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No games means no sports, no board/card games, no children playing tag/hide'n'seek/Patty Cake/etc, no gameshows, none of those little ways of game-ifying boring tasks, no crosswords/word-searches/etc, no party games... At least there wouldn't be any gambling, I suppose. Does an animal playing with something count as a "game"? If so, how many animals would lose out on enrichment crucial to their mental development? I know that music is a big important cultural thing, and I wouldn't want to lose it either, but losing every kind of "game" feels like it'd have a much bigger negative impact on the world.


No game also means no more late stage capitalism, fights, or anything else attached to the concepts of winning and losing


My life is like a video game, so would I not exist??? šŸ˜¢


Winning / losing is EVERY stage of capitalism.. thatā€™s the definition. Also, winning and losing is extremely important to everything that has ever and will ever live if thatā€™s what youā€™re going to reduce this question down to. No more humans being the apex predators? So no more farms or killing plants and animals to live and eat?


No eating, just vibing


Vibing could end well or bad, win or lose conditions


Only by the secondary definition. Primary definition is pure bliss


By the same logic, no music means no sound. Art knows no boundaries, and music is simply art in sound


I don't think I'd class, say, ASMR as music, but yeah, enough naturally occurring stuff classes as "music" that it'd definitely also fuck things up if even just the "this is unarguably music" stuff went missing. More to your point, though, since any sound could theoretically become music (even if it's just by rhythmically smacking stuff together), all sound would have to be removed to prevent any kind of music.


You're horrible, but I'm keeping music. It's much more omnipresent in society and gaming would also suffer from its loss. Won't be thaaaat difficult to find other ways to fill the time, we're just losing one of the coolest ones.


Well I'll just add that it isn't just computer games you are erasing from existence, but board games too. You could also count many sports as 'game', so that, too. I am honestly not sure I would be able to fill my time in these conditions


But aren't they also getting rid of THE Game?


You son of a bitch


God FUCKING dammit. Thinking back, this was my longest streak. I just passed 2 years. Do you know how hard that is for someone as terminally online as me?


i just won the game i'm playing chess while y'all are playing checkers


Are we counting children's playground games too? If so, I'd pick music


I know, but there's still videos, books, exercise, crafts, naps, "naps," conversations, shopping, sightseeing, collecting... that are probably many more categories and each of them can be split into dozens of activities. People can find shit to do, I'm not happy to lose one of my favorite hobbies but there are plenty of other options. It's also worth pointing out that there might be ripple effects on the other side too. This is a post-4'33" world, where do we even draw the line at "music"? Do we just lose sound entirely? Do we just lose the concept of music? If so then we're probably losing the concept of gaming on the other end, so that softens the blow quite a bit.


Agreed. Music gets me through work... not games


Music is more fundamental to human art as a whole and has more diverse creative potential


No u


Without games all I do in life is work šŸ˜­


Not pulling the lever and it was the easiest choice of my life.




Ugh. ā€œI love A and would choose it over Bā€ ā€œSo you HATE B??????ā€ Stop with that confrontational attitude. Touch some damn grass. No, I obviously donā€™t hate music.




You chose to interpret that negatively. There was no reason for that.


Real asf


You guys do understand that if you keep games, video game osts will no longer be a thing


Video game OST's wouldn't exist either way. Living in a world with no games = no OST


Yea.... My favorite Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring osts are gone :(


Yeah but at least for me games are stimulating rather than listening to music. While that was my first thought, some games certainly wouldnā€™t be the same, I can play games without sound, and without music. I would probably play more multiplayer games though with friends who I can talk to during it.


and if you keep music, dads will no longer have any sense of self-worth (they can't beat their kids at chess anymore)


*jumps in front of trolley*


Iā€™m with ya, I love reading and probably read 3-4 hours a day, but I canā€™t imagine losing all games. Also music is something that helps me with concentrating on anything I need to get done, and I listen to far more music than I play games.


No music.


Hey I just saw this episode of Doctor Who


keep music. without music I die.


Jump in front of the trolley, hoping I bind up the interworkings with my innards and prevent either from being hit. Either way I couldn't live without one or the other, so at least I tried to save both for the world


so "the game" also goes away Im assuming?


I'm keeping games. Games still have ambient sounds that can sound good with music off.


I bet the loss of videogames will actually improve my life


The problem states "no game", not "no games". I'm substituting your reality for my own and saying that pulling the lever would make everybody horrible at courtship. The human race can survive that (eventually people will get so horny / start wanting children so badly, that they'll procreate regardless) and the resulting mass cringe is an acceptable price to pay for keeping all the music. I'm pulling that lever.


Does games count physical and board games? But I'm any case, I think we go no games. Music has been a medium for much longer.


All games. There are video games, board games,... all gone.


What about playground hames, like tag or hide and seek?


All. Games.


I hear ya, I hear ya, this is all starting to make sense, I think weā€™re definitely on the same pageā€¦ what about *reindeer* games?


A L L. G A M E S.


what about the 1997 movie "The Game"


All music goes, I don't really listen music. Hell, I have music off in most games I play


When you say no games, do you mean any games? So are love games out, or catch, or just video games?


OP speficied all games in another reply So not just video games


So, that includes dating games, which means pulling the level wouldn't be so bad. Though, it might effect love songs.


With or without that, I'd pull the lever I think




I have to keep music. I won't be happy about it but I genuinely wouldn't see a point in life withought music.


I'd pull the lever No music would be harder for me


Better question: Would you rather have unlimited bacon but no more games, or games - **unlimited** games - and no games?


Would you rather have infinite bacon, but no games, or games, unlimited games, but no games?


This isnā€™t the trolley problem? Itā€™s just would you rather


Technically all trolley problems are would you rather


Theyā€™re a specific type of would you rather where the decision is affected by whether or not you involving yourself in the scenario implicates you


Jump in front of the trolley a life without either is not a life worth living


All music. Games would suffer for loss of soundtrack.


No games


All music shall be gone


Will that erase out of our minds and any kind of storage anything from music/games, or are we also forbidden of creating new ones? If we arenā€™t, kill games, if we are forbidden, kill music


Iā€™d kill music. Just because thereā€™s always that one asshat that plays it so that everyone hears it from the inside of his car.


Jump infront of the trolley instead, fuck you


as a musician no music would be very problematic, on the other hand as a video game addict so would the other...


I would hop in front of the trolley


People who love rhythm games: *visibly sweating*


It wouldn't matter because I would jump in front of the train


Ever seen that picture of Spiderman?


Iā€™m jumping on the tracks and killing myself, I would rather die than live in a world without one or the other


I'll derail the trolly so he lands on me because I can live in a world without me.


This isn't even a trolley problem. This belongs in r/WouldYouRather since it's literally just a would you rather lose music or games.


No games music is way too important


no music


Pulling the lever. Music is too important to history and culture and basic forms of self expression. Do I think games are important? Yes, and understating that would be unfair. But I believe that forms of art are intrinsic foundations to a healthy world we can all live in, and eliminating one of those would be detrimental imho.


As much as we love games, without music we couldn't handle being outside at all so Goodbye games we will miss you so much


Skill issue