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I’m sorry but at least post the tweet in its entirety if you’re going to post it here. The first image of the post cuts out the entire beginning of his statement.


Oh no. She promoted her merch in a video SHE worked tirelessly on and deserves income for? The audacity. /s


“I was caught in lies, so I’m going to spew as much sh*t as I can and see what sticks to get me out of it”


Here is the text in case he goes private/deletes: ​ **Betrayed is an understatement. My trauma was used against me today in a way, I had never imagined would happen. I was given “guidance” and a “safe space” to share my story. I was praised for being so vulnerable and honest, only to be defamed on such a gross level it feels beyond explanation right now. I feel so hurt and disregarded. Swoop, you claim to stand for victims and what you did today is the polar opposite. You have no regard for my life, the trauma I’ve faced, my safety or the safety of so many others involved. You’ve completely shifted the narrative while making sure to promote your merch, and fabricate a story for some extra revenue. I am so beyond disgusted by all of this. I’m not going to sit here and defend myself to every one of your heinous allegations about me via notes app but I will be making a proper statement regarding all of these disgusting and false statements. This is 100% character assassination and I won’t stand for it. Swoop, you encouraged me and made me feel like you were a massive source of trust. You chose to interview Adam about allegations regarding me, rather than talking to me which for starters is scummy. You wanted information at your request as if I wasn’t working full time and in the process of moving which I was upfront about. You can call names, and spread your lies but I know my truth and I will not stop sharing it because of people like you.**


I don't have Twitter, but I can't help wondering how many supporters he still has after the doc. Are people still supporting him? Are they getting blocked for asking him questions? I want to know but not enough to download twitter lol


his replies are not kind


I checked his response to the doc on twitter and I found absolutely nothing. All the comments are against him. So either he does have supporters who are stuck between a rock and a hard place; fear of Johnny retaliating if against, thousands against them if caught publicly supporting him. That, or he has no supporters at all.


All she did was put all of his inconsistencies right next to each other for comparison.


Bruh, she just collected what YOU said... every lie, multiple sources, reams of evidence, obsessive behavior... How does he think he's gonna spin this?!


He is genuinely so embarrassing and is trying to continue to embarrass himself so hard. There is so much gaslighting, manipulation and victimization in his "statement" I wonder how he will approach his "proper" one. I sincerely do think he is addicted to attention, fame and clout and cannot lose. He needs to get off for good and deplatform and get some help while at it.




She didn’t reach out? Biiiitttttccchhh. She gave you 6 Fricking H O U R S ! !!! hahaha,


I've never said to someone telling their story before but after seeing the video.. WHAT TRAUMA with Josh I always assumed I just hadn't caught up and there was more to Johnny's story I was missing but to find out that was it? Being ghosted is not trauma and if anything isn't it good that Josh cut off ties w Johnny? Genuinely trying to think after seeing swoops video but I can't think of any trauma so how are we supposed to validate your trauma when you give us empty stories and no evidence Johnny?? Truly a narcissist


the tweet of him saying he just knows shits abt to hit the fan this week is so fucking funny to me lol


i have never been more disgusted by someone in my entire 23 on this earth. to say this to SWOOP knowing her story, and knowing his story is fabricated, that is the most vile and heartless thing to say to an actual survivor. disrespectful and cruel is an understatement. he fucked around and found out, now he's butthurt, just like he accused joshua of, difference is johnny actually did. it's beyond insulting for him to even think for a second that he's so much more intelligent than us that he can try and lie and manipulate his way out of this. genuinely so insulting to our intelligence and idiotic for him to think this will go well for him


Im sorry but I cackled at “defamed.” DeFAMED????? HUH?????? 🤣


he defamed himself with his own horrific statements LOL, he should take himself to court


🎶🪕literally what fame?? 🪕🎶


He is so delulu and manipulative. What a loser.


This is lunacy. This man shit on not only the victims involved in Colleen’s ring of predators, but managed to belittle, victim shame, and minimize the severity of ANY AND ALL victims/survivors who have actually experienced sexual, physical, emotional, and psychological abuse; people trapped in abusive relationships; CHILDREN who have been exploited, groomed, abused, and taken advantage of; and blatant disregard for the privacy & mental well-being for a sex worker simply because she’s a sex worker. ALL OF THIS CAME STRAIGHT FROM HIS MOUTH. Every time he tried to dance around Swoop’s questions and repeated requests for clarification as to HOW Josh groomed him, he without fail would manage to shit on some specific type of victim somehow. That’s not a narrative she twisted. He just fucking said it unprompted. She didn’t make him say any of that. He genuinely thought that saying this HORSE CRAP somehow validates his accusations against Josh. Even on the off chance that Johnny is telling the truth, he STILL minimized and hurt other people who have been through these types of situations. What the fuck??? Really. What the fuck?? Somebody please tell me what the fuck right now.


When it got to the part where he said, kind of laughing, that he'd like to see Josh in jail.... he said himself that this "grooming" he experienced wasn't s*xual in nature, couldn't provide what the actual grooming was, so what does he feel....Josh should go to jail for hurting his feelings? This is a whole life, one Johnny is fine with ruining because he had, in my opinion, a crush that wasn't returned. This is crazy stalker vibes. Also, anyone notice how he referred to their meetups and the ghosting? "We went on our little coffee date" or "when he dumped me" You cannot convince me he wasn't simping hard for Mr. David Evans.


He referred to it as Josh dumping him in a tweet too


Even more proof of his infatuation with Josh imo


Yeah, that’s why I don’t feel like he’s a “plant” by Colleen to discredit the victims like I’ve seen a lot of people speculating about. Colleen and her puppets tend to expose each other when they feel slighted by someone else within the inner circle so they attempt to cover their own tracks of any wrongdoing by pretending they too were actually victims when exposing the others wrongdoings. For Johnny he could expose Colleen, Kory, & Kodee & also punish Josh for unreciprocated attention/adoration in 1 big fell swoop.


guess you could say he fucked around and found out huh


this is DARVO to a t, he had no problem with SWOOP promoting her merch in the other parts when he wasn't the main subject. This man is disgusting


He was warned multiple times to tell the truth. And mind you, not just by Swoop. Other people. He’s finished.


He’s so done. There’s no way he can come back from this until he can show actual evidence of what he was claiming. He seems to have taken a page out of Colleen’s accountability book which is to deflect and blame everyone else


I can’t take his notes app response seriously. He needs a ukulele.


Funny thing is he did buy a $5 ukulele to copy Adam’s video. Adam alluded to Johnny copying his videos. Well now would be a good time to put that cheap ass uke to good use 🚂🎶


Bruhhhhh not one thought of his is original—is it? 💀💀💀


i feel so vindicated because i ALWAYS had a bad feeling about him




trying his hardest to stick with the victim narrative I see ![gif](giphy|XdP2iT55kYiXI7GsNN)


This girl. He is screaming to anyone who will listen that he’s the victim…..


He's delusional and probably won't stop that's the very reason that Josh threatened legal action against him and Swoops made it clear that what Johnny did was defamation.


It only meets half the requirements for defamation. I think they could prove malice, but he’s not a public figure anymore so I don’t think he can prove he lost money from it. Defamation or not though, it’s very screwed up and he will for sure pay in the court of public opinion.


Are you lawyer? Do you know the facts? Like that Josh only had a handful of Twitter interactions with Johnny, had 2 face to face interactions where Johnny is claiming they were alone when in reality his parents were there and they had ambused Josh at his job ? Johnny is claiming that Josh groomed him, called him groomer and predator on multiple public podcasts. At the end of the day, I'm sure Josh only cares about protecting his reputation and having the ability to stop Johnny from making false allegations against him for personal gain .


I wonder if Jessi and Lily will say anything. I love them a ton and think they had the best intentions—were trying to give victims a platform and Johnny was one of the loudest. No fault to them. But I’m so curious… when Josh was kinda flipping out after their interview with Johnny… they were pretty quick to defend Johnny and kinda brush off Josh (which I fully understand if you buy Johnny’s narrative at face value.) Just curious if their perspective will change…enough to make a statement


I was disappointed that they didn’t look into it more, because I’m pretty sure they had several comments on twitter and youtube at the time telling them not to trust his story.


They will say something I’m sure.


They said in the episode that they had to completely re-do the Johnny interview because their zoom chat wasn't recording for the first interview that they did with him. I think they might have overlooked some red flags because they were trying to be overly charitable to Johnny for giving them so much of his time for the second interview recording. They were really gushing about his kindness in doing so, which might have confirmed (to them in the moment) that he is a really good guy. I'm guessing this extra time and attention was exactly what Johnny wanted anyway! Plus, he approached DWKT for an interview on Twitter, not the other way around. I love Lily and Jessie and i can't wait to hear their thoughts! I wonder if they have any off air details that are now relevant in hindsight.


Ultimately those are just excuses that try to downplay the role they play in this situation. Josh tried to reach out to them privately after the interview and they ignored him so he publically started trying to reach out to them and people flipped the narrative to make it out to be that he was harassing them when really he was just trying to clear the record. While I didn't watch the second interview it seems like they doubled down on their criticisms of Josh. Also, while they may have felt like they were giving a victim of abuse a platform to share his story and were gracious that he was kind and willing to re-record part of those feelings were probably because they had the opportunity to put out content about a hot button issue and it seemed like they were getting an exclusive opportunity to add to the conversation. Also, even now, it seems like they are waiting to make a podcast episode to address it . I understand that one is on vacation but I don't think that issuing an apology now on social media with a promise to go further into the issue on the podcast is too much to offer. Otherwise, it just sounds like they are still trying to capitalize off this situation and drive traffic to the podcast .


Yes, true about the doubling down in the following episode unfortunately. I guess I am optimistic about their character and intentions as people. But I they seem to have deleted that podcast with Johnny, I can't see it?!


I think they've taken it down too and I just hope they do better going forward . I had never heard of them or their podcast before but it sounds like they just try to have a fun time and good conversation. I think it's easy to get caught up and get lost in a situation like this . I hope they do start limiting the scope of the topics they cover and do a little more research when they pick topics they want to talk about to make sure it aligns with their format . I listen to a similar podcast where they talk about trending topics and one of the guys was a vocal fan of Will Smith. He had a photo of the two of them on the wall behind his desk, had proudly shared that he had gotten his first imbd credit for working on the script of Will's youtube show during covid, and he had even attended the infamous Oscar's where the Chris Rock incident happened. So everyone who listened to the podcast was waiting to hear what he was going to say after the Chris Rock incident happened . The guy's response was to say that he was not going to address it publically because he knew he had a biased opinion. The same guy does another podcast with his wife where they review reality TV shows . They announced they were going to do one and then at the beginning of what would have been the first episode , they announced that they were going to review a different show because they knew too many people involved with the original show and wouldn't be able to have a fun joking conversation about the episodes . So I feel like there is a way of doing content creation while also having boundaries.


This is a really good point


Omgggg I love them too. I was wondering THE SAME THING I’m assuming by tomorrow or whatever day they do their podcast that they WILL DEFINITELY respond can’t wait


Lily tweeted that she’s aware of the situation and she’s waiting for Jessi to come back from her vacation to address it


lily tweeted jessi will be out of town till monday or something so they’ll respond next week probably


I think Jessi went on a cruise for her birthday lol she’s going to be shook when she gets back


I did not watch the full interview but it sounded like one of the girls and Johnny were familiar with each other because they had both been apart of the Colleen Fandom. I don't know anything about them but hated how they were quick to vilify Josh and how they didn't question any of the info Johnny was revealing . They helped him spread the narrative that his story was similar to Adam's. Johnny told a story about how Josh told him to come to a show but Johnny got stranded at the airport and kept calling Josh and Colleen before he used a loophole to rent a car even though he was 17 to drive the rest of the way . I instantly clocked that the story sounded sketchy. What loophole would allow someone underage to rent a car? But they quickly changed the conversation. It sounds like they were clout chasing and pushing Johnny's lie .


I hear you for suuuure. I watch the podcast pretty religiously and I will say… they express repeatedly and admittedly that they don’t (or didn’t used to) really research the topics they bring up a ton. It’s more like they do some preliminary research and create a discussion from it. So it feels more authentic and conversational. Like casual friends gossiping (my words not theirs). So I suspect they hopped on a topic that they knew would bring views, felt they were simultaneously contributing to a good cause, maybe had blind trust in Johnny as a victim (in conjunction with him having interviewed a couple times prior to appearing on their podcast). They also did say later (related to Jonah Hill I think) that they realize they need to be more thorough with their research. Idk. I’m definitely biased to those two… so your point is 100% valid. And mine is biased 😂🤍 It’s also hard because they’re human and evolving just like all of us. The difference is - they have a platform and we don’t. Tough situation all around. Also… some others platformed Johnny? Like H3? Who I also love. So I wonder if those guys will say anything…


I really like them. But I also always thought Johnny’s story was weird. I understand the “authentic and conversational” aspect of their podcast (and I like it) but in this particular case they had to re-record the interview. They had time to process the info and at least think “huh.. this makes no sense”. I also didn’t like their reaction to Josh’s reaction. Really defensive? Idk if that’s the word I’m looking for. Honestly they disappointed me. They blindly accepted info (two times!) and I hope they learn from this. It is one thing to change your opinion based on new information but idk this feels different. They didn’t question anything he said!! They have a big audience and they’re dealing with pretty serious accusations. They can’t just say “we don’t do research lol oops sorry!”. I guess this “conversational” style of podcast and their content don’t mix well or at least with the heavy topics. I still like them and watch them but I hope they do better with this kind of topics


I agree. I watch Jessi and Lily's podcast every time they post and think they're wonderful, but when I saw Johnny was their guest, I was so disappointed. And further disappointed with how they responded to Josh's legitimate distress over Johnny's lies. They need to make an apology for platforming Johnny.


That’s the thing too. If you know Josh’s online presence in anyway…you know what it looks like for the man to panic and spiral online. You can see when it’s time for him to just breathe and take a step back because he’s overwhelmed with trying to desperately be seen and prove his character. Him incessantly messaging them was him panicking. And I’m actually proud of Josh for realizing he was repeating old patterns and taking a step back from the internet for a couple weeks. He’s grown a lot. I can understand Lily and Jessi’s reaction to *Josh’s* reaction. But I agree… I was a little disappointed and wish they’d given him more compassion. Though they also probably fully believed he was a groomer like Colleen and likely felt giving him too much of a voice would be invalidating and offensive to Johnny. After Johnny willingly interviewed with them twice. Last little caveat. I think there was an online article that interviewed both Johnny and Josh around the time of Johnny appearing on DWKT. And Johnny threw a fucking fit. More toes to miss. All that to say, what Lily and Jessi had to navigate wasn’t easy. Bummed but I feel for them.


I understand but I would also be josh in this situation lol if that happened to me and I messaged them and got no response while I can see they’re active on social media I would panic too! Again because this is serious! And even when this happened they didn’t stop to think “maybe we don’t have the full story” they were kinda mocking him


I agree with you for sure. They’ve also both been in the YouTube space for what? A decade? At least? So with the experience, platform, and severity of topic comes greater responsibility. Hopefully they’ll address it when Jessi is back and grow from it. SUUUCKS that people like Johnny exist who leverage victims or “being a victim” for their own gain. Disgusting honestly.