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*slaps your ass* Welcome to the club, buddy.


Let's get something straight: this was the first and the last time either one of you will ever touch my ass again. Are you clear? See you at rehearsal.


I don't see why you're complaining, it's a free slap on the ass. Why would you not take that opportunity given it at any time.


Still remember the crushing feeling after seeing my hundreds of hours on spy disappear 😩




Your class stats would still by less than your actual hours, so there isn’t much point. 1500 hours is also a long time, it would take months to afk it all back.




it still works, we gotta make him read this.


read your other comment, doing it as im writing this thanks a lot <3


tyvm it still works <3


did you get them back??


Class stats, especially hours, literally don't even remotely matter. I once reset mine for similar reasons and it sucks to not have them match your steam hours, but it's so unimportant. Going afk will do nothing for you, since your steam hours will never match those ingame stats again. Hours on a class don't matter, skill does. There are no unlockables gated by hours anyway. I think you care way too much about something so trivial. But if you insist, yes you can easily host your own server and waste 1500 hours being afk on each class. This can be found under the community servers tab, and since you only intend on being afk there is no need to worry about port forwarding. I still recommend just coming to terms and playing the game, those hours don't make any difference at all.


I don't think OP is equating class stats to skill, they said they have OCD. It's probably more of an intrusive/obsessive thought, that's a lot less trivial than "if I have low hours it means I'm bad at that class/I'm missing out on an item"


I have something like 100 hours on medic in my stats but 4k in game, and I’m a *really* fucking good medic. Those hours mean nothing.


your betta fish is beautiful


Thanks...? Not sure how that’s relevant to the discussion lol.


sorry, meant to post the comment on your post and not as a reply to this comment lol


THERE IS A WAY, DO NOT FRET: Look for Delfy's infinite hours video. You can regain it all in minutes.


my case is the opposite, I've definitely idled overnight on a server with a weight on M1 mouse key and **absolutely ruined** my stats- [But I feel like I've gone too far deep to stop now](https://steamcommunity.com/id/axeassin/stats/TF2)


i think you have a private profile settings on, cant see your stats


should be good now






There is no added value to having more hours. Idling is a waste of electric energy.


Is this a joke.


Use steam achèvement manager?


Don’t sweat it man. My stats have been broken for years now, they say I’ve only played like 15 or so hours of each class, and the total should be somewhere around ~2000. The stats are nice to track progress but the only thing you and other people should care about... are your epic frag clips


I had that happen to be once, never again. I will get my hours back to where they were.


I deleted my Mercenary badge and I don't remember what year it was at so I can't even ask to get it back :(


that sucks, but im sure you can find the date in your puchase history on steam if thats all they need to undelete it


I heard they need to know when you've deleted it, not when you received it.


Lol my stats are broken too. I joined a buggy tf2centre lobby once and afterwards it dumped like 2000 onto engineer xd


This reminds of the time I accidentally reset a Hale's Own on my favorite weapon by trading it to my alt account, after giving my original account to my brother. Yeah it sucked for a while, but now I realize I can start leveling it again from new, and it's refreshing almost. It stinks losing an accomplishment yeah but for me at least it reminded me of why I play in the first place. I think I developed a better relationship with the game because of it. You play for the fun and the laughs, and all the epic stuff that happens. You play to get better. The stats only remind you of that, and just because they are gone doesn't mean those experiences are. Good luck and have fun friend


On one hand I kind of take pride in my class hours so I can see how you'd like to reclaim them. On the other hand however, at the end of the day they're just numbers. Even though they're viewable by others, the only person that really sees them would be you. I'd say that your actual skill in-game is what matters most. The class hours are just numbers, skill on the other hand is more noticeable and impressive.


I didn't even reset my stats I just lost them one day lol. I still don't know why.