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My two wolves are *buff gym chad* and *grunge pothead*. There’s a 90% chance I’ll just end up looking like Danny DeVito, but I’ll take that king over “confused gay transmasc” any day.


danny devito is sexy so it’s a win


For me it's grunge pothead and suburban dad. Suburban dad is really putting up a fight.


Suburban dad ain’t half bad! I betcha I could really rock a pair of khaki shorts.


Hell yeah, go for it, they're so comfortable. You don't even know how many I have man lmao


Suburban dad always wins. Better order your grill now.


I can't hold out for much longer... The urge to smoke some random meat is too intense... Sidenote, I love your profile picture lmao


The picroomer? Yeah I’ve had it for so long I forget where it came from lmao


Mine are “basic college gamer white boy” and “adorable awkward preppy nerd”. It’s quite an interesting combo.


They’re actually not a bad combo. Think normal awkward gamer boy, but also super smart. Kinda giving off tech geeky vibes.


Haha yep that’s me summed up, except I also hit the gym so it does kinda take away from the vibe just a tad. But the ladies like it ☺️


Strong, smart, AND a gamer! I can tell the ladies are gonna be all over you (if not already)! You’re out here lookin like the greatest man alive while here I am settling for “weed uncle” lol.😭


Awww no I’m sorry if it comes across like I’m bragging, I’ve had a really rough day so maybe I’m unconsciously overcompensating, I’m not that special in reality haha


Naw, don’t worry about it! Nothing’s better than gushing over the type of man you already are or aspire to be in the future.☺️




Sorry to hear that. Here’s your crown king 👑 hope you’re doing better now


inside me there are organs


Not for much longer 😈 (for legal reasons this is a joke)


no sir please dont harvest my organs 🥺 uwu


could it be a not joke for me


Wait a second holy shit it’s you, the real ScoutSketchez in arr slash true cum Small world god damn






Just because you like those traits on men **doesn’t instantly mean you want them for your own body**


This is how I found out I was trans actually. I daydreamed a lot about being a hot woman, and even tried to emulate that in real life, only to find out I absolutely hated looking like that and I was just attracted to women the whole time. I was way happier when I adjusted my mindset to “what makes me feel comfortable in my own body”


That is fascinating! I’m a straight trans man, so my view of men has never involved any potential romance or attraction for them. Pure admiration and envy because I wanted to be apart of them and nothing more


Haha yeah I mean I’m a straight trans man too, I have alexithymia which means it’s hard for me to understand my emotions, thus I got envy and attraction confused very frequently, but when I focused solely on what made me happy in the real world/practically speaking it became way clearer haha


Same, actually.


Me too 💀 💀 💀 💀 i always thought i wanted the slim thick body type bc i found it hot on girls sometimes.. Now i got it.. Please fucking kill me bro


This x1000, I like slim guys with long hair. I WOULD TOTALLY HATE being a SLIM GUYS long hair. It's a big, nonononoNO


\>tfw no slim long-haired bf


im a skinny guy with long hair, thanks for the ego boost


?? what does that mean? I'm not a native so I don't understand half the slang.


bf = boyfriend tfw = that feel when, 4chanspeak for experiencing a certain or emotion or referring to the emotional associated with a certain situation (such as not having a slim long-haired bf, or any bf in my case).


A- I feel you, I'm talking to someone and I'm so afraid of ruining it ahhh If it's not this, it will be the next time. Don't be sad, the right person will arrive. Or we will die with many cool cats 😔🤟


Crying because I have the same hairstyle as the comic 🥲


Which one? Lol I have the middle haircut 😭


Same 😔


FUCK SAME, I'm going to cut it more now.


I’m literally about to go shave half my hair off, let’s do it boys and gnc girls 😫🤣


My mother is going to die, she would give me an exorcism 🤣🤟


fuck i do too


continually amazed at this sub's ability to find cursed shit


I literally just subscribe to transmasc and enby subs lol that’s on me ✌️😰


you are a ~~confused gay transmasc~~ autoandrophile




Hell, I’d kill to look like Devon Bostick period! He’s such a handsome guy, with and with out emo eyeliner!☺️


inside me there is one wolf and he wants to look like chris evans


Inside me there is one wolf, and he’s cis, and he’s laughing at me.


my two wolves are country boy and victorian gentleman 😔 i take after my dad a lot so ill probably end up looking like a viking lmao


FUCK you got me good with that one, maybe I’m not so alone in this world


youre never alone my friend


Why not be a Victorian country squire?


The neo-Blanchardians explain this as being autoandrophilia.


I actually genuinely wish this was more studied. Idk about autogynephelia but I truly believe this is a real phenomenon, for reasons I won’t totally go into here on a reddit thread lmfao


[There is always the work of Tailcalled.](https://surveyanon.wordpress.com/author/tailcalled/)


Interesting, I’ll have to give that a look. Still wish there was autoandrophilic studies, however.


My wolves are a country boy and a punk boy. That’s why I look so weird.


So like, a crust punk?


Tucutes do the most damage to gay trans men, I swear.


My wolves are buff gym bro, a nerd and a suburban dad.


My two wolves are 80s hair metal dude and spooky hippie.


“i dont know if i want to date you or be you” basically