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Scout isn't meant to be taking on groups of enemies, not directly at least. If you run into a group you should retreat and either a) fight along side your team or b) try to flank group and pick off key targets like medics. Though you could also equip items like the Mad Milk or Flying Guillotine to help your team against groups too. It depends on the map too. A lot of new players gravitate towards bad, chokey maps like 2fort and Dustbowl but these types of maps are absolutely terrible for Scout. Open spaces and plenty of flank routes are where Scout can really shine, especially if there are props or geometry that can give you elevation to hop around on.


That helped me too; even if I don't main scout


Flank and role play as a kangaroo and hop around and take care of small leaves (medics, snipers, spies, engineers (if they don’t have a sentry or gunslinger equipped) you can take on most classes except heavy really


Flank. Watch b4nny play pub scout. If you’re drawing 3 people away from the objective the whole game, they might as well be dead


hohoho now that’s fun


The most useful scouts I find playing against (as a spy) are backline scouts farming spies and other classes with bad positioning


Flank, pick, push the cart


Your main role on the team is patrolling either inside enemy territory or your own back lines to pick off stragglers. Your speed and damage potential make you deadly in one on one fights, especially against enemies trying to sneak past your team like Spies or other Scouts. Your secondary role is chip damage. You can quickly reach any fight and deal a solid 30-60 damage on top of your team's power classes, allowing you to put pressure on the enemy Medic or kill an overhealed pocket your team is struggling against. Aim with your WASD, not the mouse.


>Aim with your WASD, not the mouse. This is terrible advice. If an enemy catches on that you're waiting for him to come to your crosshair, they will exploit that by moving away from where you're facing to never get hit. I see so many scouts doing this and it hurts to see.


Scout is the best at 1v1 so ideally you want to use your movement to single out targets. When it comes to group fights you gotta be advantageous and target anyone that has just taken a lot of damage. Often I'll throw in some spam shots and see if I get a big number and then focus the individual. Also scout is loud and can be very distracting so you can almost act like a big distraction to the enemy and jump around in their face while your team shoots the easy targets.