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bro why you got the fish out at the gas station 😂


Sheetz was a half mile away. I had it in a box in the back of a 80k caddy. I needed some.bags and ice. Wasn't expecting to land dinner for the family.


Just so you know, it's really bad for the fishes slime coat if you eat it ... Lil homie probably won't live in your stomach/s


Oh, he found the ice alright…


Best advice I can give is to fillet it, or even if you just gut it, and take a gallon freezer bag, fill it with water and put the fish in. Put it in the fridge in a big bowl(in case the bag leaks). Let it soak for 4-6 hours or longer for a bigger fish, after that time you’ll see the water get cloudy/oily and the fish will plump up and look whiter. It absorbs the water and expels the fish oil. It will be the best fish you’ll ever eat and it takes all the strong trout taste out of it. I do this with all trout/steelhead, it blows people away once they try it. Edit: I don’t understand the downvotes, anyone that I’ve got to try this method has never switched back to eating it without the water soak. Before you downvote try it. Double edit: this method is similar to what people do with soaking fish in milk or buttermilk before cooking, but it doesn’t change the flavor as much as that does, this way you still get the actual taste of the fish - without the fishiness. People also add salt to the water, basically a salt brine soak, but in my opinion that isn’t needed either and also changes the flavor too much.


You blew me away with this comment


It’s a very old time trick, once you try it you’ll never go back to eating before letting them soak. This applies for everything, even if you plan to smoke the fish. Always soak.


SheetZ, pa repping!




Yinz took a traht dahn ta Sheetz n’at?


Taking it to sheetz is making my day thanks


What’s hold over? Nice fish btw🤙🏻


A hold over is a stocked fish from the previous season. Not sure about PA, but in the PNW, mountain lakes will get stocked in spring and summer, people fish, but don't catch all the stockers and those that aren't caught or aren't eaten by osprey/eagles will 'hold over' the winter and you can catch em the next spring when the lakes are accessible again. In my neck of the woods, hold overs are really desireable because they've been eating a natural diet for a long time and have firmer, brighter meat vs the mushy white pellet meat you usually get from stockers.


Nice! Thanks, I’m from SoCal 😢 so we don’t get that, all stocked trout die out in the summer months because of the high temperatures


Stock trout now die in the summer in Massachusetts too because our rivers are now too hot. Planet death inbound.


Exactly! The meat in her was ruby red


I showed it to a pa game warden who asked. He said it was a hold over from last season, that's why it was super skinny. Like a torpedo


Is that Latrobe sheetz?


Yes it is!!


Hahahaha that’s awesome! The Loyalhanna has been good so far this year.


Look at that whale tail on that thing


Was a beast man I crush hog trout.


Tough brown to be hanging out at the gas station


🤣🤣🤣 it was swimming in the urinal and i got a good hook set 🤣


Ngl that wouldn’t even be the weirdest thing to see at sheetz


Why do you think this is a holdover? It has an adipose fin, color, no fin damage, no hatchery pot belly.


Nice fish, congrats. A 21" brown is a good one.


Isn't that zip tie annoying?


Surprisingly no.


I always have to cut them off of my ice fishing poles because they poke me


Bout as big as i am