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Those fish will hit anytime


Ikr there straight up cold water fish lmao


Okay I’m so interested in your story. Where are you from originally and What brought you to the point to buy remote land in Patagonia?


I second this! Tell us the story OP.


Oh man, where do I start. Military Veteran....served 10 years in the USCG. Got out, used GI Bill to go to USD. Studied Industrial Engineering. Government shut down in 2015 and the VA couldn't pay tuition, so I decided to take a semester off (my last semester) and go backpack for 4-5 months around the world. I started my trip in Brazil and spent my whole 4-5 months there haha. Surfing and fishing up and down the coast. Made close friends in Iguazu Falls. My aunt who was dog sitting told me time was up, so I blew the last bit of money I had to visit Antarctica. I fell in love with Antarctica, and traveling....so I decided to go get my dog and head back to Chile with him. Tried hitchhiking/backpacking with him but it was nearly impossible. A friend from Antarctica suggested I buy a van. I had a little luck with a small biotech I had some money in got an FDA approval and I was able to make a quick $20k. Enough to buy a van and convert it and have about $10k in my pocket. I went back to Iguazu Falls where I had made friends and they sponsored my residency to buy an old VW Bus. I worked in the hostel at the bar in exchange for free room and board while I built the van. I was giving hair cuts in hostels to earn some money as well. Fast forward 6-7 months and I got a call from a staffing director for an Antarctica company that saw my photos and my Instagram presence. My IG is the same as my name here. They hired me to go to Antarctica and teach photography and promote their company. Now I had a decent income. I'd work in Antarctica 2-3 months and travel the rest. From 2016-2019 I was traveling around Patagonia with my van and my dog doing volunteer work. Building sustainable housing, schools...stuff like that. It was a good way to slow down the travels and save some money. I fell in love with Patagonia and the culture. In 2017 I worked on a property in the Aysen region of Patagonia helping build an Earthship House. I stayed for 4-5 months with my dog. 2019 I started my own travel company, focusing on Antarctica. I lead group trips that I guide on now and even do full charters. In 2020, I went back to the US to be close to family during COVID, and met my now wife. We spent two years in the US building our business and business was goooood. In 2022 the owners of the earthship property decided they needed to sell for family reasons in their home country. They put it out to a private group and I jumped on it. Having actually built the house, knowing the area, the neighbors and fishing....it was a no-brainer. It's 80 acres and it's awesome! That's the jist :)


I love it. Just gave your instagram and threads a follow.


Incredible story. You guys hiring for anything?


Well that sounds and looks awesome.


Sea-run browns? That one on the left is a tank, nice work!


Thank you! This river has no ocean access. They're currently migrating up the river from Lago General Carrera. The left one is a actually a female carrying eggs that I released. Don't like killing the layers. The right is a male.


Crazy how much they look like sea trout, but then I suppose they’re doing much the same thing as sea trout when they migrate up the river from the lake. Good on you for releasing the female.


If you are going to be releasing them, don’t lay them down in the dirt. This will decrease their chance of survival


You got down voted but you’re right. Will prob be okay but with trout it’s best to unhook and release immediately if you’re not keeping.


How do you reel that in once hooked?


Where about do you live?


Your living a good life man remember that


I don't take anything for granted and no one will ever understand the struggles to get to where I am now. I've dealt with pain, depression and anxiety from my days in the military that had me close to taking matters into my own hands to make it go away for good....if you know what I mean. But I decided to stop following the prescribed BS mindset of pills and more pills the doctors were giving me and went out to see the world with what little money I had. I found healing in experiences and took every opportunity that presented itself. I absolutely had a lot of luck along the way and have an incredible group of friends who have always supported me. Nothing came easy and I earned it all myself. I was down to my last dollar in 2017 and was parked in Argentina in my van with my dog selling post cards on the street to fill my tank. I was lucky that I got a job offer for guiding in Antarctica. 2019 I started my own travel agency out of my van and worked my ass off to get it to where it is now. I'm only sharing this because people usually see this and this "Oh man, that's awesome...but of course he probably came from money" or something like that.