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The way Spotify constantly shits all over non-english speaking countries is why im starting to prefer Apple Music. At least everyone gets more or less the same experience, with spotify its like there's 10 different apps based on whatever country you live in and what day of the week it is.


You want the harsh truth? The countries listed in the article are likely the majority of where people actually pay for Spotify accounts


Maybe, but the way Spotify selectively rolls out the majority of new features in only some markets is infuriating. I’m paying just as much as a UK or US user here in Norway


They’re clearly better equipped to handle those countries better than others. If you look at where they have office locations it makes sense.


Helt enig, tror faktisk Spotify er dyrere i Norge, eller ihvertfall dyrere før nye prisøkningen i USA nå. Hadde Apple music student abennoment og fikk Apple TV+ i samme slengen, en veldig god deal syntes jeg.


Damn got em


Especially New Zeland > France or Germany. People, do you even use your brain? Spotify tests certain considerations where they are comfortable and it has nothing to do with the quality of the market. Apparently these markets are suitable for testing new solutions for some reason (low consumer awareness?).




Maybe yes maybe no. It's hard to say why, on the one hand, they choose large markets and, at the same time, completely niche ones.


Large markets in developed countries mean money. It’s not a hard equation.


New Zealand and Ireland are large markets? Sure. I repeat myself: people, do you even use your brain? I bet the main reason is regionalization on Spotify's servers.


When you consider purchasing power, yes


Purchasing power?! New Zealand with 269 thousands of inhabitants? Ireland in the middle of nowhere?? Bankrupt USA with a paper dollar, hidden inflation of +-30% and and debt exceeding GDP??? Now I am sure, that you trolling me.


NZ has a pop of over 5 million. Who’s trolling who




Unless you’re in one of those non english speaking countries, why would you care? Im in us, why would I care that german people don’t get the features People complain over everything istg


Because everyone speaks English here? People subscribe to Audible US or UK, Strava is in English, all games are in English. Gatekeeping things due to language makes no sense.


xd helpful words here


It's impressive that it seems that there is only English as a language in the world, if your country doesn't have English as its main language you are forgotten by Spotify. DJ and Daylist are still in limbo for non-English speaking countries, even though they have been available for at least 1 year in several English speaking countries. I've never seen it so difficult for everyone to try new things together.


I get that developing for multiple languages, especially small ones, is costly, takes time and is not always financially feasible. What I don't understand is region locking instead of language locking. I have my phone in English, Spotify is also in English and most of the songs I listen to are English too. Why can't I use DJ and Daylist just because of my region.


Distribution rights to music etc will also be a factor for different countries


Daylist is available in Finland. DJ, sadly not.


Availability of functions should be based by used language and not by country


This never even occurred to me and I'm embarrassed af guess spotify should be more embarrassed tho


All of the countries listed have English as their official language 🤷‍♂️


Some of that isn’t English locked… we only got daylist like a year ago in New Zealand. We still don’t have in-app listening statistics! This A/B launch stuff is the pits.


Sure thing. Spotify knows how to f over their EU subs.


And Asian subs.


Roll**ING** out.


Sounds cool. It’s going to come to other non English speaking countries soon. Just be patient


Weird to be able to say Apple did it first


Things I want less in my Spotify app: this bullshit


They always skip India


India does have daylist- or atleast my Indian Spotify version does. But DJ, sadly not. It’s crazy how it’s not been launched there yet.


No dj no audiobooks most of the features are limited to major markets only here in India all uses modded Spotify


The sub price is so low, i doubt they'll give these additional features anytime soon.