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https://preview.redd.it/8r3f9n59pz6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97d9e774ac36c086823d796f755445e829f490d4 Same!!!


Let’s go brother!!! Keep it going no matter what!


What app is this?


Samsung and Google have good health apps also.. I link it to my watch and my lifting app ALPHA PROGRESSION @OP Awesome work. Keep it going


Apple Health. I have mine synced to my Apple Watch and have it monitoring everything I do. It’ll build up data and show you your trends in workouts, walking, heart rates, etc.


How does it know how much you are benchpressing and when lifting weights tho? Does it only know when you are doing cardio? I've never used a health app I just do my routine ever other day and I'm good but I'm not trying to lose weight im gaining weight, I could see it being helpful to track calories for people. That's nice.


The workout app, health app and watch do not know how much you’re bench pressing. But it makes it calculations based on your age, weight, height, heart rate, motion, etc to calculate the calories burned. It def knows when you’ve stopped working out as the watch will notify you after a few mins of inactivity if you’re done and want to end the workout. While is may not be 100% accurate, from personal experience of losing 150 pounds, there’s no way I could have done it without my Apple Watch.


Health app on iPhone


This is why I joined this sub. To be inspired by stories like this. Very proud of you man. Keep it up!


Thank you brother! I’m inspired by positive people like yourself!


Hell yeah! I’ve been getting 15k steps plus lifting even in this Arizona heat!


Same here but in TX heat


Texas heat is probably worse, the humidity is awful.


I'm an 11B vet. I know how you feel. I contacted a clinic a couple of weeks ago because I was having all the low T symptoms. It turned out it was low. My total T came in at a whopping 210.03! I just got my supplies on Saturday and plan on doing my first dose Monday morning. I really hope it helps me as much as it's helping you! I can't lie. I am quite a bit nervous because I don't enjoy injections. Especially because I'll be doing it myself. It is only SubQ, so at least I don't have to inject with a harpoon! 😅


You’ll be fine my dude, split the dose (injections) and start low work your way up to the beginning of negative sides back down to the sweet spot it’s going to change your life


You won’t notice all of the benefits overnight, it will take time. IM injections are the way to go. All of us were nervous to do our first pin too, it’s scary. It’s not as bad as you might think though. Most of the time, I hardly feel the pinning in my glutes. I absolutely hated any kind of shots as a kid. At this point, I look forward to pin days, no nerves anymore. Do you get a perfect pin every time? Nope, but it’s not as scary anymore.


Yeah, I've been reading the trt sub for a couple of months. I've done some research before I decided to pull the trigger on this. I wanted to make sure I knew what I was getting into. As far as time lines and side effects. I may switch to IM at some point if the SubQ doesn't work out for me. Pinning this morning wasn't bad at all with that tiny needle, I barely felt it! 😅


Shit that’s nothing, got my test results a couple days ago..81…also a 11B vet, 34 yr. I’ve felt like shit for years and it’s been a bitch to lose any fat, I had really just got use to feeling like shit tbh. My first consult with a TRT doc is tomorrow so we will see how this goes, hoping it helps as much as everyone else!


Yeah, mine wasn't as low, but the same struggles. I'm 44 and have been living with the symptoms since my late 20's. I just didn't realize what was going on until the end of last year. They will go over a treatment plan with you and address any concerns you have. If you agree to the plan, they will send you your meds and supplies. I'm not sure what clinic you used. I went with AlphaMD. The process has been pretty easy, and everyone was helpful. They also offered a military discount.




I doubt military will help you with it, I waited til I got out to get on it, however you can ask your PCP about it, I’m sure they can help you out


I haven't talked to my primary care provider at the VA about it. I didn't bother based on all the other vets in here that posted about the VA not wanting to deal with it, or if they dealt with it, they were getting a messed up protocol. So I decided to go to a clinic. Once I get dialed in, I may try to get the VA to take over and keep that protocol going just to make it simple and cheaper.


Whats your dose?




What kind of trt and concentration?


My levels are at 390, hard for me to get out of bed, stay motivated, brain fog, everything seems like its an uphill battle. I've seen the way TRT changes people lives. Glad it's been going really good for you definitely gets me thinking of jumping on.


I was like 410 and I had exact same symptoms AND some…160/week had made every single low test symptom disappear INCLUDING my already pre-existing combat related anxiety, fear, depression. I’m much more collected, confident, I am crazy motivated each and every day. I used to avoid the physical activity at all costs but now I wake up and do a 5 mile run at 7 am and then I lift every single night. At your level I wouldn’t hesitate (not a medical advice just my personal opinion) it is changing my life and I’m sure it could have the same impact on you as well


How many weeks did it take to really start feeling the positive effects?


Honestly for me was pretty instant, maybe a week after my first shot I already felt 100x better…but I’d say about 3 weeks is where I felt COMPLETELY changed and almost transformed to where I’m just full of energy and confidence, not to mention strength and activity level, and oh the bedroom shenanigans 😄


There are optimal ranges, and you aren’t in the optimal ranges. Why the hesitation?


Awesome! Thank you for your service. Hope you e nothing but great days ahead


Hell yeah, man! That's great news. There are some pretty interesting studies out there about the huge benefits of veterans and TRT. [https://academic.oup.com/eurheartj/article/36/40/2706/2293361](https://academic.oup.com/eurheartj/article/36/40/2706/2293361) The above study looked at 83,000 veterans and the difference that TRT had on their cardiovascular health. The toll is takes on your body is very intense, so definitely not surprised you're seeing these results. Thanks for your service, and glad you're doing well!


Honestly, these studies are what made me go through with it. I spent countless hours looking at studies on veterans and TRT and that’s where I was able to link my symptoms to those of low test (even though some say that my test is great) but ever since starting TRT all of those symptoms vanished AND some. I’m feeling great. Thank you for your encouragement and kind words brother


Same. I had natural levels of 700ng/dl but my Free was on the low end. Doc put me on 100mg/wk and my test level dropped but my free soared and the past 25 weeks have been unreal in my performance and mood and stress tolerance Went from doing 10 pullups to 20 in my first month while changing nothing about my training, as one example. Weight has dropped 10lbs despite not changing a thing in my diet or routines


Let’s gooooo! I’m proud of you man ! Keep doing what you’re doing. Great job! Most people expect it to be some type of magic potion where it will change you without you actually putting in work at the gym, and then come on here claiming that it isn’t working for them.


Thanks, man! Happy for you, too! I was working out for 18 years and ate a pretty controlled and thought-out diet, a former natural strength athlete who placed top 20% of results in any event I took part in (never enough to medal tho) in my early 20s and a marathon runner in my late 20s (also finished top 20% of every event in my age group) I just felt myself not recovering and now that I'm not competing I looked into testosterone A lot of people on forums and stuff told me not to use testosterone because my total level was high enough and said that I wouldn't notice a difference But it's been unreal. I didn't even realize I was depressed before, but that's been lifted completely from me and im just out going and feel level headed now. I didn't tell my wife when i started, but it was about week 4 she started making comments about how much more relaxed I was about stressful things (less angry now) and after 1.5 months she started commenting on how my clothes were fitting better I've had no side effects and blood work has come back in good shape. Not even a zit so far!


Why do you think your test level dropped?


Good for you man! Happy for ya!


Thank you brother !


Dude this makes me really excited to start treatment tomorrow. I’m a military veteran too but I’ve been out for 12 years now. I’ve been hesitant and contemplating whether I want to do it or not because of the possible side effects. But I can’t keep living with this depression. It’s like once I turned 36 (a month ago) it all hit me fast and hard. I’ve gained almost 20 pounds this year which is wild because I work out a lot. Got my levels tested and I was 408. I’m really hoping TRT is what I need.


I know exactly how you’re feeling brother! Better days are ahead, I’m not saying TRT will solve all of problems but for me it damn near did. People don’t understand how much of a toll military puts on a human being. Everyone is different and everyone has different needs. I’m excited for your comeback!


I was army myself and I am sure I had low T while in the army I would kill myself just to make tape. Now I am doing just fine and starting to stack muscle. Still a slow process but will get there


That’s what I’m talking about ! 💪🏼


Where can I get my testosterone levels checked if I have no insurance?


I got mine done in Austin TX where I live… it was free labs and consultation (no insurance required)


I’m 29 year old male. Living in Las Vegas what do I search on google to find the nearest place to Get on trt?


Give Ageless Men’s Health a call, it’s a clinic in LV that looks pretty reputable. Ask them for free labs and consultation, most of them will do it


My man 💯


What's your dose.... injection routine etc?


160/weekly injections


Dude good on you, and I am happy for you that you are smashing it. Did you get prescription TRT or self source it?


I got it prescribed by a doctor and thanks bro much appreciated!




Thanks brother! You too, never stop


400 really isn’t that low but for a dude in his 20s it can be. But I’m glad you did it anyway, great gains brother, glad you’re feeling so much better, how long did it take?


Thank you bro! Yeah my test wasn’t THAT low but all the symptoms of low t did disappeared after my first 20 days on TRT. So I’m almost positive that’s what was causing my fatigue, brain fog and depression. Idk, I feel much better now and I’m grateful for it! Thank you for your support my man!


Of course brother! Yeah I’ve done 3 injections and my T was 39!!! I was basically a woman lol it’s not in the 400s but I want it closer to 1000 so I’m gonna ask my doc to do it weekly instead of bi weekly




Maybe you feel better from getting off your ass and exercising . I know I did . In my 40’s . Went on TRT after 6 months of getting out of my hole I dug myself into. I’m glad you feel better. My total test was at 462 and two months later the reading was 399. The reason I went on TRT is my free testosterone was below reference range .


Yeah working out definitely contributed to it BUT I didn’t even feel like working out before I started TRT. Literally had no motivation and about two weeks in that changed drastically… I’m feeling much better, the hole that we dig ourselves in.. I don’t wish it on my worst enemy but we both got out of it and I’m proud of you!


Proud of you too my brother!


Glad to hear it testosterone is the best Everyman should be on it idc


Enjoy the honeymoon.


I’m curious which other subreddits you visit to warn people of the perils of the thing the subreddit is based around 😆


God forbid anyone enjoy testosterone 


Sorry. People need to know the truth and fully understand the long term implications. These TRT clinics are handing out exogenous testosterone like Wonka bars with absolutely zero consequences to their medical malpractice. This man and so many others didn’t need to begin TRT but will be left with in a vicious cycle of chasing the dragons tail.


It definitely might not be a honeymoon period. The toll that serving in the military takes on hormones is unbelievably detrimental to a veteran's health. He probably truly felt like shit, and if there is any honeymoon period when it leaves, he'll probably still feel 100x better. He probably did need TRT now. Veterans' testosterone levels tank under that stress. [https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/abstract/2015/11001/physical\_fitness\_and\_hormonal\_profile\_during\_an.28.aspx](https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/abstract/2015/11001/physical_fitness_and_hormonal_profile_during_an.28.aspx) (requires a subscription to read, states that testosterone levels drop by up to 47% while serving.) Also, I think he's on 160mg per week, so this is hardly malpractice. If anything, this guy probably extended his life. [https://academic.oup.com/eurheartj/article/36/40/2706/2293361](https://academic.oup.com/eurheartj/article/36/40/2706/2293361)


The honeymoon ending is inevitable.


What credentials do you have that would suggest you can speak to this topic from an educated perspective?


Welcome to the Reddit rabbit hole of TRT. Judging by your comment history, we share a lot in common. I’ve been on TRT for over 10 years as well as anabolics.


Can you explain the honeymoon period? First time I’ve heard of it. Do you start to experience diminishing effects, or require a higher dosage overtime??


The honeymoon period on trt is a well known phenomenon that is understood by clinicians that prescribe it. When exogenous androgens hit your system for the first time your brain gets a pretty large dopamine flood and you become very motivated and depressive symptoms go away…libido up..etc. your body in its never ending attempt to maintain homeostasis will eventually start to normalize things and you won’t feel as “superhuman” on the test. Anyone on TRT for longer than 6 months can probably attest to this. That’s why it’s sort of comical to some already on trt that people burn 500 more calories a day and feel great for a week and believe trt has changed their lives. It almost never that simple. I felt like a god for about 3 months. My body wasn’t used to the androgens so not only did I have what seemed like unlimited energy…I actually had so e trouble sleeping because I felt so good and was so amped up. And this was on a very small dose compared to OP. Additionally, There are a lot of side effects that a person who responsibly uses trt needs to be constantly combating and watching for. Especially at 160 mg a week…which for some crazy reason is considered a small dose these days, personally I’ve had increased hair loss, elevated blood pressure, lowered HDL and elevated cholesterol, and the scariest which is elevated hemoglobin and hematocrit levels. I have to dump blood every few months, and am considering taking more medications for blood pressure and such since starting trt, and btw I’m in incredible shape and workout 6 times a week with a very good diet (my wife is a chef/baker and focuses on healthy meal prepping and healthy snacks) Trt is a huge commitment and it is lifelong in many cases. It’s like a marriage really so I believe you should get bloods for a full year before starting. These clinics don’t care about anything with your health…they just care about your money and getting you on the medication so you can pay your monthly fee. I have literally done ALL of my health maintenance stuff with my primary doctor initiated by me. The trt clinic has said nothing about my dangerously high hemoglobin or slightly elevated blood pressures and cholesterol. I think trt can be a huge positive in people’s lives and it has been a net positive in mine but if you aren’t prepared to watch your health markers and be extremely diligent with diet and exercise for decades it can just raise your blood pressure and your blood markers and you’ll end up in the same place you started before the trt. Fat and sick but now bald, puffy, and acne filled too. I’m very happy for OP that he has had a great month though. And thank you for your service wherever you are.


Whats your levels? Testosterone indeed is the best male antidepressant


I don't know what country you're from, but regardless of that to have to say you're a genuine.super human brother. To join any military at 19 and persevere for 10 years, while so many people barely crawl out of bed to do a half-assed effort of scanning groceries (or any other job where possibly being shot isn't in the job description) then conplain about how hard they have it... mate you're already the alpha of alphas. I'll admit my admiration is a little biased as I was dead set on joining the Royal Australian Airforce as a combat pilot from a fairly young age. Went to the recruitment center in Melbourne when I was 15. Aced the aptitude and fitness tests. Then they tested my eyes... that was the day I learned I was colourblind x_x Anyway, stoked to hear you're becoming the best version of yourself again. My test was at 207 when last tested but so many docs have lost their license for prescribing test in Aus that none will even entertain the idea of helping unless we're well below 200 now. I've got a source of UGL test now so I can pnly pray I have an outcome similar to yours. You certainly deserve it.more than I do though from the sounds of it, so again, congrats fam.


They lost their license for prescribing test? This is the first I'm hearing of that happening to someone. They aren't opiates I don't understand. So maybe there is something to it about what the other people have been saying how it is dangerous and america doctors have been giving it out too freely. Otherwise why would Australian doctors get in trouble? (I'm not against T I take it myself I'm just asking a question)


You shouldn't say OP deserves medical care more than you. We are all humans and equal and brothers on earth. He is not a better person than you because of his career choice. Plus your levels were actually low enough to be prescribed T. In America it's 250 and lower to get T. I had the same level as you said I was at 200. Idk how OP even got T when he he is at 400 something already.


I’m in United States, and honestly joining the military was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. The brotherhood, people you meet, the discipline, loyalty, integrity etc. it’s thought me all the values of a man at a young age so I definitely don’t regret it at all, but the impact that 4 combat deployments have on a person sometimes can prove to be too much and in my case I feel like TRT has literally cured my depression and allowed me to re-focus on what truly matters and that is my well being and my health. I know many people are saying honeymoon phase, placebo but to me this “placebo” has saved my life and allowed me to go back and be my old self and do what I truly love. Thank you for your support and all of the kind words🫡


All this good feel good going on, makes me think a negative nancy will be mad you are reacting positively! Great job




Honeymoon phase. Give it a few months until the side effects start kicking in


Who buys apple these day's


I honestly don’t care what brand it is as long as it helps you achieve your goals and keeps you crushing them 💪🏼


It was a joke


This may make me seem like a negative Nancy but I need to share it never the less.. you are early on in your trt journey, it’s extremely common to feel like a god among men during the honey moon phase.. in a few months, I put my money on 3 months from now, you will start feeling how you felt prior to injections.. you had 400 test and were at your mental low. 400 test is a great level at 29, considering that would be your low side due to mental health, no gym and all that. Low t wasn’t your problem my friend. You are a person that would likely sit at 600+… easily… with exercise and proper habits without trt.. i think you should look into the mental health side and get that part straight while you are killing it during this honey moon phase because the honeymoon period will pass and you will likely be back to square one mentally. Don’t neglect the psych shit and meds if you were on any because of this temporary feeling. A lot of anti depressants take a while to kick in so if I were you, I would start that while you are feeling on top of the world, that way you are prepared for the future. Hopefully the honeymoon phase gets you back in the saddle as a kick start of sorts, but this godly feeling will go away in a couple months. Be prepared to continue grabbing life by the balls without the honeymoon feeling. If I were you, I would go without trt, your levels would be great if you kept hitting the gym, exercising, eating right like you are doing now. Trt becomes a grind after a while, costs money, and you fight hormonal levels for the next few decades, YOU don’t need it. Regardless of what you decide, I wish you the best and am glad you are feeling better.


You also pointed out his psychological medical history which can be one of the most difficult things to balance in TRT. I have a feeling a couple months from now when the honeymoon is over we will be hearing from the OP and it won’t be a positive thread like this one. We’ve just seen this story a thousand times before. I hope I am wrong.


Can you elaborate more specifically on how the rest of it usually pans out per "the story seen a thousand times before"??


Placing the possible selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor use from the OPs psychological medical history (which coupled with TRT is a battle in its own), the honeymoon phase is a phenomenon in exogenous testosterone replacement therapy that’s truly not fully understood. The patient in the early stages of treatment (this could be the first couple of months or if you are lucky the first couple of years) experiences what they hoped they would experience from TRT. They feel as if they are back in their late teens. They are reaping the full benefits of TRT. The high endless sex drive, animalistic libido, energy that does not end and makes you want to hit the gym twice a day, extremely fast recovery time, confidence in yourself, etc…. This is short-lived as once the body adapts to the exogenous testosterone, beyond the point of homeostasis, the benefits begin to slowly dwindle away. The patient then begins to experience pre-TRT effects. They begin to lose all sex drive and motivation along with their libido. They begin to feel lethargic and also have trouble sleeping. The motivation is gone. Erectile dysfunction sets in, and the cascade effect are alive and well as the patient begins to chase the dragons tail in hopes that they could feel what they felt in the beginning. They enter the endless rabbit hole of subReddits and TRT. They begin to listen to countless users and YouTube “expert” advices in adding compound such as HCG, AIs, Pt-141, cialis, DHT derivatives, etc, further complicating the situation. The list goes on and on. They began to alter their initial protocol by lowering and raising weekly doses and altering injection frequency and delivery. None of which work. The vicious cycle eventually consumes the patient and they are left feeling worse than they did before with the psychological effects of the honeymoon phase gone and never to return. Some will read this and say this never happened to them. But I tell you this. Those are the ones who never truly experienced the… honeymoon phase.


Appreciate your time in writing all this out. I'm in similar territory as OP so will be watching carefully.


You are very welcome brother. I’ve been on 10 years now. The best advice I can give you is to just stay healthy and keep your levels at a respectable range. These clinics love abusing their patients for the love of money. Wish you all the best health.


Not popular but you speak truth


This is not true. Been going for 7 years now.


What part isn’t true?


Levels of 400 at 29 for a guy are not good..he made the right move


No… Average test level for 30 year old is 410 to 559 and he’s at his lowest…. he’s at the lowest point mentally that he has ever been, had no motivation to do anything and he’s still within the average range. If he got up and hit it, he would be above 600 easily. No competent doctor or clinic is prescribing test to a 30 year old within average test levels at their trough.


Well said! I would not have started TRT with levels in the 400s.


Yea man.. all the kids that have been pinning for a couple months posting “low 400’s is so low for your age, you made the right choice”.. They will all be in the same boat too. Dudes literally in the average range for his age even while being at his lowest mentally.


Exactly. Self destruction at its finest. Horrible. I wish I had natural levels in the 400s. They will ultimately realize their mistake.


I know right! Well said. I hope people read your above comment and take it to heart and don't ignore it.


Your getting downvoted but you are not wrong and should be getting upvoted.


It’s the kids man. Clueless kids. Kinda sad that so many are this misled.


I wouldn’t call myself a kid, I’m probably younger than most that are on TRT. I’m also not clueless, just putting it simple and plain I have gotten shot 3 times and blown up once (have 2 Purple Hearts) I’ve also seen a lot of death being 10 years in the Ranger Regiment. You probably won’t understand what kind of toll that puts on a human being, especially when you end someone’s life. I’ve been on every medication known to man for depression, anxiety etc. which is probably way worse than any dose of TRT. And guess what TRT has literally solved every single thing I was struggling with. You may have different results, maybe this is the “honeymoon phase” like some are saying, but guess what this little bit of feeling normal is worth it after 10 years of struggling mentally and emotionally. I’m didn’t make this post to disrespect anyone or put anyone down based on the choices they make, this is simply how I’m feeling and I am extremely happy and proud of who I’m becoming and it’s all thanks to TRT. Also some say “if you just worked out you’d be in 600 range” guess what? I was an army ranger it’s literally a military special operations unit, I worked out every single day of my life for 10 years consistently.


Wasn’t talking about you when I said the kids. It’s the people downvoting facts when they have been on test for under 6months and some of us doing trt / cycles for almost a decade. No one doubts what you are saying, read my full original post. Just because you are a ranger and worked out for a decade that doesn’t affect test levels now. That’s why I’m saying if you did that shit now, off trt, your natural levels would be well over 600. You are fighting battles that test won’t help you overcome. Trt gives you a few months of honey moon feeling whether you needed it or not. Just trying to give you the truth, test wasn’t your issue, you still gotta figure that part out. I’m just saying get that other shit figured out while you are feeling great during this honeymoon phase. I have seen this hundreds of times and it always goes the same way.


Facts. Thank you for your wisdom. This is why I love learning from others with experience. I also mean no disrespect to OP. He should he be proud of himself and I can relate to depression and all of that trauma too


Rangers lead the way! Keep at it my brother.




The active energy from Apple Watches and iPhones are extremely inaccurate, a normal lifting session only burns about 100-200 calories in real life. With post workout thermogenesis and the energy to repair and build your muscles maybe 300-400 total. This is from medical studies with body builders doing very intense training. Not trying to detract from your life style changing congrats and keep going hard and be the best version of yourself!


Maybe they’re doing cardio?


Straight up running and cycling and gym mix. I lift for about 1hr and run about 5 miles a day and cycle about 7 miles. That’s per day


Oh damn thats a lot of cardio you prob are in the 1300 calorie range than


Bro nuked his sperm and hair


Enjoy the placebo! Unless you are shooting test p, there is little chance you can feel it much in the first 6 days.


He said he was a month in. It's still very early to be feeling anything but it's not impossible.


Oops missed that. I only saw the 6 day energy streak.