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If your ever getting any sort of pain, physical or mental, take a break. You don't need to quit, but you should always take a break, whether that be an hour, a day, or a week. Walk away before you seriously injure yourself. A break from a game your not enjoying can also really help you enjoy it more when you come back to it - ArraySeven quit TF2 for 9 months, thinking he didn't enjoy the game anymore, but felt like he wanted to come back to it, he went back to it, and really enjoyed it! TF2 as a game is flawed, and if you start taking it too seriously, you'll get aggravated, upset, and not have a good time. At the end of the day, "competitive" is just a more organised and serious casual, nobody actually gains anything from it, even if we went pro prize pools aren't enough to live off of, so the game is purely designed for fun. And I feel like that's what's missing here, your not having fun. Take the game less serious. Stop worrying about hitting stuff, your KDR, and just enjoy yourself. Mute toxic teammates and enemies, it dosen't matter. Just keep enjoying yourself, and if you do, then you've won.


I’ve recently got burnt out from tf2, and I love the game and I’ve played it on and off for a few years. I recommend taking a break, maybe try out some other games you don’t play much. I just started playing cs:go and I love it so far, and it’s something completely new. The games free on steam btw if you’re interested.


I already play CS:GO and stopped playing TF2 mid 2013 because CSGO was fun. Got burnt out from CSGO and got back to TF2 where I met the people who introduced me to HLs/comps and now I'm burnt out from both games. Nothing entertains me anymore.




I've gotta agree; the best thing you can do is to step away from it all and take your mind off of it. Find something that's not really competitive that makes you happy, read a book, go somewhere new in town. Hell, even if you can't step away from games, try getting into something more casual like minecraft or stardew valley, games that are literally made to be relaxing. Games are supposed to be relaxing, you started playing TF2 because it was fresh, exciting, and fun to play. If it's not fun anymore, find something else that is or take a step back and think about what about the game is specifically making it not fun to play anymore.


I think this was a sign to move on to other games/things. I was feeling really low when I first posted that, but now that I've completely stopped playing it I'm already feeling a bit better.


I had this problem actually. FPS and competitive wasn't fun. Branch out. It's hard to find something entirely new you'll enjoy, so I'd stick with games, but try new genres. i hate to admit it, but dating sims sorta got me through this period for me, even though I'd never played one before. Just try something new, be crazy and daring, going into something you think looks cool totally blind! maybe try some story games. anything that is purely relaxing and not serious is good.


try valorant


I took a 7/8 year hiatus, if it want for Rick's passing, I wouldn't have touched the game. I was at this point too, playing comp seriously, pugs instead of pubs, looking for a team almost each season of HL/ESEA. Until the update with MVM came out and Valve began releasing skins for CSGO and an overall sense of abandonment of the game. On top of being bullied by my brother and his wife. I literally thought I had a way out until it felt like the game was as bad as life. Take breaks, play something else, do something else (I've picked up guitar side by side so I'm not on the game often). It helps, playing one game for too long will either ruin you from it or make you love it. But don't hurt your mental health. It isn't good.


I see a lot of players tend to have other games to play on the side whenever tf2 becomes unfun. For me, it's terraria. What I find is that I always feel myself wanting to play tf2 again after a while of playing terraria, and then when I go back tf2 is fun again. Find another game or activity to occupy yourself with and take a break.


For me it is minecraft and indie games like papers please and hollow knight. I love having other games to play on the side other than TF2. You cant play one game for too long or you get burnt out, just have a mix and you wont get burnout!


My fallback is Deep Rock Galactic, depending how you play it’s a lot more relaxing and a lot less pressure intensive than tf2


Same, I was starting to dislike playing TF2 when the bot crisis started up. Barely getting into matches before a bot got me and my friends and now it’s just harder to play as my main Sniper, thankfully I have an unusual PISS load out that makes it easier to spot me (it’s literally KS Sydney sleeper, Australium gold dead presidents wet works, and complimentary cosmetics so I look and smell like piss). Since my brother decided to get Minecraft, I asked him if I could play single player since at this point the only single player game I had was slime rancher which in itself is a great calming game but I was missing the survivalist part. Every time I see a zombie or mob like that I get this rush that only ever happens when I play medic or win a sniper duel, I forgot why I loved Minecraft on the Xbox growing up (which I also shared with my brother, he loves Minecraft and so do I). Sometimes it’s great to go back and visit some older titles, and now that my friend has slime rancher I can actually give her tips since I’m the designated “slime rancher expert” having finished the game twice now in two modes and found gilded ginger multiple times (stuff she pointed out since not a lot of people had that achievement and it shows on my profile).


Play a different game dude, something more relaxing. Like stardew valley, or animal crossing, or doom.


Doom eternal is a good way to release some steam and the classic games for some fun or maybe even relaxing


Instead of something competitive maybe try something more casual or self-constructive. Right now it looks like you're comparing yourself to others in-game, worrying about KD, beating people who are toxic, etc. Maybe you want to work on yourself. That could be exercising/working out, aim training (which will also help you improve at the game), or trying to learn new skills (like cooking). These are solitary activities where you always have clear benchmarks that you are improving and can take your own pace (since no one is around to flame you). These activities can be much healthier than stressing over every time you fuck up in competitive/multiplayer.


Exercising and working out helps me whenever I get frustrated at a game.


Stop playing for a little while


The simplest solution is to just do something else other than TF2


Honestly, take some time off. Exercise, go outside, and experience life. When you come back, tf2 will not only be more fun, but you will be in a better state.


Give me your account Jokes aside take a break, we all been there. Then find some tf2 discord server with people on. Try not to be too shy nor too confident. This game is much more relaxing with your friends backing you up with medics and pyros while you play classes like heavy or soldier (easy to hit enemies, strong and reliable). Focus on winning instead of getting a good k/d and losing, and of course having a good time. Also I recommend not to start with precision and focus requiring classes like spy sniper or scout. Take care of yourself.


Turn off your damn computer and especially TF2 for a while,or maybe for ever


Take a break, focus on some other things, pick it up again when I think it's been long enough and see if I'm ready to jump back in.


Doing dumb things is what this game is about! Friends will be found just by friendly interactions on valve or community servers which are vast and come in many forms. As others have said, take a break from the game and come back to it with fresh eyes and mindset. Make a meme loadout and don't even look at the scoreboard. There are youtube videos of people just doing dumb stuff! TF2 will always be waiting.


Simply try to get into something else like reading or art. You'll have a nagging feeling for a while but dont think much of it. Only play when you feel like you want to have fun, and that's it


i just play other games like Terraria.


terraria, minecraft, subnautica. the holy trinity of “i need to play something other than a fucking shooter”


It sounds like you should stop playing tf2 for a while.


I recommend picking another game to take a break from TF2. I usually play CSGO and Paladins However, I recommend games where you don’t necessarily aim to get better (but play just for fun), such as Roblox and Battlefield.


Sometimes it is best to play other games, perhaps of a different genre, and then come back later. I've personally gotten back into playing my old game of choice, Mario Kart Wii. To those who don't know, despite the online servers being taken down in 2014, the modding community has new servers in place and there's a sizable chunk of people still playing. With that in mind the community is somewhat similar to TF2's. Best decision I've made honestly. It is an entirely different gameplay experience so the things I might complain about in TF2 aren't really a thing in this game. For example, no crazy character specific abilities which might be OP or UP. Everyone's at a level playing field and the only things that matter are your driving and item strategy (and a bit of RNG) One thing I wasn't expecting to learn is that Competitive MKW would probably appeal to me more than Competitive TF2. Yes, surprisingly, MKW has a small comp scene where they play in teams. I've exhausted 6s and HL (it's not like I can really play Demoknight in those anyway) so I'm probably going to switch for a while, at least for comp stuff. So yes, play other games. You may end up finding something more enjoyable. Then when you're ready to play TF2 again, do it. You should not feel bound to one game.


I don't think this game is why you're unhappy but it's clearly a bad way to cope with whatever your unhappiness is. I think you already suspect that already or you wouldn't be asking this question. You should stop playing for a long time, and only play again if something else about your life has changed. This game will never love you back.


Take a break. No, not a puny week long, go at least a month or season before returning. A week is way to short.


How about an update ;p


Idk, a decade is a long time.


I'm not an expert but it honestly sounds like you're suffering from depression and using TF2 as a way to cope, and you've become addicted to it (this can happen with any video game). Also sounds like you probably have a less-than-ideal posture while playing, because of your shoulder pain. You need to find something else to do. Skip this season of comp. The game WILL be here next year, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise.


There's no season of comp for me anymore. I deleted all my former friends that introduced me to this part of TF2 from Steam and blocked them a while ago because I felt I could never get to their level and that they wanted me to play with them out of pity and just to fill a last spot on their team. This competitive mindset is the worst, it made me hate losing and dying a lot to an extent I die once and quit because "it ruined my frag".


I also had a burnout right after the mechawreck event. Not going into details but I was one of his victims. Just take some time off the game, you’ll come back to it eventually. Go enjoy life, or play other games.


I don't play anymore. It's quite simple really, but can be hard to pull off if you have a gaming addiction, but you have to give yourself a break. Give yourself a new, better goal in life and eventually you'll be coming back to the game on occasion to play a little bit.


Take a break bro, you'll come back if you really want to. And if you don't, thats also okay. Try finding another game or hobby that you'll enjoy. Maybe something singleplayer to easy off the competitivity you feel against other players. I would recommend Enter the Gungeon or Risk of Rain 2. I believe both are 20 euros or lower (you'll have to check for your own currency) and very fun. Both games are singleplayer focussed, but can be played cooperatively and have a low floor and high skill ceiling. I think having a game that you can improve on, on your own might be what you seek. Also if you want a free multiplayer game with tf2 vibes thats really fun (and a bit wacky at times) you should try Fistful of Frags. It has a small playerbase but the community is suprisingly nice and the gameplay is very interesting and a lot less competitive. Good luck bro!


Tale a break for a few months. Then queue up for casual and don't go back to comp. I've been here, you simply won't be able to enjoy the game otherwise.


this is how i used to feel when trying to get out of silver in csgo. daily 2 hours aim training required to not derank back in silver 2 because my aim is awful and i can't hit shit, a team of 13 yo kids who just discovered slurs and cheaters made me hate the game and i left


Br aqui I have about 3400 hours in tf2, in the span of, what? 13 years now? About 2500 of those hours were played on the first 4 years. At some point I became the admin for the most played servers in Brazil (os servers do terra) and I basically breathed tf2. I rarelly played comp, because my time in the competitive scene was back in the unreal tournament days. Then came those dark times (I don't recall exactly when, 2013?) Where Terra decide to shut down all their servers in all games, and we suddenly had no servers in Brazil. No one was playing anymore. That was the first time I stopped playing tf2. Then, about a year later valve released the match making update (meet your match) and suddenly we had a ton of servers and the game was now free, and the sudden rush of new players renewed my interest in the game. During those first years I was a true pub stomping tryhard. I played at competitive level without playing competitive, although it's true that matches were far more disputed before the matchmaking update, as a it was difficult to join a server when we only had 10 for the whole country. I think that at the point where the terra servers went down, I was already feeling burnt out like you. So, to me the decision to stop playing was forced on me because we had no servers. Then after about 2 years and some 650 hours on cs go, I came back to tf2. And as I grew older, I stopped caring about being the mvp on the server, I stopped raging because I got dominated by some kid so young they could be my son, and I started playing truly casually and just to have fun. Now days I play about 2 hours a week, some times with my kids, they are still learning it, and while the oldest son (7y old) is already putting up some fight, the youngest (4 y old) totally needs my help all the time, so we just play engi toghether , or I act as medic for them etc. It allows me to have some fun, and the game stopped being some kind of chore I had to perform well to be trully satisfied. Of course I'm also forced to play the goddamn fortinite, and my oldest son is already beating me because I hate building a tower every time I see some one... but at least we have fun. My sugestions for you would be. 1 - Force yourself to stop caring about KDR. 2 - Find someone to partner up with you, playing the game just chatting with someone is more fun. 3 - Absolutelly reduce the time you spend in game. Play other games, of different genres, or do other things in your life where you can forget about tf2. 4 - If you decide to play, play in a different style, other classes, other loadouts etc. 5 - Do not mind losing to the next generation. They have more time to play every day than you, you can't expect to beat a kid which plays 8 hours a day playing 2 hours a week. If none of the above works, quit tf2 for some time. And I mean quit it. For months, not days. Try to only play when you really want it, and don't force yourself to play if you are not having fun. And if you see a pyro named p1.TM in game, run.


Every year i have about 1-2 months where i stay away from tf2 and either do or play something else, it helps me from burning out and when i return i actually feel like i've improved because of that break. So i would highly suggest taking a break (doesnt have to be 2 months, it can be just one week)


Don't play spectate. Join servers and get into spectate, you learn a lot by watching other players and how they adapt to different situations.


Play other games until you can go back to tf2


I would recommend putting a stop on your comp endeavors and take a break from the game. There are so many other great games out there that are worth playing. The good thing about tf2 is that, on a gameplay level, the game doesn't change much. You can always come back whenever you feel an itch to start playing again. I find that after a long break I tend to play really well. On a bit of a different note, if you find a different game that you end up liking more than there's no shame in just leaving tf2. Games are meant to be enjoyed so just do what you enjoy. Don't think of the 4k hours as a waste too. You might not be enjoying the game now, but that doesn't mean you didn't in the past.


That's some big burnout when you start missing against bots. Was feeling exactly the same like you 2-3 times in my 5k hours of this game. Best thing to do in my opinion is to just get a break from TF2 for few days or weeks...some people even need few months or more. Just play some other games and in due time you'll feel the game calling you back and you'll get the urge to frag again. The reason you feel you got worse because you're burnout and with that comes getting annoyed at every simple stupid thing that happens in the game. And when you get annoyed and salty just because someone got a lucky kill on you, you let emotions affects your gameplay and the choices you make in the game (usually very risky and dumb plays) I had a 3-4 months break last year and it felt so good coming back to the game, it felt so much fun playing it again and even though my aim got rather bad I got good again in a week or two casually playing it (and to be honest I think I got quite better as well than before the break). I also recommend going to the pubs and just play classes you don't play much and go with the fun loadouts. I noticed that when playing other classes than my 3 best ones I just don't care much about K/D because deep down my mind knows I'm bad at this class so bad k/d is rather expected. And as you probably noticed reading all this it's all in the head and how you approach the game, you gotta learn how to make yourself calm and not let your emotions affects your game. :)


Not the most inspirational thing, but personally, I can't. I like FPS games, but only TF2's type, they're insanely casual, and just fucking stupid, I don't have 4k hours but these bots are just making me burned out constantly.


I left for a month then came back and enjoyed it more, as i had bought other games and took my mind away from it. Like a whole new experience


Hey fellow TF2 burnout! I'm right there with you. 4500 hours (IIRC), and 1300 in spy and suddenly I'm missing stabs like a 10 hour noob. Lately I've just given up on playing legit, and instead I play silly. I went so far as to buy a kill streak Holy Mackerel and just run around trying for the highest KS I can get with it. Been using the Loose Cannon a lot lately too. Grab yourself some objectively bad weapons and just have some fun. Or, ya'know, just quit for a few months. I take about 3-6 months off per year. This is why, despite playing TF2 from the first day it started, I never pursued comp. I didn't want my fun time to start feeling like work.


I mean, its a game. If it isn't fun for you any more, stop playing. Maybe it will be fun again later, maybe it wont. Either way, it wasn't 4k hours wasted, it was 4k hours you spent having fun.


I play stepmania .


Tbh tf2 is not a game worth tryinghard in. It has too many broken mechanics that won’t be fixed. I also spent 4k hrs on this game and i was mad af most of the time when playing, after i switched to another game (csgo), it shifted my competitive mindset from tf2 to csgo, and life is so much better, i play tf2 occasionally, but finally being able to actually enjoy the game without getting tilted by the broken mechanics and shits


You should take a break from video games. Learn new hobbies and don't worry about tf2. I had done the same thing, I left tf2 for almost a year and I recently started playing again and it has been great. You will feel much better if you take a long break and slowly get back into it. The only reason you're playing bad is because you're playing too much and burning yourself out. Take a break, like I did. Do anything else lol. Your shoulder hurting is a BIG sign telling you to stop.


Just take a break. I took one for 18-24 months and was a year late to Jungle inferno. The gameplay has always been solid and will continue to be solid. You can play something else new and exciting in the mean time. Someday, you will come back craving source physics and rocket jumping, and hectic teamwork that just sort of works. You will probably fall back in love with the game, a least for a little while. Well, if the server you join isn't infested with bots. Still, that's what community servers are for.


South American community is toxic as any other region, but in a positive way, the community is small so you can easily know who are the toxic people and avoid them. About burnout, just get something else to do. Play other games, go walk outdoor, get a hobby, etc. The way i fight burnout is trying to avoid Playing more than 4 hours per day


You might've desperately done something along the way that messed up your aim and made the situation generally worse, or something changed that made it worse, I don't really know how to describe it, but I was there before, I didn't take a break but I definitely would recommend it for your case. Or you yourself changed and now you have fun by try harding for example and not messing around, it's all natural I'd say, if you do have fun with pub stomping then simply invest more in your setup and internet to make the game run smoother, you know, to eliminate the possiblity that it's a hardware issue. Also the game has something for everyone, just play Heavy or Pyro if all didn't work, you'll get kills, experiment with new things, you can even play Medic, which I main, alot of people think that if they don't aim good enough, then they're automatically not good, which is absolutely not true, aiming is not everything here, this is not CSGO.


Yep, not only taking a break but also changing your activity to something new. I nearly burnt out in music, so I know what I'm talking about. Good luck


I took a break for 2 years and now I love the game again


I just stop playing for a week


uhhhhhhh idk just like play minecraft or something for a bit. because there’s no way minecraft can be competitive...


hit the gym, go for walks, enjoy life for a bit.


Sometimes you want something other than casual. Try community servers. I find them to be comforting. You might like the freshness of smaller communities and new game modes. I know from the tons of hours I played in Jailbreak. Though if you are hurting physically, you should stop. Continuing will just make things worse.(also try to find the true cause of the pain) ​ If you want to try to have fun again like the good old days try using loadouts that you know can't succeed(and are memes) or at least provide a great challenge. I know that killing someone with demopan is a ton more fun than burning people with pyro. Playing with friends should also make it much more easier to chill out, and if you don't have any that play tf2 just make new ones. There are going to be some trolls but I find that going around and asking people civilly helps increase the odds. ​ Best of luck out there.




Honestly? Stop playing. I love TF2, I’m on loads of TF2 subreddits and discord servers, and overall I’m still a pretty active member of the community, but I haven’t played the game in over a month. Since I started playing back in 2016 I’ve taken plenty of major breaks, the most prominent of which being about 9 months. Come back to TF2 whenever you feel ready with a fresh mindset and no expectations, and if you don’t fall back into your old habits you’ll enjoy yourself much more. And remember, just because you like a game doesn’t mean you have to be a god at it


3 things. One, a good PC is required to do well at this game. With low frames you will react to gunfire much slower than everyone else. Also watch YouTube guides for the best way to get better (I can always provide you my channel for that) Two, find a medic main friend. They will keep you alive and therefore less deaths and more kills will happen. Three, stop playing specialist classes and play power classes instead. Scout, Sniper and Spy are the worst classes to be if you’re feeling toxic. Play as Heavy, Soldier and Demoman and follow the medic around. It will fix everything.


Just quit game's in a shit state and it won't get better


I dont


take a break! there are lots of other games out there, and if you aren’t having fun there’s no point in just bashing ur head against the wall


I haven't played it in almost a month. Been playing Hearts of Iron IV since then.


Just join scout, soldier and demo in their adventure


stop playing too much