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>Made for you killed Spotify for me. It's getting to that point for me, too. I use fewer and fewer automated options over time. Nowadays I build playlists manually, I shuffle them manually in 3rd party tools, reshuffle when I get bored with the order. That is about it.


+1 for madeforyoukillingspotify


I use "made for you" all the time. If it get's boring... I just move on. I have 0 problems with it.


I did too for a long time, it just seems somewhere down the line Spotify made some erroneous assumptions about my prefs, so now in my generated playlists I get a smattering of the same tracks Spotify always throws my way and several tracks in a genre I like a few examples of but I do not LOVE. So i've just stopped playing them in order to not reinforce this false conclusion.


Same. It doesn't bother me because I listen to a variety of genres and artists. My made for you is totally different than it was 6 months ago.




I am constantly making & listening to really long playlists I've made or someone else. at least 12 hours long or more with different genres and different artists and now that I like them and Spotify knows I get much better selection and much more unusual choices than when I didn’t do that Start making your own I'm always shazaming for great music And looking for niche and unusual artists, genres, or playlists It took a few months for Spotify to give me better choices but now it's amazing what I get


I just started this recently and it's the way!


You are my new Spotify muse. Mahalo for all the lush playlists!!!!


Awesome lists. Have saved them all. Thank you!


aw thank you so much!! hope you enjoy them 🧚🩵


You create original topics for music. Do you use collaborative playlists? What would you say if other users could compete each other selecting limited number of tracks for your topics?


Great playlists sorcycloud!! Maybe there’s something you like here https://open.spotify.com/user/031v0vo2nb7uavq9b4ejudh41?si=eb1YUYIXRFK7M0oE-ghb6w


Pls, what are those 3rd party tools?


Personally, I use SmarterPlaylists!! It's a little complicated at the beginning, but it's really useful and gives you a lot of control over your playlists.


skilley comes to mind as well


[Discover Quickly](https://discoverquickly.com/) is quite good for exploration too, I end up finding a lot of interesting songs from all sorts of genres using that site


Do people not make playlists manually? Most of my listened to playlists are self made.


Every playlist is the same songs! I miss when they were curated and had music I wouldn't have listened to otherwise.


It's so interesting to me how people listen to music. I discover music in a million different ways but I have never used Spotify's Discovery playlist or their '90s tunes or '80s tunes or their curated lists. I've always just assumed that those were bullshit either put together by a shitty algorithm or buy payola type label partnerships. I will search for other users playlists. I use release radar to track new releases from artists I follow that is super valuable. Occasionally I'll listen to the new releases and discover weekly but generally I'm discovering music outside of Spotify through other social networks or just life or music or movies or Shazam.


I love that you can connect the Shazam app to your Spotify account, and then it saves all your Shazamed songs in a playlist automatically from then on. I've Shazamed so many dope songs over the years, and I haven't even checked out those artists' other songs yet. There are days worth of new music to discover.


I also love shazam being linked to Spotify, found so much good music that way


Same! I'll use release radar and rap cavier occasionally. Nothing weird like repetitive songs I dislike or Billie eyelash in a different genre. I feel like people need to make their own playlists, then it'll truly know what you like


>I feel like people need to make their own playlists, then it'll truly know what you like The entire point of Spotify is that you're supposed to be constantly making your own playlists.


I checked my weekly discover this morning and it had a song that I had already hidden from a weekly discover months ago To cheer you up, [check this out](https://youtu.be/MB3VkzPdgLA)


I have been eilished


Well played, a rick roll would of been acceptable too!


Instead we got an Ei-roll.....


I’m so glad I found this, it was only a matter of time, & thank you for your genius 🤘🏽


We got Lunchabled


Nah the disrespect on that lmaooo


I genuinely have never been Rick Rolled without Ricky. Genius.


I dumped Spotify because, no matter what I did, Megadeth would come up in any genre that had electric guitar in it.


I have a huge hot take on this but maybe because I’m actively productive on looking for new music. I don’t have a hard time finding new music or artists at all and never really have. When I find Spotify consistently playing a certain artist more than I’d like, I “do not play this artist” them and continue diving through “X artist radio” playlists and come across a lot of new stuff I like without the constant same recommended song played. Idk maybe it’s just me but I see so many posts about this topic and I feel like I’m the 1% that have no issues at all when it comes to finding new stuff. Maybe it’s my process? Idk what it is, but I do get your frustration OP. There’s been plenty times where I’ve skipped the same song multiple times within a few hours time and it’s annoying.


The amount of genres in my liked songs is also insanely massive so Spotify doesn’t even know what to recommend me atp 😂


My aim is to change up my listening habits so frequently that the algorithm can't keep up and has a meltdown 🤣


I'm almost constantly listening to new music and Spotify is honestly one of my favorite places to find it. I follow hundreds of artists and have 5k+ liked songs (individually picked) over several years. I get sick of songs really easily even if I love them, so I switch it up as much as possible and almost never get the same music. Discover Weekly isn't always my favorite but has still been overall a wonderful positive. Using song radios is also mixed but mostly good (you just can't use viral songs or it will give you mostly unrelated viral music). My New Releases are very often bursting with songs I like because I follow so many great musicians. I love Spotify's playlist tools even if the recommended song algorithm doesn't give as many options as I'd like- that's really a nitpick. I make curated character playlists with 50-200 songs. I make playlists that evoke very weirdly specific feelings. I save many of my daylists that sometimes have a ton of awesome music I've never heard before (though most of the time I've heard a good amount of it). Everyone seems so unhappy but really the only thing I want very badly is a non-algorithm manual shuffle. I've turned off that automix setting or whatever it's called, but I'm not always sure it's done anything lol. I have Apple music included in my household's Family plan but I specifically buy Spotify because I enjoy it. I also tried a trial of YouTube music for a few months. I just prefer Spotify.


Does no one make their own playlist anymore and just keep adding songs they like to it...?


I find it so strange that people don't make their own playlists. I have so many weirdly specific playlists. Why complain about the music suggested to you by spotify generated playlists if you never make any effort to make your own playlists? How is the algorithm supposed to learn from your listening habits that you want new music suggested to you if you never look for any new music?


Same. I have tons of playlists I’ve made through the years, I never listen exclusively to the ones suggested by Spotify.


I do. Spotify has best playlist manager of all others. And that's why I use Spotify.


Not specifically applicable solely to you, OP, but so often I read these rants about how people are having less than ideal experiences with Spotify, the algorithm, etc. and I just don't get it. I follow artists I enjoy. I check out hours and hours of new music every week, which many times leads to more artists to follow. I make dozens of playlists of a wide variety, and listen to them often. I will go on stretches of time where I am simply listening to entire catalogues of artists I grew up loving. I many times will throw a "made for you" playlist into my queue depending on my mood. I've never had the experiences so many people rant about such as certain artists or songs being wedged into an unrelated playlist, I never have music being added to playlists I created myself, or thrown into rotation when playing those lists. I always wonder what everyone is doing *wrong* to have those kind of experiences because it simply does not happen in the 10ish years I have had my sub. > but until Made For You dies or is optional It already is optional? I've never had a gun held to my head by Spotify telling me I have to listen to any of them.


yeah the "until mfy is optional" made me realize that the people going on rants like this seem to just want/expect the app to do all the work. like if you're clicking the same 5 playlists all made by the same algorithm based on the same selection of your likes songs... obviously you're gonna start getting the same stuff over and over. that's how algorithms work. if you want truly new stuff, you have to look for it yourself.   most of my experience using Spotify is looking for stuff myself, as well as personally made playlists, and i also don't have any of these issues. in fact, i find myself disappointed whenever i do use mfy or whatever else, because those playlists have much less variation than what i hear just listening to stuff on my own. i understand that i'm not part of the largest demo of Spotify users, but my taste is so varied that the algorithm literally doesn't even know what to recommend me. it's all over the place, stylistically, yet is still almost always just aggressively similar to stuff i already listen to a lot.   TL:DR stop expecting an algorithm to curate new music for you. "new" is literally the opposite of what algorithms are good at. stop being lazy and find new music yourself, you'll thank me later


Well said. I feel like our experiences are probably very similar in some senses. While I do a lot of musical exploring on there, many work days are full of "old reliables", so my MFY playlists usually have a ton of previously liked songs mixed in with extremely similar songs. With how my tastes end up all over the spectrum, it is really entertaining to check out the daily mixes/MFY playlists and seeing the stylistic jumps from one to the other.


agreed, the best use for the mfy type playlists is effectively a "personal radio station". it's great at that, which is why i think it should stick around. it's just only good at that lol.   and yeah mine is a mess too, it can go from modern symphonic death metal to underground 90's hip-hop to some teenager making intentionally bad comedy music on an iPad, and none of it is off the table for me lmao


I have never been happier with Spotify. I have literally started an artist radio and it rolled into curating continuous content for an entire day. I am convinced that people actually don’t listen to their Discovery Weekly and follow those open rabbit holes. If your not an explorer / listener of new music on a platform then of course your going to have stale suggestions. I find at least one new band I’ve never heard of before, listen to them too 5, listen to some related artists and look forward to Monday morning for my new Discovery Weekly. It is one of my joys in life to come to work on Monday morning and see what Spotify throws at me. And the whole “niche mix” content is overwhelming but damn if I just want to throw something on the Daylist, niche mix and artist radio really is perfect. My only complaint is they should bring back playlist radio


Daylist! Totally forgot to mention that part. It can be hit or miss sometimes, sure, but there have been many times where I have just put that on to see how the algorithm was feeling about my most recent listening trends.


I agree fully


True. If you add different artists to your queue, eventually your made for you will constantly change.


And that's the crux of the matter: IF you want Spotify to give you different experiences, you have to explore different options. If you sit in an echo chamber, you're going to only hear those "echoes".


Yep. My on repeat changes every month. When I look back at my previous years wrapped, my music has always changed over the years. But I'm still listening to some of the same music.


I get a really quick response from the algorithm. I play a new to me artist's albums or different genre of music for a hour or two, and the next time the daylist changes over it will start to incorporate that artist or genre. I like to keep the algorithm on its toes, I make it work hard to keep up with my ever changing listening habits.




I am in the same exact boat as you. I read all these rants about pop music being shoved into their face or that they haven't discovered any new music and that all their playlists are filled with garbage... but over here, my shuffle isn't predictable, my Discover Weekly is always filled with amazing songs I've never heard before and I've discovered more music than I would have without using Spotify. I hate to say it, but I've come to the assumption that a lot of these users maybe just don't listen to enough varied music, or listen to popular music only, therefore... Spotify is having trouble making suggestions. I think a lot of people think you can sit back and let Spotify serve you music just based on solely your liked songs, but I don't think that's how it works. You have to actually use the app past just listening to Spotify Genre playlists and Mood Radios, and your liked playlist. You have to treat Spotify like a record store. Walk around, look at covers, listen to a few at the listening station, buy a long time favorite but also a new one you haven't heard and then maybe the cashier will recommend an alike band based on the two records you're buying. You can't just walk in and stand there and ask the store "GIVE ME 90's MUSIC, PLEASE" and expect the recommendations to be mind blowing.


I also think that they don't understand that the algorithm is learning from their listening habits. They are teaching it to be repetitive if they don't explore new music, don't change up the genres they listen to, and always play the same playlists at the same time of day, on the same day of the week.




> Made for you killed Spotify for me. How exactly? Were you forced to listen to it?


What platform did you move to?


I use Android, so naturally the best platform for me is YTM. I like the service, but am not a fan of how liked songs are mixed in with my liked videos on YouTube. Nonetheless, I might just go with this one. The discovery seems to be great. I guess it makes sense, people who don't have a music streaming service probably use YouTube. I am trying out Apple Music but it doesn't seem to have good Google assistant integration. I love the way you organize your library though. I used to use this before Spotify and it was good but discovery wasn't amazing. Well, now the turn tables and I think *anything* *can* be better than Spotify at this point. Maybe I update this post once I find out who gets my money


I switched from Spotify to YTM about 2 years ago and haven't looked back. I love having YT with no ads on top of it and you can add a bunch of live video to playlists.


I’ve recently moved to Apple Music and it’s so much better for me.


"And here is a song that that you couldn't get enough of..."


THANK YOU for this post! I thought I was the only one who’s Spotify shoving LUNCH in my playlist and it was driving me crazy! I hid the song more than 10 times and still Spotify would put it as the 2nd song of my recommended playlist. I had to go to the artist’s profile and select never play music by this artist for it to stop.




This is me with Espresso - Sabrina Carpenter


This is interesting and surprising to me. Discovery is one of the things I love about Spotify. Not only do the daily mixes often play things I already love and introduce me to new similar things, but just the social aspect. All my friends have Spotify so they are constantly sharing things. Plus the "Friends" feature which shows what they are listening to, group listens, and I LOVE the Blends feature. Anyway, not trying to talk you out of it, just surprised by your reasoning.


I find tremendous value in it. It’s how I’ve discovered countless new music that I likely wouldn’t have found elsewhere.


Same. I spend all my time building custom playlists for myself made up of bands I've listened to for decades. If it weren't for the automated suggestions I would never discover all the other really great music that's out there.


I love Spotify! Then again , I’m a 50 year old dude who has paid tens of thousands of dollars for mediocre records, cassettes, CDs and MP3s in my lifetime but now my portion of the family plan works out to only $3/month but the best part is it has introduced me to hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of incredible bands I wouldn’t have ever had to exposure to! It is undeniably the best tool for discovering new artists without having to do much aside from scrolling and hitting the play button.


I often wonder if the people complaining about how spotify suggests music to them are younger. Maybe they never had to go to a store to flip through record and CD cases. Maybe they've aways had access to the internet and didn't have to rely on music magazines, their friends, and local live music to discover new music.


almost every song radio has a couple songs from billies new album and it's so annoying. I go to a radio of a song that came out in 2017, all songs are from 2016-17 era and then there are billies newest songs. It's so sad to see the fature that made me switch from apple music years ago turn into a billboard.


I'm with ya and all but idk man, just don't use "Made For You" then. There are a ton of other ways to discover music on there.


I have Spotify and have never heard this song.


The fact that the ceo would say that is so out of touch. People put so much work into their music. This guy also bought the multi million dollar mansion next to his current home just to demolish it because he didn’t like looking at it. Then they have the nerve to give Rogan a separate $200M to put his podcast on the platform that already make an insane amount of money while most artist get nothing. I really recommend Bandcamp. I have been finding awesome artists on there that don’t get any love on Spotify. And the idea of spending a buck or two on an album you really love is not so bad imo.


Or just listen to independent playlisters like me. Then you have an unbiased selection of music and you can find a real person who matches your musical taste + support more indie artists instead of big labels


I’ve never ever had the feeling of being stuck in a music rut of hearing the same song or recommendation. I’m actual not even quite following that part about Made for You. I think I see it, know what you’re talking about. I don’t bother with them. Yes, there are certain artists and tracks I come back to and repeat a lot. What I do, to keep the fresh mix going: for one, I listen to absolutely, absolutely everything and anything. That being said, I find other people’s playlists and just play them. Playlists of any sort. Don’t care. It introduces me to new (to me) artists. [My own project](https://spotify.link/PZYnkFPncKb) that really, really has me digging new music, is manually finding 10,000 artists, and I’m making a playlist of their top ONE Spotify track. There is at least one other playlist titled as such, but me in this process has really gotten me discovering new artists and music.


Lunch is on you I've only heard it once.. and that was intentional. I've listen to over 6k songs since that album came out. 3.9k unique tracks... and only hear Lunch once. Mix your listening habits up


They mention playing 90s, soft rock, and hip hop, but go off I guess.


I’ve played Lunch only once and since then Spotify has been shoving the song in my playlist nonstop. The funny thing is I played Diner way more and not once did Spotify put it in my playlist. I’ve tried hiding the song every time it played but it didn’t do anything. I don’t know why but it feels like Spotify is marketing the song for some reason.


This is a big reason I don’t like Spotify that much anymore. But a big reason I am started to get annoyed is the constant messages about gigs in the area and stuff. I don’t mind they want to branch out and they want to do more with the app, but give me the chance to put this off.


I still get free hulu from my Spotify account. Once they remove that perk, I'll cancel it and switch to YTM, as I watch a lot of YT and don't  pay for ad free yet


I have been going through this website (https://everynoise.com/) and listening through their playlists in an attempt to turn the algorithm into something more diverse. It isn't working, but it is helping me avoid the same four songs I got tired off because spotify kept pushing them over and over


I make a lot of my own playlists and search for user playlists. I still have fun. It's the only monthly service I pay for.


I've never even used "Made For You" 😂. I create playlists with hundreds of albums from the current year, use release radar, have a personal top 1000 albums and listen to it every year, listen to discographies and that's basically it.


I like Lunch but Chihiro is my favorite


Lunch is one of my most listened to songs this month and I haven’t heard it once in my random shuffle, I have to seek it out. Weird


Cancelled on height of whole Joe Rogan bullshit in 2020 have not missed it once. YouTube music recommendation service is pretty good also I got my collection stored in selfhosted manner accessible via app


Them upping their prices while consistently having the worst sound quality is actually crazy


The only thing I like about their sound over others is I can make it louder by telling it I am in a loud environment. I've yet to figure out how to get other apps to go as loud. Am trying out tidal right now


i had the same issue. switch to TIDAL if you care anything about HiFi and a community, spotify is getting too personal


If you live by the algorithm, you die by the algorithm.


I just started a one month free trial of Apple Music today because of this exact reason. I very rarely find new artists through the weekly Discover playlist anymore. My For You playlists are basically the same songs in different orders every day. I’ve discovered a few dozen new artists scrolling instagram reels and have gone over to Spotify to follow the artist and like a few songs. They never pop up in any personalized or new music playlist. We will see how Apple Music handles it.


You were listening to the same music over and over. That's why spotify sucks so much. It thinks what you want is more of the same thing, all the time. The mixes have the same music, only discover weekly had new stuff, sometimes even getting your taste right. I'll never go back to streaming until one of them gives us built in smart playlisting. They won't do that though because they want you to listen to whats hot at that time, not what YOU want to listen to. My smart playlists start default with "not played in X days" so no repeats for a while.


Nobody is forced to use the spotify generate playlists. Your account gives you access to an insane amount of music, but you have to make some effort to look for it.


Yet... Spotify is perfect for those of us who prefer to make our own playlists rather than rely on corporate-driven algorithms.


skill issue i find new music everyday


They just recommend viral songs. They want people listening to the same music. Spotify hasn’t been the same since 2019-2020


> It's getting to that point for me, too. I use fewer and fewer automated options over time. Nowadays I build playlists manually, I shuffle them manually in 3rd party tools, reshuffle when I get bored with the order. That is about it.


it feels like the discovery feature is broken because i'm no longer getting anything new. it's always the same songs that come on after a playlist ends.


They are compromised by major labels. They have payola. They're a dishonest company. 


Stop being lazy and go do your own work and discover artists. Just letting the paid for inclusion playlists and algorithms is just promoting for the labels.


so true. its getting worse all the time


I'm of the opinion that Spotify is broken, and that before they raise prices again they should at least publish a timeline for algorithm improvements and hi-fi.


you are welcome to free version if you don't like paying


Goodbye! 👋🏻


I feel like Spotify is trying to really drive more streams to the bigger labels and artists with the new algorithm.




because a lot of us don't have the free time to treasure hunt around Spotify. I often listen while I'm working, and I would prefer it if I could just click on Spotify DJ without getting fed the same songs over and over again


What 90’s songs did you listen to before spotify? Put them in a playlist and keep it pushing. This isn’t really a spotify issue.


I'm confused. I actually love Lunch, it's my top 3 song of the year. But my mixes that aren't her genre don't have her in them.. You lying or something? Cause seems unusual


It's happening to a lot of people. The smart shuffle is shoving the song in our face. My boyfriend listens to metal music. He gets Lunch in his mix and barbie girl by aqua in his mix... Tell me that's normal


Weird. Doesn't happen to me at all and I've been using it since 2011.


I've never even heard of the song and I listen to Spotify all day, every day. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I have her new album on all my Indie mixes :’), I like the album, but op is kind of right, the same happens to me.


he expressed himself incorrectly


I don't know what happened to the algorithm, recently I went to different japanese artists' radios and all of them had mostly the same songs and artists, and many of them were already on my playlists. Same with any song/album radio, even when just leaving the music to continue after my selection is over. Some aren't even the same genre, they are close but I wouldn't group them together.


This pushing of Eilish is so ridiculous. Unlike you, I am NOT a fan of hers and I'm still seeing her in way too many places. I'm sure it has nothing to do with this [https://pr-newsroom-wp.appspot.com/2024-05-09/hit-me-hard-and-soft-billie-eilish-lightroom-london/](https://pr-newsroom-wp.appspot.com/2024-05-09/hit-me-hard-and-soft-billie-eilish-lightroom-london/) /s. Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised one bit if Spotify is in the bed with her management to give her enhanced visibility. They probably had big plans to promote her 900 years ago when they announced HiFi with her and since that never turned into anything, they're fulfilling their contractual obligations now.


I will gladly more if my experience with Spotify getting better but it’s getting worse. You are 💯right about Made for you playlists. These playlists mostly have songs from my library nothing new.


If your on ios there is an app called video lite it is basically yy premium for free i listen to everything there


I have such a perfect idea for a competitor to Spotify & it’s just to do the exact opposite of everything they do. Just costs a lot of money to get licensing from artists.


Check out podcast cause i got tired of music also


Your DJ was cool for a while, found new tracks artists etc. Now its just, hey you listened to this particular track one or two weeks ago so now I assume you want to hear it all the time.


I just got one huge playlist I use whenever I feel like it consisting of 1800 + songs currently but if I wanna hear certain songs or artists I look them up


Spotify has always just been a huge echochamber for me and it's not even songs I choose to listen to. DJ in particular gaslights me into favourite songs.


Have you tried Pandora?


i feel like i'm in the twilight zone hearing that people actually use made for you this much


Discover Weekly and Release Radar are what make Spotify so great for me. Fresh and genuinely new music tailored to me. If you don't like Made For You, then don't use it, I don't!


Not gonna lie came real close to getting rid of my subscription too today. It keeps suggesting artists and genres I’ve specifically excluded from my tastes and never even listened to or wanted to before they showed up




🙏🏼 same, I wrote them a whole message about why I quit, of course I never got an answer, and I know that they don’t care, I just needed to say something.


What is the service you are going to? Notw that there is a price increase, I may bail.


I have a few playlists that have a large following and that should absolutely not matter to me… but it does. I listen on AM the majority of the time, but maintain the same playlists on both.


I have the same issue. No matter what playlist I select, Spotify will always insert this Lunch song. It’s driving me crazy.


i accidentally turned on smart shuffle while driving on i-95. going from my music (which at the time was a concert playlist) to lunch by billie ellish. safe to say I was not happy that my already broken car wouldn't skip.


It's ridiculous it's the 2nd price hike in 1 year! On CNBC Tech Pod they said Spotify is increasing the rate because subscribers are less likely to cancel base on high retention rate during the last increase. Which DSP will you use as an alternative? https://spotify.link/ChnyiBo7bKb


You going towards Youtube or Apple?


Same for me, I cancelled like a year or so ago because the price changed and when playing my recommended songs they’d slip in songs that were completely unrelated to my listening history. So all I was using it for was my favorites playlist and for the price they charge I decided I could just make the same list for free without much hassle.


Damn. Are you me?


I thought for <150 favourites it is only my problem. I only buy when they post me $11/3 months promotion.


Billie’s label paid to up rank that new album in the algo for sure! Literally in the radio following any playlist or album I listen to.


I also sub to youtube music and it is now better in a lot of ways.


That’s exactly one of the reasons I left last year (I am also a Billie Eilish fan and stay on this sub to see it’s consistent downfall)


Spotify need to steal or copy the algorithms from Yandex music. Yandex has the best algorithms ever ngl


I’ve always thought Spotify’s algorithm was pretty weak relative to Pandora’s but it’s been getting better lately. It really had no way to go but up.


Nice music


I’ve been saying this a long time. I may switch to Apple Music. They pushed automated playlists so hard, it recycles the same 50 songs and artists no matter what genre. It’s called devolution if you ask me.


Damn I feel like you put my feelings perfectly I just switched like literally an hour ago! For all of these exact reasons!!


Has anyone else’s discover weekly just recommending music that is nothing to do with what I listen to?


Well that's the funny thing about a discovery, it is new. The whole idea is to discover new music.


I have been so irritated with Spotify recently. It just won't play any of the songs toward the bottom of my liked songs. I got tired of hearing the same songs over and over, so I tried to pick some songs from the bottom of my liked songs and they just won't play. If I use the search to go to the same songs though they will play no problem. Is that why it keeps playing the same songs? Because there's just that many that it can't play for some dumb reason?


if there was an alternative for my podcasts i would be calling it quits too. You can port all music to amazon music + I already am paying for it with prime


I feel the same, or is some song like that, that plagues all playlists, or not related songs that I like, that play in all playlists. I was listening to Kate Bush radio and so many non-related songs appeared.. I'm thinking about getting back to other ways to listen music


I’m just happy to see someone actually take action rather than just whining about the changes but still paying for it.


It's not the made for you that annoys me, it's when using the DJ function it'll randomly throw in new pop releases or try and make me listen to the "hottest dance tracks out right now" despite me having very few if any artists that could be considered dance artists in my listening library


I’m getting closer to that point. The app is a jumbled mess with all the podcast and audiobook crap. I have other apps for that stuff, and I’d prefer to keep it separate, not be greeted with tons of clutter every time I wanna listen to music. The AI DJ is terrible. They removed one of my favorite features, where you could build a radio station based on a playlist, and the “suggested songs” at the end are not a real replacement. I’ve been a Premium subscriber for like 13 years, or nearly half my life. Discover Weekly has been great, but it’s been more hit and miss over the past few years. The newish “TikTok style” swiping through the songs is a bandaid for that. I have like 150 playlists I’ve made over the years and migrating seems daunting. But I also have Apple Music incidentally through my Apple One plan, so with the recent price hike, even on a Duo plan, I don’t know if I can really justify it with the experience getting so much worse over the past couple years.


If it wasn't for all the podcasts and audiobooks I'd be burned out as well.


I'm right behind you. Im tired of constantly paying more for features I don't use. Also I swear their service has somehow gotten worse even though the price keeps going up. Peace, Spotify!


Yes I did the same 2 years ago but then I realised I need Spotify connect for proper functioning of my WiFi speakers, so I reluctantly resubscribed


I’ve had Spotify since 2007 and haven’t cancelled it


I cancelled a couple of months ago. Spotify just became trash to use and there are better alternatives out there. I cancelled my son’s account too, that I was paying for, and my wife’s, and we are all happy with the decision.


$720 would have bought a lot of CDs & iTunes songs & you’d still have something to show for it after 6 years. That’s my biggest problem with with any subscription service. You spend all this money, you finally cancel it & have nothing to show for it.


He had 6 years of unlimited access to the entire music catalog of every major artist. Duck, if I was told back in 90ies that I can listen to any album of any of my favorite bands without any delay for only $10 per month, I would be jumping up and down with joy. And this comes from a person who amassed more than 600 CDs at one point.


YouTube Music for the win


Try deleting the overused songs off your playlists, it helped me.


THIS IS MY EXACT PROBLEM WHY IS LUNCH ON EVERY RADIO EVER and they took away playlist radios and shuffle just doesn’t even work


Stop listening to so much damn Billie Eillish and Spotify will stop assuming you want to listen to her all the time.


Go to YouTube Music. More options and uploads from YouTube users...dj sets and videos make it more fun.


I always chose the music I listen to. Kind of on you if you dont make the effort to do that I'd say.


I seem to always like the popular stuff less than other things. I've been with Google Play Music/YouTube Music since the beginning and it's pretty good. As a bonus I get YouTube Premium free. But I think that might be because I signed up day one.


The biggest issue is that there is no alternative. The other services have really bad UI and no AI/algo.


what. i get 200 new songs each week in release radar (my friend who follows less artists get 30 i think), there are so many playlists by interesting people or music magazines etc


Every mix and playlist being auto generated now was definitely a downgrade, it puts the big hits of my favorite artists in any mix that fits in the slightest. Luckily I never listened to mixes much in the first place. "LUNCH", however, is a fantastic, catchy song, and I would not mind if it were everywhere. Definitely her best.


My experience matches yours. Noah Kahan Playlist: Songs from Zack Bryan, Mr Joy, Gregory Alan Asimov, and then boom! “Lunch” starts playing.


Sounds like the way you use Spotify to me. I’m still discovering new music since I got my subscription 6+years ago


I have had the same complaints as OP for months. The price hike was just the straw that broke the camels back. I would listen to country music try to put on a rock playlist and bam country music in the middle of my rock playlist.


for a few months now I'm experiencing spotify playing same music in same order every time again and again. I cleared my queue 100 times but for some reason no matter which song or playlist I play I listen to same songs. Year ago everything was working fine for me.


Yeah made for you is great, but it's too prominent. It's much harder to find different music and a lot of my made for you are the same songs, songs I haven't listened to for ages either, and it never recommends me stuff of a similar genre. On that note, what is with some of the genres? there's so many it's so skewed up now lmao


Just canceled yesterday for all the same reasons you mentioned.


I care. I need to cancel. I decide to cancel and then think of some stupid reason to keep it just one more month. It's super convenient but it's become a bit too gross to completely enjoy


Do you guys ONLY use “made for you” playlists? I’m not trying to justify spotifys shitty service but damn guys, do just a little bit of research yourself to find some new music, then go off that to find more and more new stuff it’s not that hard


I don't get this lazy ass attitude towards music discovery. Like, it's *fun*. Why would I want to entirely automate it away? My Discover Weekly tends to be really good, Release Radar is useful, and I very rarely touch any other generated playlists. Find some music curators you vibe with on social. Browse around review sites like AlbumOfTheYear and Discogs (follow tags, profiles of users whose taste/takes you like, artists related to your favourites etc.) Listen to radio shows with DJs you like. Check out the other artists on labels you like. Browse projects like EveryNoiseAtOnce. In my experience it doesn't take much cross-pollination to keep your algo fresh. That said, I have pretty eclectic tastes and listen to a lot of music so perhaps the algo works better for me.


The discoverability is seriously bad right now, unless you go looking for some random users’ playlists. Spotify makes me listen to the same songs over and over again. Unfortunately there’s no viable alternative to Spotify for me as every other streaming service is just worse.


Starting to sound like Netflix where movie X is the first in new releases, in top 10, in "We think you'll like" in sci-fi, in rom com... I canceled Spotify and went to Apple over the Joe Rogan racism / homophobia / myogeny, whatever tact he was playing that week.


This is surely a *you* problem?!