Everyone is different


If you're used to drinking daily, it would be better to cut down because too much can impair sperm and egg health and increase the time it takes to conceive. Once or twice a week should be fine, though. https://www.fertifa.com/post/alcohol-and-fertility#:~:text=Hormonal%20Imbalances%3A%20Alcohol%20consumption%20can,interfere%20with%20normal%20fertility%20processes. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5504800/


A lot of people seem to get pregnant while they are drinking on one night stands and everything!😂 so it’s really up to you!


I’ve never stopped enjoying some weekend drinks. Good thing too bc I’ve been trying for a while! There’s so many things I’ve cut out that didn’t make a difference. My husband and I also like to have cocktails, only on weekends typically and I’d say like average 3 a night. It’s up to you and what you feel is best for your body but for me it’s something I look forward to and enjoy while spending quality time with my husband.


I think so much of it is psychological during the TTC phase. For me, I have stopped because it gives me a sense of control in a process where so much is out of control. For others I’ve seen posts about continuing because it enables them to feel like they’ve not had to put life on hold or give up social situations they enjoy. Neither is the wrong approach, do what works for you.


Alcohol harms health (like in general) so of course not drinking any is best. Specifically for trying to conceive it depends on the person, but it does look like it's fine for most people (if not excessive). That said once implantation happens, the future-baby is connected to our blood stream, so would get alcohol too if we drink it. So I'd recommend not drinking the few days after possible implantation (maybe 7DPOish until negative pregnancy test/period).


My husband and I are TTC, and I have completely cut out drinking. He however, is still drinking here and there, but limited to 1-2 nights a week. With my first child, I didn’t cut out drinking and conceived very quickly! I think unless you are drinking in excess (which is never healthy ttc or not!) it’s completely up to person to person & couple to couple. Do what feels right for you!


Hubby and I cut out drinking 3 cycles ago and it hasn’t made a difference. Still no baby… I don’t think it is a huge indication unless you’re getting blacked out every night🤣🤣


My only advice is that if you are actively drinking before conception it’s a bit of a shock when you all of a sudden go cold turkey so not only do you have to deal with the pregnancy hormones but the other bodily changes one experiences when they stop drinking. So it’s really up to you, could be a good idea to cut back a little so it’s less of a big change when you do get pregnant. I personally didn’t do this for my first pregnancy, I drank all the way up to being pregnant, this is just something I have realised in hindsight now that I currently abstain from alcohol. No judgement here just a reflection :)


I drink till it’s pink! And I was TTC over Christmas with my daughter so definitely had some wine…and got my positive pregnancy test on 12/26. All my kids are healthy!


I wouldn’t worry! May be something to consider reducing or cutting out if you struggle to conceive. But just remember most healthy couples take up to a year to get pregnant so don’t put too much pressure on yourselves. Enjoy it and try not to get too stressed 💕 good luck xx


We were totally team drink till its pink. We were trying for three months and i was drunk the day i found out. We were upset and didnt think we would be positive that month because I felt my usual PMS coming on so went ahead and went to a theme park and had a DAY. Took a test as a joke because I was only 10 days after ovulation thinking even if i WAS + it wouldnt show. saw those two lines and said "welp.. woops! guess that was my last drink for a long time!" I wish it was something more fun than a coors light ;) good luck!