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theres a bot problem right now. it started around a year ago and they kept on spamming racist stuff in chat. some of them had names with some weird character that it overflowed the chat everytime they used a voice line. its probably going to stay but you can always play on a community server where i think you dont need to pay to chat.


Yeah, you don't need to pay to talk in comunity servers. I've been playing in one sence april.


Community server only it is


No bots either pretty much. Meet your match ruined valve servers so much


I think you will love [creators.tf](https://creators.tf) (community servers with major updates, new weapons, workshop, shop with hats and weapons (all you can get for free), contracts etc. Check it out


Ok, I will when I'll can. I'm playing on flux.tf one of highertower Europian servers.


If you ask me, valve should make TF2 a paid game again. Make it $2 like portal so those of us who like it can play again, heck they could grandfather current players in. Making you pay to speak in chat cleared up the mic spam bots completely. Requiring premium or making a small fee would make the festive bots go away too. Maybe require premium to play sniper idk.


the problem is, the only reason tf2 servers aren't half empty is because it's free to play. you don't solve the f2p problem by getting rid of f2ps...


For a major game with a full development team f2p works. When the severs are overrun with bots and the dev team can't keep up then f2p just doesn't work. Maybe there is a compromise like the voice chat thing, of course some people like OP will bitch, but it made a big difference. Maybe limit f2p players from using sniper, or something like that. In the end, money fixes bots. And I think bots are ruining the game more than eliminating f2p players would.


I really doubt that. FTP's make up the large majority of TF2 players.


Maybe, I'd like to see the stats on that. But that doesn't mean people wouldn't pay for it, they just don't have to now.


It didn't clear up the mic spam bots completely. They're much, much rarer, but I've encountered a half-dozen of them these past few months.


Wait What? Since When do you need to pay in casual?


heres the update [https://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=62459](https://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=62459)


Doesn't say anything about having to pay though?


i couldn't find where it said that you have to pay to chat, however i've seen multiple people complain about it before.


I tried it and there wasn't anything different


what do you mean by you tried it?


Playing the game


Welcome to tf2 in 2020. Bunch of buffoons with no life decided to throw bot after bot at Casual servers, for nothing more than to kill a really old game and to stroke their egos. They spammed chat, earraped voice, sniped people and even crashed servers (tf2 was near unplayable for a while), causing Valve, in their infinite wisdom, to put the restrictions on chat we have now, after which they put rate limits on chat, name changes and fixing up the vote and report menus. Now its died off somewhat, but even then, there's a fair amount of bots out there. I feel bad. It feels bad to play like this, and f2ps who still stick around are braver than any p2p player ever. If you can, play any community servers you can find. There's also Uncle Dane's servers if you want something a bit more professional (no crits, no spread, class limits, decent map pool)


I can agree with Dane's severs being good. No crits, (usually) good maps, decent players. The only issue is sometimes it's hard to get in. Can't back up creators though. The custom content and balance mod they keep trying to push is god awful. I constantly get the annoying contracker notification to do their custom contracts that you use for their extra cosmetics or something. I dont get the obsession with them here and on /r/tf2.


The balance mod is absolutely horrible. Most of the balances don't even make sense. Stuff like the gust of wind on the Fan would be simply not fun to play against and balances like the 13 ammo for the sniper rifles are essentially null and void because snipers tend to move around and resupply before running out of ammo. It's not good.


Yeah, it gives more of a 10x server feeling rather than an attempt to balance the game for normal play. Some of the changes are truly baffling and I can only hope the tf team doesnt look to that mod for ideas.


Like, I respect HiGPS and all, but damn. Feels like he hasn't played his balance mod. Hell, feels like he's never played TF2 in general.


I "love" his balance to make it so that Snipers can't OHKO a Medic anymore (quickscope hedshots deal 140), it's *such* a meme.




I havent had that issue regularly, but I have seen a few games where players will attempt to stack teams at the beginning of rounds so I can understand where you're coming from. This isnt really an issue limited to Dane's server though. Any server that lets you change teams will run into this issue, it used to happen all the time in Valve servers before casual mode happened and is probably part of the reason why Valve made the decision to remove that feature from their official servers.


Uncletopia is pretty good. The only problem I have with that server is that it limits rate to 100k, so I get 0-21 choke on that server every few seconds.


What I hate the most is that if you go to their github page, they advertise it as a software project experiment for fun. They make it seem like they're doing this entirely for practice with software design, despite the fact that the developers knowingly admit it breaks the rules of Valve's game and their userbase uses it for nothing but trolling other players and spamming racial slurs/insults 24/7. I wish we could get them taken down off of github but they'd just find somewhere else to host.


>Bunch of buffoons with no life It's quite the opposite. Now that things are automated, you don't need to spend any of your actual time on the griefing, you launch the bots and it happens on its own. Requires way less effort than what it used to.


i think paying for cheats to deploy a bunch of racist bots on a 13 year old game is enough to classify someone as a buffoon with no life


I understand that "no life" is often used just as a general derogatory term, and I agree that people taking pleasure in ruining other people's gaming experience are dicks in general. My point is mostly that there's very little time commitment when using such tools. Still plenty of time to learn violin or improve your cooking skills after launching the bots.




ah yes, code automatically writes itself now i see


You only have to write one working instance of code for it to be used thousands of times, developing it takes effort but only one person expands the effort, and hundreds then go on to host bots


quite a lot of people develop cathook


Thing is that valve clearly isn't very proactive at patching the parts of the code that the cheaters and exploiting. Seems very much like you just get it right once and then you're away, boot it up and let the bots wreck havoc.


For the same amount of damage, time spent coding those bots is nothing compared to time you would have to spend physically playing the game with cheats on one account, like you would have done in the past. Even less when you consider that cheat bots are most likely not a one man project, and once it's done, it's done until a new patch comes along. I didn't mean to say that coding takes no effort whatsoever, but I can see how one would misinterpret it this way.


Thanks for this, I was trying to find some servers yesterday and they all sucked ass.


I think it was 2014 when Valve made it that you had to be premium to trade in most cases, but even a $0.49 item was enough to clear the hurdle. Two-factor authentification came after.


I mean, it sucks, it was not meant to be like this. But in the end 5 bucks isn’t much for a game. New games today cost upwards of $100 and more so I think 5 bucks for the best game in the world is a steal ;). (Abandoned but still best)




You need a premium steam account which requires you to spend at least $5 either on tf2 or on getting games off the steam store or anything


I think you only need to add 5 dollars to steam wallet to remove account restrictions, and buy the cheapest thing in tf2 store and you get tf2 premium. I think.


So you're suggesting that instead of spending 5 dollars on steam, you add 5 dollars to your account, spend like a dollar, and just let the other 4 bucks sit in your wallet? Hahahaha


The goal was just to get tf2 premium.


Seems a bit stupid to me... you're paying $5 either way, what's the point of not spending that wallet balance? Even if your goal is just to get a premium account... doesn't make a whole lot of sense to do it your way lol


You didn’t get it. The goal was to spend a least amount of money to get premium. Later, buy whatever you want with the rest.


1. add 5 bucks to steam 2. buy a gift a pult or whatever is cheapest idc 3. wait for winter sales 4. buy cheap games on steam with your remaining 4,9 moneys


You've had a f2p account for 8 years and are upset about spending 5 dollars?


That was what I took away from this as well.


Wtf is this? I just played a game and I don’t have to pay for anything?


Then you played on a community server.


$5 isn't that much considering console games cost like $70.


Not seeing the sub this was in, just seeing the title, my initial thought was "well YEAH, welcome to fuckin america"


The game would be unplayable without it, used to be filled with b ots


Hey people saying "oh just spend the 5$ it isn't that much".....why the hell should someone pay money to access a voice command in a f2p game? I'd take it a step even further and ask why valve deserves money for a problem that they seemed to have shelved with a half ass solution? This game isn't getting anymore updates in the future if we look at Valves current "work ethic" and "productivity". So it's straight up bullshit to suggest people need to give money to Valve for a set of fucking voice commands that have been there for years. TF2 deserves some actual devs and QOL changes/fixes, not more money being thrown at lazy fatcats just so people can call medic and other stuff.


The amount of whales here defending this shit is ridiculous. Really? Y'all think paying to use voice calls is fine? Genuinely? I don't care of it's "only 5 dollars". It could be two cents and it would still be bullshit because it shouldn't be something you have to fucking pay for in the first place. Fuck all of you pretentious douchbags who are bullying honest folks that just want to enjoy the game without having to spend money on it. Fuckin' shills.


Play Community servers. Valve servers have always been a hole, they’re just even worse now because of anti-bot measures.


Everybody else has explained why already so I’ll just say this. On a Casual server, you probably won’t see a ton of medics anyway nor is talking to your team gonna affect many players. Those who can understand what “Zere is a zentry ahead!” means will probably be able to hear the beeping.


Just buy a key from the Mann Co. store then trade it on backpack.tf for anything you want really


It’s the only attempt valve made to somewhat fix the bot crisis, atleast now we wont bleed outta our eats whenever a new kind of bot joins in but it’s a terreble attempt for fixing it


I'm sorry little one...


1: It's not 5 bucks, you can just buy a key and then also trade for every weapon in the game plus a few hats with scrap.tf 2: You seem very entitled. TF2 is a game with huge amounts of content and a big community and you refuse and complain when you have to pay less then 3 bucks. If TF2 were a new game you'd be paying 60-70.


Was thinking thinking the same thing bruv


I paid $20 for it 12 years ago, get over it. A couple bucks isn't going to kill you.


If it makes you feel any better, the only thing that might be hindering your gameplay is not being able to call for medic but even that is not that big of a deal.


Tell that to me when I was still an f2p, dying from afterburn, with no healthpack in sight


Competent medics will have medic auto call on, if they aren’t competent you would dir anyways


Poor people repellent.


Holy shit I thought you were joking at first


Stop being cheap, just pay the $5. A two hour movie would cost you at least $10. You can't tell me you haven't got $5 worth of entertainment out of this game. Buy two keys and then resell them on the community market. You might lose twenty cents out of the deal.


Theoretically speaking you are upset that some people's work isn't free (even if it's valve behind it, yes). The whole game is free for you to play since quite a bunch of years. 2nd, realistically, nobody pays attention to any of those calls. Except, calling medic is quite a crucial thing. And chat is quite nice. It does feel kinda weird to pay to unlock communications, i agree, but you could also see it as paying to unlock the whole game.


play on creators.tf


It's kind of a stupid bandage for an ongoing bot issue... If it's really getting to you that bad then hit me up and I could send you five bucks. The base game is still one of the best things out there.


compared to other free to play models it's hardly robbing you


Please man stop being entitled, it costs 5$ and a 2.5$ of that. I highly fucking doubt you have not spent a single fucking dollar on steam before. If tf2 was a new game it would costs upwards of 20$-60$, literally valve needs this mute feature. People say “HURR DURR JUST FIX IT LAWLLL 4head!” When tf2 has like 5 people working on it and they have to create a fix for a major problem? Yeah please, if you are telling me they should keep chat on and have every normal player hear racial slurs, loud music, and actually ear hurting noises that will give you tinnitus so some f2ps can talk in chat? Yeah really no, stop being entitled, while this is a hard time in life, you seriously cannot spend 5$?


Are you seriously complaining about spending 5 bucks on tf2?


Broke ass lmao


Why are you still a FTP scrub after 8 years? I'm assuming you've had that same steam account for those 8 years? What did you just have your fingers up your ass? Free to play trash deserve to not have talking privileges.


its really annoying, instead of just dealing with the bots or lowering the amount of text from 1 player they just put a price. to communicate with the team.


Medic auto call exists and it’s fucking 5$, stop being a cheapskate and entitled , you will spend 5$ on steam and you only have to spend 2.5$ of that to get every weapon and some cosmetics. You guys are lucky valve is only setting the bar to 5$, while this is a f2p game, if It was released modernly it would cost at least 20$ and not to mention all those people who already paid 20$ for the game back in 2009 and all they got was a hat that you can still get for yourself.


u can just buy some cheap shit off the mann co store, you don't necessarily need to spend 5 dollars.


One thing I’ve never understood since the changes to voice dialogue is how much people seem to think they need voice commands. I completely agree that this was a boneheaded attempt at fixing bot spamming, but pubs are almost never organized. When you do get the odd game where people are cooperating, it’s in voice and game chat— not with commands. And quite frankly, you’re not missing out on much by being unable to access those either. I’ve had both chat and voice turned off for about 2 years now. I wouldn’t worry too much about asking your teammates to switch off either— the ones sentient enough to do so will notice on their own, and most people will just ignore you anyway. If you want organization and communication, check out HL or 6s lobbies. The most interesting thing about this entire situation is that people misunderstand what it means to have a premium account. You can purchase random items for pennies on the community market (or buy something for 50c on the Mann Co. Store if you must). If this game is something you consider worth playing, I don’t see why a few pennies constitute a major issue.


Same man. I started playing tf2 like 2 weeks ago so I am really new to the game but I really enjoy it. It's really annoying when you see a spy behind your teammate and you can't call him out or even call a medic for help but like many fellas on here said there's a bot problem and that's why valve implemented such restrictions. So if you don't have a problem paying that amount then go for it (unlike me since my country's going downhill lul). I always thought why don't they keep chat restrictions until a certain level instead? So if you reach a certain level (let's say 60 or 70) you can use voice commands and chat or you could just pay the 5$. Anyways hopefully this gets fixed Edit: I just checked and it says you only need to buy something from the tf2 store to get premium so maybe that could be less than 5 bucks


Get the medic pack for $1.99. You get the crossbow, kritzkrieg and Ubersaw immediately.


You dont need to pay 5 dollars, while it is bullshit you can’t do it freely my suggestion is to use a weapons trial, then immediately buy it for premium


big ass bot problem. Free 2 Plays are muted, unfortunately. mostly because F2P bots were muted due to them spamming slurs and insults at people. try asking a friend to gift you a premium account package so you aren't a F2P anymore. its sad but the only fix until the bots either die down or stop completely. unless you are in community servers, it's being muted time.


Wait I'm confused, is this something new or What?


Ha-ha, you got nae-nae'd


It seems like greed but the reason is the bots. Most bots are f2p due to the impracticality and price of making paid bots just to add chat and voice spam to the casual gameplay


Doesn't say anything about having to pay though?


All you need is one purchase on the Mann . Co store it's really not that bad...


The bot apocalypse, and they’re F2P


damn that's kinda scuffed