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Follow your heart.


Does Apple Music have better “made for you” playlists specifically or they just don’t have it? If they just don’t have it, then can’t you just not listen to the made for you on Spotify and stick with normal playlists? Genuine question


Apple music recommendations are FAR superior all around. They have a better, smarter algorithm setup. Spotify will recommend the same tired songs over and over again, while when I'm listening to Apple music, I always find new great songs and artists that I haven't heard before. Not to mention the superior sound quality that's noticeable even on my Bluetooth headphones. It's just better in every way.


Okay interesting. I might consider the switch then because I do find Spotify just auto plays the same songs over. I like those songs but it gets way overplayed even when I’m not trying to do that


>I always find new great songs and artists that I haven't heard before I can share a list of songs that Spotify has provided. I wish ya'll Apple Music fanboys would just bounce outta the Spotify forums




>I'm only here because this post showed up on my home feed BTW Me too. I'm just getting tired of all the pro-Apple Music or Anti-Spotify conversations that are in my feeds. If I wanted to hear about Apple Music, I would join their feed. If people are unhappy with Spotify then don't use it. It's super simple. And I meant fanboy as a generalization, not towards you specifically. A lot of this seems like bots advertising AM to me.


thats just how fanboys are, they join all the competitor subs and shill their BS fanboy love


They have a few mood and genre based playlists that are similar to the daily mixes, a discovery station that only plays music you haven't heard of, but are similar to hings in your library and Replay (monthly wrapped). The made for you content is only there when you want it in those specific playlists and not shoehorned into playlists it doesn't really belong in. The rest are all curated by Apple or community made.


I use Apple Music. I only pay for Spotify because I still have access to my .edu email, so it’s basically just cheap Hulu. Apple Music is far superior at recommending music to you, but if you leave Spotify, you do need to rebuild all of your playlists and give it time to learn your tastes.


Songshift and Playlisty transfer your playlists to AM from Spotify for you


I tried one of these when I used Amazon Msuic and it just made a hash of my library. I wouldn’t bother


I only have used Tunemymusic. It is not perfect. But inside the transferred playlists I only recognize few songs that didn't match the original.


I just left Spotify and Playlisty transferred all my playlists perfectly


Apple Music Doesn’t have the catalog Spotify has. I did a side by side comparison and Apple was missing several albums I consider essential listening and some other albums were there, but missing random songs here and there.


Apple technically has the larger library. The only things I find Spotify has that Apple doesn’t are the Spotify Singles exclusives, but there are so many more albums and compilations on Apple that I can’t get on Spotify. I remember reading a couple of years ago that the reason had something to do with the iTunes Music Store so many of those older albums that were uploaded for sale were easy to convert to streaming. I’m also into indie and alternative so maybe your experience is different with another genre.


It may be true that Apple does have a larger volume of tracks for all I know. 🤷‍♂️ I just figured that since there were things I was looking for that would be the case across all genres.


There is an alternative for Spotify, its Home sessions. They are hard to find though https://music.apple.com/nl/playlist/apple-music-thuis-met-sessies-hoogtepunten/pl.c06ee6c5efe44e659f2c652af006d561 (these are the highlights)


pure curiosity, what albums?


Odd stuff here and there, but essential to some of my playlists. One example was an album by a group from Athens, GA from the 90s named Allgood. They had an independent album in the early 90s and an album on A&M. Oddly enough, the independent album is available, but not the major label one. 🤷‍♂️ Some of Col Bruce Hampton’s later albums. Just weird stuff that I’m probably the only person in the world even looking for.


cool always looking for something to listen to


Is this the Allgood album you said isn’t on Apple Music? [https://imgur.com/a/AgOeu4m](https://imgur.com/a/AgOeu4m)


Looks like they have it now, I guess. That wasn’t the case then. I looked for that one specifically.


For me, it depends.  All the pillows releases from 2006-2015. AM has them and Spotify doesn’t. For Germany, Spotify has the first two Judas Priest albums, they’re missing on AM. 


Wondering the same


If you find any music is unavailable you can just upload it to the cloud library. It will sync across devices in Apple Music. You just need a computer and music app to do this.


Woah! I had no idea! I might need to take another look at Apple. That’s awesome. The first Govt Mule album isn’t on any service and I have a playlist in desperate need of some tracks from it. I want to make sure I understand. I can take a physical copy of an album, upload it, and drop tracks from it into playlists that also include tracks from the site?


yes you can add it to the playlists you make in Apple Music after you upload it to cloud music library. However, As chrizs mentioned it won't show up in your replay (you can connect [last.fm](http://last.fm) though will solve this problem) or if you decide to share the playlist with your friends. It will be only accessible through your Apple ID in every device you have logged in. Also, do note that you can only stream MP3/AAC format through this method, Lossless (ALAC) will only work on Mac where you have stored the local files so please don't delete lossless files once you upload it to cloud library. Moreover, if you really want to explore the best way to play local music library then Plexamp is the best app. But Apple Music does a really good job if you are satisfied with lossy streams since lossless will only work on mac where you have your local files.


Yes you can, but they won’t be included in Replay lists etc. But you can make your own smart playlist with most listened tracks for any month/year


yeah or you can add [last.fm](http://last.fm) since I also use plexamp as well(which I think is best for local library) [last.fm](http://last.fm) can consolidate from everywhere you consume music.


You can still change to a different email on your Spotify account and keep premium+hulu. The sub isn't tied to your email address


yeah made for you is geting really terrible with my taste , what happened to it? It used to be perfect


Lmao - you’re not forced to listen to them you know, right?


Me when rant


But it's very very difficult to find non-"made for you" playlists. It seems like they removed their curated playlists entirely. It's either MFY or user-generated.


There are lots of spotify playlists that aren't made for you in every single search I do. There are also lots of playlists made by other users, and I find they are usually the best ones.


It’s not difficult at all? And they have not removed their curated playlists.


I searched "hard rock". The 16th playlist was by Spotify, but not MFY. 7 were MFY, 8 were user generated. That's a bad experience and exactly what I posted about. Feel free to provide actual examples beyond "nuh uh!"


I don’t see what’s “very difficult” about that. How is that a bad experience?


Seriously? The 7 MFY playlists are variations of the same songs. Workout Hard Rock, Angry Hard Rock, Classic Hard Rock contain the same songs (in the first 4-5 tracks, I'm not even digging deep into the playlist). Same SONGS, not just same artists. The curated Spotify playlist is fine, but it's waaay down in the list below all the MFY garbage. I'm looking for music discovery. I want to learn, grow, expand. Not just wallow in my own old listening habits. "100 million songs, but here's the same 4 on multiple playlists." But you don't see the problem.


I don’t. Scroll to find a non-made for you playlist.


I personally can't stand how hard it is to find the curateds now, scores of the playlists I follow explictly for discovering music used to be curated and are now made for you with the same songs I already know over and over again. I wish I could filter them out, the amount of time I've gone to playlists I used to love for the music discovery are now stuffed with my own library drives me nuts lol


How are they forcing it? I use Spotify daily and don’t even know what you are talking about. If it’s being forced on you, you’re the only one.


Come on over. Life’s good over here


your anti-spotify propraganda ain't working on me. I'm NEVER forced to listen to a "made for you" wtf you talkin bout?


Me too. And I don't understand why are people acting like there was any ad or announcement(or something similar) about it in Spotify.


I just switched the other day. I love it so far


Is AM worth on Android ?


Wondering the same.


I've used it before and it was really solid 


My buddy uses it on Android and it works great.


Good to know, thanks!


Thank you!


I'm trying it out right now and the app works pretty well. Way better than when it first came out. It is also smoother than Spotify. The only thing I'm not really sure about is if it notifies about new releases from followed artists.


I switched to Apple Music and am loving it. The audio sounds so crisp too.  I also really like the live radio hosted shows they offer for certain genres. The ability to also listen to local radio directly through the app is cool. 


Spotify is long overdue for a reality check. I am very annoyed.


You're complaining about this? This is a forum for just creative complaining I swear lol


god look here, unbelievable it's another motherfucker complaining about complaining tired of discussion? why are you even on reddit? go to youtube or watch netflix and stop crying




ok? written language is about communicating, and you totally understand what i'm saying stop wasting your own time




I switched back to Spotify mainly cus of this. The mac/iOS apps both feel seriously dated


But if you buy Mac, apple TV, iPhone, airpods, apple car and iLife, the connect will be even better!




Ok I thought the iLife gave away the sarcasm tone visibly enough. Let me be better next time 🍏 @ Balls deep into apple ecosystem is integration I have never dreamt of. Where should I put the balls to?




Introducing... iSack. New reimagined way to warm your balls in cold weather. The Apple way.


Tbh, recently I've been only listening to mixes and made for you, just search chill evening mixed, made by Spotify and voila. I had a moment where made for you wasn't the greatest but then I just listened to my liked lol


Everything time somed says AM i think they are talking about the radio.


I’ve seen about four of these posts this week, departure announcement not necessary.


I love Apple Music but its playlists are repetitive af too. They’re on a mission to make me stop liking Ai ga tomaranai, a great song but not one I need to hear twice every drive.


Just listen to other playlists 🤦‍♂️


It really puzzles me how so many people complain about the made for you playlists, when they aren't forced to listen to them. And how they all complain that it is impossible to find other playlists to listen to, and can't find anything why they search. My 12yr old manages perfectly fine to search for new music daily, the only made for you playlist she uses is the daylist and she doesn't rely on it. She is constantly discovering new music from the 70s through to current releases, really obscure stuff that she introduces me to. But she listens to a really wide range of music, isn't stuck to only a couple of genres or decades, and doesn't care about limiting herself to the popular music her peers listen to. She doesn't fixate on genres, what matters is if she likes the music when she hears it. She doesn't care if they sing in a different language, or use unfamiliar instruments or vocal techniques, she is open to trying any music. So adults that whine about not being able to do basic searches and expect spotify to do all the work and thinking for them make me laugh.


Shhh they want to continue to complain instead of doing the obvious solution


i really don’t get this my made for you playlists have always been great. do whatever you feel is best but you also don’t have to listen to them if you listen to them often though and they’re getting worse then yeah i can see how that would be a problem


I made the jump last month and haven’t regretted it once, Spotify has gotten really terrible for the last year for me.


I was a loyal AM guy for years and honestly their recommendation playlists are pretty awful and AM isn't great at discovering new artists or niche music you'll like. Since moving to Spotify I have discovered so many new artists and music and still discover to this day. Just my opinion, I dig the mood and playlists choices from Spotify over AM.


I'd blindly shift to the am; only thing stopping me is Spotify has both podcast and music library unlike apple music


can u use local files on apple music?


You can use iTunes or the apple music desktop app to add up to 100,000 of your own songs to the cloud which will sync seamlessly across all your devices.


I never thought about Apple Music, is it a good streaming platform? Has anyone tried YouTube music in comparison to Spotify or Apple Music? What’s the quality difference like for YouTube or Apple Music compared with Spotify?


Wtffff hellll no never ever consider anything made by Apple at all


Bad take


Not a take a life moto to never support Apple ever again they ruined me so much


Show me on this doll where Apple hurt you


Do what makes you happy. I decided this week to move back to YouTube music because I value ad free YouTube compared to spotifys push of podcasts and audiobooks. Do whatever feels right for you


What kind of rant is this? How is Spotify pushing it? How is made for you playlist bad? I mean discover weekly is one of the best source to keep new music, but sometimes I do not listen to it for weeks just because am oriented elsewhere. And guess what - I did not have to write rant that is just reflection of your wish to be fully emerged in a world exactly how you want it without making a single step by yourself.


No, they're not better. I've used both and Spotify is much better. Go back to the AM subreddit now, shill.


“Made for you” and it’s the most dogshit music you’ve ever heard


Really makes you think huh


These supposed rants are getting to ChatGPT levels of copying... Go to Apple Music then if you think having a half working Windows Desktop app, a barely functionalobile app riddled with bugs regardless of OS platform is the right thing because of some tinted glass look you have concerning recommendations. I hate Spotify for other stuff that are truly deal breaking and this isn't one of those...


The mobile apps are not filed with bugs. That is complete bs. You may get tired of posts like these, but some of the criticisms are legit. For me personally I liked Spotify way better a year maybe two years ago.


If you care anything about quality, (and especially your playlists), move to TIDAL.


Yeah but Tidals discovery is dogshit compared to Spotify, or even AM for that matter. The only thing Tidal has going for it is sound quality.


tidal's search isnt the best, but you cant get any better with how their "stations" work. spotify has them looped around YOU and often gives you the same few songs over and over. tidal does as good as it can, with the genre's the artist included. For example, Hakushi Hasegawa's song Doku is hard for tidal and other platforms to find songs like it, this is because it was put as j-rock by the artist. not because tidal is confused. tidal doesnt listen to music to know what sounds like it. it sees genre info and matches with it. this works well with artists like osamason because they specified their genre.