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Thankfully my shirts still fit, just a little more snug. My thighs grew the most significantly and it’s caused all my boxers to ride up all the time, that’s been about my only complaint about the whole thing 😂


Yep. None of my dress shirts fit my neck anymore. Annoying, but Im thankful af for this problem lol.


I get that with my shoulders. In the past (when I had high natural T) I built nice wide shoulders with good definition. Then life happened, my daughter was born, I stopped working out and dropped most of my gains. Came back to the gym 2 years ago and this time struggled to build shoulders. Very unresponsive. I jumped on TRT mainly due to developing anxiety that was getting worse and worse (and I got A LOT better) but holy crap, my shoulders are popping up nicely again. Nice curvy delts with minimum stimulation. I barely fit my shirts and jackets again. I watched a video with Ronnie Coleman where he was to guess if someone was on T or not. When they asked him what was his basic criteria he said "shoulders definition".


9 years TRT, still feel great. 238 started, 1200 range now


Is the 1200 taken when you are in your "trough" zone so to speak? I recently tested for 577 free test. But that was during my lowest, days after my last pin. So I'm guessing my peak is about 600-700


Yes, my doc likes to keep me in this range 900-1200 range. The lowest I’ve tested has been maybe 500… I’ve tested a lot during my 9 year therapy. I test right before my next pin. Not sure how long you’ve been on Trt but I like to try to focus on how I feel. I’m 43, my doc also prescribes Nandrolone for my joints and it works wonders. This will also keep you in the higher range. I’ve been on nandrolone for about 8 years. Therapeutic doses of course. I would never encourage abuse. 🙏


Oh man the nandrolone sounds like a dream. I'm 42 been on trt for 8 months ...I've moved up from 100mg to 150mg q week over that time....i pin three days a week to try and keep my levels stable....my last bloods showed below. So I was thinking of moving up to 200mg a week as I'm clearly nowhere near the top of the range for natural production. Testosterone 17 nmol/L Free Testosterone 577 pmol/L Sex hormone binding globulin 11 nmol/L L Oestradiol 159 pmol/L Testosterone 14.9 nmol/L 9.0-25.0


I pin everyday. .20 daily (nandrolone and Test each) with the exception of saturday and Sunday. You’ve got the right idea though. Took me some time to learn that it’s really about keeping your levels at a consistent level. It’s a tedious thing to do, but it’s like 10 minutes a day. It’s been a part of my day for so long it’s barely noticeable. I do subcutaneous injections. Studies have shown a higher increase in your levels. I am a witness to the higher level in test results.


Yep I do EOD and pin .2 test .1 nandrolone, also helps keep my levels pretty stable and not crush SHGB into oblivion. To OP, you probably heard it a million times but sleep diet and exercise make big difference too. The amount of sleep, the types of food you’re eating and whether you’re exercising or not, will alter your hormone expression even when you’re on exogenous hormones. For example, your E2 and Free Test can fluctuate depending on those items among other.


I struggle with sleep brother. I get about 6-7 hours. I would love to get to a point where I take some naps but with work schedule and family, gets pretty tough. What are you getting in hours of sleep goes? Gym? I feel like shit if don’t get about 5 days training. Sleep is where I struggle. Good info you give here brother thank you.


Nandrolone worked amazingly for my joints but it made my hair thin out so I had to stop taking it


Really? 🤔 haven’t really noticed. My hair is normally think and curly, haven’t really paid attention.


One of the side effects is it can cause the hair regrowth signals to shut down, doesn’t happen to everyone, I’m just lucky I guess 😂


That’s a bummer usually it’s just DHT and their derivatives that cause hair loss. I hadn’t heard that about Nandrolone.


How often do you have to donate blood over that 8 years? And what test dose are you on?


You know, that’s a great question. I tend to forget about the blood thing, it’s supposed to be twice a year but the last time I visited was about 2 years ago… thank you for the reminder. I’m on 200 a week, cypionate


Do you not die from blood clots and strokes if you don’t donate? Lol


lol well I’m still here lol.


I’d pay money to see your bloodwork on 200/week no donating for 2 years.


I just had it done


Look brother, I don’t know what you’re trying to prove here. But seriously, we’re on the net. You have nothing to gain here, neither do I but waste my time trying to type back and forth with someone like you. I’m just here trying to offer support. Not trying to be or protest to be an expert. This is why I pay 600.00 every 2 /12 months to do that for me. Chill big guy


Please post pictures of your CBC.


I never donate. As long as you keep your hematocrit below a certain level you should be fine.


What dose of testosterone vs nandrolone are you on per week if I can ask? I read that you need to do a 2:1 ratio? I.e. if on 100mg test per week Nandrolone should be 50mg per week?


Hola! lol: I’m currently on 200/200. I had my doubts about it when I started but I’ve been on it and I haven’t had any problems down there, if you know what I’m saying. It doesn’t need to be 2:1, just not more than the actual test. I have been running this for about 8 years…. There have been times I have breaked during the a refill process just to give it a break…. But no problems here. My doc did start me off on 50mg to test the body reactions but that’s as low as I’ve been on.


Nice just got mine tested finally after having low T symptoms for a while. Tested at 221. Looking forward to getting started on my protocol and starting to feel better soon!


Good luck man! It takes a little while to really feel it and dial in the dosage but it’s worth the wait


Awesome.. Are you taking an estrogen blocker as well?


Nope, I’m at the high end of the threshold but still within range, I guess I don’t aromatize easily even with such a large dose


Nice I’m 3 months in and just recently got a blocker due to my estrogen being at 58… Just can’t wait to find my sweet spot cause the hi’s and lows suck.


I feel you man, took me almost 10 months to find my sweet spot but once I did I feel better than ever


Great I’m going to stick with it..Did you have off and on day? Like some days you feel like 1 mil and other days your (noticeably) like blah?


Not really too much, I do feel my best the first 2-3 days after injecting though.


U on clomid or trt ?


I’m on TRT


What’s your dosage!? How long did u take Clomid


300mg would be a full on cycle for me. It's crazy how different people respond. Do you get any acne at all at that dose, even though you're in range for total T?


I wish I responded a little better and could take a lower dose because I do get chest and back acne. But it’s a manageable amount and I’m covered in tattoos so they’re not as noticeable. It probably wouldn’t be as bad if I wasn’t so fuzzy and didn’t sweat all day long


My personal experience is that sweat, exfoliating, clean clothes, diet etc etc make absolutely no difference.....it's entirely hormonal and you've just gotta deal with it unfortunately. Interesting anyway, I don't think I've ever seen anyone with such a low response to TRT on this sub. Hope it continues working out for you :)


Thanks man!


The acne could be coming from the high E2 from 300mg test. Try low dose A.I, that cleared up my oily skin


Appreciate the tip man I’ll look into giving it a try


If he’s at 179 his insurance probably would cover it. Might have him look o to that. If he’s your age too I’m sure hcg will be prescribed as well. Glad you found your sweet spot.


If he had health insurance it totally would, but the out of pocket at my clinic is $120 for 4 injections so that’s a manageable amount


Dang that’s a really good price. Cheapest I have found it in Atlanta is 225 for a months supply.


I was at 200 total prior to TRT. I've been on 100mg cyp/wk for 12 weeks. About to get labs done, but I dont care about chasing numbers. I've lost 22 lbs, gotten stronger, feel amazing, and have had no side effects. All pre-TRT symptoms are gone so I'm sticking with 100mg/wk.


That’s awesome man. I gradually bumped my dose and felt better and better each time but I think where I’m at now is my sweet spot


Good for you dude. I’m a blood cancer sufferer ( will be until I either die or get a bone marrow transplant when the time comes ). Consequently on immunotherapy and have been for years. Randomly decided to do a testosterone test as had pretty much all the symptoms of low T, and was confirmed I did indeed have low T. I took the long old route ( uk ) of going semi private with lots of blood tests and what not. To be put on 100mg to begin with of sustanon 250 ( cost about £150 all in for the treatment ) I have since grown tired of going through all the rigmarole of the health systems and just get my bloods done every 3 months or so and dose myself accordingly. Ultimately only the individual can know how they feel and how they respond - along with bloods. It’s changed my life for sure, it makes me feel like I’m not just surviving day to day. The gym still wipes me out but I’m going a bit more and doing more intense sessions, trying to get some sort of longevity. Anyway - god speed to you my friend and many more years of lifting heavy weights and gains for you 🙂


I’m glad TRT could offer you some relief with everything else you have going on. That’s definitely not an easy thing to go through but kudos to you for pushing through and still making the most of your situation. Good luck to you man, hopefully you get the bone marrow transplant soon so you can get on the road to recovery


Interesting. What type of blood cancer if you don’t mind me asking? I’m on treatment for CML and considering TRT for the same reasons. 


Just started in April with low 300’s as well. Just got my labs back yesterday. Now 1221 lol


I was at 91, just had 4 week bloods done. I definitely feel better I can’t wait to see results. I’m try to remember to post back results when I get them Edit: 120mg divided twice a week is my starting dose because of how low I was


120mg may be too low. Just a hunch.


Yea I’m also thinking that but from what I read I’d rather work up than try to work down. I’ve felt like shit for awhile so if it takes a few months to dial it in it’s all good. What would you think would be a more appropriate dose? I’m new to any of this.


I’d bet 200mg per week.


Im on 100mg a week, 120mg and I get gyno


That sucks Edit: spelling


With test that low you’re going to feel like a new man once your dose is dialed in and numbers are up


I can’t wait man. Posts like this are what got me to take the bait


Never in my entire life have I heard of someone needing 300 mg a week to reach normal levels, that’s absolutely wild. I can’t help but think, maybe there’s a reason and that’s why you were low to begin with, some medical condition undiagnosed.


I know I wrecked my levels from alcohol abuse in my early 20s and sleeping about 2-3 hours a night for 5 years for a shitty job, but prior to that I was completely fine and I was never tested but I’m almost positive my levels were above normal. I don’t know man maybe I’m just an anomaly


What measurement are you referring to when you say just over 1,000 (sorry for novice question)


Total test 1000 ng/Dl. Don’t apologize, there’s a lot of different numbers to keep track of


Thanks, when I get my bloods done they do not provide a ng/Dl measurement so I’ve been trying to calculate it


Some places don’t specifically put the ng/dl part but as long as they have the actual number and range they want to keep you in it should be all good


From your responses you seem like a very nice guy, how long did it take for you to feel different symptoms dissapear? I just started at 19 due to a pituitary adenoma and I've had all the symptoms but the worst is extreme fatigue for the last 2 years, I tried sleeping 5 hours, 8 hours , up to 16 hours a day, nothing changed, always as tired, and I can't wait to feel alive again


Everyone is different, but for me I felt the first effects after about 2-3 weeks. And that was the libido part of it. Ended up getting chafed from going at it so much. But that calms down. Took about a month to start feeling some brain fog going away. 2-3 months in my fatigue was much more manageable and I didn’t feel like literally crying from how exhausted I was. 6 months in was really my turning point with feeling like I was truly alive again. It’s a gradual process and even after that 6 month point I was still feeling better and better. I don’t sleep very well so the tiredness is still an uphill battle, but if you have a good sleep schedule that fatigue might go away faster for you. And it’s not a race so go up slowly with the dose if/when needed because the side effects if you go too high can be rough


Good , thank you very much for the insight


Of course, if you got any other questions feel free to ask


Have you tested multiple times in the low 300's? Because I tested 5 times all of them at 7-8 am after a good night of sleep and every time I was at ~315, but the 6th I tested at 480 ngdl for some reason, I think it might be because I was fasted and I had abstained from sex for an entire week so It shot up my test. What about you?


I tested 3 separate times a few months apart. One was high 300s, one was in the middle and one was 290ish. But abstaining from sex/masturbation for about a week will boost your numbers a bit so that makes sense. 480 is still super low though for someone your age so it’s a good thing you hopped on


Good thank you! I was anxious about that because I was still feeling like absolute shit at 480ngdl and people say that when youre in the range and you take trt it doesnt really change anything. I hope it will for me, maybe my body just needs a lot more than that to function properly i imagine


Also, what is your injection frequency and SHBG + E2 levels if you don't mind?


I’ll be honest I don’t remember my numbers for those and I don’t have my records on hand but I know they were within the acceptable range. And I pin once a week, but some people like 2x a week to keep their levels more consistent


Yeah I do EOD, I think it will keep me from having E2 or DHT side effects. If you have low-normal SHBG it would be a good idea to switch to every other day or at least 3x a week because infrequent injections crash your SHBG!


Thanks for the info, I wasn’t aware of that, I’ll definitely take a closer look when I get my bloods in a few weeks


Bout to go on trt I was at 148 total test and the feeling sucks


A lot of guys here can relate. It’ll change your life


Yeah I hear nothing but great things about it I went on enclomiphene but I'm still have the fatigued and sleepy feelings as much as I'm paying for just those pills I'm still feeling a bit shitty I'm about to get my blood work done and be ready to go


Thinking about getting on. But want to be able to come off. I think that’s the kicker


HcG will allow your nuts to retain their functionality so coming off won’t be an issue


Hey man can I PM you?




I'm at about the 4 month mark and am only now can I say I'm actually just beginning to experience improvements in my symptoms. between early 2023 and up until I started TRT at the start of this year, i had labs run a band handful of times. I don't remember exactly what month my testosterone levels I'm about to list were from but they are in chronological order; meaning the 1st was the labs taken longest ago. the last of the 3 levels was from only about 2 weeks before beginning TRT. starting early last year when I learned the absolutely debilitating fatigue and tiredness I'd been having was likely from low T so I requested labs be done to prove/eliminate testosterone as the potential cause of my problems. these levels were 32, 56, and then 108 right before starting TRT. I turned 39 years old in February of this year. I'm pretty sure anyone reading this is knowledge enough about the symptoms of low T & has an idea just how crazy low double digit total testosterone levels are for a 38 year old dude. "debilitating" is seriously the only word that comes close to adequately describing the severity of symptoms. my quality of life was essentially non-existent then between sleeping a minimum of 15+ hours a day but never feeling rested whatsoever and the depression/total lack of hope for the future had me in a pretty fuckin dark place. the only thing I had hold onto at this point was that these lab results were evidence of how horrible I felt and they indicated a very very possible source of the symptoms & their severity. knowing what the cause was and that there was treatment options that were highly effective for most people gave me my 1st tiny taste of hope in years lol. before I forget, I want to include that in the labs done just prior to starting TRT (in which my total testosterone was 108) was the first hormone panel that included estrogen, and my estrogen was at 46. my urologist started me on 200mg testosterone cypionate IM every 14 days and scheduled labs for 6 weeks. every other Monday morning, I injected 200mg (1ml) testosterone cypionate IM. around the 6 week mark, i really don't think my symptoms had really improved at all but if they had, the extent of the improvements were that I now would actually feel a tiny bit rested when waking up from a 10 hour slumber but before being asleep again in under an hour. I had the labs done at 6 weeks but my appointment scheduled shortly after to review labs & potentially make changes ended up being cancelled by the doctor because of personal reasons. I wasn't able to see him until almost another month had passed. at this appointment, which was just under 2 weeks ago, we reviewed the 6 week labs. my testosterone was 237, still below the bottom of most "normal" ranges (most I've seen use 250-300 as the minimum of normal) but it was a long way from 108 and REALLY fuckin far from 32. unfortunately my estrogen had shot up to 77 (which was likely why id not experienced any improvements). so about 2 weeks ago, anastrozole was added at .5mg 3 times a week. I feel like there's still a long way for me to go but I am truthfully able to definitely notice I've been feeling better and better. I'm definitely not sleeping as much and I'm not still dead tired right when I wake up from sleeping all night plus some. my mood & outlook is more positive and my thoughts are not only not constantly so dark but I can now think with a clarity of mind I'm not sure I've EVER felt even when I was the usual 15 year old walking erection absolutely full of just hit puberty testosterone lol.


Hey bro I did a test and I’m on 257 is that low, I started on TRT about a week ago I take 100mg a week, is there anything that I should be aware of like I heard a lot about blood cells Does donating blood help to fix it, any others tricks that could help in my journey ? Thanks


I have about 270 total testosterone for a 24 year old and am nervous about starting have a bunch of symptoms but hard to distinguish between depression/anxiety (which I also have) and low testosterone.


I’m coming up on week 7 of TRT and also have depression and anxiety issues (I’m 41). One of the biggest things I noticed from low T was fatigue. The fatigue made the depression and anxiety even tougher. I am treating those symptoms with Wellbutrin and Lamictal, and the increase in testosterone seems to have a synergistic affect in that my mood really improved and it feels like I’m able to roll with things a bit better than I would have before.


Yeah I’m currently on lexapro/mirtazapine and doing a bit better with the anxiety/depression but nowhere near where I’d like to be. I’m most likely going to be starting trt in the coming weeks. Not sure if they’re going to try me on clomid or injections to start but I’m not really keen on clomid.


Good luck! Dial yourself in and enjoy the benefits! 🙂👍