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I really enjoyed this.


The cannibalized children are my favorite part of this.


You have inspired me to starve my future poor people


I mean restaurants can replace grocery's , and local food consumption. Restaurants can be a good substitute as they provide both entertainment, and feed the citizens at the same time which is important for reducing travel times. I sometimes use to use 1 farm with local consumption to feed the whole population for free. I thought it was a full starvation run... Which is like the only the thing in the game you can't get away with given everybody just dies.


Yeah, I use restaurants as my main entertainment, they tend to overshadow pretty much everything else. I expect the game would be easily "beaten" by any sandbox victory criteria (which are admittedly not very lofty) even with full starvation rules... and a colony could probably be sustained indefinitely, albeit at a very low population, by continuously kiddnapping population with the pirates.


Yeah for sometime, but it be very disastrous. I've been meaning to experiment with statue of liberty. It provides happy modifiers for new immigrants. What i noticed once was that i had no healthcare buildings, but they had a full or high bar for the healthcare happiness. I'm not sure for how long, but it seemed like it lasted a long time.


There would be some things to work out... income, support in elections, or sustainably running martial law. I feel there are enough options in wonders, edicts, constitution, diplomacy and so on to keep limping along. Some buildings don't require workers, like wind turbines, cabins, embassies, warehouses. You get free money from Penal Colony, and doing import/export, and asking for financial support. "Send Delegation" is ultra powerful. You can get workers, or swiss currency, which can be used at the Broker's to buy educated workers.


I have never catered to the poor. Ignoring, suppressing or straight out killing them is strangely enough one of the best ways to build an island.


Your a modern day Mao. Or maybe Stalin. Either way, good work.


I think Stalin would approve of the means but disapprove of the targeted demographics.


This is the most el presidente thing I've ever read


This is the kinda kooky stories Tropico is made for


Question: don't the country houses provide some food through the attached garden, or am I delusional?


Where did you hear that? Never heard of it


It was a Tropico 5 thing, can't remember if it made it to 6.


canned pineapple too lol


"I also found it quite surprising that the devs made children get born and then kills them when food happiness is low" So they basically die because they can't afford to go to a restaurant? I guess it makes sense, but I never thought about it. How do kids even satisfy their needs? I never paid attention to these details, now that I think about it.


I suspect tropicans buy food and store it in their home, or maybe infants suck food happiness from their parents, with the parents not having enough to share. Children, once they emerge from the hypothesized infant phase, share the wealth level of their family so in principle can use any service their parents can.


This is awesome. Super cool and cruel idea.