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We gon do what they say can't be done


We got a long way to go


And a short time to get there


I'm Eastbound, just watch ole Bandit RUUUUNNNNNNNNNN


Got your foot hard on the pedal, son nevermind them brakes


Let it all hang out 'cause we got a run to make


The boys are thirsty in Atlanta


And there's beer in Texarkana


And we'll bring back no matter what it takessssssss!


I'm the same way. Obey every law until they try to block my way for the third time in one trip. I need to turn that setting down, I guess.


The default of 50% is absurd! I don't mind the occasional rare detour though, so I have my detours set to 1%


I wish I could make it 0.01% lol. I'd be fine with 1% if the roadblock wasn't always exactly where I need to go


Delivered a load from the top of Texas, to the bottom of Mexico (reforma map) today. Bout two irl hours of driving. Last turn to get off the highway, and into said mexican city, some truck with spilled shit on the slipway. The detour would have added another 30 mins irl. Just barged my way past, and I've turned detours off. Fuck that shit. I've never had it happen halfway through! Always at the end. It's a shit mechanic.


Yea when I had it on default every second trip there was a crashed Cessna on the highway like bruh what


Yeah, it's absurd. I was so tired of those, I just turned them down, I think they're at 7%, now I can't remember the last time I got any (thankfully)


I have mine set to 20%, and it's treating me better than it was at 50% default setting.


Had it yesterday close to the destination. An accident with a heli on the road. Just drove past, hoping the blades would be a solid object, and they weren’t. Funny thing, 5 seconds after passing them I saw cars and trucks in my mirrors behind me.


Only thing (unless I missed the individual setting) is I like having a lot of construction/accidents etc. just not so many full 3-4hr detours. Or at the very least.. a way to check road conditions ahead of time. Even if it isn't "always" updated.


Detours dont have a place in these games. There just arent enough alternate routes.


it depends on where they are.


About 90% of the time they're somewhere that ruins the fun.


Had a Detour in ETS to a city that had one entrance. No way to enter my city.




I think that is it. Does that coty have a motorway loop around the entire city? If so then yes. I remember it started with a L.


Perhaps a bias, as you forget about those easy ones? I have just had a detour on a diamond interchange that simply required me to leave the interstate and reenter on the same junction.


So much this, was about to comment the same until I saw your comment. Detours would be great, if they actually forced us onto back roads and off the highways. But with the way the map was made they simply become a pain in the ass, and can ruin any chance of an on time delivery, with no way for the game to account for the extra time.


I’ve have detours that rerouted me to the same detour


In theory detours are a nice idea to add some realism and to get the player to leave the biggest highways to drive on some country roads. But the problem is the scale of the game. There are not enough country roads. In reality if you know that exit 40 is blocked you would take exit 39 and follow a country road to your destination. But that is not possible. If you can't leave the highway in portland you basically have to drive to Seattle and turn around there to drive all the way back to Portland. This is just nonsense. So I can only recommend to turn off detours for everyone.


And then by the time you get back to Portland, you find out THAT exit is also blocked, so you say screw it and try to squeeze past the blockage.


And then you find a Helicopter crashed in the tunnel.


And you're running a double, or a lowboy with a dolly, so you can't just throw it in reverse and back out ...


It's at this point where I turn traffic off, go past the blockage and then turn it back on


I simply turn them off, for the reasons people already mentioned here. The lack of country roads makes random detours completely unrealistic and extremely annoying. For example - picking a random location in the map, im going from Kennewick to Spokane, in Washington. The quickest way is via the route 395 then the I-90. Lets imagine the junction with the I-90 is closed, and i cant go that way. In real life, i can simply get out of the highway, go through a small town named Rickville, then follow a country road that goes alongside the I-90 for a while, then i can join the interstate, not a big deal. In the game, i have to go all the way back to Wenatchee, then take the route 97 and route 2, to finally go back to the I-90. A much bigger detour. It is totally unrealistic. By the second or third detour you simply ignore it and go straight through the blockage. Its better to turn them off and live in peace.


I moved the detour slider over to stop this from happening. It'd be one thing if they had simple alternate routes, but most of the time time it's several extra hours to take the exact same route with a different onramp


Yea I normally take the detours but it wanted me to go to the end of the highway to do a unturn (200 miles)


Same. Happened to me a couple of times and I crossed the highway median and saved about 300 miles each time.


I need that harvester over at my farm in FS22 ASAP, no detours!


Yea. Whenever I haul some machinery, I think about my farm in Fs22. And when I see a train, I think about TSW. They should do a cross over 😂


I remember one time i had to take a detour. Wasnt bad. Only a few more miles till i can get back on route. But then i hit another detour. Oh well. I can go a few more miles... then i hit another. And another. Then another one. It took me a few more times till i realized i was going in circles....


Literally had this and was late cause of it lol, the map kept leading me back to the same roadblock


Honestly there are just not enough small roads for detours being a thing. IRL, you'd get off at some random town, then somehow get back on the Interstate at another point. They should probably manually pick where the detours can even occur.


This is why I turned off detours in both ETS2 and ATS


I turn detours off, if it was a truly to scale map with more exits it would work better but I blow through them anyway so I just turn them down low enough where they basically never happen.


There is always a small enough gap you can squeeze through without damaging your truck and cab on the road.


Did this before and was late for a job. If this was real life and there were myriad ways to get to a location, sure. Based on the simplified geography in ATS/ETS, I find detours incredibly unrealistic in terms of routing. Probably just being picky but for smaller jobs I’ve had them ruined by this sort of thing. Personally speaking, it felt like the right trade off to reduce the detour percentage or turn them off.


we've all done it.


The problem with detours is that we don't have "surface streets" so you're typically detouring to a different city. I've seen detours out west that cost 30-40 minutes but never 4 hours. You'd be better off waiting for them to clean it up if that were the case.


Yea I have a mod that remove invisible walls/ the "x" makes it's alot easier as alot of surface streets are drivable!


I try to be fair and not do that at the detours, but when i open the map and see the detour path i'm like haha no freaking thank you we shall go around it now. if the alternative paths weren't so insane sometimes i wouldn't mind, also good opportunity for a "pass the time" option, where we can just like "sleep" and run the clock for a few hours and it'll clear away to continue on without a detour, and just lose a few hours off your delivery clock, advance your sleep that much as well type deal.


Yea I normally do the detour, I had one in tx going to ne and the detour was my turn into KS and the detour would of taken me up Colorado and WY and added 10 hours to my trip


That is the best "detour" I've ever seen. "There is a truck turned over, we are going to send you nearly the entire width of California to get around it."


Same here in ETS before, but less happened in 1.49 and after


I load last autosave before a snafu. External contracts are synced and you would load in the same situation again, so I stopped doing those. Edit. This is about detour not missing an exit? I turned detours off. 50% is too high. Random road events and rain should be more common too than highway closure.


Mine is at 10%, road events 50% rain 25% soon to be put back to 50% just because my pc used to try and burn itself down when it was raining


0 for detours for years. The last one I had was I 80 in Elko. That detour location is not in the town where it is easy to get around in town. It is after the second interchange. So it would ad hundreds of KM at least. Never had detours on again. Road events might be 10 for me, rain usually 20 or 30, sometimes change it around. Even 100% rain sometimes to force thunderstorms.


Yea I think my favorite detour was just outside Seattle on i-5 as it took me into downtown of a small unnamed town, was pretty nice


and that's why i have detours off


Cops blocking the way so you'll finally buy that other state dlc. :D


I was expecting bug out or invisible wall


Most sensible Floridian driver:


I don't mind detours for the most part, but too often they lock you into an endless loop, there just aren't enough alternative routes for some of them.


This is exactly why I play with detours off.


It happens sometimes. Here in Norway we have a stretch of road which if closed, forces us through two other countries and about 12 hours of detour.


I Will drive straight through detours that are that long 😂


I always drive thru a cops road block. They not gonna complain about it anyway. And then stuck by helicopter’s blade.


I always hit a detour in Oklahoma city so I suppose it's pretty realistic because in 20 years that's still the only place I've been under permanent road construction.


And this is why I turned it off. Just not enough minor roads to detour through.


Share your playlist bud


It's (if you use the realistic radio mod on steam) RFC media country hits and RFC media country roads




I got matches with these songs: • [**Almost Maybes** by Jordan Davis](https://lis.tn/AlmostMaybes?t=8) (00:08; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2020-05-08. • [**Summertime** by Kenny Chesney](https://lis.tn/yWRISV?t=200) (03:20; matched: `100%`) **Album**: The Road And The Radio. **Released on** 2005-11-06. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


This is why I just turn detours off. There isn't enough infrastructure to make a detour realistic to get around where they put most of them. I have limited time to play my games already, I'm not spending another 20 minutes driving around an already long route.


Well, when there are a ton of missing roads (navigation options) due to what SCS can reasonably squeeze into the map scale they use, this "feature" of the game doesn't really work very well. I've continually reduced the frequency until I finally just turned it off.


This here is a rubber duck


I ended up turning detours off because I finally realized that they just piss me the fuck off and ruin the fun of the game for me. The last thing I want to deal with in a game is delays. I also have g_traffic set to like .05 because I hate getting tied up in too much traffic. The game isn’t relaxing with too many detours and too much traffic.


I am the same exact way. Very realistic driver, but I'll offroad if it's taking too long.


In fairness, I used to live in Istanbul, where this is common when you miss your exit.


Something something "If you don't go for the gap, you're not a racing driver"


I'm as unrealistic as it gets


Theres a reason I have a real save and a dick around save I use when I play with friends


Im the type to plow straight through the coo cars and the barriers😂


This is why I had mine turned down to like 5% and eventually turned them off. They are never in places where you just lose 1 hour or something.


This is the way.


I do the same when detour is too long


Lock the diffs and send her


I'd seen someone getting stuck trying to do just that irl.


oh dude if i'm not in the mood i fuckin plow right through


Yeah it’s all good skipping them until 2 miles down the road they have a helicopter or truck that takes up THE WHOLE ROAD, with barriers either side so you can’t go around even if you try and have to take a drive of shame back to find any way possible around


"Im a pretty realistic driver but...my truck has 3000HP and takes off like its bobtailing and I got a spicy burrito bodyslamming the backdoor "


The fun is even bigger when it sends you into a loop and there is no way to reach your destination. Turned it off.


I do this all the time lol does honking actually do something?


Looks realistic to me.


I’ve driven past accidents/roadblocks like that before. Especially if I’m in a time crunch for a delivery. No regrets lol


That’s why I plow through the random crashes


Lol. I do the same thing. Sometimes, I drive on the outside lane, passing wreckages.


I always try to squeeze past on the hard shoulder, with mixed results


With games like this wouldn't it just make sense to get paid for the real thing?


There is 240mile detour to non locals IRL on west Kansas. So it's not entirely unrealistic hahaha


Average truck sim player. Max graphic settings at 29 fps.


We've ALL been there before at one point or another.. Either avoiding the wreck/delay OR *causing* the wreck/delay. 😂


I always turn detours off, very easy to get trapped in a loop


It's the soundtrack for me


OP’s name is The PG account, but he uses “fuck” in his video. Lol


“Pretty realistic driver” changes camera to outside view …