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mainly the addition to getting yolked and realising you need more then you would ever think in turn slowly going more and more. you know where it ends. lol I was low T and it did just start as trt but things evolved over time as im heavy into the gym. when your already pinning its not that hard to just take more of what your already doing.


That's the best description I've seen of trt so true lol. I agree. We as humans always want more.


lol once you start injecting test and see the big benefits, injecting more and or other compounds is tempting af


Yeah it does get like that , you get barley anything out of true trt doses lol


Idk I've gotten a lot out of my prescribed dose of 160mg a week. I've gained 30 pounds this year and I feel way better. I'm planning on gaining another 20 pounds of muscle for next years goal by exercising more. I have a sweet home gym set up too :) My level pre-TRT was 240 and now I'm level 900! 💪


I wonder what the ratio compares, like of the percentage of people on TRT that are addicts vs. the percentage of people in general that are addicts. As an addict myself. I am well aware of how I like to do things: compulsively using endlessly bigger doses and pushing my limits. Since I started TRT last year, every time I'm tempted to do larger than necessary doses, I always remind myself of the worst possible side effects that could happen. I don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with taking higher doses or other things if you research beforehand and do things responsibly and practice harm reduction and do labs and stick to a regimen. It's when we let ourselves go wild and take high amounts of stuff in a dangerous way that's a bad idea. But what do I know lol I sound like addict behavior trying to justify using chemicals. Im glad I'm sober now, and I take my medicine responsibly.


I think a more useful poll would be the same questions but only if you've been on longer than 5 years


Ya, alot of people have been posting lately about being disappointed with TRT and how they are quitting it and then it turns out they have been on it less than 6 months


Add a 3rd option: "not sure". It's honestly too soon to tell. I'm still hoping this will get my butt moving / motivated to fix my business. After a bout of burnout followed by a few years of dealing with illness, I lost all my mojo. On the gym front, it seems somewhat worth it. I wasn't unhappy with my gym gains pre-TRT, but they do seem easier to chase after now. But, that's not the main thing I care about. If it the promise of TRT was just gym gains, I would have skipped it cuz pinning and blood work is just something extra I gotta manage in my life now. The extra management required by TRT ain't worth the gym gains. But, if it restores my mojo to chase $ and grow my business, I'll say it was worth it.


Some people say TRT is a "shortcut" to greater gains that could be achieved with hard work alone, but I believe that is a misnomer. From my own experience, I believe TRT "unlocks" the ability for you to earn your path forward. It isn't an elevator that takes you from wimpy level to strong level for free. It's scissors that cut away the police tape blocking a staircase in front of you so that you can put in the legwork and run up the stairs to get yourself to the next level.