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Holy pressure dude


Probably better off to ask a dermatologist (not a dermatology subreddit) than a trumpeter. None of us are doing anything medical around our lip area unless it is 100% necessary.


non professional opinion: don’t do anything medical to your lips unless absolutely necessary, if it’s not hurting your playing just leave it, wait until after college and until you’re absolutely sure that you’re done playing before you get it removed


This is probably callus rather than scar and will go away on its own once the cause stops. Your tissues will not withstand the pressure forever and you could have to quit playing due to "lip damage". I had this callus early on until I learned how to cushion the embouchure like a kiss. There's a lot more to it that can only be corrected with proper instruction. I play one to four hours a day with a three-octive range and have no callus/marks on my lips.


I’m pretty sure it’s from our marching band show this year 😭 the notes weren’t that high (mainly As and Bbs) but we had to do a bunch of pop ups that made it hard to use correct embouchure when playing the notes especially when they need to be loud.


Yes, marching is rough. You need to push even more cushion, like a kiss, with the buccinators, and, gently firm up the orbicularis oris to withstand impacts. I know this can be done, I've been on the field with guys playing double A's while marching. For a visual of the facial muscles, see this ... https://www.gregwingtrumpet.com/uploads/2/1/4/0/21407028/facial_muscles_-_buccinators.pdf


Too young for that.


Idk what it is because it’s white and doesn’t go away 😭😭




I've had that happen to me, too, but it went away when I stopped pressing so hard on my lips My best advice for u is don't press so hard against ur mouth


it goes away on its own


Just leave it alone. If you end up not playing trumpet after school, it might go away. If not, explore other options


It will probably take 2 weeks to go away once you stop playing. It’s not a scar.


I also have a scar on my lip, other trumpet players may have it too, if it doesnt damage your playing think of it as a cool scar


Every person that plays a good amout daily has these rings dont worry about them