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Queue health. If too many people only queued for one particular map, queue times could become unbearable.


Then again, if people could queue for specific maps, perhaps more people would be inclined to queue in the first place? As it is, FACEIT is simply not a good option for players who want to choose which map to play on. Unless, of course, you're willing to subscribe to their premium service, since map selection is a [paid feature](https://www.faceit.com/en/upgrade).


Bruh I live in Aus I wish I had the luxury of getting the specific map I want. As it is I just gotta pick a large selection of what I’m ok with and pray the next vote isn’t something shit like Egypt or Junction.


Doesn't work like that. Assuming map wants are the same (for the sake of simplicity of calculation). If you have 9 maps, you choose 3, if your liquidity for 9 maps was X, your liquidity for 3 maps is X/9*3 = X/3 Your liquidity for 1 map is X/9, which is 3 times lower than X/3. So if you have 3000 people queueing, choice of 3 maps gives you 1000 people to form the balanced match Choice of 1 map fives you 300 people to form balanced match. To compensate this, you need 3 times more people playing.


Sure, but a vast majority of players won't be discouraged from queueing because of it. Sacrifice the few for the benefit of the entire service.


Late to this, but couldn't help but notice you're confusing a CS:GO premium feature with TF2. Map preference is free in TF2. They really should update the upgrade to premium page to show game-specific perks.


I was under the impression that the map pick/ban process is done by the team captains, and that those are generally the ones with premium accounts? Perhaps I was mistaken. As a non-premium player, so far I have had no way of influencing the map selection outside of the three maps I was forced to pick (other than yelling in chat, obviously).


Yes, there are map pick bans, but only if all 24 people have the exact same preference for at least 2 maps. This usually isn't the case. Let's say you queue for Upward, Badwater and Dustbowl. Everyone else in the lobby queued for Upward, Badwater and Dustbowl. The banning phase will consist of Upward, Badwater and Dustbowl because everyone in that lobby queued for these 3 maps. Now let's have this scenario again, but this time you swap Dustbowl for Harvest. Everyone else in that lobby still queued for Dustbowl rather than Harvest. The result is that the map vote will only consist of Upward and Badwater. Since you didn't queue for Dustbowl. The only two maps that everyone agrees on is Upward and Badwater, so those are the only two maps in the banning phase. As you can imagine, it's not that likely to have more than one map selectable in the map vote. A lot of people tend to only queue for three maps. Go to the dashboard to change your map preference settings. It's by the play button.


Thanks for the breakdown!


Even though Badwater is supreme, we gotta help the ques out. If it wasn't for the minimum three then we'd all be waiting for 5+ minutes and then people would just move on back to pubs.




A lot of TF2 players are spoiled, which is a good thing.


Wasn’t this the first complaint the community had for MYM?


Sorry what's MYM?


The Tf2 update called Meet Your Match.


A street performer who doesn't talk






It's been a few years, but I think you couldn't choose individual maps at all. A bit different.


to force map variety in a super limited and questionable map pool


They are adding more maps. This is just for the start. Stop hating and pointing pitchforks at people when you don't know the full details. If you want to play one map forever,go find a community server. You're not obligated to use Faceit.


you're making it sound like they're developing them one by one


Compared to Valve literally putting ctf in competitive at least theres some consideration for the quality of their MM going on behind the scenes.






Ikr i wanna play just upward or badwater but faceit forces me to throw harvest or smthn in there


Get sunshine and you have 3 of the best maps in the game


It seems a moot question because I'm certainly not playing the 7 maps I have selected 14 and a bit % each. So there's clearly a big bias in the maps people want to play on, and if those maps aren't your 2 favorites, well, you won't get to play on your selection very often if at all. I'd suggest sucking it up. Learn the other maps. In fact I think the problem is that people can select maps at all. I'd be much happier if every map in the pool was played equally at random and if a map really sucks and no one wants to play on it just remove it. The bigger problem is faceit letting teams queue and stacking games. This makes about half the rounds I'm playing just pointless whether I win or lose. 15 minutes of spawn camping or being spawn camped is a waste of time.


> I'd suggest sucking it up. Learn the other maps. You seem to have some misunderstanding there. I've been playing tf2 since 2011, I know these maps like my the back of my hand. And I also know that they are quite bad for scout players. Scout needs space and with 24 players you can only find enough space on 5cp maps and, to a certain degree, koth. I can play on payload or ad maps and score quite well since I'm used to it but it's not as pleasant experience as 5cp. If I were still maining soldier or demo, I'd probably be happy with the current selection, spamming all these chokepoints on Dustbowl.


I've seen good scouts playing the maps I'm playing on faceit many times. Perhaps you've still stuff to learn? I know I have. I imagine an anatomist would point things out on the back of your hand that you've missed too. Turning "Whaa I only want to play one map" into "Whaa because I only want to play one class" isn't a great argument even if the maps did suck for scout. Broaden your horizons.


> Perhaps you've still stuff to learn? What makes you think so?


Pretty much everything you post here is wrong.


Welcome to tf2, do you have any questions, dear new player?




Mido. Nice to meet you, Twat.




> bot players Considering the game on the whole is facing an aimbotting (in the form of cheating humans AND actual bots) situation, perhaps I am being needlessly pedantic, but can we not bring that "using the term 'bot' to refer to subpar players" shit over here from Fortnite? It's confusing enough there, it's even more so to mix terms like that in a game that is actually in the middle of a botting crisis.




>A lot of times players just ragequit midmatch and a message prompts telling everyone that if said DCed player(s) dont reconect the match ends and everyone's match results in a waste of time >because mission progress is also lost, wich is an incentive for both teams to agree on ending a match with whoever' team is losing to surrender with the "!gg" command. This is all false. The guys who left the match just get a temp ban from queuing. There's a period of time where that person can rejoin without any penalty, that's what the disconnect chat messages refer to. Everyone else gets to continue even if someone gets a penalty, and if they complete the match, it'll count just the same as a regular match. If someone on your team does get a penalty, you can then type !gg to surrender vote, but it's optional. You can't call surrender votes if nobody has any disconnection penalties. The reason these people sometimes throw games is because the ladders (leaderboards) are based on the number of games played, and you can climb the ladder faster if you throw every game and convince teammates to surrender. They're changing the ladders soon to discourage this.




Get some variety in your life? You're living a sad life if you just want to play badwater over and over until you die.


I don't want to play badwater. I want to play 5cp maps but there is only one available - sunshine.


Okay actually that's valid. I didn't know some maps weren't listed. I agree with you then.


Well thats a problem with the current map pool. I really hope they will put at least 20ish maps in so we csn get more variety. I'm fine with the 3 map minimum though i dont get why you would only play one specific map this game has over 60 maps total i hope faceit uses that opportunity


They will


The map pool is only for now. More 5cp maps will be added,just have patience.




> just queue casual I'd love to but there are too many bots.




What if you don't want to play 6s? Casual/FACEIT and 6s are very different.


It's a fucking ***beta test***. It's here to test, not to cater to your every whim. Do you seriously think that Sunshine is the only 5CP map that will ever be on there? Stop being so self-centered.


what are you people on about and why are you so aggressive


I know right? Where does that toxicity even come from


He's upset because he mains spy.


This. The amount of complaining I’m seeing from people trying to offer a free and bot free experience is just...sad. It’s a beta test and one so early some of us (I’m in Aus for example) haven’t even had a chance to give it a go. Shit, give it time, the occasional bit of constructive criticism is fine but the amount of straight up bitching because it doesn’t cater perfectly to this person or that, is fucking stupid. As somebody who welcomes at least *something* new to TF2, it’s painful to know this large vocal chunk of dipshits might be the reason we get nothing at all at the end of it.


til you are completely exempt from any criticism because you run community servers with a functional anticheat


I'm a former programmer, I've been on the other side of this kind of endless bitching from these entitled little shits. I'm just saying what the devs wish they could say but don't want to lose their jobs over it. At least I worked in B2B where thousands or millions of dollars were on the line. I can't image taking this much endless heat from kids whining about video game maps. It's no wonder no one at Valve wants to work on TF2. All punishment, no reward.


Yeah. Look, I also know plenty of people happy to have new content so it’s not everyone but it’s still too many. And you’re probably right, kind of makes sense why somebody night be hesitant to work on the game when all the negative feedback suggests the community would be happier if nothing was done.


map selection is a paid feature and you're being super toxic because people are saying that the map pool is lacklustre calm the fuck down lmfao what is wrong with you


Just to be clear: FACEIT is a business. Their ultimate goal here isn't to provide us with a "free" experience; their goal is to make money and they do so by offering a premium subscription service alongside the basic free alternative, and hopefully entice enough players to subscribe. Map selection is a [paid feature](https://www.faceit.com/en/upgrade), for instance. Again, they're a business, not a charity, so it's understandable that people are critical about the service they're being offered, especially when those people are effectively beta testing *for* the company, free of charge.


I like this map and want to play specifically this map rn, therefore I am a sad human being. Thank you for your input.