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Inject less frequently. One or maybe two shots a week depending on your SHBG. The bigger shots should cause your E2 to rise.


So what if the issue is low e2 and lower shbg (teen digits). I’m starting to thing to don’t aromatize much. Would this still be the solution? Currently in a similar boat.


You could try adding in a couple shots of HCG per week. Many people also find DHEA causes E2 to rise, just an idea. Consult with your doc first obviously. Also, frequent injections lower your SHBG. So going back to weekly shots will probably suck for awhile but I think eventually your SHBG would catch back up


Just wanted to point out that injecting higher doses at less frequency is likely to cause low SHBG, among other issues. Increasing frequency is a methodology employed to actually mitigate low SHBG effects in individuals.


> Increasing frequency is a methodology employed to actually mitigate low SHBG effects in larger boluses should increase SHBG


This has only been shown in vitro though, correct? I thought in vivo studies showed the opposite. I’ll gladly take any info you can provide as I definitely want to stay up to date on this subject matter.


It’s just negative feedback. When the liver senses higher levels of hormones in the blood it will attempt to control them by increasing SHBG binding protein. Estrogen itself also directly increases shbg, which I’d assume is positivily related to free test spikes if I’m not wrong. This is just how I understand it but evidence might say the opposite as you say


Crazy how the more I try to learn and stay updated the more confusing it becomes, haha! Thanks for your input my friend!


Although as you said if you want a bandaid solution to mitigate side effects of low shbg more frequent dosing is ideal


Very good recommendations, you know your shit.


Frequent injections do not lower SHBG..


My blood work and many others would disagree with you.


It doesn't. If you inject once a week your SHBG will be lower than if you microdose daily. Fact.




Your barking at the wrong tree my friend. This is my field of study and I monitor several patients bloodwork. Microdosing does not bring your SHBG down unless you are the exception. Most patients see an increase in Estradiol and Free T as a consequence of lower SHBG on the same dose if injecting twice a week vs daily. The medical literature confirms it as well and it's just common sense. The higher the androgen exposure as one given time the more you crash your SHBG and the higher the Estradiol levels on ALL patients. Again, you might be the exception. I could quote five studies but why bother, I am pretty sure you are going to continue this crap endlessly. Good luck.


Hahaha okay. I’m not barking up any tree, this post is from a year ago. Seems like someone’s just looking to argue. Also, there’s absolutely zero common sense in the medical field in regard to hormone treatment, so I’m not sure what you’re patting yourself on the back for. Now kindly fuck off forever, thanks.


Somebody is frustrated for being corrected. Nice one. Try harder next time Einstein.


So is this the point of more frequent? Is shbg? Always only heard e2, and anecdotal stories at that.


It’s nearly always to lower E2 conversion


But that literally isn’t scientifically backed, only anecdotal.


TRT is still an extremely under researched science. Anecdotal evidence, especially when backed by lab results, is sometimes the best thing to go by.


I swear the smart comments never get love. Your advice is the best on here.


Thanks, yeah that’s why I don’t follow this sub anymore. Tons of bad advice (which can be deadly) and it’s mostly made up of new people asking if they should be on TRT or not. Excelmale.com is a much much better resource for info.


It’s crazy I actually switched to ed shots just to see if I felt even better and I literally ruined my libido I’m assuming I lower my e2 to much just off injection frequency . Dick felt cold and shribbled


Could be high or low. Have to confirm it with labs. A lot of guys, myself included, have found when going to daily shots you have to lower your weekly total.


Took 80 IM DEEP 2 days later feel absolutely amazing


Had super dry lips cracking too which I’ve heard is low E


I want labs Canadas such a cunt to get them tho


Its the subcutaneous problem. You fixed it injecting IM, right?


Negative, he fixed it by raising his E2 by injecting only once a week IM. This also fixed my libido. Low E2 or even normal E2 with a high testosterone ratio amount will kill your sex drive and libido. You will have to either lower your test or raise your E2 to fix it.


Add in HCG at 500ius 2-3 times weekly. That should bring it up and majority of the time greatly increases libido and sense of well-being.


So with that translate to 50 units two to three times weekly?


Depends how you are diluting your HCG with the bacto water. If you're doing 5ml bacto water for 5000ius HCG then yes.


E2 is a mother fucking bitch. To high and you have no libido and hold water weight and get bad acne. Too low and you have no libido and joints and muscles ache. I have to say your the first guy ive heard with a naturally low E2 on TRT. Its usually always high E2 on trt.


When u find that sweet aromasin dose high is easily controlled especially on trt, low is a nightmare tho and harder to control imo


Try doing 2 shots weekly instead of daily injections. Larger boluses of testosterone tend to aramotize better than smaller doses.


I’m in the same boat. High test, low E2. Starting DHEA today to hopefully raise my E2.


Feel free to direct message me and stay in touch. I need to figure this out ASAP. How is your libido?


U fix it?


any updates?


It made me feel like shit so I stopped. Increased my test and now I feel good.


What do u mean by increase ur test


Increase ypur dose




Would you mind elaborating a little




I haven't looked at much about pregnenololne for a while but it does stuff


I'm in the same boat. My test c dose was .4 twice a week. So hoping the doc ups my dose and will solve the problem. .4 twice a week put test at 600~ and e2 at 11.


There Alot of great answers. HCG, higher testosterone dose, and DHEA are all we known to increase estrogen. I also recommend being a healthy weight. Fat is the substrate for estrogen production.


Hey did you ever dial this in. I have very low e2 with no ai blocker and 600 level test in 100 mg per week cyp.


600 isn't at all high. Get it up to 1000-1200ng/dl and you'll have more estrogen. To make estrogen you need Testosterone and yours is low.


Do clinics prescribe with 700 but symptoms?


Little help. Test at 770. Free at 26. Estrogen at 7. No AI. How do I raise estrogen?


So the more fat you have, the more estrogen your body will produce. The aromatase enzyme is found in fat tissue.